Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Should be Treasured ❯ Big Bang ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The next morning all seemed pretty good. Yugi seemed to be back to normal and Yami was happy about that. Yami kissed him good morning before he went downstairs to see if his mother had started making breakfast while Yugi went to go take a shower. As he walked towards the kitchen though he noticed something peculiar about something in the hall; something that just didn't feel right. Looking around he noticed after a few minutes he noticed that the telephone that was set up by the wall on the small wall table was missing, but the cord was still there.

`Maybe mother's going to get a new one today or it needs to get fixed.' He wondered to himself.

He continued on the way to the kitchen and saw his mother flipping pancakes over the stove. He walked over to her and hugged her from behind and giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, mother."

"Morning, sweetie." She replied back, only taking her eyes off what she was doing for a small minute to give him a returning hug and kiss.

"Mother, are you getting a new phone for the hall? I noticed it was missing, but the cord is still hanging around the table."

Kiore stopped what she was doing and looked at Yami with shock on her eyes. "I thought you were fixing it up in your room because it was acting up or something?"

Yami slowly shook his head and looked around the kitchen, seeming to somehow think it would give him some sort of answer. That's when noticed that the cordless phone that hung on the far wall looked like it had been ripped out, the cord that connected it the wall was hanging loosely and carelessly out of the wall, torn down the wall a few inches.

"Mother, what happened to that phone?" He asked as soon as he took the whole scene of where it was in.

Kiore turned quickly and gasped. "Where'd all the phones go?"

"Something's getting weird, mother?"

"What's getting weird? And what's burning?"

Yami and Kiore turned to look at the stove where a burnt pancake was now sitting in the pan starting to smoke.

Yami turned to Yugi while his mother took care of the burnt pancake in the pan. "Yugi, can you go upstairs and check out my mother's room to see if the phone's there?"

Yugi, hair still wet and clothes sticking lightly to his wet skin, gave Yami a curious look before turning and heading back upstairs.

A few minutes later he returned with a weird look on his face. "It's gone. The cord's just lying on the table. What's going on? Did you know that the phone was missing?"

"I had an idea it would be missing. The one in the hall and the one in here are missing too. "

"For now let's just eat breakfast and then we'll look at the other two phones: the one in the study and my cell phone; it should be in my purse upstairs. I was going to call the police to have them come watch the house or see if they can do something while Keith's on the run. You'll never know if he'll try to get back here for revenge or something."

"Do you think he'll try something, Kiore?" Yugi asked stiffly, moving closer to Yami for a bit of comfort.

"You never can tell, Yugi. Don't worry though, sweetie. We'll make sure he never has anything to do with us ever again." She told him to try and help him calm back down.

Yugi nodded but still edged closer to Yami and wrapped his arms around him.

"Nothing bad will happen, Yugi. I promise it won't." `It just can't," Yami added silently as he wrapped his own arms around Yugi and held him closer.

After breakfast Kiore suggested the two boys see if the other two phones are gone or still there while she cleaned up the dishes. They agreed and left to check the study's phone first.

Upon entering it was immediately noticeable that the phone wasn't there and the cord once more was lying on the table as if it were completely forgotten. Yami sighed and left to go upstairs, Yugi followed quickly.

Yami checked his mother's purse over five times before he finally dropped it back on the ground and gave up. "All the phones in this house are gone. What's going on around here?"

"You don't think somebody came in last night and stole them, do you?"

Yami looked up with a defeated look. "I have no idea, Yugi. I mean, who would steal four phones?"

The amethyst-eyed teen shrugged lightly and helped pull Yami back up from the floor. "Come on, Yami. Let's go tell your mom. Then she can go to one of the neighbor's house and call the police to come over."

Yami nodded and allowed Yugi to lead him out of the bedroom and back downstairs.

Down in the kitchen the couple told Kiore about the phones and she sighed deeply.

"I guess I'll drive over to Mrs. Kilborn's and ask if I can use his phone to call the police. No doubt they'll be interested to hear this." With that said, Kiore stood and left to grab her coat and left the house. "You boys wouldn't mind staying here in case anything else happens that you could tell the police when you get here, would you?" She called just before she closed the door behind her.

Yami and Yugi both shook their heads to show they didn't mind before she left even though she already closed the door.

"So what should we do now?" Yugi asked, turning to look at Yami.

The crimson-eyed boy shrugged. "Let's just look around the place. Maybe we'll be able to find out something."

The younger nodded and followed Yami into the library. Both looked around for anything they hadn't seen before when Yami glanced at one of the cases in the back and gasped.

Yugi hurried over to him and asked what happened.

"All these bookcases were full before. Now three books are missing." Yami explained.

"Do you know which three?"

Yami shook his head. "I never had any reason to come back here before; these were all my mother's books and I don't like the stuff she reads very much."

"Oh," Yugi couldn't think of anything else to say. "Well this is something to tell the police then, unless you're mother just brought them up to her room to read at night."

