Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Seven- Of worries and shocks

Mokuba was currently sitting at the small table in front of couch. He was doing his homework. His brother wasn't home yet. He was usually there when he got picked up from school. Apparently he had told the driver to pick up Mokuba at school. Mokuba sighed and continued on his work. Something was bothering Seto and it wasn't work. 'He must have a lot on his mind' Mokuba thought to himself. Mokuba took a glance at the clock on top of the entertainment unit. It was six o'clock. Little did Mokuba did know was that Seto had followed a certain 'puppy' around. Mokuba knew what he was going to do he was going to phone his brother's cell phone. Seto always carried a cell phone with him. In case if something went wrong at the company or Mokuba had to call him. Even Mokuba had his own cell phone.


Earlier that day

Seto was sitting in his last class of the day Geography. The teacher was going on and on about how important their upcoming test was going to be. Seto listened to the teacher, but occasionally he would watch Joey out of the corner of his eye. Joey looked almost dead. He had bags around his eyes, had no energy, and still had that bruise on his left cheek. As much as Seto did not want to admit he was scared for Joey. Seto knew that Joey was not telling the truth. He remembered earlier that day what he had told Yugi, and Ryou.

Flashback- To the first period

The bell rang, and the kids scrambled to get to their first classes in time. Of course Joey and Seto were already there. Yugi and Ryou came in the classroom, with their arms around their binders. They were chatting. When they spotted him, they walked over to him. They bombarded him with questions. One of the questions that Seto could hear was " Joey what happened here." Joey's response was " I bumped into the wall." Ryou and Yugi nodded and took their spots.


The bell rang; it was the end of the day. Seto at his break had phoned his driver to tell him he would be only picking up Mokuba. Seto gathered up his things, and walked to his locker. It was located where Joey's, Ryou's, and Seto's was. It was the perfect chance for Seto to watch Joey. Apparently Ryou and Yugi were going to Yugi's place to do a project that was due in two days. That meant Joey was going to be all alone. It was perfect change for Seto to follow Joey. For some strange reason Seto had to find out what was wrong.

Seto went to his locker, and grabbed his briefcase. He then shut the door, and then locked it. This was the start of following Joey.


Joey turned right, so did Seto. Joey turned around suddenly, and saw Seto. He gasped he had thought someone was following him. He had that feeing.

" What are you doing here Kaiba" Joey asked rudely.

" Nothing" Seto replied " it's just I know that you did not get that bruise from a wall."

Joey was speechless. Everyone else had believed him. Why didn't Seto Kaiba believe him? Of all people why was it Seto Kaiba?

' Shouldn't he be at Kaiba Corp, or at home looking after Mokuba' Joey thought to himself.

All of a sudden there was a ringing sound from Seto's pocket. Seto dug through his pants pockets, and brought out his small black cell phone. Seto pushed the on button, and put it towards his ear.

" Hello" Seto said

There was silence. Then Joey heard someone speak; he could make out the voice of Mokuba. By the sounds of it Mokuba was worried.

" I'll be there soon. I'll be bringing a friend over. Bye" with that done Seto then began to dial a number. All Joey could hear was " be here in ten minutes."

Joey figured that Seto had called one of his drivers to pick him up. He was surprised when Seto told him to come in. Here was the person who would care less if he had died, caring. Joey knew that the only person that he ever showed emotion to was Mokuba. Why was Seto being nice all of a sudden? What made that change arise?

Joey took the change to look around the limo. It had leather interior. It had a mini bar, and a small television. Seto was sitting on the left side, and Joey was sitting on the right side. Seto was staring out at the window. It looked like he was trying to remember something he wanted to forget. There was only one thing going through Joey's mind. What was on Seto Kaiba's mind?


Mokuba's P.O.V.

After I phoned Seto I went to the front door to wait for him. I knew something was bothering him. I could just tell. I mean I'm not his brother for nothing. Wait a minute the gate just opened, and the limo came though. Yup I know it's Seto.

I watch as the limo comes to a stop, and the diver gets out. He then walks over to the right side, and opens the door. Seto comes out first, but then followed by Joey. I mean this is Joey, the person my brother hates. He will come home almost every day and complain about him. He complains about Joey more then he complains about the workers at Kaiba corp. Now I know there is something going on. Joey is walking behind Seto and looks scared. I notice something on his cheek, it is purplish. As he comes closer I notice it as a bruise. What happened to Joey? When they get closer to the door I push the door open for them. Seto walks over to me, and drops down to hug me. Joey looks surprised to say the least. At my school Seto is known as a coldhearted person. People in my class, who have older siblings warn their younger siblings to stay away from me. They think I am just like my brother, but I am far from it. Seto gets up, and continues to walk in the house. Joey is following him. Well this has not been a normal day.

Authors Notes- Thank you for all the reviews. :) Parents Day should be in the next couple of chapters.