Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yeah! Chapter 16 is here! Hopefully I'll have some lemon in the next chapter but I'm not making any promises, I hope you enjoy!

Yami walked slowly down the street dragging his feet as he went. He felt pathetic and useless; the only one who loved him hated him for something he didn't even remember doing in the first place. It started to rain, softly at first but the it became harder and harder. Yami wished he had someone to turn to but he didn't really. He didn't want to ask Seto of anything at the moment he had no right. And he couldn't possibly turn to Ryou or anyone else on the place he called home. They probably all hated him.

"Why did you have to say that!" Yugi yelled at Ryou

"Because it was the truth! That's why!" Ryou screamed back

"It wasn't his fault Ryou! You know that too!" Yugi said, "He thinks you hate him!"

"I do!" Ryou yelled

"You could at least try and forgive him Ryou, give him a chance." Yugi said

"I'd like to see how forgiving you would be after an experience like that, you have no idea what he put me through!" Ryou yelled

"You forgave Bakura! Why is Yami any different?" Yugi asked

"…Bakura never raped me." Ryou said before heading up to his room.

"You could at least try!" Yugi screamed after him.

Malik sighed heavily he stood on the sidelines watching the heated argument. He looked in the direction that Ryou went, upstairs into his bedroom. He had been in that room for the past few days, and they have had no sign of Yami. He had begun to worry about Ryou, he would be happy one moment and angry the next. He had also lost his appetite he refused to eat completely and seemed fatigued all the time. He spent most of his time in his room, alone. Bakura and Malik both tried to help him but he didn't want their help, he would always dismiss it and say he would be fine. And the situation was getting worse with Yugi, Yugi was furious that Ryou had said he hated Yami and it caused Yami to run off without a trace, and the outcome was never good when the two of them crossed paths. Malik looked down upon Yugi who was still looking in the direction that Ryou went. Joey put a hand lovingly on his shoulder.

"Try to be patient with him Yugi." Joey said soothingly

"Yes please, he has been through more than you probably want to know." Malik added

"Until he tries to forgive Yami I wont try to be patient with him." Yugi grabbed a coat.

"Where are you going?" Malik asked

"Out, Yami's been missing for the past couple of days…I'm going to find him." Yugi said

"I'll help you." Joey added as he followed Yugi out the door.

Bakura walked in and sat down next to Malik.

"I'm worried about Ryou." Bakura said "This behavior can't be healthy for him."

Malik nodded "I know, I was naive to think that everything would be fine once the spell was cast and we got Ryou back home. It has only caused Ryou more problems really."

"HE won't talk to me, every time I try to touch him he looks as if he will cry and pushes me away, I want to help but I don't know how." Bakura said burying his face in his hands.

Malik hugged Bakura lovingly, "We'll think of something." He said assuring. "Something." Bakura repeated

Ryou sat upon his bed his head in his hands as if he was going to scream. He wanted to scream to let out all the pain, anger, frustration and never feel again. Everyone felt sorry for him but all their sorrow did was remind him of what had happened…he had tried so hard to forget but he was always reminded. Even Yugi felt sorry for him, even as they fought Ryou never saw anger in Yugi's eyes all he saw was pity and he hated it. It would have been easier if Yami had just killed him not that he wanted to die, he didn't he wanted to live, but a life filled with pain wasn't very appealing. He had tried to be like he was; forcing a smile but something always hit a nerve when they talked which made him cry or yell at them. That was why he pushed Bakura and Malik away so much they were the only ones he hadn't yelled at yet and he didn't want to hurt them. Ryou had begun to cry and he fell into the soft pillows and sobbed. He wanted everything to go back to normal, hadn't he earned it by now, and if not what else must he do to prove himself worthy of a happy life. He so wanted that the next time he smiled it would be for real but he knew that for a while it would never happen.

Yugi walked through the park Joey and him had split up and Yugi was determined to find Yami. Suddenly he spotted him soaking wet and sitting upon a bench.