"No, she doesn't like reading in her room. She says it's too distracting or something like that. She only likes to read in here. Besides, I haven't seen her back here in ages. We'll ask her if she knows anything about it before we assume anything though."

It wasn't long before Kiore returned with a relieved smile on her face. "I almost missed her. The police are on their way though. Did you find anything else we should tell the police?"

Yami nodded slightly. "I think so. Follow me, I need to show you something."

The couple led her into the library.

"Did you do anything with the three books that were here?" Yami asked her curiously.

Kiore shook her head. "I haven't read anything back here in a long time. I wonder what happened with them."

"Do you remember what they were?" Yugi asked.

Kiore shook her head as if it were help her remember somehow. "I'm not real sure, I haven't been back here in so long it seems; might even be years I'm sure. I think they were instruction books or something like that."

A light bulb went off somewhere in Yami's head. "Were they books on how to rewire things?" He asked excited, hoping they had an idea.

Just as he said that the lights went off and Yugi immediately went to Yami's side.

"What's happening, Yami?"

Yugi shook his head before remembering Yugi might not be able to see him. "I'm not really sure, Yugi."

Minutes later a knock rounded on the door and somebody called out for Kiore.

Yami, Yugi, and Kiore scrambled as fast as they could with only managing to have a run-in with a table before reaching the door. Flashlights held by three different policemen met them when they entered that hall and they had to squint their eyes and hold their hands up to block the lights from their faces.

"Officer Daily?" Kiore asked.

"Kiore, what happened with your lights? And I told you time and again to just call me Dave."

"Sorry, Dave. I don't know what happened to them, they just suddenly went out while we were in the library. My son and his boyfriend found something else you might be interested in."

"And what's that, Kiore?"

"Well, besides the phones, they went to search for anything else that was missing mysteriously or anything else you might find interesting and they went to the library and found that three of my how-to books were missing. I'm pretty sure they were how-to books and I remember one of them was how to rewire electronics."

"Maybe that's how the lights went out. Somebody rewired them and took the phones so you couldn't call anyone, but whom? Keith couldn't be completely crazed on getting you to try something so soon, would he?" Dace mused to himself. "Yami, would you be as so kind as to take one of my men to wherever you keep the fuse box so he might spread some light back on the place?"


"Marve, go with Yami."

"Can I come too, Yami?" Yugi asked, holding his arm tighter.

"Actually, Yugi, I think you should go upstairs to your room and stay there until somebody comes to get you." Dave answered for Yami.

"But I…"

"Yugi, please don't try to argue. You know how dangerous Keith can be when he wants something and you're not exactly the strongest person to be able to handle somebody like him."

Yugi felt tears spring to his eyes at the detective's words. Without another word he turned and ran up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door behind him.

Yami turned around as soon as the door slammed shut and glared angrily at the officer his mother called her best friend. "Was that really necessary? You didn't have to spit it right in his face!"

"Yami, just take Marve to the fuse box and you can yell at me later."

"I have the right mind to refuse right now, but since Yugi doesn't like being in the dark I'll do it." He turned on his heel and headed for the kitchen where the basement door was located, not even waiting to see if Marve was following or not.


Yugi sat on the bed grumbling to himself. "It's not fair." He continued to mutter. After he tired of his continuous muttering he quieted and laid back down on the bed, furious with the police officer for talking to him like that.

`He's supposed to be a policemen for crying out loud. You'd think he'd be a bit nicer about telling obvious things. I mean, couldn't he have just said it's not safe and he didn't want me to get hurt if Keith was behind all this? I could've handled that!'

Not long later the lights flashed once and went, then a few seconds later something buzzed and they flipped back on.

Yugi jumped up from the bed, intent on going back downstairs now, but somebody grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth to keep him from screaming.

A familiar voice he wished he would never hear again whispered into his ear. "Hello, love. How `bout you and I have a little chat; I haven't seen you in so long it seems. Or maybe, we can go find Yami and I can have fun with the both of you."

Yugi's eyes widened at the obvious meaning and vigorously shook his head.

"No? What a shame, but that wasn't really giving options; that was more of…let's say an order. Do you still disagree with me?"

The amethyst-eyed teen continued to struggle against Keith's hold, but he still didn't seem to be able to get away from him.

Keith smirked and Yugi could feel it against his ear as warm breath continued to caress his ear. The left arm tightened around Yugi and held him tightly against Keith's muscular body, the older man grinding himself suggestively against Yugi's ass. His right arm shifted something around behind him and Yugi's eyes widened even further when he recognized a gun in his hand when it came back into view. He immediately stopped struggling.

"That's what I thought, my beautiful Yugi. Now, let's go find Yami."

Before Keith could start forcing Yugi towards the door it opened and Yami stepped in only to freeze at the door when he saw what became of his beloved koi.

"Yugi." He whispered in a strained voice.

"Ah, just the person we were going to go look for. Thanks for saving us the trouble."

Crimson eyes shifted to the gun that Keith was holding directly at Yugi's head and he found himself having trouble breathing.

