Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Shadow and Light ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A.N. Hello all. I know It's been far longer than forever in updating but here's chapter 13. I think I may cry, this I almost finished, I just hope you all like what's in store. ^-^ OMG so I just got my hands on the YGO soundtrack! ^-^ It's so much fun to type this while listening to it. ^-^ It makes me smile. So, I quit my job and now have a ton of free time for now, so feel free to bug me if you think I'm taking too long with updates. Again, thank you everyone who has been reminding me to update. I love you all! ^-^
Chapter Thirteen
He couldn't sleep, not that that was anything new since Yugi's disappearance, but the reasons had changed quite a bit over the months. Aibou…I don't know what to believe anymore. I can't trust hope, and the dreams seem crueler than the reality I know to be true… Yami sat in the corner of the bed, eyes staring out into the gloom that the comforter provided.
Sunlight tried to filter through the sheets but to no avail, succeeding in creating a mere haze around him. Sugoroku had asked him to stay home when he'd seen the dark rings under tired eyes, but his concern was wasted. Though is current depression made him want to do nothing but sleep, Yami's dreams and memories kept him in the waking world.
I see things, and I know they can't be true. They are just what I want to be the truth; my mind attempting to ease the pain. I know this because I can still see your fear Aibou. Your fear from that dream… no what see in my dreams is just fantasy… they can't be real memories… no matter how desperately I wish they were. Yami's breath caught on the intake, hitching painfully, and finally Yami let his tears soak his face. There was no one there to see him anyway, there was no need to continue with his perfected mask of bravery—what was left of it anyway. His tussle with Kaiba had all but killed that image.
His muffled sobs burned his eyes and nose, and stung his throat and chest in his attempts to stay quiet. I dream that you accept my advances Aibou, how silly is that I wonder? I mean, I know clearer than anyone that that is an impossible dream. His arms tightened around his raised knees until his short fingernails bit into his skin painfully His jaw cramped as he grit his teeth to reign in the scream that begged to escape. It wouldn't do him any good to worry the elderly man, with all his luck, it would cause his heart to give and then things would be even worse than they were at that moment. But the rage and anger just continued to boil through his dressed waters. If he didn't find an outlet soon, he'd end up attacking the CEO again, if only because he knew the other would give him the fight he was just itching for.
…his agony… just never ends…it just grows, swallowing up what little sanity I have left, Aibou. I attacked Kaiba, though in my defense he was being an ass and I refuse to say he did not deserve it… but, it wasn't my place to act. Yami closed his eyes as the tears slowed to a stop for the time being. They hurt, but not as much as his heart did. It helped a little to `talk' to Yugi, even though he knew his little light was far from him. It helped him create the illusion that he was not alone. Jonouchi's a real good friend Aibou. I don't think I ever gave him the credit he deserved. He stopped me before I seriously injured Kaiba. Yami scrubbed his face against the sleeve of Yugi's cotton pajamas.
“I… I am a fool… Aibou.” Yami whispered, almost afraid to speak any louder, fearful that it would shatter the fragile world he was in. “Everyone's so broken… and it's my fault. I don't think we can take much more of this…”
The silence was punctuated with the sound of the day outside as it leaked in through the double pained glass. The noise from the bustling streets and waking birds grated on his nerves, annoying him that the world continued on without his light. He knew it was silly to believe that it wouldn't, but it was just too hard to believe that the world was fine even when it had misplaced one small boy.
Yami's world had been built on rules and reality. He lived in control and with deep patience, and never realized just how much his world and life relied on his other half. It was almost pathetic how badly they all needed one little life. One glimmer of existence.
Perhaps this is a lesson from the gods. We relied on you too much… or maybe we never realized jus how precious you were. Yami thought distantly.
“Heba?” Yugi asked, making a face at his dark. It was cute how he'd been interested in a language that was no longer in use, and being his teacher, how was he o deny him?
“That is your name Aibou. Heba.” Yami clarified, and Yugi nodded, committing the word to memory. Yugi was certainly a fast learner, why he couldn't make the grades in school was a mystery to everyone who knew him.
“So… what would your name be?” Yugi asked, meaning the nickname the group had taken to calling him.
“kkwy.” Yami answered with a smile, and Yugi beamed delightedly. Yami was suddenly grateful that he at least remembered his language. His past, real name, and everything else may have been taken, but this at least was his. It appeared that Yugi was also pleased by this fact.
“Heba ii kkwy.” Yugi chuckled, greatly amused by something. Yami lifted an eyebrow in question as Yugi continued to laugh to himself. “Our names make up `the Shadow Games.' Isn't that funny?” Yugi continued to laugh, but something about that statement made Yami uneasy and cold. He forced a wide smile for his light all the same, when those adoring amethyst eyes turned to him.
“So we do.”
The door to the room opened noisily and made Yami jump. The blanket dislodged from his head, and fell into a heap in his lap then. Yami ignored the intruder a moment though as the glaring sunlight blinded him.
“s3 nt sAb…”
“Now that's not very nice Yami. I hope you haven't taught my grandson such profanities.”
“Sugoroku Jii-chan,” Yami said, slightly embarrassed at having been caught swearing by the old man. “… I, uh, well…” What was he supposed to say? I've become too accustomed to not being understood… For a brief moment his grief lifted just enough for him to feel foolish, and he bowed his head looking at the bed sheets that lay rumpled in his lap.
Sugoroku had forced him to change them, saying that it was bad enough that he'd let Yami keep them the same for as long as he had. Yami wondered if Sugoroku really understood what was happening. He was rather old.
“You feeling better then?” Sugoroku asked with a laugh, and it was then that Yami realized just what it was that the old man had brought up with him. It was a tray of food; looked like soup and juice to him. “Because, if you feel up to it, I could use your help in the shop.”
The statement was made as casually as the one about the bed sheets had been, and it only enforced the bitter feelings that life would continue to pass and move on even without Yugi. It pissed Yami off, and he was uncertain of how to react to that cheery disposition as the elderly Mouto set the meal on the edge of the desk in the room, with in easy reach.
“Well, eat up.” He made it sound as though he was merely sick and not in a major crisis. “Sleep you can live without. Your body will force it on you when it needs it. Food you have to ingest yourself.” Another happy smile.
Slowly, mechanically, Yami began to eat, watching as Sugoroku moved about the room cleaning up the mess left behind. “Boys, they never want to clean up at this age. Always moving about and giving us grief.” The smile never dimmed from his weathered face, and left the once Pharaoh bereft. “Then they come home all smiles and excitement, unaware of the troubles they've caused. But that's fine. At this age they shouldn't have to worry.”
“Mouto-san?” Yami questioned, a little concerned by the other's monologue. Was the stress really catching up to him? Was he truly falling off the deep end. “Perhaps you should sit down.” Yami moved to stand, offering the bed.