"Yami!" Yugi called although Yami didn't respond "Yami? Are you alright?" Yugi asked

Yami simply nodded his head and looked away from Yugi.

"Come on Yami, you'll get sick if you stay out in the rain, lets go home." Yugi said pulling upon his arm.

"I cant go back there Yugi…Ryou he, I…" Yami stammered

"Okay, lets go to the game shop then, we can stay there. Please Yami we can talk there and maybe with time Ryou will forgive you." Yugi said

"O-okay" Yami said taking his Hikari's hand.

Once at the game shop Yami changed into some dry clothes, they had met Joey half way and Joey decided to go back to his place leaving the two alone so that they could talk privately. Yugi had offered Yami something to drink or eat but of course he refused it.

"Are you okay Yami?" Yugi asked

"I'm back to normal if that's what you mean, but mentally no I'm pretty far from okay…how is Ryou doing?" Yami asked

"Not so good, he's gotten worse with the passing days…he stopped eating too. I wont say it but I'm worried about him. Also a bit angry." Yugi said

"Why angry? At him of all people and at this time?" Yami said

"He didn't have to say he hated you, he doesn't truly hate anyone. He doesn't realize how much he hurt you…he should know that you didn't mean any of it." Yugi said

"Regardless of weather I meant it or not I still have to take responsibility for it, and if that means never seeing him again so be it." Yami said

"Do you want to be punished?" Yugi asked

"Ryou hating me doesn't seem very justified, I feel like I deserve much worse than that. I should have never had the privilege of being with him." Yami said.

"Don't beat yourself up Yami, Ryou was really happy with you but sometimes things don't go the way we plan. It'll be okay and soon everything will go back to normal." Yugi said with a reassuring smile that eased Yami's pain. They soon fell asleep in the living room just talking to one another a neglected past time for both of them.

Bakura knocked softly on Ryou's door but when he didn't get an answer he walked in. Ryou had fallen asleep his face was tear stained but he still looked like an angel illuminated by the moonlight.

"Aibou?" He said softly

Ryou shifted and woke up noticing his Yami he moved away from him. "Was there something you wanted?" Ryou asked almost defensively.

"I need to talk with you is all." Bakura said

"I wish you wouldn't, I don't want to say anything to upset you." Ryou said

"Yell at me all you want aside from Malik I'm the only one you haven't yelled at…what is making you so angry Hikari? I want to help." Bakura said

"I'll be okay Yami, and I appreciate your concern." Ryou said simply

"Will you at least start eating again?" Bakura asked, "You are going to make yourself sick."

"I already am sick…of everyone and everything around me, I'm sick of it all. I don't know how to deal with all this pain; I want it all to just go away." Ryou shook his head as tears welled up in his eyes. "It hurts so much, I thought I would be okay when I was back with you and Malik…but I'm not if anything I've only gotten worse and I don't even know how to help myself." Ryou said tears streaming down his face "I guess I really am weak, aren't I?" Ryou asked

"No Ryou you are not weak, you survived all the pain Yami put you through and I understand how feelings can be hard to cope with. But if you let me I can help." Bakura said

"How? I want the pain to go away! I don't want to bury in deep in my subconscious so I can dream about it later, I just want to be happy again…I cant even remember the last time I smiled." Ryou said falling to his knees

Bakura would have hugged Ryou if he hadn't pushed him away.

"I don't want to be touched Bakura…please." Ryou said softly

"Please Ryou…let me help you." Bakura pleaded

"Just go away." Ryou asked hiding his face from Bakura.

Although hurt Bakura did as Ryou asked and left him alone, and he did his best to conceal the hurt that Ryou had just caused him.

Malik walked up to him. "Anything?" He asked

"No, but he really needs someone's help Malik. And we are not the ones to give it to him." Bakura said

Ryou sobbed into his hands. He felt like he was losing his mind without any hope of regaining it again.

"Please…" Ryou said between sobs, "Please someone make it go away, I cant stand it any longer please make my pain go away." Ryou said softly.

I know drama; it's supposed to be! And just when things started looking up too…anyway let me know what you think Please Review!