Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ Our Day Alone ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yami sat and watched his little lover as they continued to take sips from their steaming mugs. All the while he was thinking of how to make it easier for Yugi to tell that retched story again in front of a big group of people.

Yugi put his now empty mug on the floor and looked up at Yami, his eyes red from all the tears he'd shed. "Yami," he asked, his voice a whisper.

The crimson-eyed teen looked up and smiled at his other. "Yes, Yugi?"

"I-I…" He couldn't understand how it was so hard to ask such a simple question he'd asked a million times before. This time it seemed more serious though; maybe because it was. All the other times were just for fun and desire, this time he needed Yami to comfort him and show that he still loved Yugi even after what happened even though he already knew Yami wouldn't leave him if he hasn't already.

"Are you okay, little one?" Yami asked softly after Yugi had been quiet for some time.

The amethyst-eyed boy nodded and decided that if, for some reason, he couldn't say what he wanted - no - needed, then he was going to show it. He crawled the short distance to Yami and climbed into his lap, straddling him. He listed his face and wrapped his arms around Yami's neck, closing the rest of the distance between them and giving him a desperate kiss.

To say Yami was surprised at what Yugi was asking after the kind of state he was just in would be an understatement. He thought Yugi would just like to be comforted and held a night like he used to at school before they had made love for the first time, but this kiss was asking more; it was desperate almost and needy in a way.

After Yugi pulled away he hid his face in Yami's tear-stained shirt and rubbed against it lightly. Yami wrapped his arms around his small frame and held him close, lovingly.

"Yugi, I -"

"Please, Yami? I need you; I need to know that-"

"It's okay, Yugi," Yami interrupted this time. "I understand what you need. Wrap your legs around me and hold on tight; I'll carry you upstairs."

Somehow, almost as if she knew what was going to happen, Kiore walked out from the kitchen and picked up the two mugs sitting on the floor just as Yami was standing up with Yugi holding onto him. He she gave a small, comforting smile to them before turning around and making her way back into the kitchen.

Yami smiled briefly after her before head up the stairs. Upon arriving in their room he laid Yugi gently on their bed and crawled slowly on top of him, giving him a passionate, soft kiss. After pulling away he gave Yugi a sweet smile before turning his attention to the pale skin of Yugi's neck, nipping and sucking at just the right places to make Yugi moan and squirm.

Yugi relaxed against the bed, enjoying his ruby-eyed lover's intimate touches on his skin. This was the empty feeling he's been noticing for all those months. The fleeting thought of his time away from Yami and his once lost memories sent a chill up and down his spine. He quickly wrapped his arms around Yami's neck and held onto him tightly. He recited his silent mantra in his head over and over again that Yami was real again and wouldn't leave him alone.

The smaller of the two suddenly gasped as cold air suddenly washed over his chest and one of his nipples were brought into Yami's warm cavern. His grip on Yami tightened some before loosening just slightly; his hands wandered into Yami's soft, spiky, tri-colored hair and tugged gently every so often. He let out an appreciated moan as he felt Yami's wet tongue slide around sensitized pink nub.

Yami's swift hands unbuttoned Yugi's jeans and slid them down slowly so as to not give to much friction to his small lover's erection; the only one giving pleasure to his sweet koibito would be him and nothing else.

After tossing the offending pants on the floor he untangled Yugi's hands from his hair and moved downward, continuing to use his mouth to make love to the skin he passed. He spread Yugi's legs apart before attaching his mouth to Yugi's most sensitive piece of delicious flesh.

Yugi let out a loud moan when he failed terribly when trying to stop himself from bucking into Yami's hot cavern. Yami didn't seem to mind though, he didn't even bring his hands to his hips to hold him back; just groaned around his mouthful and sent wonderful vibrations through Yugi's being.

With Yugi being able to carry on like he was and Yami continuing to moan and swallow periodically around his length, it didn't take much longer until Yugi cried out Yami's name with release inside Yami's mouth.

Yami swallowed everything his delicious koi had to offer before appreciating in cleaning up everything he had missed before, licking ever drop up with his tongue. Once finished, he looked up to his now sleepy-eyed koibito and smiled lovingly. "Sleep for now, Yugi. It's been a while."

Yugi smiled back and nodded before quickly falling asleep tiredly.


Yugi awoke a few hours later to a wonderful sensation of a rain of kisses being placed ever so gently and lovingly on his chest and belly. He squirmed slightly when the kisser's hands lightly moved over his thigh and caused him to giggle. "Yami tickles." He said with a voice thick with sleep.

