Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Meskhenet ❯ Pahons ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5

Pahons (First month of Summer)

The royal pleasure barge floated easily down the Nile river. Reclining on his elegant chair, Per-aa Akunamukanon, surrounded by his wives, their servants and attendants, fondly watched the four children as they played nearby…

Atem(99) and Tiaa, his little three year old son and daughter by his two principal wives, whom he hoped to betroth someday and proclaim his heirs, and his young six year old nephew, Set, only son of his younger brother, Akunadin, along with the daughter of the Hemu-neter, Nephthys, who would be just Set's age in a matter of days…

It was just a pity Akunadin had never told the boy the truth, that he was his father and Akunamukanon, Atem and Tiaa his uncle and cousins… but his younger brother, for whatever reason, preferred to keep silent, letting young Set believe his real father had been killed in battle three years ago…

The two elder children were playing quietly together under the shade of the boats canopy with their toys, a doll and a little painted wooden horse, while the two youngest, who had never been able to sit still for very long, wrestled and roughhoused about the deck, heedless to the warnings and scoldings of their nursemaids…

"Ummph!." Suddenly, the little prince and princess, in their play, accidentally bumped into Set, and the older boy's toy horse fell from his hand, over the boat and into the river…

Miffed, Set got to his feet. "Atem, you clumsy little fool!," he stamped his foot on the deck. "Look what you made me do!." That painted wooden horse had been his favorite, a present from his late mother.

"I'm sowwy," little Atem pouted, his hands behind his back.

"Ugggh!," Set rolled his eyes. The truth was, he hated to snap at his young friends, but the little prince and princess were just so aggravating sometimes!.

Set then went to the edge of the boat and peered over… There was his favorite toy, bobbing in the water… If he could just bend down a little lower and reach just a bit farther…

"Be careful!," young Nephthys warned. You never knew when a crocodile or two would show up along the riverside…

Unfortunately, the deck was wet and slippery, and as the little boy leaned lower and reached out his hand farther to grab his toy he slipped and fell headfirst into the Nile!.

"Help!," he cried, almost half stunned by the fall and barely managing to keep his head above the water. Unfortunately, he had never bothered to learn how to swim…

"Oh no!," the children's nursemaids cried, rushing to the edge of the boat. Akunamukanon himself stood up off his chair with a gasp of concern for his young nephew.

Suddenly, there was a second splash in the water… The little girl, Nephthys, had jumped into the Nile after her friend!. Having spent more time at her parent's country villa, along the Nile, then in Waset, she was a better swimmer then most of the children of the royal court…

Young Set was almost about to pass out from lack of air when he felt a smart tug on his arm, and a small, but stubborn and strong, hand pulling him upwards… Soon, his head was above the water and he gasped and coughed as his lungs filled with air and he could breathe again…

Nephthys managed to tow her friend back to the boat, and soon Per-aa's men had pulled the two children up onto the deck where all the maids and attendants were waiting to see to them...

Once back on the deck, Set crossed his arms and made a face. "My horse!," he grumbled. "I couldn't get it back!."

At this, the little girl laughed and sat down beside him, shaking her head with a smile. And to think, her parents were hoping to betroth her to this boy someday!. "Silly silly Setekh!," she teased him, pronouncing his full name. "You spend so much time with your lessons and studies, you hardly ever played with that horse anyway. If you came and played outside with the rest of us more often, you would have learned how to swim and you wouldn't have lost your favorite toy."

"Hmmph," the boy sulked in indignance. But he knew she was right. Why did girls always have to be right?.

Seto shook his head, trying to make sense of the memory… Was that really him and the vixen?… It seemed the longer he stayed in Egypt, the more strange memories and visions came to him when he was least expecting them…

Shrugging, he roughly wiped his bangs away from his forehead and continued driving the ox onward as it pulled the plow across the fields… Nearby, Nephthys, Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet followed. Together, they tossed and scattered the seeds that would become the next harvests wheat, grain and vegetables into the furrows that had been plowed earlier. Behind them, the children, Asha, Khu and Kiya, kicked and patted the earth over them…

They had long since seen to the orchards, and this was the last of the fields to be sown until next year… By sunset everything was done, and the family stood and surveyed their days work in satisfaction…

"Hmmm, I think it got done much faster then last year," Si-Amun commented, pleased with the day's work.