The laugh was deep and full of mirth as Sugoroku turned to face him, sitting down on the edge of the bed and clapping him on the shoulder. “I am fine Yami. Quite all right, I am merely trying to make a point.” He folded his hands in his lap and looked down at the small uniform in his hands. He'd picked it up in his cleaning and only now realized what he held.
He was worried, Yami knew, but unlike the rest of the group he was unbroken, and it baffled Yami. How could he stay so, so calm? His grandson was fucking gone! Not missing, or kidnapped but gone! As in never returning, not even in the right time, the gods don't even know where he is. Yet, Sugoroku just calmly waited, worried but painfully optimistic. Then again… I was the one who gave him that false hope wasn't I? Yami thought, his blurry thoughts attempting to recall that soul wrenching discussion he'd had with Sugoroku not too long after Kaiba's—less than useless—trip to Egypt.
“… he will return… after that… won't he?” Sugoroku's voice was paper thin, and Yami jumped up from the couch to support the suddenly, extremely pale grandfather.
“Mouto-san…” Yami called out, his brow wrinkled in worry for the man's heart. It had nearly failed him once, and could very likely do it again. Yami cursed himself for being so stupid and placed an arm around Sugoroku's shoulders, trying to coax him to rise.
Perhaps it would be best for him to rest for the day…
“You should lay down. Your heart's been through a lot the past few days—“
Sugoroku's grip on Yami's upper arm was strong and firm, and when Yami turned to face the man he was struck with the steady stare of the adventurer he'd met in his tomb well over a decade or two before.
“My heart is fine, Yami, now tell me what will happened to my grandson.” The look left no room to dodge, and so, Yami nodded his head once, and felt the elderly man relax, ready for his explanation. Yami only hoped that he wouldn't be too disappointed with the answer.
“In all honesty, Mutou-san, I'm not sure. But the fact that he was born in this time leaves me to ponder two possible answers.” Yami caught the glance that Sugoroku gave him and grit his teeth, wishing that he knew more. “My soul was sealed the shadow realm. But light cannot exist there, there for my light half must be stolen, banished etc. So, Yugi may just be the incarnation of my lost light half. Meaning that once he returns and… is sacrificed,” Yami faltered at the word, feeling sick to his stomach before continuing once more. “…that Yugi, would cease to exist.” At the tenseness in Sugoroku's shoulders, Yami winced, his mind returning to the deal he'd made with the gods. Isis had explained what the ceremonial battle would entail if they went ahead with it. The winner of the duel would live, and the loser would be sent away to the afterlife. Suddenly Yami wasn't feeling so great about his deal with the gods.
Have they seen this as a loss on Yugi's side? Is he to die because the gods see me fit to protect the word for another lifetime… alone?
“And the other is…?” Sugoroku questioned, his voice shaking, and Yami breathed out a heavy sigh, pushing his thoughts away to face the problem at hand.
A ruler shoulders the weight of his people's despair and hurt. Their anger and fear become his own. I am a ruler… Yami sighed, his thoughts much the same as they were when he was Atemu, as he put on a false look of surety.
“The second, is the most likely choice. That since Yugi's light is needed, and because my light was still attached to my soul at the time, Yugi's soul was taken as a replacement until the time that my soul is split. My light half will replace Yugi until the time that it is no longer needed, and Yugi's soul will return to it's rightful place.”
He'd given the man false hope then, and now he wondered if that had been so right after all. Living with useless hope for he rest of his life, waiting for someone who will never return…
“You kids are looking older than you should, and doing less than a dead person.”
Yami jerked back at the insult and looked incredulously up at the man's face, mouth falling slack with shock. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Sugoroku didn't sound contentious per-say, but he had a firm tone that left not room for arguments. “Instead of doing something about the problem, you are allowing the circumstances to defeat you, and—“
He'd reacted without thinking. “Do something? Just what is it that I am supposed to do, exactly?! Yugi is trapped in my memories and there is no way to bring him back! There is nothing that can be done!” Yami snapped, thourally incised that he was being lectured about not doing anything. “r m iri tn s-wr inn iri, i3wt s? grg Anubis n sw3?!”
The words were out of his mouth before he remembered that Sugoroku, like Yugi, could understand what he said when he had his fits, and felt like kicking himself when the dark look crossed that old face.
“iri nn iti nf mdw n wi. Iri nn sp tw iw nn pr-aA, tw iw 3b m -n. iri twt st, nn Iw st-xrt-ib m Yugi.” Sugoroku paused, his angered look turning soft, and he reached out patting Yami's hand comfortingly, like he would have done for Yugi, and it hit Yami almost harder than his words had.
He blinked, his rage trickling away as he took in the elderly-man's words, for once understanding his biggest fault. I never… never did… did I? I never thought of that… just protecting him. I never had faith in his own strength… only my own…
“Believe in my grandson, Yami. Trust in the strength you helped him realize. He'll find a ay back, just as you said he would. So trust him, and your words.” Sugoroku then rose to his feet, and left the room with a casual, “Finish eating and join me in the shop.” Then, Yami was alone again, with his cooling soup and wounded ego.
“When was it that I stopped trusting you Aibou? When did Jii-chan become stronger than me?” His smile was sadly ironic as he bent to finish his meal.
“No, Yami.” Yugi cried, doubling over with laughter at the mangled sentence Atemu had attempted to speak to him. It seemed that Japanese was a bit out of the Pharaoh's reach.
“No? What was wrong with it now?” Atemu sounded a little aggravated now, though his good humor was still evident in his eyes.
Yugi sat up again, his legs straddling Atemu's knees as the two relaxed in the garden. It was a miracle the two had found a moment alone in which to practice, what with the Roman empire—Prego-man and King Arthur to be precise—the treaty, and Atemu's usual busy schedule. But, when the Pharaoh said he wanted to learn Yugi's language, time was made for him to do just that.
“The particles are used for certain things, and you can't go somewhere with `de'. You have to use `ni'. `De' implies that you are doing something in that place…” Yugi trailed off at the leering grin that crossed Atemu's face.
It wasn't long before the caress of hands on his legs began. Yugi's face heated up even as he sighed giving the living god a bored look, swiftly pinching the curious hands. “Pervert. Focus, you're the one who wanted to learn this.”
Atemu winced, removing his wounded hand and giving Yugi a disbelieving look. “You dare to maim your god?”
Yugi rolled his eyes. “Kimi wa kami ja nai. Hentai ousama.”
Crimson eyes narrowed as that quick mind tried to decipher what it was that Yugi said. Yugi was proud and impressed at how quickly Atemu was catching on, but he knew for a fact that he had not taught him what `hentai' was yet.
As he'd suspected, Atemu gave up a few seconds later, his hands grapping Yugi's hips to pull him closer, his look playful. Yugi grinned his stomach curling with anxious feelings. “What did you just insult me with this time, little one?”
Yugi grinned faking innocence, knowing that his other could see right though him and enjoying the game they played. “Why would I insult you, son of Ra?”
