Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sometimes smart reviewers spoil my fun with the fic but hopefully it wont spoil it for anyone else ~cough~ Dee Jay ~cough~ Anyway here's chapter 18 sorry if it's a little late my mom was having her operation so I spent the day with her until my sister took my place since I have school in all…anyway enjoy!

~~One Month Later~~

Malik smiled the spell hadn't backfired, and no one but him remembered all the horrible events that had come to pass. Malik had replaced the memories of the past ones with new ones that met everyone's needs. Ryou and Yami had broken up when Ryou found out about him and Seto, but Ryou being the forgiving guy that he was eventually forgave Yami for it. Now Seto and Yami are a couple. Bakura, Ryou, and himself were all a couple now too…something Malik always wanted. Malik kept Joey and Yugi a couple he saw no reason to screw the two of them up just erase the memories of Yugi's and Ryou's conflicts and such they didn't need to remember anything like that. He sighed heavily he was overjoyed that Ryou was still with him and Bakura because despite the memory replacement if the person truly didn't feel that way they would eventually leave them but it had been a month and they were all still together. Ryou jumping into his lap happily suddenly surprised Malik.

"Malik! You're kind of spacing out on us." Ryou said happily

Bakura took Ryou into his arms "If he wants to miss all the fun let him…" Bakura said kissing Ryou on the neck.

Malik snatched Ryou from Bakura's arms "Since when did you think parties were fun?" Malik said holding Ryou close so that Bakura couldn't take him away.

"I don't, but something interesting is bound to happen with all of in one house…Seto, Yami, Joey, Yugi…" Bakura trailed off

"Honda, Anzu, I know who's all coming. I was hoping Christmas Eve I could get one of my presents early." Malik said nibbling lightly on Ryou's ear.

Ryou blushed and pulled away from Malik a smile upon his face. "Be gentle, you wouldn't want to break the gift before you unwrap it would you?" Ryou said eyes sparkling.

"You're a little more seductive than you let on, you know that don't you?" Bakura said

Ryou simply smiled sticking his tongue out at the two of them.

Malik lifted his chin "Don't stick it out unless you plan to use it." He said

"Who said he didn't?" Bakura said claiming his Aibou's mouth.

Malik pulled Ryou away.

"Will you two stop it already? You're making me dizzy." Ryou said walking away from them both.

The doorbell rang and Malik answered it to Seto and Yami. Yami still was a little shy around Ryou but the two at least were not totally uncomfortable around each other now. Yugi and Anzu showed up together later.

"Where are Honda and Joey?" Yami asked giving his Aibou a hug hello.

"Honda and Joey said they had something to pick up and for us to go on ahead." Yugi said hugging Yami back.

"Probably a Christmas present for both of you." Ryou said

Anzu blushed slightly her and Honda had just started dating a few weeks ago which was not the work of Malik amazingly enough. Yugi merely shrugged, that was an easy guess Joey took Yugi with him everywhere he went and was a strange sight not to see the two of them together.

"I think he smothering you Yugi." Malik said

"Oh like you and Bakura don't suffocate poor Ryou?" Yugi inquired

"Hey, I never complained." Ryou chimed

"Neither did I." Yugi said

Bakura laughed slightly and went to answer the door hearing a knock and of course it was Joey and Honda. The party went very well except for two uninvited guests who were Malik's light and his sister. And that was only odd for a few minutes the two of them hadn't spoken for so long and it was more the work of Isis not Malik that made Malik's Hikari want to talk to him again and by the end of the night the two had made peace with each others differences. Malik walked into the kitchen and Ryou followed him.

"You okay?" Ryou asked

"I'm great, I'm glad he finally decided to talk with me again." Malik said with a smile

"Will you be moving in with him again?" Ryou asked timidly.

"No…why would I do that?" Malik asked

"No reason." Ryou said

"You're jealous." Malik said

"I am not, its just you seemed so happy and…" Ryou began

"I'm much, much, more happy with you Ryou." Malik said giving him a soft kiss.

"And Bakura?" Ryou tilted his head slightly.

"And Bakura, you two are kind of a package I can't have one without the other you know." Malik said kissing him softly again.

Ryou smiled and lead Malik out of the kitchen and back into the living room with everyone else a large smile swept across his features.

