Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Melted ❯ The puppy's protectiveness ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter 5: The puppy's protectiveness

* Soft…warm…sweet…

The girl's lips melted sweetly against hisown, tasting of sugar candy and something spicy that awoke a fire inside of him. It was a molten kiss that seared through his soul, but left a calm cleansing feeling in its wake.

The man groaned, sliding his arms up so his hands were tangled in the girl's soft, fiery tresses. He pressed her waif-like body against his lean, needing, hungry for more contact. Her soft curves fit snug, molding onto him perfectly.

She lowered her head back down, and left a feather-kiss on his lips, down to his chin, her slender hands working to undo the top buttons of his shirt as she left more feather kisses down his body.

Her fingers lazily stroked his ivory chest as her cherry lips swooped upon his once again. Her lower body shifted on top of his, making him sigh into her mouth, when…*


Seto's piercing blue eyes shot open, startled. They stared up into the dark, star drenched sky, clouded by sleep and confusion. He realized he was still lying in the snow, in the same position. He groaned as he got up, his whole body was almost completely numb from the cold.

"Must've fallen asleep…" He mumbled, brushing off the clumps of snow stuck to his body. The night was calm, quiet, and soothed him in a way no other thing could. He remembered someone laughing warmly and telling him he was a child of the night. But who? His eyebrows furrowed as he tried putting a face with the warm voice in his head.

He shook his head in frustration at not being able to remember, his chocolate bangs brushing against his forehead, which he curiously noted were slightly warm. He brushed that thought aside. Thanks to his nap, he was wide awake and restless, but not yet ready to go back inside. Seto wandered across the carefully trimmed lawn, down a short flight of wide stone steps and followed the dirt path into the wilder gardens, the ones that lead to the forest stretching behind the Kaiba mansion.

The leaves whispered in the evening's light breeze, tree's limbs swaying in response. A white rabbit hopped across the path only a body length away from him, watchful of the human, but not terribly concerned.

"You should be more wary, fluffball." Seto called out softly, "Either you or one of your family has been eating Mrs. Rosen's cabbage. If you cross her path, you're going to end up the main dish one of these nights." The rabbit swiveled its ears before disappearing under a rose bush.

Seto brushed his fingers against its green leaves. The bush was full of little pink buds, buds that would bloom in a few months or so. Seto sighed. He was just stalling. He still had a desk of paperwork to do, and…Shizuka to confront. Those thoughts gave him a headache. At least, he hoped that's why his head suddenly started pounding.

Seto meandered coolly up the earthy pathway back to his mansion. Stopping once, he strained his ears, thinking he heard a whisper of the warm voice only found in his mind. He shook his head when all he heard was the winter night's gales singing their lullabies to the sleeping world. Getting senile already, Seto?

With a sigh, he climbed the short flight of stone steps, watching as the light in Mokuba's bedroom went out.


Shizuka sighed as she left Mokuba's room, quietly closing the door behind her so as to not disturb the sleeping raven haired boy. After she had left the bathroom about an hour ago, she had decided to ignore the kiss and ask to be taken home. But as she saw Mokuba walk in from the outside, there was just such a lonely look in his eyes; she had to stay, for him if nothing more.

The thought of what Seto was doing outside all that time didn't even cross her mind until just now, when he strolled inside, face and hands tinged blue and little ice crystals hanging from the tips of his bangs. His head was cast down as he was walking, but his face rose to meet hers when he spotted her shoes from underneath his bangs.

Seto's blue eyes were plagued by sadness and…a little guilt? Huffing, Shizuka took Seto by the arm and led him to the same couch she was asleep on not so long ago. He really doesn't look so good…

Shizuka started to light a fire, aware of the piercing blue eyes fixed on her back. When she turned, her heart melted at the sight. Seto was lying on his side, arms huddled around his body to try and ward off some of the shivering. His once smooth, pastel skin was now a wan frosty blue, and his eyes were glazed over, not as intense any more.

Frowning, Shizuka brought her hand up. Brushing away his damp bangs (for the ice had melted), she felt his forehead. "Seto…you're burning up." His almost blank stare was her only response.

Her fingers lingered on his forehead, stroking back and forth in a soothing motion, lulling Seto's eyes to a close. When his breathing had evened out, Shizuka rose to go ask one of the servants to take care of him for the night. I guess I'll take the bus home. She fished around in her pockets for some change, letting out a groan when her hands came up empty. Or maybe not…I'll have to walk. She thought, bringing her hand up to rub her temples.