Atemu lifted an eyebrow at him, and for a moment Yugi thought Atemu might kiss him as those tanned hands skimmed up his sides to cradle his face; his thumb stroking the corner of Yugi's mouth, but Atemu only extracted his revenge instead, pinching the soft skin of Yugi's cheek harshly.
“Ah!” Yugi cried, jumping, his own hands clapping over his abused skin. “Yami!” Yugi glowered, as the Pharaoh reclined with a satisfied smirk on his pompous face.
“Yes, my little slave?”
He's enjoying this way too much. Yugi thought evilly, contemplating whether he should retaliate or not. From the look on the pharaoh's face, Yugi wasn't going to win this match unless he wanted to continue pulling pranks all night long. Can't do that, Anuksu needs me to perform well tonight at the farewell banquet to King Arthur and his knight in shining Prego-sauce…
“That hurt.” Yugi whined instead, attempting to look like a wounded puppy. It had always won him his way with his grandfather and friends, and half the time it worked on Yami, but it appeared that Atemu was immune to the puppy-look.
“It was meant to.”
Yugi dropped the act, in favor of clamoring off of his other's lap, picking up the ink pen and Papyrus he'd been using to teach Yami the simpler hiragana symbols. “Fine then, as I was showing you this—“
“Are you angry now?” Atemu crooned, his arms looping around Yugi's middle—hot and smooth and oh so strong—and dragging him back into his lap. Yugi shivered a the skin on skin contact, struggling only a little as Atemu cuddled him close, his moist breath fanning over Yugi's shoulder and neck.
Atemu had become quite touchy-feely when the two where alone and it made Yugi both pleased and a little embarrassed. He was still a little concerned with the rules society ha impressed upon him since birth, but gradually Atemu was weaning him from such things.
“Yes, and I'm not talking to you.” Yugi whispered, turning his head to the side impishly, and received a meaningful laugh from his pharaoh.
“Oh, I see, so I'm being punished for reacting to your abuse and mockery?” Atemu questioned with a soft nuzzle that ended with his head resting on Yugi's shoulder.
Yugi smiled and tried to keep his good humor from his voice. “Yes, because if you weren't such a horny-beast I wouldn't have pinched you.”
“Ahh, but it was your words that made me into a … what is it? A horny-beast?” Atemu asked, his voice sounding a little distant. “That almost sounds like the name of a shadow monster. The horny-beast of the woods…”
Yugi groaned. “That is so stupid there are no words to describe.”
Atemu just continue to laugh at his own joke, until Yugi gave in with his own giggle. “Do you want me to teach you this or not, Yami?”
“Of course, Yugi.” The words were a sensual purr in his ear, and Yugi wondered if Atemu had always been this way or had that dance three nights ago been a catalyst of pent-up sexual energy.
Yugi blushed in memory, his insides flittering around like a cadged butterfly. That was quite a feat… defiantly worthy to be a catalyst. Yugi bit his lip allowing himself a moment to remember while Atemu was busy looking over his shoulder at the symbols he wrote out, translating them—as best he could—into hieroglyphs below.
“Dance for me… right here.” Atemu's words were a breathy command that heated Yugi's skin deliciously. There was no way he could defy him now, not while those eyes worshiped him.
“As you wish, my pr-aA.” Yugi replied, his own words barely audible in the heated room. His whole body trembled as he began with a roll of his hips. The motion brought a warm jolt through his belly and it burned in his navel sending tingling shocks through his spine.
This was so much more intimate, the motions of his body somehow more sensual now that he had a firm lap between his spread legs. His thighs tightened at that thought, and Yugi had to ball his hands into fists to keep from reaching out to grip Atemu's broad shoulders, in a—much more heated—reenactment of their fist meeting on this thrown those months before.
Never would have thought I'd be giving him a lap dance in this chair…
“… Yugi…” The sound of his name was foreign to his ears from the husky quality of Atemu's voice. The heavy accent that Yugi had never really noticed before, in this time or in his own, made the one word seem sinfully precious and irreplaceable. So much was said in that single utterance, that it left Yugi's heart in a fluttering mess.
It was overpowering the power Atemu held over him, that he held over Atemu. Yugi lifted his hands above him, and lowered his head looking up at Atemu through his eyelashes, beginning the dance Anuksu had first taught him. It had always seemed to him that changing a dance to accommodate ones lap would be difficult, but Yugi was quickly finding that it was frighteningly easy.
A gasp broke past his lips as he rolled his hips forward and arched his back as the dance had called for. Atemu's fingers flexed on his hips and his breath hitched momentarily at the brush of Yugi's pelvis to his own. Yugi was quickly becoming flushed with passion as he swayed his body against Atemu's in a driving beat that his body had long ago mastered.
Breath panted quickly from his open mouth as parts of hi body tightened suddenly aware of just what his dance had represented. He should have realized it, but at the time, he was just glad to have something to do. Now he understood why Pragus had thrown him up there in the first place.
Uhg, don't think of him now… focus on Yami… make him harder than he's been I his entire life… Yugi flushed at his own daring thought a little surprised with himself but at the same time, insanely proud. Make him ask you to dance for him every night… make him wish to dance too…
Yugi began the tight circles of his hips that Anuksu had taught him, grinding shamelessly against Atemu's lap. A soft breathy grunt came from the Pharaoh's lips and Yugi smirked, snaking his arms down to stroke the skin on Atemu's neck and shoulders as he mimicked the thrusting motions of sex against the teen. Atemu's reaction was instantaneous as he rolled up and against Yugi, his hands pulling Yugi against him as he began his own dance against Yugi's tightly strung body.
Yugi gasped, trembling as Atemu changed the tempo of their dance, showing Yugi how to improvise the running and spinning he could not do while in someone's lap. It was a slow building grind, bodies moving together in teasing caresses, as body heat increased holding Yugi in a burning need.
The first moan escaped, and Atemu's lips moved to taste it, but Yugi pulled back, using the shock of the moment to move up onto his knees, a playful smile on his lips to kill any miscommunication. He wasn't backing out, he was only saying without words that his dance was not over yet.
Atemu smirked, his hands slipping from hips, to thighs, before falling to the sides of the throne, clearly giving Yugi the reign to continue the play. Yugi felt the coil of heat in his stomach lurch at that little accent.
Yeah… I am totally gay… Yugi thought a little testily, though he couldn't wipe the grin from his face if he tried. Maybe… maybe this was what I… I was looking for… all along. His smile was ironic and a little sad. To find Yami… The Yami that wanted me… not really the protector, but the lover… damn, I'm thinking weird now… Yugi shoved such things from his mind as he focused on his dance.
The cloth of his dancing garb seemed almost rough in contrasted with the silk attire that brushed against his inner thighs as he swayed from side to side, seducing, calling, coaxing. Yugi almost wished he was in his normal clothes so he could feel that fabric against him. Again, his hands moved up above his head only to coil down around himself as he rolled back, his fingertips sliding over his own skin raising goose-bumps and desire before landing on Atemu's exposed knees as gently as sakura petals in the spring.