Motnodjmet nodded. "Yes", she agreed. "It helps to have an extra pair of hands around. Thank you very much, young man." She gave Kaiba an approving look.

The young CEO gave them a wary smile in return… "Well, I suppose I owed it to you… After all, I wasn't much help at harvest time…" He was referring to Shemu, and the night he'd tried to steal the Millenium Torque…

"You had your reasons." Nephthys put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and he turned to meet her gaze... "However foolish they may have been," she finished with a half smile.

"Thanks allot," the young man shook his head with a chuckle.

Everyone laughed warmly, and the lady of the house playfully swatted his arm. "Any time, Anu. Now, let's all go back and get washed up for dinner."


Priest Set surveyed the bloody chaos and carnage from the cliff above… A frown was ever present on his face… This was a job for a butcher, not a priest… but it could not be helped. These Hittite barbarians had their villages and camps far to close to Khemet's boarders, and they must be stopped in case they were planning another attack on Waset… Even if the lives of Hittite women and children were lost, it was a small price to pay for the safety of the Khemetan villages and towns…

"Set!," a familiar voice and the sound of pounding hooves and rolling chariot wheels made him turn in surprise…

The young high priest's eyes widened in shock. Approaching him in her own chariot was his betrothed, the Lady Nephthys. Here hair was disheveled and her face, arms and clothes dusty. She must have left in a hurry, and been driving her horses hard the whole way here.

She stopped her chariot, leapt off and hurried towards him. "What in Eset's name are you doing?!," she demanded, breathing heavily.

"What does it look like, my dear," he hissed, turning from her back to the scene of the attack below. "I am seeing to the safety and prosperity of Waset, and all of Khemet."

"By sending two thirds of your troops against one lone village with barely any defenses?. The Per-aa did not even order this!."

Set gritted his teeth and clenched his hands in aggravation. Trust a woman with Hyksos blood, and a priestess of Eset, to feel sympathy for a band of Hittite scum!. If these barbarians were not disposed of immediately, they would only be a threat in the future!. Could she not see that?.

Before he could explain this to her, a terrified, piercing scream, like a child's, caught both their attention…

A hut had just recently been put to the torch and, moments later, was in flames… A small figure, a little Hittite girl, was immerging from her burning home with her arms in front of her to try and shield herself… but even from where Nephthys stood she could see the child's arms, legs and face had already been badly burned…

"Mama! Where are you? I can't see you!," she screamed in pain and confusion. "Mama! Daddy! I can't see you!."

Neither could she see the Khemetan soldiers approaching her, their weapons drawn…

"No!," Nephthys screamed in warning, but it was to late. An arrow from a Khemetan bow struck the Hittite girl in her left arm and she collapsed to the ground, already weak from her serious burns and the trauma of the attack…

The young priestess gasped in horror as she saw an approaching soldier on a chariot draw his sword over the wounded Hittite girl…

"Stop!," she screamed again. "No!." She went to run down the hill to try and protect the child, but Set seized her arm.

"Are you mad, Nephthys?!," he shouted. These soldiers would not recognize her from the enemy at this point. How could she be so foolish as to put her own safety at risk for the enemies of Khemet?!. "That urchin will probably die anyway!."

His answer was a sharp slap to the face, which shocked and stunned him enough to release her arm!.

The priestess hurried down the dunes, paying no attention to Set's calls for her to come back... Perhaps he was right. Perhaps the child would die of her injuries, but there must be something she could do to keep the soldiers from killing her now, as they had killed so many others today, and to ease her pain…

Fortunately, she managed to place herself between the child and the approaching soldier just in time…

"Stop!," she cried. "What do you think you are doing? This is just a child! A hurt, defenseless child! Can't you see that?!."

