Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Measure of a Man ❯ Now What? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N) Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but you don't seem to like this story do you guys? Please tell me so I know I'm not wasting my time on this story.

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"So Elena, are you ready for phase two?" asked a man in the shadows.

"Yes Sir Zernix. What is my duty?" the girl from the cememtary asked. She had long brown hair and spakling royal blue eyes. She was beautiful but she couldn't love. She couldn't have anything.

"Get close to Kaiba. Make him weaker than he already is. And when the time comes, we'll take him for everything he's worth," said Zernix.

"But sir, hasn't he suffered enough? The man just lost his brother. Please don't hurt him anymore," protested Elena.

"Are you questioning my athourity?" asked Zernix, getting angry.

"No," Elena knew she was defeated.

"Good. Now weaken Kaiba so much that he won't expect us to take KaibaCorp from him," the man from the shadows ordered.

"Yes sir," complied the girl as she left.

(in the dark streets of domino)

"Jonia, this isn't fair. Why did it have to me be?" Elena asked the man that was with her before in the cemetary.

"Because you are the only one for the job. Elena, I'm sorry but there is nothing you can do," he said.

"Well why not? Why can't I get out of this? I didn't want the boy to be killed. It wasn't suppose to be like this," she replied.

"I know I know. But you were forced to use Dias. It wasn't your choice and if you didn't have to use him then none of this would have happened."

"It's not fair," Elena began to cry.

"Come here," Jonia held his arms out for the girl.

She ran into his arms and cried the night into his chest. Jonia stroked her hair and comforted her.

(kaiba manor)

Seto Kaiba had a restless night. Everytime he closed his eyes he would see his brother dying again and again. The scene would play over and over in his mind.

"Oh Mokuba," Kaiba finally said after waking up for the eightennth time that night.

He got up and walked to his brother's old room. Everything was the same before Mokuba died. All his toys were away, his books were on his shelf, his clothes in his drawes and his bed perfectly made.

"Mokie," Kaiba said the nickname of his little brother. It had been so long. Kaiba sat down on his brother's bed and began to cry again. If only he had one more day. If only he could have spent one last day with his little brother, then it would have been enough. But he didn't have one last day and he would never see Mokuba again.

About a hour later, Kaiba cried himself into a dreamless sleep. What else could he do? Nothing really.

(Game Shop)

Yugi was sitting in his room, filling his other half in on what had happened over the past few days.

"But why would the kill an innocent boy? It doesn't make any sense. I can understand kidnapping, but why murder?" Yami asked, pacing.

"I don't know Yami, but I feel really bad for Kaiba. I've never seen him so depressed," said Yugi.

"Don't worry aibou, things will turn around for him."

"Are you sure Yami?"

"Yes, now go to sleep," Yami ordered.

"Alright....can we talk about this tomorrow?"

"Of course."

"Good-night Yami."

"Good-night Aibou."

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(A/N) Well tell me what you think. Oh and by the way, Kikoken, I owe you big time. Thanks a bunch...but at the rate I'm going, I'll have Yami and Yugi on my tail soon.