Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yeah! Chapter 12 is finally here (sorry its late, I meant to update yesterday but I had to finish my Christmas shopping :P) Anyway I hope you enjoy it! Please Review!

When Ryou got home later that day he was told to go straight to his room, he was locked inside and he had no way of searching for the book. He had promised that he would bring the book to Yugi tomorrow, but he couldn't, being locked away in his room. He sighed heavily, why did everything have to be complicated …he wanted to be happy again, to smile and feel love. He was overjoyed just last month, everything was right. He thought for a moment about Yami…what did they plan to do with the book anyway? Erase his memory probably…would he remember what he had done, would he be the same if he remembered and if he didn't how could Ryou deal with that. He went to the window sitting upon the seal watching the sunset, it was beautiful, he sat in front of it as if to soak up all its warmth and never let it go as a tear escaped his eye. He felt a warm hand brush the tear away; he didn't need to look up to know who it was, so he didn't.

"You don't need to cry Ryou…" Yami said softly. "You wouldn't even be in pain if you would learn to enjoy yourself, its not meant to hurt." He said

"No…I suppose its not. But regardless, you seem to enjoy yourself more if I am in pain…you and Seto both seem to get a high out of my suffering." Ryou walked away from him sitting on the bed. "If I knew you loathed me so much I wouldn't have ever asked for your help." Ryou said

Yami seemed shocked "I don't loathe you Ryou." He said

"Do you want me to say hate? How else would you describe the way you have been treating me? Even when I don't resist you are just as cruel and ruthless, why do you even keep me? What could I possibly mean to you? Why cant you and Seto be together and leave me alone?" Ryou asked

"So you can go back to Bakura? Betray me again?" Yami said standing

"Betrayal?" Ryou said anger rising "You have no right to speak of betrayal to me! How long were you and Seto together while you were still with me?!" Ryou yelled at him. "We are not in ancient Egypt anymore Yami! You are not a Pharaoh…and I am most certainly not your slave."

Ryou knew he would be punished for his words, but didn't care; he wanted Yami to know that he couldn't always have his way. Yami only smiled at Ryou.

"At least you are brave, I'll give you that." Yami said smugly before slapping Ryou to the floor, but to his surprise Ryou didn't cry. "No tears?" He said

"You think I'll cry? No, not anymore…my heart will break before I cry." Ryou said standing. "And that is one thing that you cannot break, you have no power over my heart and you never will." Ryou said staring Yami in the face.

Yami slapped him again but again he did not cry, and again Ryou stood up to face him.

"I will not waste any emotion on you ever again Yami. Do what you will, I cannot stop you…I've know all my life that you are stronger than me physically, but I doubt highly you are stronger than me mentally." Ryou said

Yami smiled smugly "I wasn't the one to try and commit suicide, do you remember?" Yami said trying to break Ryou's courage.

But Ryou only shrugged "Nothing had prepared me for what you put me through in those days. But now I have experienced true pain from a master, Bakura tried to toughen me up I guess it worked. Nothing you do to me now will shock my system, I'm used to it." Ryou said looking at Yami again

Yami became infuriated with Ryou. He couldn't conceal his anger much less suppress it, and he punched Ryou straight in the face sending him to the floor with a thud, and he kicked him in the stomach until he heard the sickening snap of his ribs. Ryou closed his eyes tightly so he wouldn't cry. Get up! He told himself as he shakily brought himself to his feet and opened his eyes to meet Yami's gaze. It happened over and over, he would be sent to the floor even more painfully than the last time but every time Ryou would get up and show Yami he would not cry for him anymore.

"Do you want me to put you through pain? I will show you what real agony is! Do you want that?!" Yami screamed in Ryou's face shoving him onto the bed hovering over Ryou's bruised form.

"I never said I wanted this pain, where did you get the idea that I wanted this?" Ryou asked.

"Then why are you defying me? You know you will be punished for defiance!" Yami said.