Atemu's smirk deepened as he sunk deeper into his seat, knees sliding apart without any resistance, allowing Yugi to slip between. Yugi's heart picked up pace and the trembling uncertainty returned. Was he doing this right? Was he moving too fast? I guess not… I mean I've known Yami since… oh but that was in the future…Again Yugi didn't feel like dealing with the rights or wrongs and so chucked them out the window. He allowed his bottom to sink until it hit the edge of the throne, his legs looping up and over Atemu's hips, their position very compromising. Atemu's eyebrows shot up at Yugi's boldness, and Yugi felt his elbows buckle nearly dropping him to the floor, but Atemu's quick hands held him up as they clung to his knees, dragging him just a bit closer, pulling the wrap Atemu wore up around his hips and pressing a fairly prominent bulge to Yugi's backside.
Yugi squeaked and turned violet as his body responded to the call with positive heat. Atemu groaned, fingers curling into the soft skin beneath Yugi's knees and it made Yugi shiver more at the feel of his clothes and Atemu's grip.
Atemu rolled his hips only once before relinquishing power back to Yugi, implying that he would still allow Yugi to finish his dance. The man really was conceited, but it was a good kind Yugi decided, as he allowed his arms to relax, placing his weight on his stomach muscles in order to snake his arms up and down Atemu's legs; playfully tracing the golden leg bands on his shins.
Atemu shivered and gripped Yugi a little tighter. His eyes had yet to look away from Yugi, and the small duelist knew this because he could feel that fiery gaze burning him alive even a he practically hung upside down from the chair.
Yugi stayed there for several beats, this was where his usual flip was, but it would be a bit difficult to pull that off without kicking Atemu. So, Yugi improvised. Pressing close to Atemu's erection Yugi shifted his legs to use the Pharaoh as a lift and pulled himself up slowly, his arms sinking around those perfect shoulders as he gyrated several times between Atemu's—now quivering thighs—before continuing the rise back to his knees. Atemu made a grunt of need and Yugi smirked, pressing close, eyes closing as he arched back in the end pose.
Hot lips attached to his chest the moment he froze, and Yugi gasped in pleasured shock, as those hands shot around him faster than a shadow game. Skilled fingers brushed over tender skin bringing mewls, and whimpers to the air as Yugi began a new dance.
Atemu's dance.
Sweat began to bead across his skin as the caresses turned to gripping demands that urged him to sit back down. Yugi was pleased to find Atemu's skin as damp as his own, as that talented mouth devoured his chest, leaving dark love marks over his pale skin. Atemu's tongue was a soft brand that traced up him, bypassing both of his nipples in favor of his collarbone. Teeth set against his flesh then as the mouth loved him. Yugi purred, his eyes sinking closed as his fingers found purchase in Atemu's semi-damp hair, his nails scraping down the scalp.
Atemu grunted and fairly slammed Yugi down into his lap, hands becoming bands of steel on Yugi's hips, his hips rolling up and against Yugi creating a blissful friction, and lips claimed his own in a passionate kiss. Yugi willingly melted, one hand slipping free from Atemu's hair to trace patterns on the back of his neck. He seemed to like that, as his lips pressed closer, that marvelous tongue sneaking out to trace Yugi's lower lip, his teeth joining in to test it, coaxing it between his own where he laid claim.
Yugi gasped, moaning again as the hands on his hips encouraged him to roll and grind, rubbing his own erection against Atemu's lower stomach. Atemu grunted, lips parting to taste Yugi's mouth, tongue pillaging his mouth again, and Yugi tightened his hold on Atemu, pressing closer, his own tongue starting up a new game. Mentally, Yugi prayed Mahado would not feel as inclined as to interrupt again. If he does… I'll molest his god right in front of him I swear it… Yugi thought though his insides curled and knotted at that thought of that.
“Yami…” Yugi breathed, lips parting further, taking this moment to back Atemu's tongue back into his own mouth so that Yugi could explore.
Atemu's mouth was hot and flavored with the spices from the dinner. Yugi found that he like the taste and that his earlier thoughts that the dinner must have tasted as good as it had smelled had been true. He felt those long fingers trace up his spine, slipping beneath the small vest he wore tracing patterns there—perhaps hieroglyphs—and it made Yugi's toes curl in delight.
The kisses became sloppy and wet as breathing became erratic and hurried, hips rolling and grinding together in a hurried sync. Yugi trembled from the pleasure that bubbled through him as he rocked against Atemu, feeling the bite of stone against his legs though his clothes, and Atemu's desire against his backside.
Atemu's breath scorched his skin as they pulled apart again, lips swollen and tingling from the harsh kisses, and those fingers lowered to cup Yugi's backend, forcing the pace to quicken.
“Ah!… Y—ami.. I..I… can't…”Yugi panted his vision already blurred by his passion, his body overheated and ready to collapse. Atemu kissed his shoulder lovingly, amazingly gentle in the passionate moment.
“… just a little more… hold on…” Atemu breathed, curling around Yugi's smaller form, rolling and grinding faster, his fingers biting into his hips pulling him along, and increasing the pull on that knot in his gut. Each stroke and brush made he knot pulse and burn. Yugi's cloths clung to him uncomfortably but he couldn't stop, wouldn't stop not now, not ever!
It was Atemu's grunt of pleasure in his ear that threw him over the edge. A simple sound and brush o breath on his ear, and Yugi was muffling his cry by biting Atemu's shoulder, and clinging to that hot body. The knot burst with a rush of heat that soiled his dancing cloths and dribbled down his quaking thighs. His spine tingled pleasantly as white blocked his vision.
Atemu groaned deeply and continued to rock against him for several moments more before he too reached completion, his lips forcing a deep kiss on Yugi. Their breaths mingled long after they both returned from their high, and Atemu relaxed back into his throne, pulling Yugi to rest against him, his fingers running up and down his back, tracing the scars the whips had left behind.
“I thank you. Your performance was very satisfying.”
Yugi laughed out right then, poking Atemu in the ribs as the tension that would have settled in after such a drastic change in their relationship, dissolved before really taking hold. “I'm sure… you nymphomaniac.”
Atemu chuckled, kissing Yugi's damp forehead sweetly. I never would have pegged him as an afterglow cuddler… Yugi thought with a smile, returning the kiss to Atemu's chest.
“Aishiteru, mou hitori no boku…” There was a long stretch of silence where Yugi came to grips with his own feelings and Atemu tried to decide whether Yugi had insulted him or praised him.
“I wish for you to teach me.” Atemu said, looking at some distant point in the room, and Yugi looked at him curiously, sitting back up, and regretting it when he realized that he'd need to wash before bed, if the cold spot in his pants was anything to go by. Gross… nasty body fluids…
“Teach you what?” Yugi managed to ask, and finally regained Atemu's attention. Crimson looked at him tenderly, his fingers brushing the side of Yugi's face lovingly.
