Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ Meeting the Family ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

There's the long awaited sequel to everybody that wanted it. Yeah me, it's finally out! Hope it didn't take too long for some of you. I'm always open to suggestions if you have them so email them or put them in a review for me!

And I wanted to apologize for the way the chapter came out the first time. I don't know what was up with that but I fixed it so now you can read it. My computer must've gone whack on me or something.


Yami opened the door to his home and led Yugi in before closing the door behind him. Both boys were eighteen, Yugi had just finished with school and was moving in with Yami, but he had yet to see where he was living because Yami hadn't let him under the pretense of surprise.

"Okay, love. Open your eyes."

Amethyst eyes slowly opened and displayed immediate surprise upon looking around the room he was currently in. "Yami…wow!" He exclaimed, smile glowing in the eyes of his koi, "I love it, Yami. It's beautiful!"

"I'm glad that you like it so much, Yugi." Yami grinned as he wrapped his arm around his love's waist.

"Is that my Yami?" A melodic voice called from the next room.

"Yes, mother, Yugi's here too." Yami answered excitedly. He believed nothing could break the wonderful feeling that was swimming around inside of him because of Yugi's decision to stay with him.

"Really?" came the thrilled reply. "Hold on, don't go anywhere! I can't wait to meet him at last!"

But when Keith arrived in entrance hall of the large house, having emerged from some dark corridor and stood beside Yami's mother, holding his one-year-old sister in his arm, Yami's feeling of elation disappeared faster than the wrapping around presents at Christmas, and he growled low in his throat, loud enough for only Yugi to hear.

Yugi didn't have the chance to look closely at his new family; instead he turned his head quickly to look at Yami.

"It's him." Came the strained reply.

Realizing whom "him" meant, Yugi turned to look at the man holding the baby girl in his arms and studied him carefully. Dislike washed through Yugi like water through muslin, all directed at the man standing before him, but when his eyes stopped at the small girl in his arms, they softened. `She's adorable. I'm sure she'll look much like her mother,' Yugi thought, pleased with the knowledge. Suddenly though he realized he had no idea what her and Yami's mother looked like, so he turned his violet eyes towards the woman standing beside Keith and gasped lightly.

Blonde hair flowed elegantly past the young-looking woman's waist and her emerald eyes sparkled with love and care, belying great wisdom. She looked perfectly contend and peaceful, her nearly wrinkle-face shone with enlightenment, and the unconscious ease with which she stood spoke of grace.

"Yami," Yugi swallowed, suddenly self conscious in the face of this motherly goddess, "she's beautiful."

"Why thank you, Yugi," The woman smiled sweetly then turned her gaze on her only son. "Aren't you going to introduce us?"

Yami jumped and nodded, edging Yugi towards the couple. "Mother, this is Yugi. Obviously or else he wouldn't be here." He chuckled. "Yugi, this is my mother."

Yugi nodded to the woman, not sure what else he should do. A light blush covered his face and his shyness overtook him as he leaned into Yami, desperately attempting to hide himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Yugi. Yami's told me so much about you. After he graduated, it seemed like everything past his lips was `Yugi this' and `Yugi that' or `I can't wait to see Yugi.'"

Yugi's blush darkened some but he nodded anyway to be polite. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Hitokage."

"Oh please, Yugi, you're family here. You can just call me Mother, or Kiore, or something, but please, nothing formal like that. It makes me feel much too old."

Yugi nodded.

"Yami, what about you stepfather?"

Distaste flitted across Yami's features before he nodded and gestured to Keith. "Yugi, this is Keith, my stepfather. The guy I told you about back at school last year."

"It's nice to meet you as well." Yugi whispered, more afraid then shy now because he knew all too well about Keith.

Yami then directed his crimson eyes towards his sister and allowed a small smile to show on his face. "And that precious little one in his arms is my little sister, Shiro."

Yugi smiled. "She's cute." He whispered more to Yami than anybody else.

The crimson-eyed teen stole a glance at Keith to see what he thought about Yugi and nearly attacked him at the blatant look in his eyes. Yami knew that look all too well, but with mother in the room and more importantly his little sister in his arms he forced himself to stay still. The look was pure, unmitigated lust, nothing more, nothing less. That lust filled leer that could mean only one thing: Keith had found another plaything. Unconsciously he held Yugi tighter to him and eyed Keith dangerously, daring him with his eyes to try something, even if his stepfather wasn't paying attention to anything but his precious lover.

"Well, I'm going to start dinner before it gets too late." His mother interjected, shattering the unconscious tension, "Yami why don't you show Yugi to your guys' rooms." She then turned to Keith. "Darling, would you care to help?"

Finally, Keith's greedy blue eyes tore from Yugi's milky skin to Kiore's emerald eyes.

