Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello everybody! Here's chapter four! I hope you like it too its nice and long with some vivid flashbacks for Ryou and Yami Yugi. Oh and I think I forgot to mention when I mention Malik I'm referring to Yami Malik if it would help me to write Maric or Yami Malik say so I can make modifications in future stories to help. ;) To Shaina Carney, I would like to add your characters but I cant, I usually never add original characters to a story based on an original series…it always made me mad when a totally new face popped up on a story and me knowing nothing of the character. If this was original I would have no problem but its not I wasn't even planning to make a sequel either it just happened.

Memories-Chapter 4

Ryou shifted uneasily in his sleep, his body was sweaty as he tossed and turned in his bed. Suddenly he jolted awake fear etched on his face.

"That dream" Ryou said


"You're late boy!" The Pharaoh growled angrily

"I'm sorry Master." Ryou said

He lifted himself a bit shakily from the floor but was only slapped again sending him back to the floor.

"Stay on the floor! I didn't give you permission to get up! I think you are forgetting your place here…slave!" The Pharaoh growled as he lifted Ryou by his arms.

He pulled Ryou's arms above his head and bound them to the bedpost. Ryou's feet could barely reach the ground he was having trouble standing The Pharaoh stood behind him he could hear him shuffling through his closet for something but what he didn't know, and then he suddenly heard the crack of a whip and panic swept through his entire body.

"No please don't!" Ryou said

"I told you not to speak in my presence!" Yami yelled as he lifted the whip

"Nothing! I care nothing for you Ryou! Do you understand me! You are worthless, an object of my pleasure! And I will see to it that you will never disobey me again!"

When the Pharaoh raised the whip it crashed with dreadful force against Ryou's back. Ryou cried out in pain as tears began to fall from his eyes immediately he felt the whip come down again and again and again. Again the whip was raised and brought down upon Ryou's back over and over. Ryou was crying uncontrollably into the bedpost he could feel blood training down his back as the whip was brought down again. He pleaded with the Pharaoh to stop but all he got was 'shut up you worthless slave, whore, slut, bitch' the Pharaoh called him every single ugly thing he could think of and all Ryou could do was cry…helplessly. Ryou's legs finally gave way underneath him as he was hanging from the bedpost bay his arms. He heard the Pharaoh laugh cruelly as he threw the blood painted whip to the other side of the room as he ran his sweaty hand across Ryou's scared back. The salt from the sweat released an entirely new sensation of pain as the salt seeped deep into his scars as he cried out, the pain didn't stop when Yami removed his hand it still was setting his back on fire as he sobbed uncontrollably.


Ryou stopped himself from remembering the rest of the dream, there was more but he could barely stand what he had just seen. Ryou shook his head trying to understand what it meant, was Yami really that cruel? Ryou shook his head of that thought, 'No' he mentally said to himself. Yami's not like that, he has never done anything to hurt me it was just a stupid dream that's all. But he still trembled slightly at the thought of it, it was so vivid and the pain felt so real and, he didn't know why, it seemed more like a memory than a dream.

Ryou couldn't fall asleep after the dream, so he went into the living room to watch some television to take his mind off it and was surprised to see Bakura was awake as well.

"Bakura?" He asked innocently

"Ryou." Bakura said a bit surprised, "What are you doing awake?"

"I had a bad dream, so I was going to wait for Yami." Ryou said softly.

"A bad dream? Do you wanna talk about it?" Bakura asked

"No, I'll be okay it was just a dream anyway." Ryou swallowed a bit nervous

Bakura turned his attention back to the television, he knew Ryou was a bit shaken up by the so called 'dream' he had…it had really scared him. He wished his Aibou would talk to him more, he really didn't blame him for how he acted but he thought that was all in the past, how he treated him.

"Ryou?" Bakura said standing up.

"Yeah." He answered

"I never apologized for how I had treated you all those years, and I'm sorry." Bakura said refusing to look into Ryou's eyes.