“Your language.”
Yugi jerked to attention so fast his mind suffered a bout of whiplash. His heart clenched painfully tight, and breathing became difficult. “W…what did you just…” Yugi trailed off, face cold with lack of blood, as he focused on Atemu. His sudden shift in mood alarmed Atemu some, if his concerned look was anything to go by, but instead of questioning him, Atemu just pointed to the papyrus and the symbols Yugi had written earlier.
“ari in your language is `aibou,' right?”
For some reason, Yugi wanted to cry. “Y—yeah, that's right.” Yugi stammered with a forced smile, and this time Atemu frowned pulling Yugi around to face him, gaze steady and firm: he wanted answers.
“Yugi, what is the matter?”
“Aibou, are you all right?”
Yugi choked on a sob, his chest painfully tight, as he suddenly began to see the things he'd tried to ignore before, but they seemed to glare back at him defiantly, daring him to try and forget again.
The darker skin tone, the regal jewelry, the speech pattern, the thickness of his accent. It was his Yami, but it wasn't all at once. It was just a small piece of the man he'd loved before he'd been aware of it, yet it was all he was allowed. He should be satisfied with that, but some part of him couldn't settle for that, and still wished for his home and his soul partner, who called him Aibou, and overreacted about everything. Who was over baring and a little smothering, but remained the other part of his soul.
“Yugi?” Atemu sounded worried, and his angered eyes flashed. Yugi smiled through the pain, recognizing the look and missing it all the same.
A kiss stalled further questions and Yugi felt the tension leave Atemu's frame at the tender meeting of lips. I'm selfish aren't I… but I can't let you go… but I can't let him go either… does this make me a player? Damn it! Can't anything makes sense and just let me be happy for once?!
“I'm fine… Atemu.” Yugi felt the jolt Atemu made at the sound of his own name instead of the pet name Yugi had given him, and smiled hugging him close, listening to the heart he'd longed for with a bittersweet smile. “I'm just emotional right now.”
Atemu accepted Yugi's answer for the time being and simply coddled him close. “You want to continue later?”
Yugi nodded his head, and closed his eyes. “If that's okay with you.”
Atemu faked a dramatic sigh—something he'd picked up from Yugi—and sagged in his seat. “I guess.”
Yugi smiled again, this time a little less forced, and wrinkled his nose up at him as he stuck out his tongue, “You better be.”
Atemu nipped at Yugi's pink appendage and made Yugi jump and squeak out in alarm. He only smirked at Yugi's outrage, a laid back closing his eyes, arms trapping Yugi to him.
“Don't stick that out unless you intend to use it.”
Yugi blushed.
A growl filled the day-heated room, and echoed eerily through the occupants within it. “It's been well over a month, how much more time does that thief need?!” Pragus asked angrily, swiping his hand across the table and sending papers and maps spilling onto the floor. The men in the room tittered quietly, also concerned by the man's tardiness.
“We leave tomorrow, we can't conquer this land without that trump card! How are we to attain it if we must leave?” He was blowing steam now that it appeared his ideal future had a few flaws in it.
It had been working so well too. Fastosus had fallen into his hands quite readily, parting his legs and crying out words of love without a second thought. The young ruler had been easily manipulated, and the murder of his father even more so. The child was wrapped around his finger, and if he told him to drop dead, Pragus was fairly certain the child would.
But that damn pharaoh… and that thief king… Pragus snarled again, glaring at the map he'd made outlining the new empire that awaited him once he had control over the shadows the Egyptians had at their disposal, but it appeared his dream was as of yet unattainable.
He'd thought bringing down Atemu would be child's play, especially after his possessive display the last time he'd been there. That dancer would have been an easy downfall, but now it seemed that even that weakness had hardened over.
“Damn it! What am I missing?!”
“Pragus?” The small timid voice of the Cesar came from the corner of the room, and grated on the taller man's nerves.
“What is it, Fastosus?” He asked coldly, eyes never leaving the map before him.
“Well, why not crush this empire with our army? Why go after some voodoo, that may or may not exist?”
Pragus had the urge to hit the boy as he often did, but any mark that appeared on his pristine head while here in khemet would arouse suspicion, and that pharaoh was already too perceptive as it was.
“You still do not understand this? This `voodoo' is what slaughtered our best troops in your grandfather's rule, little idiot. If we try to attack directly we will be wiped out completely.” Pragus looked up then, only to glare at the boy who had voices such idiocy and watched as the child's head lowered in shame. “Do not speak of things you have no understanding of!”
He turned back to his angsting, and glaring over the map. What could possibly be done now? It would be difficult to try and find the powerful creature on their own. They had no name or resting place, and they knew nothing of conjuring the shadows, but it seemed their only connection had gone missing. That's what happens when you pay in advance… Pragus clenched his teeth and closed his eyes in annoyance.
“Tell me, you little slut!” The bright, female voice was muffled by the walls and door of the room, but through the window that overlooked the garden the words were clear. Pragus was certain that he knew the voice, and curiously walked toward the small opening and peered down toward the ground.
“Slut?! I—I haven't—we didn't—I'm still a virgin I'll have you know!” The response to the girl—the dancer he'd assaulted into sending his message to the thief King Bakura—brought a needy smirk to his face. That sweet voice… I'd recognize it in death. Sweet little dancer, when this land is mine I'll have a taste of your flesh. You scream for me… yes…
“Still a…” The dancing girl was carrying a basket filled with linen; she was practically dwarfed by the load. Yugi was walking beside her with his own basket that carried what looked like the Pharaoh's clothes. Seemed they intended to do the laundry together. So… the pharaoh's little break from reality is over now is it?
“Yeah, what did you—“
“You had four hours alone with him and you didn't…” The girl gave a growl of annoyance, and for a moment it looked like she might throw her basket at the boy's head. “What did you do then?! Talk?”
“That wasn't a question… wait… all you two did was…” She did throw the basket then.
“Ah! Anuksu! What was that about? Hey! Stop—throwing—Ah! I'm sorry!” Yugi cried, trying to block his small body with his basket, laughter rising from him as the girl continued to grab cloth from the spilled mess on the ground to chuck at him.
Pragus watched with lecherous intent, pleased by the sight of the boy in nothing more than a small wrap with cord to hold it up. He was a catch, and it irked him that the small boy-king of this land had a hold of such a being. And has yet to try him out… is the pharaoh that stupid?
“What are you so interested in, Pragus?” Fastosus asked, nudging his way beside him to look down below as well. Pragus sneered, angered that his brief relief from reality had been ruined by his first conquest.
The small king seemed to catch on quickly as his face schooled into a look of jealous rage, as he looked down upon the small dancer. Pragus rolled his eyes, turning back to the room. Such actions bored him, and he had no time for childish tantrums.
