Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ Counting Down the Days ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was a week later when Mr. Johnson called to tell the three when the trial would occur: exactly a week from that day.

Yugi was shivering immediately at having to be reminded of those horrid memories, Yami was trying his best to comfort his boyfriend, and Kiore was worried about both boys. She knew how protective Yami was of Yugi after everything that happened to the poor boy and knew he would do anything he could to keep Yugi from getting hurt again. She could only imagine what he would do in that courtroom, or worse what he would do to Keith. She didn't want to be taken wrong though. If she had her way then she would gladly lock Yami and Keith in a room together after reminding Yami what Keith had done to him. And usually she wouldn't wish that wrath on anybody.

Another thing Kiore had noticed was that Yugi ate less every since the phone call from Mr. Johnson told them the date they had to be at court. She knew he was scared about the trial and it didn't pass her either that the less Yugi ate the less Yami would also. She remembered well enough what Yami had told her what Yugi had done to himself in his sophomore year in high school. She only could pray that he wasn't doing something like that again; Yami would be crushed. But then she saw something that made it seem like it could never rain again. When she opened the fridge one day, five days before the trial started, and found that the leftovers from the night before were missing and an empty bowl was in the sink that held it. She knew well enough that Yami couldn't eat all that was left on his own so it just made her happier and safer knowing Yugi was eating, even if it happened to be sometime in the middle of the night.


Yami found Yugi sitting outside the next morning; it was five days before the trial. "Yugi, are you okay? I was worried about you when I woke up and you weren't there." He explained, his voice thick with concern.

Yugi didn't say anything, only nodded and motioned for Yami to have a seat if he wanted. "Yami, I just realized something last night; just before I went to sleep I did."

"What is it, Yugi?"

"I haven't remembered everything I lost in my memories."

If Yami was expecting to hear anything, it definitely wasn't that. It'd been weeks since the mention of Yugi's memory loss was last said aloud and Yami assumed that Yugi wanted it put behind him. "What did you remember?"

"I didn't remember exactly, just realized. It's the small thing, but it doesn't seem small at all; more like really big."

Yami was confused now and sat down beside Yugi, pulling him into his lap since the younger started to shiver. "I don't understand."

"It's hard to explain, Yami. There's this small knot in the back of my mind that's telling me I've forgotten something important and I haven't paid attention, realized it until just last night when you told me you loved me. Did you know, Yami, that last night was the first time you said you loved me since I regained my memories?"

Yami thought it over for a second before he realized that Yugi was right. "You realized the knot when I said I loved you?"

Yugi nodded slowly. "Yeah, it's just a knot though, but I know it's important. Yami, I have no idea what it could be and it's a little scary to know that I remembered everything that one time when I woke up except this one thing. How could that have happened?"

Yami could only shake his head and hold Yugi closer. It was only after a particularly large shiver from Yugi that Yami suggested they should go back inside and sit in front of the fire for a while to warm up. Yugi reluctantly agreed and followed hand-in-hand with Yami back to the house.


Yami walked down the stairs sleepily the neck morning and into the kitchen, a little surprised to see his mother already awake and making breakfast. "Mother," Yami started, deciding to tell her what Yugi had told him the day before.

"Yes, sweetie?" Kiore asked, looking up from the stove where the pancake batter was slightly bubbling.

"Yugi told me something yesterday and it's kind of bugging him."

Kiore nodded for him to continue.

"He told me that just before he fell asleep a few nights ago, right after I said I loved him for the first time since he regained his memories, that this knot in the bag of his mind started making itself noticeable. He said that he hadn't remembered everything like he thought and it's just that one thing he hasn't remembered; that he's slightly scared he remembered everything that one morning he woke up except for that one thing and that it seems really remembered. After we returned to my room he a little while later he started going through his things and completely ignored talking to me except for when I said things to him, then he'd go back to looking."

Kiore nodded and turned back to the stove to flip the pancake. "I don't know what to say, honey. These things are very delicate and there are even, in some cases, where people usually don't remember anything at all and they have to start their lives over. Let's just be grateful for right now that Yugi has remembered most of it and if it's just one thing I'm sure it can't be that much of a worry."

Yami sat down on one of the stools at the counter and sighed. "I know, and I am very grateful, relieved, I don't know what I'd do without him, but it's just really bothering him. I told him the same thing actually after he finally stopped looking around and sat on his bad, but he told me that he had to remember or he'd regret it."