Sighing, she turned to leave the living room, but was stopped when she noticed something hooked on the bottom of her jacket. She spun around to see Seto's hand clutching the soft pink fabric. His eyes were slightly open, and still glazed over, but with a pleading look in them.

"Don't go". He mumbled. She gently pried his hand from her coat, brushing her thumb over the top of his fingers as she kneeled down to his eye level. "Seto," she said in a hushed voice, "I have to go home. Father is…waiting for me." In his fevered state, he couldn't understand or maybe even read the uneasiness that flashed through her eyes.

"I can find one of the servants to make sure you're okay for tonight. They can take care of you just as well as I, if not better." He shook his head weakly in protest. "No, I'm lonely. Stay."

She stared at him for a while. He looked so vulnerable, so frail. Like a child. Seto's skin was pale and glistening from sweat, like newly polished marble. "Goodness, Seto, what on Earth made you think it was okay to fall asleep outside on a blistering cold evening like this?" She asked, more to herself, knowing she wouldn't get an answer from him.

He grunted weakly. Shizuka got up abruptly, looking around the room in a huff for a phone. "So bothersome…" She mumbled to herself, missing the slightly hurt look in Seto's eyes. "I'm sorry I'm such a nuisance…" He managed to croak out, no trace of sarcasm in his voice. "Huh?" Shizuka stopped wandering aimlessly for a phone, spinning on her heel to meet Seto's eyes.

Seto wiped his clammy forehead, "You said I was…bothersome, and I'm sorry…" He groaned, his stomach suddenly lurching. "Seto, Seto? Are you okay?" Her response was him leaning over and emptying the contents of his stomach onto the plush, maroon colored carpet.

Flinching at the yellowed goopy mass, she took out a handkerchief from her pocket. Stepping over the vomit, she sat on the couch and laid Seto's head on her lap. Shizuka dabbed at his mouth, wiping away the excess glop. She sighed, her fingers once again absently stroking his burning forehead relaxingly.

"Seto, I didn't find you bothersome, I just find...the situation vexing. I still have to call my father, you know. Oh! And Jou must be so worried now." Her words fell on deaf words, however, for Seto had been lulled to sleep by her comforting motions. Looking down at him sympathetically, she slowly got up and settled him on the couch, then once again wandering the mansion, looking for a phone.


The blonde boy pulled the thin jacket tighter over his body, seeking more warmth to protect himself from the icy cold. His bangs hung limply over his chocolate eyes which shone with worry and a little panic. Bringing his hand up to protect his face from the outbreak of snow, he once again called hoarsely out into the night. "Shizuka!" His frightened voice was swallowed up by the night's angry gales.

Jou had found himself back at the school. Calling on all the energy he had left, he let out one more fierce cry into the suffocating night. "SHIZUKA!" The wind's howl was his only answer. Tired and cold, Jou slumped on the school's steps with a defeated sigh.

He ran his fingers through his flaxen, now-damp hair. Mumbling about how infuriating his sister is, he squinted his eyes when he saw two beams of bright yellow light penetrate the darkness, coming closer towards him.

A few seconds later, a purple Cadillac Convertible (I don't remember what color, or what kind of car Mai drives, but, yeah) pulled up beside the curb. "Hey cutie," she said teasingly, "Need a ride?" One gloved-hand gripped the steering wheel, her other arm propped up casually on the top of the passenger's seat. Jou look at her like she was crazy, before voicing his opinion.

"You're crazy!" He stated simply as he got in. "It's the dead of winter and you have the top down." She shrugged, brushing his opinion off. "What about you? What are you doing out here in that thing when Domino's having a snowstorm?" She retorted, swatting the sleeve of his thin green jacket to show what she meant before turning on the engine with a roar.

Jou cast his head down, his momentarily forgotten sorrow returning. "Shizuka didn't return from school. I went to da arcade with Yugi and da gang after school, I fig'red she would walk home, ya know?"

Mai reached over, hitting a switch that lowered the roof back down. "So, you went out to blindly look for her, without any indication as to where she might be, out in the blistering cold?" She interrupted him. "Dunno if I like being that predictable" Jou grumbled.

Mai smiled as she drove out, not exactly sure where she was going. "Well, here's an idea. It's a crazy one, and I'm not sure if it'll work, but let's try it anyway, huh?" Jou looked at her smirking face, puzzled. Reaching into her purse tucked safely next to her, she pulled out a dark purple cell phone. "Why don't you try her cell?"