"I have already forgiven you Bakura, I don't hold a grudge against you at all. I had already forgiven you before you started to hit me, I knew that you never really meant to hurt me…I could see it in your eye's." Ryou smiled at him

Bakura looked at Ryou and smiled back taking his seat. "I'm still sorry." He said

"And you are still forgiven." Ryou said

Just then Yami walked in.

"Yami!" Ryou said as he jumped into his arms.

"Good to see you too, I thought you would be asleep." Yami said returning the embrace

"No, did you win?" Ryou asked brightly

"Of course, I always do…at least against Seto that is." He kissed Ryou gently. "I need a shower though, meet me in our room?" Yami asked

"Of course." Ryou said with a smile

Yami smirked at him as he left for the shower and Ryou retreated a bit. It was the same smile he had seen in his dream…just before Yami had…

"Ryou?" Bakura asked interrupting Ryou's thoughts. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah why?" Ryou asked still a bit rattled.

"You just looked so pale all of the sudden are you sure you are okay?" He asked voice full of concern.

"I'm fine, I better go upstairs." Ryou said quickly as he hurried upstairs

"I hope so Aibou…I hope so." Bakura said softy

Ryou started to remember what he forced himself no to earlier of that dream but he couldn't help but think of it, of what happened after the beating, of what Yami proceeded to do to him.


Yami untied his hands and let Ryou fall to the floor harshly. He looked down upon him.

"You weak worthless whore!" He spat "You are only good for one thing!"

Ryou mind once again panicked as the Pharaoh began to rip his clothes off. Ryou tried to move to stop Yami but every movement sent sharp blades through his entire body only making him cry more.

"Stop your pathetic whining!" Yami said as he flipped Ryou onto his back.

The Pharaoh drove into him with a dreadful force causing Ryou even more pain…was that even possible? Ryou begged for him to stop but only got another sling of insults threw at him. Yami pumped in and out of Ryou quickly much to fast for him to even think about adjusting. Ryou felt as if he was being ripped apart from the inside out as he cried out in pain with every thrust. Yami's sweat began to fall upon Ryou's scared back and set it aflame worse than ever before. The Pharaoh pulled Ryou into him pressing Ryou's back against his sweaty chest causing knives of pain to shoot through Ryou's entire body as he cried in anguish for Yami to stop. Yami finally released into Ryou collapsing upon him panting. He quickly got up.

"Wonderful! You got blood all over me!" He yelled angrily "You will not be healed until I think you've been through enough pain for disobeying me boy! Don't even think about going anywhere tomorrow you are staying in my chamber until I feel your punishment is complete…do I make myself clear?" Yami said commandingly

"Y-yes" Ryou said through his sobs

The Pharaoh then left the room to bathe. Ryou cried helplessly on the floor, in so much pain he wished he would die he wanted to die as long as he didn't have to feel all this pain. The salt still burned the scars upon his back and he could feel the blood coaxing his inner thighs he couldn't move at all his whole body was immobile.


A few tears escaped Ryou's eyes…he couldn't understand, of all things he could dream of he has the most horrible nightmare he could ever have. Why when ever something is going good for him something comes along to tear it apart, and what if the dreams are trying to warn him of something…something to come.

"Ryou?" Yami asked as he walked in. "Are you crying love?" He asked sympathetically.

"Huh? No, I'm fine Yami." Ryou said wiping his face.

His tone was so gentle and smooth, not rough and angry like the Yami in his dream but nonetheless, he felt sudden fear every time Yami came close to him but he didn't know why. Ryou sighed heavily just hoping he wouldn't have another nightmare tonight. Yami wrapped his arms around him and kissed him gently, trailing down his neck, fidgeting with the buttons on Ryou's shirt.

"Stop." Ryou said moving from him

"What's wrong?" Yami asked confused

"N-nothing, I just cant…not tonight." Ryou said brining his knees to his chest.

"Are you not feeling well?" Yami asked

"I'm fine, I just don't…feel like it tonight." Ryou said trying to forget that dream.