"I'd love to. I'm sure little Shiro would like to help as well." He walked past the three and into what Yugi could only assume to be the kitchen, tickling his daughter who was shrieking in delight.

Kiore looked back to her son and his little lover. "I'm glad you decided to stay with us Yugi, I hope you like it here; and I'm very sorry to hear what happened to your grandfather."

Yugi merely nodded, not meeting her eyes. The memory of his grandfather was still fresh and painful - hearing this beautiful woman bring it up was both sad and embarrassing.

Kiore leaned over and pressed a loving kissing on her son's cheek and, completely surprising Yugi, kissed his cheek too. "There's no reason to be shy here, Yugi. We're all family and wouldn't hurt you."

Yami wanted to snort in disbelief as his eyes glanced at the kitchen door that Keith and his sister had disappeared behind. After his mother had left the room Yami wanted to get as far from Keith as possible. He started tugging on Yugi's arm and led, nearly dragged, him to the stairs.

Yugi quickly came out of his shy mode once he was alone with Yami and smiled happily. "Your mother's really nice, Yami. I like her."

Yami nodded to indicate that he was listening, but didn't say anything in response, too absorbed in his own thoughts. `If Keith dares lay a hand on Yugi like he's done to me I swear I'll kill him myself. I won't ever let him hurt Yugi like he did me. I'll be the only one to touch Yugi like that unless Yugi says otherwise."

Yami calmed down once he reached his bedroom door, that is to say he stopped gritting his teeth and huffing like a rhinoceros. The older boy held Yugi back so that he couldn't look into his bedroom and peeked inside, looking around for anything that might make his little lover feel uneasy. Sighing in relief as he saw none, he opened the door wider and ushered Yugi inside.

"Wow, Yami! This room is so much bigger than mine ever was! It's even bigger than the game shop itself!"

"I guess, but I don't like to spend much time in here alone… for obvious reasons, you see. Hopefully, your being in here with me will ward him off for a bit."

Yugi pouted a playfully at Yami and fake tears shone in his eyes, "Aw, Yami, I feel so used."

Yami laughed and pushed Yugi back on the bed. "No, love, I would never place the burden of protecting me from that bastard on your adorable shoulders. The weight of it would break your back in seconds, and then where would I be?" Yami half joked, half serious.

Yugi nodded, acknowledging the concerned tone in yami's voice, then glanced around the room with a comical mixture of mistrust, confusion, and deep thought.

Yami placed a small kiss on Yugi's lips before pulling away. "What's wrong, love? You look like you have something on your mind."

"This isn't going to be what we do until we find somewhere else to go, is it?"

"What do you mean, love?"

"You and me, staying locked in your room or always together? As much as I truly love you Yami, people do need to have alone time once in a while." He looked away from Yami sheepishly and added, "You're not mad, are you, Yami?"

The last question took Yami by surprise. "Of course not Yugi. I completely understand."

Yugi looked back up at him. "It's just, I'm afraid…"

"Afraid of what, Yami?"

"Of Keith. I'm just relieved you didn't see that look he was giving you, Yugi. I was afraid that he was going to force himself on you right there with everybody watching. I don't ever want him to hurt you like that."

"Don't worry, Yami. Soon we'll have our own place where we never have to lay eyes on him again if we don't want to." Yugi assured him lovingly, gently kissing the tip of his nose.

"That's true…but there's also Shiro. What happens when she grows up? I can already tell she's going to be just as beautiful as my mother, and with looks like those I'm afraid he's going to want her too."

"Let's not worry about that until we get there, Yami. I barely know Keith and I already know he won't do anything to a little girl. When she reaches her teens perhaps, then we'll worry about it." Yugi calmly responded, knowing full well that Yami was going to be protective of his half-sister even if somebody he hated helped to create her.

"You're right, Yugi. You're always right about these things." Yugi smiled and leaned up for a kiss just as Yami was leaning down.

A knock resonated throughout the room just as their lips met. Yami growled lightly at being disturbed and pulled away. "Who is it?"

The door opened and Yami glowered at the man standing in the threshold before him, pulling away from Yugi and pushing the younger man behind him protectively.

A smirk appeared on Keith's bristled face as he eyed Yugi, who was watching him like a hunted rabbit might watch a fox from behind Yami. Another snarl from Yami made Keith tear his eyes away and he was met with the same dark glare he was given in the entrance hall. The boy's angry eyes nearly dared him to try touching Yugi, Keith sighed inwardly. `I'm going to have to get the smart ass out of the house if I ever want to have the pretty boy look-a-like behind him for myself,' He decided.

"Did you need something?" Yami ground out angrily, pushing against Yugi to keep him back, which Yugi didn't object to, as the piercing blue eyes bore straight into him again.