Jou blinked several times, his face turning a bit red as he looked away and took the phone from her manicured hand. "Oh-oh yeah, I guess it would've been quicker if I tried dat, huh?" Mai laughed warmly, before putting her focus back to the road. Wouldn't help much if she got them into a wreck.

He opened the cell up, staring at the lit numbers. Mai looked quickly over at him, back to the road, then back to him again. "What are you staring at?" She demanded. "I, uh, sorta forgot her number." Jou blushed and gave her his best lopsided but bright smile. She looked at him disbelievingly.

"You forgot your own sister's cell number?" She shouted, grabbing the cell from his hand. He waved his own hand at her as a makeshift answer. She quickly dialed the numbers with one hand, and gave the phone back to Jou, who waited through the dial tone.


Due to the intense snow storm, half of Domino's power had gone out. Unfortunately for Shizuka, the Kaiba's mansion happened to reside in that half. She had finally found a phone, but as soon as she picked the receiver up, the whole mansion went dark. Growling a bit, she slammed the now-dead receiver down and went in search for candles. Shizuka wasn't too fond of the dark.

She found a few large cinnamon and a few vanilla scented candles resting on the hearth of the living room fireplace, and some matches next to them. She lit them, almost burning her hand when the jovial ringing of her phone startled her. Looking around as best as she could in the dim light, her eyes fell upon her pink bag thrown carelessly into one of the chairs. * Seto must've brought it in. I would've used my cell if I had known it was here.*

Rushing over, she was surprised to see Mai's number come up. "Hello?" Her brother's voice assaulted her ears; frantic, relieved, and angry all at the same time.

"Shizuka! Where are you? Are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you? What da hell happened to you? Do you know how worried I was?" Shizuka groaned and rubbed her temples. She'd had as much of the male species as she could take for one day. "I'm fine Jou, really, I'm okay." She slumped in the chair, weary, listening to her brother's heated lectures.

After he'd gained some semblance of his self-control, he asked the one question she didn't quite want to answer. "Where da hell are you?" She fumbled nervously with the blue bow tie around her neck, mumbling out not-quite answers. "Wha? I can't hear you, da reception must be bad." He yelled. Fearing her brother's fat mouth would wake Seto from his fever-induced slumber, she hissed her answer into the phone quietly, but clearly.

"I'm at Seto's." She waited fretfully for his reaction. Nothing. Silence, except for his haggard breathing. "Jou? Jou, are you alright?" She asked timidly, fearful of him blowing up at her. Although she had never met Seto before today, she'd heard about him from her brother. And he didn't have one nice thing to say about him. She knew not to listen to what he had to say, her brother's temper is almost as bad as the sleeping CEO's, if not worse.

Seto was what Jou had told her, but more. He was cold, but the warmth he didn't know he had melted away his icy exterior. At least, around the people he can tolerate. He was a hot-headed conceded jerk, but, then again, so was Jou. His voice snapped Shizuka out of her thoughts.

"Where…did…you…say…you…were?" He asked, carefully spacing out the words to steady his temper. She gulped, hoping he wouldn't lose the last string that was holding the fine, fragile tapestry that was his temper. Clearing her throat, she told him one more time.

"I'm…at Seto's." She heard the sharp intake of breath. "What da hell are you doing there? Did he do somethin' to you? I swear I'll rip da bastard's throat out if he did!" She shook her head. "No, Jou, you don't understand. I didn't want to walk home in the snow! I saw him outside, he offered a ride"-

"Offered you a ride? You know he just wanted ta get into your pants then! That no-good-pervert! Oh, his ass is mine, I swear"-

"JOU!" Shizuka shouted into the phone, causing Jou to stop in mid-rant. "Would you please just let me speak? For once?" He let out a grunt, which she supposed meant yes.

"As I was saying before, he offered a ride. It was freezing; I was wearing nothing but my uniform. So of course I'm going to take it." Shizuka was getting a little snappy, but her brother was wearing on her already worn nerves. She avoided telling him about the conversation she had with their father, and the hug she shared with Seto, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"I fell asleep in the limo, when I woke up; I was in the living room, I…" She bowed her head. Should she tell him about the snowball fight with Seto? About how she chased him until they got outside? Would she even dare tell him about the kiss? How she enjoyed his warm, soft lips against her own?