Yami merely smiled sweetly at him. "You act as if I would force you." Yami said jokingly, but the expression Ryou's face made him confused. "Ryou?"

"Huh?" Ryou asked not paying attention.

"Just what was your dream about?" Yami asked

"Nothing important." Ryou answered quickly

"Just the same…I would like to know." Yami said sitting next to him.

"I don't want to talk about it." Ryou said turning his face from Yami.

He could feel Yami's anger almost as if they had a link the same as he and Bakura did.

"I thought we agreed not to keep secrets from each other." Yami said a bit angry.

"Yami it's not because of the dream, I just don't…" Ryou began

"See? Your changing the subject…what was it about?" Yami asked again

Ryou didn't answer him; he merely shook his head no.

Yami didn't understand why Ryou was suddenly keeping things from him, but disregarded it and fell asleep next to him shortly after.

~Yami's Dream~

Yami kissed down his neck then stomach and took Ryou into his mouth, Ryou arched and gasped at this unable to move away as he cried harder trying to block out the feeling. Oh Ra, Yami said to himself as he sucked upon Ryou, he tasted as sweet as his lips and better. He grabbed Ryou by the hips and slowly moved up and down upon him as Ryou cried out, only exciting Yami more, as he picked up his pace. Ryou begged Yami to stop but he wouldn't, and as hard as Ryou tried he could not stop the feeling of pleasure inside him. He finally pushed Ryou over the edge as he cried out releasing straight into Yami's mouth who drank it all to thankfully. Yami smiled at Ryou, who refused to look at him, he was humiliated he couldn't even control his own body. Yami kissed him lightly on his cheek,

"You taste like honey." Yami said running a hand down Ryou's chest.

Ryou's tear stricken face didn't even faze Yami in the slightest, he had seen it all before and he actually enjoyed it somewhat he loved the feeling of power over another and Ryou wouldn't be Yami's first but Yami would make sure he was Ryou's first.

He let Ryou rest a moment before he began again kissing him lightly on the lips and eyes. He forced two fingers into Ryou's mouth telling him to suck on them, it was quite seductive he wondered how well the boy could work around his manhood but brushed it off. Yami withdrew his fingers from his mouth and thrust them deeply inside Ryou who cried out in pain at the sensation. It hurt, it hurt more than he thought too, he knew this was going to happen but if this hurt he couldn't imagine what it would be like to have the Pharaoh inside him, fear penetrated his body as he tensed.

"Relax Ryou, it will only hurt more if you do not." Yami said with the same tone, commanding but smooth.

Ryou didn't want to seem willing but it hurt all too much and thankfully the pressure was not as intense when he relaxed slightly because he could not relax fully. Yami smiled as he slowly drew his fingers in and out of Ryou who whimpered with each thrust and cried softly. He decided that Ryou was ready and placed a hand over his mouth as he straddled him.

"Scream all you want, this will hurt." He said

~End Yami's Dream~

Yami opened his eye's suddenly from the dream as he shook his head. He sat up in bed, he hating having dreams about Ryou they always left him all hot and bothered. He looked down upon Ryou and smiled slightly. His angel face was illuminated by the moonlight and he was so very beautiful. He laid down thinking back on the dream but became puzzled. Wait…Yami thought…Ryou was, he was crying…why was he crying? Yami sat back up he had had dreams of Ryou before but Ryou had never cried before in them. Also he was a Pharaoh, it was in Egypt, He tried to remember more of it but it kept on slipping away from him and finally shrugged it off. He gently ran his fingers through Ryou's soft hair, looking at him. Although he had shrugged away the dream, Ryou's tear stricken face still stuck with him, and although he knew it was horrible to even think it, Ryou in a bit of pain during pleasure excited him greatly.

Bad? Good? Tell me what you think; Yami might start converting to his 'old' self next chapter…more than likely he will. I couldn't let happy times last forever this is supposed to be Drama/angst story, any who thanks for the support and please Review!