“You… that's why you wished to see the dancers. That little bastard has caught your eye has he, Pragus?” Fastosus asked in a cold manner that showed the person capable of murdering his own father for his lover.
“Has Ptoleme checked in yet?” Pragus asked, purposefully ignoring the boy's question. His soldiers blinked around at each other, seemingly wanting someone else to give the bad news.
“No, he has not! Now answer my question, Pragus! What are you thinking going after that brat, when you have—“ Fastosus's question was cut abruptly short as Pragus swung around, the back of his hand catching the child on the cheek. The force of the blow sent Fastosus flying into the wall behind him before sliding to the floor.
“Shut your trap! I owe you no explanations you foolish child. In the grown up world it is common for men to satisfy their urges for others, know your place before you speak. It would save us all the embarrassment of hearing your childish prattle.”
Silence engulfed the room as the young ruler took in the words his lover had spoken. His face crumbled, and Pragus snorted in disgust turning from the child with a withering look. “Any idea of where Ptoleme may be?”
“The rondevu point was abandoned. We have no other thoughts of where he could be, sir.” One brave soldier spoke up from somewhere in the back.
“I see. You!” Fastosus pointed to one of the newer soldiers, expendable and easily replaced. “Stay at the safe house incase he returns. If he does bring him to me immediately!” The young man nodded and left the room. Fastosus stood and followed the man out.
“Don't go too far, I don't have time to go looking for you.” Pragus said without looking up. If Fastosus heard him he didn't say anything as he left.
The musky smell of the tomb had grown stale the further into the tunnels he traveled. The torchlights had created a sharp smell that made his nose burn and itch. It was a minor annoyance that was easily ignored by one as accustomed to the smell as he was, but that young Roman that had followed him in would have been driven mad by it, he was certain.
Bakura's grin was crazed as he recalled the spineless warrior that had collapsed so easily beneath the magic of the shadows. It was no wonder why the foolish pale fighters sought to control the beasts of Anubis's gateway. They were so frail and unstable. It would be fun to see them attempt to control the shadows; they would be driven mad long before they even conceived the idea to try and command them.
It was such an enjoyable job that they'd given to him. Paying him richly to give them madness, the only draw back had been the time it had taken him to find and break in to the old temple turned crypt. Damn spirit barriers… so fucking annoying when breaking in. Bakura thought o himself as he turned at the corner, knowing from experience not to bother reading the written warnings on the walls. Most of them were exaggerated and spoke of curses that didn't really exist, at least not for he who survived the dark magics of hell. No, most spells didn't work against him. Many said it was because his mind was far too shattered, others believed he was too evil; whatever the reason was Bakura enjoyed his immunity.
It was just luck that this temple was sealed by the self-sacrifice of a soul. In the legends it was said that one of the gods gave his life to seal away the darkest of the shadow in the temple of Apep. Bakura had thought that to be a load of shit, but with all the trouble he'd had entering the place, he was forced into believing.
A lot of good that sacrifice did him. I was still able to come in, and soon Exodia will be freed from his slumber, and then…
“Goodbye pr-aA.” Bakura's voice was gruff with malice as h turned another corner and entered into a large room, shadowed in darkness. The firelight from his torch seemed muted in the room as though the shadows swallowed up the fragile light.
“Its here…” Bakura grinned, lifting the light higher as he stepped further into the room, the small pool of vision surrounding him. Sound was also sucked away to be destroyed by the empty nothingness that consumed the room.
The air as different in the room, still as death and yet moving; like a force that could not fully be controlled: the Nile for example, but the room was as dry as the sand outside.
Yes, this had to be the room. Walking further inside, Bakura carefully looked for some kind of trap, but it appeared that the constructors had figured the spiritual barriers and word of mouth warnings would be enough to fend off anyone foolish enough to attempt breaking in. No one had ever thought to prevent suicidal psychopaths from entering obviously.
On the farthest wall his light reflected back and drew his attention to the giant carving on the stone slab. Gold sealed the figure of a massive god-like being. One that was said to have once been the guardian and gatekeeper to the underworld before Aker took over that post, and the image shown there looked the part.
“Hello.” Bakura smirked, setting his torch down in order to use his hands. For a beast that's been sealed for centuries, it should be simple task raising him. With a quick flick of his wrists, Bakura urged the dark power through his body, dropping the temperature in the room quickly, until his breath was visible before him. The tips of his fingers and toes smarted at the drastic change, but the whit-haired tomb robber hardly noticed as he urged the figure on the slab of rock to life: movement, destruction, pain, and revenge.
The crackling response of the monster was the only warning Bakura had as the stone slab grew luminous for a brief flickering moment before the light was extinguished by the dark nothingness of the beings soul.
The explosion shook the earth and echoed into the late night sky like death's withered cry and silenced the very breath in the air. It knew, the evil had returned.
The oil-lamp's glow was the only light source in the expansive room. It bounced off of the gilded pillars engraved with spells of protection and good health. The bright, vivid colors of the bed sheets and cloth seemed warm and comforting in the flickering light.
Atemu sighed softly from his reclined position on his bed, his fingers brushing through the soft hair that was pooled in his lap where Yugi had cried himself to sleep. The candlelight made his puffy eyes and red nose less visible, returning the soft beauty he usually carried with him. You had a rough night haven't you. Atemu thought, his fingers tucking the violet tipped ebony behind one perfect ear, before following the path down his neck to his back. His eyes stalled regrettably over the multiple scars that marked up his back. He made sure to trace each one with the tip of his finger, willing them away though he knew there was no way to completely erase the marks cruelty had dealt him.
“pr-aA?” Jonoh's voice came from the doorway and drew Atemu's attention from the past. His guard stood at attention, looking as impassive as ever, but his eyes held a sharp anger that gave away his concern for the one cradled in the Pharaoh's lap still garbed in his exquisite dancing attire.
“He is fine. A little traumatized, but physically unharmed. Sleep will care for the rest.” Atemu answered in a low voice so as not to rouse Yugi from his sleep. Jonoh watched the motion with steady eyes, his shoulders barely relaxing in response to Atemu's words. “Besides, Fastosus and his men leave tomorrow. That more than anything else should ease Yugi's grief.”
Jonoh made a sound of agreement and turned back to the door, looking a little concerned. Atemu didn't really wish to deal with concerning thoughts, but had no real way to simply ignore them. Besides, if he didn't ask, Jonoh would just bring the issue up with Seth and then he'd hear it from his cousin, and anything coming from Seth sounded more like an apocalypse than anything else.
“Something troubling you, Jonoh?”
“Nothing really, pr-aA. Just…” Jonoh tapered off, his eyes growing distant much like Seth's did when he was contemplating something. Those two really spent too much time together if Seth's traits were beginning to rub off on the guard.
“Nothing is irrelevant. Tell me.”
“I just do not understand why the Romans felt it necessary to come all the way out here to confirm the signing of the treaty. Especially with a new ruler, it just seems too reckless to me.”