Surprised and startled by this Khemetan woman defending a Hittite enemy, the soldier paused…

Nephthys then turned from him and knelt down to see to the little girl… She was in a bad state indeed. Her clothes were scorched and the better part of her body and face had been burned, even her eyes. As a priestess and physician, Nephthys doubted the girl would ever see again, or that the scars from her terrible burns would ever completely fade away, even if she did live…

"Woman," the soldier spoke as other armed men came to stand by him. "You'd best move away. You're obviously a high class Khemetan, and it'd be wrong to kill you just to get to that burned Hittite brat who'll probably die anyway." The other soldiers nodded and voiced their agreement.

In defiance, the young priestess pulled the unconscious child closer towards her. "This girl needs medical attention, and I intend to take her with me and make sure she receives it!."

"Last warning! Step away!."

Her response was a hateful glare. "If you want this child, you'll have to kill me first!," she hissed.

At this, they drew closer and raised their swords menacingly… "Very well then, M'lady, you've got no one but yourself to blame."

It was times like these that made Nephthys wish she had a powerful Ka she could summon for protection,(100) but she never played the Shadow Games and only watched them when forced, so now there was nothing she could do but gather the unconscious, burned child in her arms and prepare to run for it…

"Stand down!," barked an angry, commanding voice.

The young woman turned her head to see Set approaching, the Millenium Rod clenched tightly in his hand and an expression of rage on his face.

"My Lord! Priest Set!," the soldiers all dropped their weapons at once and went down on their knees in salute.

"What is the meaning of this!," the high priest demanded. "You dare to threaten a priestess of Eset, and my betrothed?!."

"We apologize, my lord… but… the Hittite…"

"No wretched Hittite urchin is worth the life of an upper class Khemetan priestess!," Set growled. "You are all fortunate I don't sentence you to a life in prison right now!."

Obediently, the men were silent…

Set was about to say more, when something a few feet away caught his eye… a woman, standing near the ashes of the ruined Hittite hut…She was strangely beautiful… Her smooth skin was a bluish green in color, her hair was a bright reddish gold and she wore a shimmering green robed-gown and an elaborate white headdress… She bowed her head sadly and tears streamed down her cheeks…

Then, in an instant she was gone… Set blinked and grunted in surprise… Was it just an illusion, or a Ka of some person?… It had appeared and disappeared so fast he hadn't had time to see…

The young High Priest then shook his head and turned to Nephthys, who was still kneeling on the ground, cradling the little burned girl in her arms protectively…

She shifted her eyes to meet his… What he saw startled him, and brought back a long forgotten memory… There was anger, fear, shock and sadness all in one gaze… It was the look of someone gazing at one they no longer recognized… He remembered the day he first saw Priest Akunadin's Millenium Eye… He had not even been four years old then(101)… Had he given Akunadin this same look as Nephthys was giving him now?…

Seto shook his head and rubbed his eyes vigorously, trying to get rid of the mild wave of nausea the memory had brought on… More memories… more visions… Curse that Isis Ishtar!. It was only after she'd showed him that tablet at the museum that these things had started to happen to him!.

Once the nausea had passed, Kaiba then busied himself with gathering the ingredients Nephthys had listed... Today, she had asked him to come with her and help treat a few patients in town. This recent patient was a little boy named Senbi, and, to his dismay, one of Mariasha's friends. He had broken his leg(102) and needed anesthetic before his injury could be treated…

Hot water, vinegar and memphite stone?… This was the vixens idea of an anesthetic?(103)… Oh well, he shrugged to himself. She was the doctor, not him…

Nephthys had already finished washing the patient's leg for surgery when the young CEO entered the room with the ingredients…

"There there, Senbi," the lady of the house soothed, stroking his hair and brushing his bangs gently away from his eyes. "This isn't going to hurt. You will be fast asleep while we operate."