Kiore turned back to Yami with a concerned look. After placing the pancake on the plate where others were sitting she turned off the stove and joined Yami at the counter. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. I asked him the same thing, but he said that that was part of why he couldn't remember. He said that this knot was something really important and a big part of his life and that he never fulfilled whatever it is that he'd regret it for the rest of his life. The problem is: he doesn't know what to do since it's that one knot he can't remember."

Kiore's face scrunched up, but before she could reply Yugi stepped in with a giggling Shiro in his arms. She smiled at him and walked over to say good morning to her daughter.

"She was awake as I was walking to the stairs. I hope you don't mind I took her out." Yugi told her as Kiore relieved him of the weight in his arms.

"Not at all; I was just about to see if she was awake myself. Thank you, Yugi."

Yugi nodded and smiled at Yami. "You woke up early." He pointed out.

"And you woke up late." Yami rebounded.

Yugi joined him at the counter and laughed whenever Shiro squealed as Kiore tickled her belly. "Would you like me to go set the table, Kiore?" He offered.

"Oh, Yugi, you really don't have to. I can do it."

Yugi jumped up and was already heading for the door. "Don't worry about it, Kiore. I'll be happy to do it. You're busy with breakfast after all."

Yami also stood and excused himself with helping Yugi before disappearing beyond the swinging door.




"I hope you don't mind, but I told my mother what you said to me yesterday, about the knot."

Yugi looked up, startled that it was brought up so early. He shook his head and went back to placing the plates down. "I don't mind, Yami. I can use all the help I can get."


Yugi nodded and looked up as soon as he finished with the silverware. "I'm going to be in the library until breakfast is ready. I think I remember seeing some kind of medical book in there and I might give out a few suggestions on how to remember whatever it is that I've forgotten."

Yami nodded and watched Yugi leave. He plopped down in one of the chairs and sighed deeply. He jumped slightly when a plate was put next to him and he looked up into his mother's shining emerald eyes.

"Where's Yugi? Is he going to eat today?"

"Yeah, he just went to the library for a minute. I'll get him."

Yami stood and left the dining room to fetch Yugi. He found him sitting in one of the leather chairs curled up in a tight ball with his head resting on his knees. He was even more surprised to see a good number of books surrounding the chair in such a short time Yugi had been there. "Yugi?"

Yugi looked up startled and a smile was immediately put on his face. "I'll just clean up my mess and I'll be there in a minute."

A concerned look was flashed over Yami's face and he knelt down beside Yugi and stopped him from picking up more books. "Yugi, what's wrong with you? You just looked like the world was coming to an end or something."

"I don't know, Yami; I just don't know." Tears started to leak into Yugi's eyes and Yami pulled him into his arms and onto his lap. "I feel so lost and I don't know what I'll do if I can't remember it. All those books say that have something to do with memory losses before say that most of the people don't remember all of it and none at all; every single one. This memory is important though, Yami. It's important because I know I'll regret it if I don't remember it." Yugi cried out exasperated. He clung to Yami's bare arms tightly and hid his face in his chest.

"I know this is important to you, love, but sometimes the best way to not remember something is to just try forgetting about it for a while."

"Maybe you're right. I'll try to leave it alone and see if anything happens."

The couple stood and made their way back to the dining room.


That night when the couple went to bed Yami noticed that Yugi was begins slightly edgy and asked what was wrong.

"It's nothing much, Yami. It's just the trial; I really don't want to speak at it but I don't have a choice."

Yami pulled Yugi into his arms and placed a soft kiss on his lips and then another gentle one on his cheek before holding Yugi against him and letting his head rest on his head. "Don't worry about it, Yugi. I'll be right there and whenever you need to I'll come up with you, no matter what people say."

Yugi nodded against his chest and held onto Yami arms tightly. "Okay, Yami." He whispered.


In the morning everybody decided quietly not to mention anything about the upcoming trial that was in three days. Kiore even took the liberty to remove all of Keith's pictures from sight that she hadn't removed before with all his single pictures.

Yugi awoke around noon, but Yami wasn't worried since he'd known Yugi had had a rough night at first and couldn't seem to get comfortable. He knew it was going to be that way until the trial was over.


The day before the trial Yugi spent most of the time up in his and Yami's room being held by tightly by Yami. Yami felt terrible that he couldn't do more for Yugi even though the younger reassured him that if anything could make him feel happier and better about the trial then it would definitely being able to spend time in his arms; it only made Yami feel slightly better though.

That night neither boy got much sleep since nightmares of Keith kept coming to Yugi every time his eyes closed to try to get some sleep and Yami held him safely in his embrace. When they finally were able to sleep through for the rest of the night it had been around 2am and even with that little sleep it didn't give them much rest.