Atemu couldn't refute that, he'd been pondering the same thing for some time himself, and his instincts warned him that something was amiss, but until there was some form of attack or fact to bas his unease on there was nothing he could do.
“… and why show such disrespect at their last meal here?”
Atemu glanced up at that comment, not surprised to find Jonoh's eyes focused on Yugi's sleeping form. Instinctively, Atemu pulled the light blanket higher up around Yugi to cover his back.
“That is a question.”
“What was gained by throwing his drink at Yugi? And what reason did he have for doing it?”
“I have no clue.” Atemu answered, though he had a vague idea as to why Fastosus had attacked Yugi during the dancers performance, if the sour look he gave Pragus when the man grabbed his arm and pulled him from the room was any indication. Jealousy can bring many bad consequences and actions. Atemu caressed Yugi's cheek with a deep care, his face soft with an emotion he was still uncertain of.
Jonoh began to shift, uncomfortable with the tenderness that Atemu was showing, and made a hasty retreat, once again leaving the two alone in the candlelit room. Atemu was grateful for the silence, as it allowed him to watch his little dancer without other worries plaguing his mind. Jonoh was right though, their actions have been rather disturbing, and if their ruler is unstable enough to strike out at an innocent in his jealousy, than perhaps the child is nothing more than a figurehead, and the real ruler is somewhere else…
Yugi made a soft sound of distress in his sleep, and curled closer, his fingers curling into the soft fabric of Atemu's dinner wear. Atemu returned to petting Yugi's hair, soothing him with touch as best as he could, recalling the bizarre events at dinner.
The music cut of with an ear-spitting silence, as the ring of the fallen goblet echoed through the main hall. Soft droplets of wine made a puddle on the floor between the pale, silver shoed feet of the assaulted dancer.
Amethyst eyes blinked wide, the male dancer frozen in mid step, the red liquid running down his rounded cheeks and soaking into the fabric of his vest, staining the beautiful color a deep purple color; the excess liquid streaking down his chest and stomach to be absorbed by the dancing scarf he'd wrapped about his hips.
Shocked pain was written across his face and oozed dark red from the shallow gash on his forehead. He stared in confusion at the boy-king who stood before him across the expanse of the table. Pale eyes narrowed in hate, lips curled in distaste.
Someone gasped and broke the spell. Yugi's lip started to tremble and Atemu jumped to his feet, angered that anyone would dare to strike out at what was his, just as Pragus stood grabbing the young king by his upper arm, in a grip that looked quite painful, and the other dancers flocked forward and around Yugi blocking him from everyone. Anuksu was at its center holding Yugi. Atemu gave her a quick look and she nodded understanding his silent request, and just like that the dancers swept from the room.
“What was that about, Cesar?” Atemu questioned once he was certain Yugi was safe. It was bad enough the dance was interrupted at Yugi's solo, and it didn't help Atemu's nerves one bit, but being unable to punish the one who'd ended it was like salt in a fresh wound.
The child turned murderous eyes on Atemu, and for an instant Atemu thought that the child would dare to attack him. He saw Seth stiffen in his seat, gripping his millennium item close; Jonoh too, straightened a bit from his position behind Seth in response to the challenge the young ruler was clearly sending.
“Please excuse him, pr-aA,” Atemu lifted an eyebrow at Pragus, surprised at the politeness the man was giving him as he defused the situation with a light bow. “My lord has been a bit under the weather as of late. I think he needs to rest, please excuse us.” Pragus's politeness was as unnerving as the way he had to bite the words out through his gritted teeth.
Seth seemed to think so as well, as he suddenly rose and disappeared from the room, most likely to follow the two dignitaries. Atemu watched him go, waving at the musicians to continue playing before he too left the room. Yugi was bound to need him.
“I was right too…” Atemu whispered to the sleeping dancer. Yugi had been in a blank shock in the room when he'd entered. Anuksu had seemed rather concerned by his blank stare and had risen to tell him of her concern when Yugi had suddenly thrown himself into his arms sobbing inconsolably.
Anuksu had left soon after, leaving Yugi's care to her god. Atemu was still unsure as to just why the incident had affected Yugi so badly, but hadn't questioned it and allowed Yugi to cry and seek comfort through his body. The desperate kisses had been sweet and enjoyable, though Atemu had wished they had been given under better circumstances. He's still so careful about what we do together… it's a shame that our affections should be brought on in this manner. Atemu thought sadly, his finger tracing Yugi's lips in remembrance. Yugi wrinkled his nose at the feel and Atemu smiled, bending low to press a swift kiss to the lips before sitting back up, lest he wake him.
“…Yami, kiss me.” The saddened baleful eyes looked up at him and Atemu found he could not deny them. Bending low he caught the quivering lips in a tender kiss, slowly loving them. They parted quickly, needing the deeper contact that he'd given before, but Atemu took his time worrying the lower lip gently with his tongue, before switching for the top. Yugi whimpered and those hands twined into his hair pulling him closer. Atemu braced Yugi's face with his hands easing his frantic need and easing his tongue into Yugi's open mouth, coaxing Yugi to slow down. After a time Yugi seemed to understand that what he needed now was tenderness, not passion, and slowly the kisses eased up until hey stopped all together with Yugi curled up on top of him, sniffling every so often and snuggling closer. “Sorry…”
“It is fine, Yugi.” Atemu whispered, holding Yugi to his heart. “I understand.”
“Thank you, Yami…”
“…So, we're back to `Yami' now are we?” Atemu whispered, feeling the twinge of pain that settled in his chest. He wasn't stupid, he knew what it was that Yugi was doing whenever he called him Yami. It wasn't some pet name; it was the name he would receive sometime in his future. It was the name of another person he would not know until after he'd died. Sure it was still him that Yugi called to, but it wasn't quite what Atemu wanted.
It was Yami that Yugi desperately missed and wanted by his side that had been proven to him all too clearly in the garden earlier. He'd called him `aibou,' something that Yami was said to do, and Yugi had nearly collapsed. Perhaps that was what brought on your tears. I reminded you that you still did not have you're precious Yami by your side, and you were just looking for a reason to cry.
Atemu pushed the soft golden bangs from Yugi's forehead, feeling slightly used. But for a moment you acknowledged me. You called me `Atemu.' For that moment you were mine, not Yami's, and I intend to keep you, aibou.
His conviction was shattered with the harp spike in shadow magic. It shot through his head like a spear and Atemu winced, lifting a hand to his temple. What in khemet was that?! Atemu thought his heart lurching painfully in his chest as fear swallowed his insides in an icy grip. Whatever it was, it was far more powerful than even his god beasts.
The air seemed to hum with tension before suddenly dying. The wind stopped blowing and everything became still as death. Atemu's ears popped uncomfortably as the pressure changed. Something had just changed. The power had shifted from the crown to some other force. “Dear Ra, what—“
Yugi shot up screaming. The sudden sound made Atemu jump and he grasped at his chest trying to force his heart to calm before reaching out and grabbing the panicked Yugi.