"Sorry, love. Did I wake you?"

"No." Yugi yawned and opened his eyes, rubbing them slightly to get the sleep out. "W'time is it?" He yawned again.

There was a pause before Yami answered him. "A little after two."

Yugi looked out the window and watched as a squirrel raced up the tree and jumped into a hole with an acorn held tightly in its mouth. He smiled and turned back to Yami. "I'm hungry."

"That's not surprising. We skipped breakfast, we slept through lunch, and you only had hot chocolate the whole time plus our little fun."

Yugi moaned and turned to face Yami, hiding his face in his lover's neck. In his movement though he felt a half-hard erection against his bare thigh and he gasped. "Yami?"

"Yes, love?" The ruby-eyed teen asked, slightly breathing harder as his aching hard-on was rubbed against.

"Have - have you had that the whole time I've been asleep."

Yami nodded.

"Oh, Yami, I'm so sorry. You didn't have to let me sleep; at least helped you get rid of it before I slept. That must've been so painful." Yugi looked horrified at the thought of Yami having to lay there the whole time with an erection slowly going down.

"Don't worry about it, love. I told you earlier that we weren't finished and I hold true to my word."

"Yami?" Yugi asked cautiously as Yami started to lean in towards him.

"Hmm?" Yami asked just before he placed his lips over Yugi's and rolled over so he was directly on top.

Yugi felt Yami smile into the kiss and he started adding pressure back after a while. He wrapped his arms around Yami's neck, as did his legs around his waist.

He loved how Yami would always carry these things out to make it pleasurable for him. After all, he'd heard what kind of things Yami did with people at school before the bet occurred. He was so rough with people and usually easy to tell who he'd been with the next day because the person usually stayed in their dorm for the day or was around and limped the whole time. It made him feel all the more lucky to have somebody like Yami care for him so much to last it out as long as he did.

Yugi gasped as he felt Yami's regrowing erection against his belly and, after the initial shock of actually feeling it hard against him because of him, he threw his hips up and felt himself smirking as he felt Yami freeze into the kiss and groan instead and he laid his lower half against Yugi and start rolling his hips to gain friction.

The younger of the two could hardly suppress his excitement for being with his lover again.


Yami awoke first the next morning and watched his little lover sleep peacefully next to him. Glancing down at the sheets to see the mess they made he was a little concerned about the small drops of blood he noticed. `I hope I didn't hurt him last night.'

His attention turned to Yugi's face when the smaller teen's fingers started trailing up and down his arm. "Good morning, Yami." Yugi smiled, his voice lightly laced with sleep.

"Morning, Yugi." Yami nodded. "I didn't hurt you last night, did I?"

Yugi's smile changed to a small frown and he slowly shook his head. "Why do you ask that, Yami? You know you're always so gentle with me."

"I know, but…" He trailed off a motioned with his hand towards the drops of blood adorning the sheets.

"Oh, well, no you didn't hurt me. It was a bit tight though, like you said when you…" Yugi blushed, "entered me."

"That's only because we didn't do anything for a few months. I already knew you would be a tight fit." Yami smirked at Yugi's obvious embarrassment for having to talk about it, even after the things they've been through. "Come on," he stood up and held out his hand to Yugi who took it and pulled himself up, "we'll go get a warm bath together and then head down for something to eat. You go get the water running and I'll put these sheets in the washer."

Yugi nodded and bent down to pick up his discarded boxer's from last night, pulling them on before he left the room.

Yami watched him go before turning to the dirtied bed sheets. He gathered them together before heading downstairs for the basement.

When he returned upstairs he saw Yugi waiting for him outside the bathroom door. Yugi smiled at him and held out his hand, which Yami took and let himself be led passed the door and he closed it behind him.

He was a little surprised when Yugi started to undress him and he helped him whenever he could. Yugi then stepped out of his boxers and into the warm water, sliding to the other side so Yami could get in.

They weren't sure how long they were in the tub, but it must've been a while because they finally did decide to dry off both were becoming severely wrinkled. Each helped to dry the other off and they wrapped towels around their waists before going back to their room.

Yugi dressed in his dark blue jeans and a loose white shirt while Yami wore his tight blacks pants and a denim shirt with the sleeves having been ripped off.

Yami wrapped his arms around Yugi's waist and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Come on, love. Let's go get something to eat now."

Yugi nodded and let himself be half-pulled from the bedroom.


Okay people I really am sorry it's been taking me so long to update but school's being a bitch and this chapter really didn't want to work with me.