"Shizuka? Shizuka? What's da matter?" Her head snapped up when her brother's worried calls could be heard through the phone. "Hmm, oh, sorry. I'm fine Jou, I was just…thinking." She heard her brother's exasperated sigh. "Why didn't you call, Shizuka? I was so worried."

Her hand once again found its way to her blue tie. "B-because I just woke up so the power was out, and, I-I didn't know my phone was in my bag." She was a terrible liar. Her hand pulled so hard on the tie, it came undone and slipped off her neck.

"Well alright then. Me an' Mai'll come pick you up now." Shizuka looked over at Seto, still sleeping on the couch. She hesitated; he didn't look like he could be left alone. "I think I should just stay here for tonight." She winced when she heard Jou sputter. What would he think her reasons for wanting to stay are? He wouldn't honestly think she could be…that kind of girl…would he?

Jou took a shaky breath to steady his temper. "Look, I trust you, Shiz, but I'd be lyin' if I said I trusted Kaiba. I would feel better if you just came home with me." Shizuka's nose twitched in an annoyed gesture. "There's more to Seto than you think, Jou." Her voice rose, becoming more heated. "He's just a little lonely, but you wouldn't know that since you never put the effort in to talk to him!"

Jou snorted. "Lonely? Dat's funny. Seto is an ice-covered, frigid, stiff, conceited…" Shizuka tuned her brother's voice out. Convincing Jou that Seto had any good in him at all was futile. The only thing more pointless was trying to teach a rock how to sing. Shizuka betted she'd have better luck with the rock

Suddenly, the sound of the car screeching to a halt could be heard. A few minutes passed without Jou saying anything to her.

She waited patiently, listening to the muffled voices of Jou and a woman she assumed was Mai. Her eyes widened in hope when Jou let out a defeated sigh. "Alright, you can stay dere. But if anythin' happens, anythin' at all, you gotta tell me so I can gut the jerk for ya, understand?" She laughed a little, he was overbearing and overprotective, but all he had were her good intentions in mind. He thought with his heart, not his brain.

"Alright Jou. Goodnight. Love you too." She sighed happily as she put the phone back in her bag. Why? Why was she so happy to stay there? She could've easily found a servant to watch over him so she could go home with Jou. Treading quietly over to the couch Seto was on, she studied him a bit.

* He's different when he's asleep. He's more vulnerable and helpless. He doesn't have his shields up.*

She settled herself on the floor, away from the little…mess he had made earlier. She felt his forehead and whimpered empathically. It was still burning up. "Oh Seto, for all the cleverness you have in you, you have an equal amount of idiocy to balance it out." Her eyes became heavy and even the effort of keeping her head up was too much. She laid it down on his chest, intending to stay there only a minute, but the rhythm of his heart quickly but gently took her to the world of the sleeping.


Mai tried hiding the smile on her face as she felt the pair of angry chocolate eyes burning into her profile. "Why did ya tell me to let her stay?"

He watched her golden curls fly about in the wind. The crazy woman had put the top back down again. "Oh Jou, Seto's harmless. Do you really think he'd try anything on her? You do have to admit that the man has honor."

Jou didn't want to hear that. He wanted to hear Mai say Seto was trying to "put the moves" on his little sister so he could have a reason to go over there and kick his ass. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes, mumbling his agreement. "Besides, he and little Shizuka make a cute couple." Jou's eyes flew open. "What did you just say? Turn da car around! Turn it around! I'm takin' my sister from da clutches of that wicked troll!"

Mai laughed heartily. "Relax, cutie. I was just teasing you." Jou blushed, but it was a mixture of embarrassment and self-righteousness. "Uh, Mai? Where'r we goin'?" She laid a hand on his shoulder.

"You need to relax, hun. We're going to my place, make ya some warm cocoa, you can kick up your feet and, you know, just unwind. I got some good horror movies to watch." She suggested when Jou was a bit wary, but his face lit up at the idea of watching a good, gory movie filled with blood. That was his way to unwind. But, that didn't mean he would decline the cocoa. "Will you put little marshmallows in it?" He asked pleadingly. Mai snorted. "I'm not your slave, Mr. Jou Katsuya. You can get them yourself." Jou smiled. That's the Mai he knew. The other one, the nice one, was getting kind of creepy.

End chapter

Okay, well I noticed that a lot of times when I post something on MM.org, the italics won't show up, so if there is text between asterisks, that means it's it italics.

I feel kind of bad no one reviews my stories…then I look at the number of Tea/Anzu bashers and realize why. Maybe I'll just stay at ff.net…