“Yugi! Yugi, calm down, what is wrong?!” Atemu exclaimed when Yugi's dilated eyes seemed to not even see him at all, still trapped in his nightmare. Just like last time… Atemu's heart clenched and he yanked Yugi to his chest, holding tightly, enough to hurt. “I'm here Yugi, you're awake now, it can't—“
“… he's here…” The words were a rasp of incense in a death-filled tomb, and drew a fearful chill down Atemu's spine. He pulled back from Yugi slowly, looking into the blank, amethyst, his heart still and cold in its place.
“pr-aA!” Mahado burst in through the doors, eyes wide with panic, a film of sweat on his brow. “pr-aA, the Romans!”
Atemu sat up stiffly, his grief building as images of Khemet's destruction raced through his mind. Was Yugi's warning true? Had the Roman empire descended upon them when they least expected them to?
“What about them?” Atemu growled low, his fingers biting harshly into Yugi's arms, the pinch seemed to bring him around, because Atemu could feel his flinch and relaxed his hold a little.
Seth suddenly strode into the room, his hands filled with a large parchment. “They have been plotting our downfall, as I have feared.”
Atemu cursed, rising from the bed and moving angrily toward the door. Screw the treaty; they currently held Rome's only ruler, killing him would kill the nation and the threat.
“Have them detained in the cells.” Atemu growled out, hand going to the puzzle around his neck. “I think its time I enlightened them to the reason why Khemet is a worthy adversary. The shadows will enjoy this.”
Seth nodded his agreement, but his face still held the sharp lines of distress that Atemu did not like in the least. “They have already been detained,” Seth said in a cool, even voice. Atemu was sure that Seth had made sure of that personally, probably after finding out their plan after having followed Pragus and Fastosus, and he was also fairly certain he knew just who was behind this deception.
“Yami?” Yugi called weakly from the bed, and looking back, he saw that Yugi was moving to follow him.
“No.” Atemu said firmly, his eyes hard, clearly telling Yugi not to press the issue. The boy froze on the edge of the bed, swallowing thickly in fear. He was worried for him again; his concern was touching. “I wan you to stay here. Mahado, stay with him.”
The white priest nodded once and moved into the room to stand beside Yugi.
“Seth.” Atemu addressed, waiting for his cousin to lead him from the room, or fill him in on the rest of the events, but the dark priest did neither. “Seth?”
“There is more, Atemu.” Seth spoke quietly. The usage of his name made Atemu's stomach bottom out. What exactly is he not telling me?
“Priest…” Atemu threatened, and gained his answer as the first of the uneasy screams came in from outside the palace.
“They have resurrected Exodia.”
“Exodia?!” Mahado gasped in shocked horror. “How could they… but the seal—“
“Has been broken, did you not feel it?” Seth snapped back, irritated, and Atemu could find no fault in him, the situation made him sick enough as it was. There was no excuse behind such stupidity, and no remedy.
The blood leaked from Atemu's face as surely as the cries of fear left the lips of fearful people in the city below. Those stupid bastards… they have no idea… just what they've done…
“A—are you certain?”
“Don't be stupid, Atemu. I know you sensed it, just as clearly as I have. Do not insult our bloodline with irrelevant ques—“ The sharp shudder and upheaval of earth stopped Seth's triad and sent them all to the ground.
Several things toppled to the floor, glass shattered and scrolls rolled across the floor. Yugi let out a squeak of terror as he was tossed to the ground as well, landing with a loud thud. Atemu scrambled across the quaking floor to his side, quickly pulling Yugi into his arms.
“Y—ami! What—is this an.. earthquake?!” Yugi gasped, clinging tightly to his chest. Atemu wasn't sure what it was Yugi was talking about, but shook his head anyway.
“No… this is Exodia.”
Atemu sighed. “Yes, Exodia, the shadow monster sealed in the temple of Apep. A creature born of pure evil, and undefeatable.”
Yugi's breath hitched, his fingers curling tighter in Atemu's top. Atemu pulled Yugi closer, fearing for his kingdom. How was he supposed to fight this? Was there any way to fight it?
As the tremors eased off and the screaming faded, Atemu rose to his feet. He had to work quickly if he wished to protect his people. Passing Yugi over to Mahado, Atemu turned back to Seth, who was already walking out the door.
“Stay!” Atemu snapped turning to Yugi briefly. Yugi stopped at the command his eyes looking wounded, and Atemu flinched. “With Exodia's awakening the shadows will have an easier time escaping, it would be safer for you to stay here. So, wait.” Again turning to the door Atemu made to follow Seth when—from the corner of his eye—he caught sight of the second Millennium puzzle glowing brightly undisturbed in all the chaos, but what it meant and the implications were lost to him as he left the room, reaching out the those loyal Shadow beasts who would be willing to help him keep Khemet from ruin.
The war of the darkness had begun.
(Ending Theme: Night Flowers)
ai no kuni wo samayou
watashi wo mitsuke dashite
tsubasa ni wa mada
surikireta hazu no kokoro kakushite
watashi no mune wo someta
ikusen no hanabira wa
kanashii kurai anata wo koishiku saseru
mou ichido
sugaritsuku shunkan
surinukeru maboroshi
anata no subete wo ubai saritai
itetsuita NAIFU kazashi
ai wa mau yoru no hana wo chirashite
aishite, iyasarete, tokihanatsu - kokoro sae...
motto hageshiku kanjite
sadame nara
yasuragi mo, nukumori mo iranai
itetsuita NAIFU kazashi
ai wa mau yoru no hana wo chirashite
kowashite, kizutsukete, tojikomete - kokoro sae...
motto hageshiku aishite
A.N. Well that's a nice cliffy to leave you with. ^-^ Sorry if it's rushed and choppy, I had a fight with my notes and the notes eat me up and took my money and ran away, so… Hopefully this long absence I always seem to take will end with this update, and the last four chapters will be out in the next four weeks, we shall see huh? Sorry for the angst between poor Atemu and Yugi, but there is a famine in Paradise for them. Besides if they just happily got together things would get boring right? *Dodges Tomatoes* Anyway, please review, and I'll see you soon! ^-^
Apep:The great Destroyer
s3 nt sAb…: Son of a Jackle
r m iri tn s-wr inn iri, i3wt s? grg Anubis n sw3?!: What do you promote we do, old man? Beg Anubis to pass?!
iri nn iti nf mdw n wi. Iri nn sp tw iw nn pr-aA, tw iw 3b m -n. iri twt st, nn Iw st-xrt-ib m Yugi.: Do not use that voice with me. In this time you are not Pharaoh, you are stay(ing) with us. Act like it, and have faith in Yugi.
Kimi wa kami ja nai. Hentai ousama.: You are not a god, king pervert.
Aishiteru, mou hitoi no boku: I love you, the other me.