"Your mother wanted me to inform you that dinner is going to be ready in a few minutes, and wanted you two to get cleaned up."

"Fine. We'll be there in a minute," Yami gritted out. Keith simply nodded and closed the door behind him.

Only when the footsteps died away in Yami's ears did he relax and let Yugi away from the wall he was pushing against.

"He seems nice enough." Yugi thought aloud.

Yami tensed again and turned on Yugi angrily, grabbing his shoulders. "Never trust him, Yugi!" Yami ordered, shaking him. "Never! No matter how nice he may seem, he isn't! Never forget that! You've seen what he's done! The pain he's caused the actions that I've resorted to because of him!"

Yugi was shaking underneath his grip. Never had he been yelled at by Yami and never touched like this. Out of fear though, he nodded to show he was listening.

"My mother says I'm strong, Yugi." Yami strained out. "That's why I never said anything to her and kept it to myself. When I started sleeping around with anybody who wanted it in my sophomore year, I knew that I wasn't as strong as my mother believed I was. I let myself be controlled by Keith, by a few cruel words he said. I even went back to him for more. I'm not that sensitive, Yugi and those words got to me. Think of how they would be feel being turned onto somebody like you. Those words would shatter your soul."

Yugi swallowed and he nodded shakily.

Crimson eyes softened as he let go of Yugi and wrapped his arms around him, holding him as though he were afraid that the Yugi he loved would simply disappear because of Keith's presence. "I'm so sorry, Yugi. I hate to scare you like that… but you have to know it."

The younger boy breathed in Yami's spicy scent and relaxed, wrapping his own arms around his lover. "I understand, Yami. I know you worry about me and I promise you that I'll be careful when you aren't around."

Yami nodded and pulled away. "We should wash up." He stated practically before standing and pulling his koibito to his feet. "I'll show you where the bathroom is."

He opened the door and walked down the hall, pausing before the second door on his left. Opening it, the boys entered the bathroom, washed and dried their hands, and moved on to dinner. Before heading to the stairs Yami pointed to a closed door at the end of the hall, "That's my mother and Keith's room. Shiro's also staying in there, but when she gets old enough for her own room, then I'll most likely be moved into the attic and she'll go into mine. Don't ever go in there, Yugi, not unless I'm with you. My mother wouldn't mind very much but if Keith caught you alone he knows you wouldn't give much of a fight because of how shy you were acted in the entrance hall."

Yugi swallowed around the lump that was growing in his throat. `Yami really is scared about this. I had no idea it was this bad.' "I'm sorry, Yami. If I hadn't…"

"No Yugi, don't apologize for you're personality. I love it. Besides, you couldn't help it. You didn't know them, and aren't comfortable around them yet, so I would act that way too if I were as shy as you."

Yugi nodded and held Yami's arm tightly as they walked down the stairs. At the bottom Yami stopped and pointed to a wooden door to his right with oak leaf designs engraved into it. "That's the study. If you need paper or something like that then that would be the best place to look first."

Yugi nodded and looked to where Yami was now pointing to a door that was directly across the room from the study; this door was the same as the study's door and, the rest of the doors in the house, save Yami's, which had a dragon design embossed in it, "That's the library. One glance inside and you'll think we own every book under the sun, but we don't." Yugi smiled and nodded. "My mother loves to read so if she's in the house, you'll find her in there."

Yami turned around, facing the staircase, and pointed to a pair of double glass doors with the same oak leaf design in them. "Those doors lead outside to the garden. If my mother's not in the library then the chances are she'll be out there. I swear we have any kind of flower ever created and more out there; it's a beautiful sight though."

He walked on and Yugi followed. Yami stopped between two doors, gesturing to the door on the left he said, "That's to the kitchen. If you're ever hungry for a snack or something then you can always go in there." Then entering the door on the right, he added, "and this is this dining room. We eat all our meals in here."

He pushed the swinging door open and led Yugi inside. The varied smells of many different kinds of delicious foods assaulted Yugi's nose and he tried his best not to drool at the sight of it, though it was an extremely difficult task.

"Oh good, you're here. I was starting to think I would have to send Keith back up for you." Kiore's eyes laughed as she teased her son.

"Sorry mother. We went straight up to our room to get settled in and I didn't get the chance to show him around before Keith came in to get us, so I gave him a small tour on the way down. I'll give him a better one later, of course."

His mother smiled at him and Yugi, her emerald eyes glanced at the door before turning a pointed look on her son. "Yami, why can't you call Keith your father, stepfather even?"

Yugi felt Yami tense and took a step back. "He'll never be my father." Yami muttered coldly.

Kiore sighed sadly. "Yami, dearest… please?" It was an ongoing war that neither party won, but both were tired of.

"Mother, can we not talk about this with Yugi here?" He ground out.