"I will not be brought into slavery again, I lived that life in the past and I will not be put through it again." Ryou said "you cannot look me in the face and tell me that you do not enjoy that look of agony upon my face…or pleasure…but how do you think you will feel if no emotion is being presented? I can't fight you with my fists; I'll fight you with the only thing I have left. If I am in pain, I'll make sure you are not in pleasure." Ryou said.

Yami was enraged, "Why do you do this to me!" Yami screamed, "I don't want to hurt you Ryou! I truly don't want to, but…" Yami trailed off "You are easier to look at in pain, I hurt you for the same reason Bakura did…I know you can never love me, and Bakura thought you never could love him, and because of this he was in constant pain…just as I am! If I must suffer so will you!" Yami screamed

"So you keep me lock and key! Rape me! Ravage my body and soul for something I have no control over!" Ryou screamed back.

Seto walked in suddenly wondering what all the screaming was about, and was surprised by the heated argument that Yami and…Ryou were having.

"This is not my fault! I can't love you and I'm sorry! But consider for a moment what you are doing to me! You say you care, you even say you love me!" Ryou said

"I do!" Yami said back

"Then why must you hurt me so much? I understand how rejection feels Yami, but what you are doing to me cannot possibly make things right! I want to…" Ryou began

Seto grabbed him by the collar and slammed him up against the wall, then grabbed him by his hair pulling him to his feet.

"He doesn't even deserve your love! He never did!" Seto snarled into Ryou's face.

Yami grabbed Seto pulling him off Ryou "Seto don't." Yami said

Ryou quickly got up and ran through the open door, he couldn't stay here any longer. Pain shot through his body as he ran, his broken ribs ached and tried to stop Ryou from moving but he blocked the pain and continued to run. He could hear Yami not far behind him calling his name…gently. But Ryou didn't stop. Wait he thought I need the book. He stopped in his tracks and headed toward the library, they must keep it there. He managed to get to the library and he noticed a book upon the study table with, written in ancient Egyptian. He didn't know if it was the right book but grabbed it anyway. When he ran out of the library he barely missed Yami grabbing hold of him as he ran out the front door and gate. He couldn't run from Yami forever so as soon as he turned a corner he ducked into an alley, and thankfully Yami went right past him. Ryou sighed slightly relieved but his relief was short lived, as Seto didn't miss where Ryou had run.

"Give me the book, and come home with me right now!" Seto barked

"No! Not ever, ever again!" Ryou screamed

Seto had grown impatient with Ryou, he truly only wanted Yami he cared for Yami more than anyone could ever comprehend. The only reason he raped Ryou was to hurt him and it pleased Yami…he would do anything for Yami.

"I grow tired of your arrogance boy!" Seto screamed, "I will only ask you one more time!" Seto said angrily

"And I will give you one chance to get the hell away from him!" Malik said from behind Seto.

Ryou's eyes lit up when Malik approached Seto without any fear.

Seto eyed Malik, he had nothing with him to defend himself against the Egyptian, and if Yami hadn't run off he would have no problem. Seto simply nodded to Malik and ran from the alleyway in the direction Yami had gone. Ryou fell to his knees in exhaustion from all the running and screaming.

"Ryou!" Malik said running to his side "Are you okay?" He asked concerned

Malik lifted his face noticing the bruises upon his face. Ryou dropped the book and held his side. It ached horribly from the entire running; he had forgotten that Yami had broken a few of his ribs earlier.

"I don't think I can walk…" Ryou said weakly "I got the book" Ryou said smiling the best he could despite the pain.

"It's okay Ryou, I wont let either of them come near you again. I'm so proud of you." Malik said gently kissing Ryou on the forehead.

Ryou smiled as Malik picked him up holding the book underneath his arm, Ryou sighed and fell asleep in Malik's arms.

I couldn't let Ryou be all abused again, he needed to one day stand up for himself and this chapter was perfect for it. Tell me what you think! Please Review!