Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Med-Evil ❯ Cold blood ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Declaimer- I do not own Yu-gi-oh.

It was 7:00 pm; the night was gloomy, and extremely cold. Tea got ready for her date, and she was standing right in front of her house waiting for Seto Kaiba. It took about ten elongated time, when Seto Kaiba finally arrived in his black car, Tea got in. This time she sat on the front seat with Seto Kaiba.

Tea looked at Kaiba, and notice that he spray cologne on him, and she also notice that his hair was comb neatly, and wonderfully. Damn he looks good.

Kaiba notice her eyes on him so he quickly asks her, "Where do you want to go?"

Tea kept her eyes still and said, "Anywhere you want to go, Kaiba,"

"Please call me Seto," his voice was as cold as ice, "I'll take you somewhere," he said keeping his blue eyes on the drive way.

Tea waited for awhile and she finally knew where he was taking her. It was a diamond store.

"I hope you don't mind, but I was going to buy you a diamond necklace," he said as he parks his car right next to the store. Kaiba, 'being a gentleman' walk around his car to open Tea's door.

"Thank you," she blushed and when Kaiba notice it she felt humiliating.

They slowly walk into the store. Everything that was in there was just beautiful, and gorgeous. Of course, people do say that diamond is a women best friend, and a man best weapon to get a women.

Kaiba walked up to a glass case full of diamond necklace, Tea follow from behind and saw the necklace that she always dream of having. "Do you like?" he ask looking up at Tea.

"It sure is beautiful, and pretty," she said looking at the golden, diamond necklace. "I love it,"

Looking at the window Yugi and his friends saw Kaiba. "Hey look Yugi," Joey chuckle, "Kaiba is at a diamond store,"

Mai looked concern, "Wait a minute, Kaiba wouldn't be here alone," she thought to herself, then she looked to the other side of the store and saw Tea, "Could it be?" Mai than saw Kaiba's hand on Tea's waist. Then she said out loudly, "Hey guys, its Tea and she is with Kaiba!"

"What? No-way!" Joey shouted. "Tea can't be with Kaiba,"

"Well then Joey, look for your self," Mai pointed to the other side of the store.

Joey, Yugi, and Bakura gasp in surprise.

"Oh, my gosh," Joey shouted.

"Shh... They might see us," Bakura whispered softly.

"Should we ask Tea what's going on?" Yugi ask in concern.

"Nah. Who cares," said Mai putting her hands on her hip. Mai's eyes shine when she saw Kaiba holding a golden necklace up.

"That guy is rich," Bakura said softly.

They both saw Kaiba and Tea walking out of the store, and into his car. Then Kaiba drove off, and that was all the gang could see.

"Thank you Seto," Tea said trying on the necklace, "it's so cute," she smiled.

Kaiba stopped the car and looked up at Tea; he then kissed her lustfully on her full lips. Tea allowed his tongue entry, and together their mouths made love. Kaiba closed his eyes and groaned deep from within his throat. She tasted good, really good. However, there were other parts of her body he wanted to sample.

Kaiba finally released his lips from Isis, causing a whimper of protest from her. Kaiba only smirked and continued to trail his kisses from her jaw line, neck, and collarbone, only to stop between her breasts. He slowly unbutton Tea's blouse, and propped himself on his elbows and stared at her full mounds.

His left hand lightly stroked her nipple, causing Tea to shudder. He chuckled as he continued to fondle her. Kaiba watched Tea' facial expression became a mixture of lust and passion. He closed his eyes, lowered his head, and suckled her breast, like a baby nursing from its mother.

Tea's clutched the seatbelt, she moaned as overwhelming pleasure enveloped her body. They moved down to the back seat, and slowly Kaiba took off her skirt. Wrapping her thighs tightly around his neck, Tea sighed.

Kaiba stretched her vagina and entered a second finger into her. He greedily suckled at her clit, while his free hand toyed with her golden, diamond, necklace. He knew his ministrations were driving her wild, so he finally stopped and positioned himself on top of her.

Tea frowned at him. "Now lets not be too hasty," she said, but Kaiba thrust himself roughly inside of her. He grabbed her breasts and rocked his body within her until he worked a steady rhythm.

It was 9:08 PM, the night was getting colder, and colder, breathing hard, Tea open her mouth and said, "I think I should go home now," she looked at Kaiba.

Kaiba didn't say a word; he notices that Tea was all wet and cold. Maybe she should go home, it was starting to get cold, "Alright, I'll drive you home," he said as he got up on the front seat, and started to drive. Kaiba took off his jacket and handed it to Tea when he saw her shivering with coldness.

It was now 9:30 PM and they have now arrived to Tea's house. "Thanks for taking me out, I had a fun time with you, and thanks again for the necklace. It was very thoughtful of you," she watched Kaiba.

"Will we meet again?" he asks her.

Tea watched him carefully, "sure," she then said.

Kaiba watched her when she walks into her house. He then drove away and remember that he left his blue eye white dragon in his jacket, and Tea was wearing. "I'll come back for it tomorrow," he said to himself as he drove far away from her house.

Tea entered the house peacefully, and she sat on her blue, royal, chair. It was 9:41 PM; Tea went inside the kitchen and turn on the light, so that she could see. She then heard a noise on the back of her; she turned around, but didn't see anything. She took off Kaiba's jacket and put it on the side of the wooden table.

She then walked up to the sink and looked at the mirror. Then she cried in horror when she saw a person wearing nothing, but the color black holding a silver knife. Tea didn't know what to do.

The killer slashed her with its knife on her arm. Tea screams in vain when she felt the pain. She tried running away, but the killer was too fast and grabbed her by the neck. Reaching for the wooden table, the killer grabbed Kaiba's jacket, and chocked her, but that wasn't enough.

Tea screamed with intensity, hoping that someone could hear her painful scream. Tea did her best to get away, but the killer was too strong.

The killer used the knife to pierce her stomach, and cleaned all the bloody guts out of her. Tea couldn't do anything, she did nothing. All she could do is die in vain, die and suffer.

The killer took the knife out of her stomach, and watched the red, blood spill out. The killer then wipe all the red blood on Kaiba's jacket, and took Tea's golden necklace away.

9:53 PM. Tea laid there, she died with her eyes wide open. Red, blood scattered everywhere, even on Kaiba's jacket. The blue jacket was so soaked with blood the even Kaiba's blue eyes were covered in blood. Everything in the kitchen was scatter and was filled with cold, red, blood.

AN- Can you guess who killed her? Could it be Yugi because of his jealousy with Tea? Could it be Joey because of revenge to get Kaiba in jail? Could it be Mai, because of the necklace, or could it be Bakura's evil spirit? Please review. Thank you.