"I haven't seen you so happy in a long time Aibou." Bakura said sitting next to Malik and Ryou. A memory sprung up in Ryou's mind,

"The next time I smile I want it to be real…"

Ryou had said those words to himself but Malik had heard them, Malik smiled nuzzling Ryou's neck it had come true for him.

The small Christmas party went by well. Joey had given Yugi a necklace with their names engraved upon it just as Honda had given Anzu. They were beautiful. Seto and Yami had matching bracelets the two seemed as if they had always belonged together but were confused for a long time about where their loyalties lied. Ryou, Bakura and Malik had matching rings Ryou wore two rings though. One was a match exactly like the other two, but the other was a ring bought by Malik and Bakura basically a promise ring.

Ryou looked as if he would cry when they gave it to him, it was given to him after everyone else had gone.

"Its beautiful…" Ryou said placing the ring upon his finger.

"It's a reminder of our feelings for you." Malik said

"So that you don't ever forget the people that love you…and always have." Bakura said

"I could never forget you…either of you. You two are the most important people in my life, always have been and always will be. I love you both so very much." Ryou said

"And we love you." Malik said deeply kissing Ryou.

Bakura kissed down Ryou's neck and slipped his hands underneath Ryou's shirt sending goose bumps over his skin. Bakura bit down on Ryou's neck gently as Malik softly pulled his hair sending shivers down his spin. He pulled away from Malik's mouth so that he could breath. The small gasps and whimpers escaping Ryou's lips only urged Malik and Bakura on, as they removed the rest of their clothing along with Ryou's laying him gently on the carpet floor not wanting to move into the bedroom. The two kissed and teased Ryou until Ryou himself had had enough walking from the two and into the bedroom which Malik and Bakura soon followed him. Bakura kissed Ryou roughly pushing him onto the bed straddling his hips as Malik lavished kisses up and down Ryou's neck and shoulders occasionally biting down causing Ryou to gasp. Ryou squirmed slightly underneath Bakura he hated being teased they would bring him to the brink only to stop moments before release, leaving him unsatisfied. Bakura kissed Malik softly as Malik held Ryou down by the wrists to keep him from moving. Bakura kissed down Ryou's chest and stomach and placed Ryou's length inside his mouth. Ryou gasped arching his back as Malik claimed his mouth slipping his tongue inside exploring him thoroughly. Ryou moaned into Malik's mouth as Bakura moved slowly upon his length but began to move faster upon him. Bakura slipped his finger inside Ryou slowly so not to hurt him waiting until he adjusted before he added a second and third stretching Ryou as he pulled his fingers in and out of him slowly not once removing his mouth from Ryou's member. Ryou whimpered pulling from Malik's mouth clenching his teeth trying not to scream, Malik smiled he loved that look upon Ryou's face it made him look so innocent. Bakura pulled away from Ryou who shot him an angry look.

"What? Unsatisfied?" Bakura asked mischievously

"Why do you two always do this to me?" Ryou whined

"Because we love you." Malik said pulling Ryou into his arms letting him rest upon his lap as he kissed him passionately.

The kiss distracted Ryou as Malik slowly entered him. Ryou grabbed onto Malik's shoulders holding him close to him as Bakura moved behind him gently kissing him and massaging his back so that he would relax more. Malik moved Ryou up and down upon his lap until the three had found a comfortable rhythm together. Ryou took hold of Bakura's manhood slowly stroking it as he kissed him and Bakura did the same to Ryou. Ryou unexpectedly pulled away from Malik but quickly placed his mouth over Malik's length. Bakura pushed himself inside Ryou not as slowly as Malik but Ryou didn't seem to mind. Bakura grabbed hold of Ryou's length slowly stroking him as he pumped in and out of him. Malik ran his fingers through Ryou's hair guiding Ryou up and down upon his member. Ryou couldn't hold off any longer as he exploded sucking hard upon Malik causing him as Bakura to climax as well. Bakura fell backward breathing heavily as Malik pulled Ryou into his arms laying him down gently in the middle of the bed and laying on one side of him. Bakura shortly joined them brining the covers around the three of them layng on the other side of Ryou. Ryou smiled closing his eyes.

"Merry Christmas." He said softly through his exhaustion.

"Merry Christmas" Malik and Bakura both said before falling asleep next to their love.


All good things must come to an end but I plan to write another story soon enough! Not sure on the title though I'll post it soon! I hope you enjoyed Memories! Please Review!