"You wouldn't want anything bad happening to your lovely boyfriend would you, Yami. Come here and sit on the bed like a good boy and I'll make sure neither of you get hurt."

Yami, knowing that Keith wouldn't bluff about something like that, swallowed around the rather large lump in his throat and walked slowly towards the bed. He wasn't a fool though. He knew exactly what Keith was going to do with him, but if it meant keeping Yugi safe then he'd do it a million times over again. He sat on the bed and felt his body start to shake, but not out of fear for what was going to happen to him, but for Yugi and what he must be going through.

"That's a good lad." Keith shoved Yugi over to the bed and told him to sit down. He also sat on the bed and ordered Yugi to kiss him while he unbuckled his belt. Adding that if he tried anything than nothing good was going to come out of it.

Yugi nodded shakily and moved his hands down to where an easily seen growing bulge was appearing in Keith's pants as he started to unbuckle Keith's belt along with his pants as he also started to kiss him the best he could without totally grossing himself out.

Keith removed his left arm from around Yugi and brought it up to Yami's shirt, smoothing it out sexily (or so he thought) and began to unbutton it.

"Yami, have you told Yugi we found the phones in the basement? What's taking so long, I thought that…" Just at that moment Kiore walked in and froze in mid-sentence at what she was calling to Yami and Yugi to scream. The three policemen ran in behind her and had their guns up. They also froze when they saw what was happening. They then saw the revolver in Keith's right hand and held their guns up more securely once more.

"Freeze, Keith! You're under arrest!"

Yugi pulled away and stared at the doorway until he tensed and glanced to his left (Keith's right) where the gun was pointing directly at him.

Keith smirked and stopped drawing designs on Yami's chest where his shirt hung open. "No, I believe the fun has just begun. Now, you can either watch the wonderful display we're about to put on whether you leave or not or you can leave and try to forget what you just saw. Either way I'm going to enjoy myself with both of these gorgeous boys."

Tears were streaming down Kiore's eyes as Dave moved slowly forward and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her too him and away from the entrance of the bedroom where Keith, Yami, and Yugi were still watching.


The youngest jumped and moved his violet eyes to Keith.

"Continue." He ordered sternly.

Yugi shook, but tried to hide it as he moved forward and continued to kiss Keith's swollen lips.

Yami clenched his eyes shut as Keith continued to move his callused hands around on his chest before they moved south and unbuttoned his pants one-handedly.

"Keith, please! Don't do this! Take me instead!" Kiore shouted, trying to remove herself from Dave's grasp as her husband started to pull down her son's pants to reveal his black and red boxers underneath.

Keith looked up from what he was doing once more with a smirk. "No, I think I prefer these two much more than you. At least they know how to please." He insulted, chuckling evilly before he resumed his task intently once more.

Kiore finally escaped from Dave's arms and started running towards Keith and her two sons, Yugi adopted by her own mind since she'd come to know him so well over the time he'd been with her and Yami. "Keith, no!"

Keith growled and held the gun up to Yugi once more.

"Yugi!" Yami shouted as he shoved his way up from the bed and pushed Keith hard enough to aim the shot somewhere else, causing a hold to be blasted through the wall.

Yugi fell to the floor with a thud and tried to scramble away from Keith, his eyes bouncing from Keith to Yami then to Keith again. He prayed with all his being that Yami would be able to get away from Keith safely.

At that same time as Yugi was watching Keith and Yami, Yami and Keith were fighting over control of the gun. Keith kicked Yami in the gut, causing him to keel over on the bed and crouch over his stomach as tightly as he could.

"Yami!" Yugi called as he started to stand, but then gasped came from the door and Yami opened tired eyes to where Keith was now pointing his gun at and he froze when he saw it was pointed right at him.

"Keith!" Kiore stepped forward, closing the door and locking it quickly behind her so the three officers couldn't get in quickly. She hurried forward but froze when the revolver was then pointed from Yami to directly at her.

"Mother!" Yami coughed out.

Yugi looked at the gun and then at Keith's hand as the finger started to pull back on the trigger. "Kiore!" Standing up as fast he could he ran over to where Kiore was standing and pushed her out of the way, causing her to fall to the floor, just as Keith pulled the trigger.

Unbelievable pain filed through Yugi as he felt himself come into contact with the floor just before. He curled into himself as he briefly heard his name called from two different people.

Yami tackled Keith to the floor and grabbed the gun from Keith throwing towards his mother. He then brought in all his anger that he ever felt for Keith and used to punch Keith as hard as he could, causing him to get knocked out enough that he wouldn't have to worry about him for a while. He quickly scrambled over to where Yugi lay, curled into himself still.

"Mother, let the officers in so they can take Keith out of here before he gets conscious again. Go call for an ambulance for Yugi."

Kiore nodded and hurried over to the door to let them in. When they looked around the room though they saw Keith smirking, holding the gun directly at Yami, who didn't even notice he was being aimed at.

Before anyone could say or do anything Keith fired the gun with a big bang.