Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Five

Monday Morning

Seto got up and stretched. He then walked toward his closet. He got out his uniform and proceeded to get dressed. Seto glanced at his clock it read six o clock. You see Seto got up early most days to go to Kaiba Corp to go see how the company was doing. He then would go back home to wake Mokuba up for school. After Mokuba had his breakfast, and was dressed. They would hop into the limo and Mokuba would be dropped off at Domino Elementary, the driver would continue onto Domino High School. Sound like the life. Nope it was a busy life with only a day or two off in a month, to spend with his little brother. Everybody at school thought that Seto was always happy because he was rich, but the truth was if he was poor, he still would be happy, but only if Mokuba was there with him.

When Gozaburo had adopted Seto and Mokuba, he had trained Seto to become a coldhearted person. When Seto did not listen to him he would threaten Seto that he would hurt his brother. Nobody hurts Mokuba, without getting hurt.


Joey was currently walking down the street. He had a bruise on his left cheek. It had happened when Joey had tried hiding the money that was his for school. Joey had had it hidden in one of his socks. Now Joey's Father worked at the small factory down the street from their apartment building. The small paycheck that he got was money toward the rent, and his drinking habit. Joey hadn't told any of his friends. Just thinking about it made him hurt inside. Anyways back to the sock incident. Well Joey's Father had come home from his job, he was sober. This was strange because whenever he came home from work, he would go to the bar. Apparently he had no money what so ever, so he asked Joey if he could 'borrow' some. Joey knew he would never see any of the money again, said No. Joey's Father was mad, he slammed Joey down on the floor, and demanded to know where the money was. Joey eventually told him. Joey's Father went into his room, took the money, but not leaving yet. Before he left he slammed his hand hard on Joey's left cheek.

Joey was hungry; he had not eaten till Sunday afternoon, which was yesterday. Joey continued to walk down the street in the direction of his school.


The door of the limo opened and Mokuba jumped out. He was so happy Seto was going to go to Parent's Day. Most of the people in his class, either wanted to be his friend because of his brother, or because they wanted to get stuff off of Mokuba. Mokuba did not have many friends at the school. He wasn't popular. He hated those kids who thought to be cool you had to be wearing the newest fashion, just to be cool. A while back Mokuba would have given anything to be friends with them, but now he regretted even wanting to be their friends. Mokuba had a close group of two friends. Their names were David, and Robert. David had blonde hair and was a little bit taller then Mokuba. He usually wore jeans, and a white t-shirt. Robert, was just an inch shorter then Mokuba had brown short hair, and hazel brown eyes. Robert usually wore jeans and a different solid color t-shirt each day.

As Mokuba walked he noticed his friends waiting for him. They were sitting at the front steps. Just talking among themselves. When they saw him they waved at him. Mokuba rushed over. He had good news to tell them. They knew about his brother, and how stubborn he could be about some things. When Mokuba wanted to invite them, Seto had to inspect their parent's criminal records. If that weren't enough you would peek in every half-hour to see what they were doing. They all knew that Seto was a tad overprotective of Mokuba, but he was the only family that Seto had, and he did not want to loose it.

" What's the good news?" Robert asked.

" Seto is coming on Friday for parent's day. " Mokuba replied.

All three of them smiled. It must have done a lot of provoking on Mokuba's part. Finally David spoke " Finally I get to find out what your brother does".

Mokuba just nodded and continued to talk to his friends.


Seto was sitting at his desk, reading. The room was silent except for the tic-tock of the clock. There were only three people including Seto in the room. Those other two were Joey Wheeler, and the teacher Mr. Cooke. Mr. Cooke was currently sitting at his desk marking papers from the pervious Friday. This would be a good time to talk to him now about Parent's Day. Seto stood up and walked toward the desk.

" Mr. Cooke do you have a moment"? Seto asked.

Mr. Cooke nodded his head.

" I have to be gone for the last period this Friday because I have to go to parent's day at my brother's school."

" I will write a note telling the office the reason of your absence" with that said Mr. Cooke went back to marking the papers.

Seto walked back to his desk, once he got there he sat down. Joey was staring at him. That was when Seto noticed the bruise on Joey's left cheek. Sure he had noticed other bruises on Joey's legs in gym class. What could have happened to Joey over to the weekend?

Authors Notes- Shorter then usual, but a new chapter will be out soon. Thanks for all that reviewed.