His mother didn't have a chance to respond as Keith came in carrying Shiro with him and placing her in her highchair, the small girl squealed in delight, bringing much needed smiles to everyone.

Yami had never been more grateful for Keith to enter the room. He hated arguing with his mother, but he couldn't tell her why he refused to call him even stepfather. The truth being, he had no respect for him from the beginning and grew more hateful towards him as they days passed by. How could one ever have respect enough for a person that sodomized children, and then went after their boyfriends?

They ate dinner in silence. Kiore sending her son sad glances and Yugi sending his koi concerned ones.

Yugi felt like he had an even bigger responsibility on his shoulders now, if Yami's mother truly had no clue what was going on behind her back between her husband and son, and possibly what could happen to her daughter, then Yami had never told anybody but himself. Yugi didn't know if it was his place to tell, but he didn't know if he could keep the secret.

After dinner, Yugi helped Yami clear the table before going back up to the room they shared. Yugi was slightly unnerved since Yami wasn't usually this quiet when they were alone, and was scared that he was angry with him.

"Koi, are you going to be okay?" Yugi asked him as he sat on their bed.

"Yeah." Came the short answer. They stayed in silence for a few minutes longer before Yami headed for his door, "I need to go take a shower, maybe that'll help. Just stay in here."

Yugi nodded, his insides fluttering at the thought that even though Yami was upset, he still watched out for him. The troubled, once neglected, violet-eyed boy felt truly loved.

The amethyst-eyed boy laid down on his lover's and his bed and closed his eyes, relaxing into the comfortable sheets. His mind wandered to the library that he had yet to see the inside of. If it was true what Yami said about how many books they had, and what reason did he have to lie, then he was sure that the library was where he was going to want to spend most of his time when Yami wasn't around.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that he was startled when the door opened minutes later. "That was fast, Yami. Feeling better?" He looked up when nobody answered him and gasped. "K-Keith? Sor-sorry, I thought you were Yami. He's in the sho-shower right now."

"So I've heard." Keith stepped into the room, leaving the door open. He planned on making this quick so that Yami wouldn't know what hit him when he found Yugi.

"I-I could tell him y-you were lo-looking for him…if you w-want?" Yugi stuttered out, moving backwards on the bed until he reached the edge.

"Oh no, little Yugi, it's you I'm looking for." He smirked.

"M-me? What wo-would you want with me?" Yugi stuttered, feigning innocence, though he knew damned well what Keith wanted.

"Is there something I can help you with, Keith?" Yami growled from the entrance of his door, a towel wrapped around his slim waist.

Keith snarled under his breath, but turned around and put a fake smile on his face. "No, I was just talking to Yugi here, getting to know him, you know? After all, he is family here, but I'd better be going." Keith turned to look at Yugi still shivering on the bed. "Nice talking to you, Yugi. We should do it more often."

Yugi nodded to be polite while fighting the urge to whimper in terror. "Sure, why n-not?"

Noting how frightened Yugi was acting, Yami turned back to Keith. "Well, it's getting late. We were going to go to bed soon. If you wouldn't mind, Keith…?"

Keith nodded and walked out; Yami closed and locked the door behind his stepfather before hurrying over to Yugi and taking him in his arms. "You're going to be alright, Yugi. Shh, I won't let him hurt you." Yami cooed, rocking him back and forth.

"I saw it, Yami. How he was looking at me…it was just like you said how he looked downstairs when he first saw me. I don't like it Yami! I don't want to be looked at like that!" The younger boy cried into his lover's chest as he held Yami tighter.

"Oh, Yugi," he sighed, "don't worry, love. I won't let him touch you. I promise." Yugi nodded against him. "I'm going to get dressed and then we'll go to bed, okay?" He suggested.


Yami let go of Yugi and walked over to his closet. He removed the towel and pulled on black boxers with red flames and then walked back over to Yugi.

The younger man got off the bed as Yami pulled the covers back. He crawled back in and snuggled up to Yami once he climbed in as well. Yami wrapped his arms around his little koibito and closed his eyes, nuzzling into him.

"Yami?" Yugi mumbled in a tired voice as he rested his head on Yami's toned chest, immensely comfortable in the arms of his love.


"Can I go look in the library tomorrow?" He asked innocently.

Yami felt like laughing. `That's the Yugi I learned to love: always reading.' He thought, happy that Yugi wasn't going to be too scared because of Keith. "Of course you can, love. As long as you like."

"Thanks." Yugi yawned and fell asleep.

"Goodnight, love."


Grr! Evil Keith, I hate him and he's soooo evil! Hehe, but that's my fault, isn't it? Oh well, had to have a bad guy somewhere so might as well make it somebody I don't like.

Once more, I'm always open for suggestions so feel free to send them along if you wanted to tell me or just ask me something about the fic.