The little boy nodded nervously. He wasn't much older then Mariasha, and this was his first serious doctor's visit. "Alright… Thank you, Lady Nephthys…"

She smiled warmly back at him. "You're welcome, young man. Just be glad your friends found you when they did, or else you might have lain there for hours with that broken leg and I would not have been able to treat it properly." Worse yet, the leg might have shattered, making it completely untreatable.

"Speaking of that, here's the things you asked for, Kitsune," Seto announced as he entered the room.

The lady of the house turned to watch him as he approached with the ingredients. "Ahh, my new, temporary assistant," she greeted him. "Thank you."

Kaiba nodded, then he gave the little boy a smirk. "This should keep the little rat off his feet for awhile, so we won't have to worry about Asha."

Young Senbi chuckled nervously. He was very fond of this young man, even though Nephthys's new assistant had often expressed his disapproval about him playing with Mariasha and the girls. He wasn't quite sure why though. After all, they were best friends.

"Tut tut!," Nephthys chastised the young CEO, gently swatting his arm. That was no way to talk to a little boy who was going to be going through a surgery on his leg!.

The doctor took the ingredients from her assistant. She mixed the hot water in with the vinegar, then poured it over the Memphite stone…

"It'll be alright, kiddo. The vixen knows what she's doing." Seto fluffed up the boy's pillows to make him comfortable, then held his hand as Nephthys put the stone with it's fumes under his nose…

"Here we go," she smiled reassuringly. "Just breath this in deeply, and when you wake up your leg will be all set and ready to heal."


The operation on Senbi's leg was a success... Nephthys was able to fix a screw in, tying the thigh and calf bones in place. Then, after the boy's leg had been sewed up and cleaned, it was set and put into a splint…

Once young Senbi woke up, he was given a pain killer for his leg and his parents were permitted into the room to see him once they had washed their hands… They wanted to repay Nephthys and Seto for their work, but the lady of the house and her assistant would not hear of it. They both knew Senbi's family had a low income and could not afford the operation…

"So, you say that where you come from plaster is hardened around the patient's broken limb, which keeps the bones still so they may heal?."

Seto nodded. "That's right, and anesthetics are normally given by injections. There are even ways to see an internal injury without having to cut a patient. They're called X Rays."

"Hmm," Nephthys smiled thoughtfully. The more she heard from Kaiba about the future, the more interesting it sounded. No doubt the doctors in modern Japan were more learned then she was, and the medicines and hospitals far more advanced and efficient.

The young CEO had to disagree. However primitive, the methods and treatments he'd seen her use were competent and effective more then ninety percent of the time, and at least the vixen actually listened to her patients, which is more then he could say for a good number of so-called "professional doctors" back in Domino.

They continued on their way back to the villa as the late afternoon sun shone above them… A little tired from their rounds, they stopped by the river Nile and removed their shoes and sandals and stepped in to wade for a few minutes…

Nephthys brushed a few stray bangs away from her face and breathed in the cool wind of late October…

"I want to thank you, Anu," she said as she waded up to her calf. "It was very good of you to agree to help me. The work gets done that much more efficiently, and you are a fast learner for someone who has never been trained in that area."

"Well, if it'll help me learn more about my past life and get me out of here faster, it's worth it," Seto answered bluntly.

The lady of the house nodded slowly… She lowered her eyes and studied the Nile water as it swished gently against her tanned legs… Finally, she looked up again… "You may be right… And that's why… That's why in order for you to return to your own time and country, and to avenge your brother, it's important that you get yourself together, Seto."

He stared at her as if she had said something completely obscene. "What?… What are you talking about?…"

Nephthys sighed. "You know that doctors cannot heal everything, and bringing the dead back to life is most definitely something we can never do," she began. "But those who have a strong will to live survive more often then not… That's why it's so important you are never as foolish or selfish as you were the time you tried to steal the Millenium Torque. If you ever are again, I'll never forgive you. Do you understand?."

They waded out of the water and sat themselves down on the steps leading into the river to sun themselves…

"I… I understand…" Kaiba answered quietly, studying her. He had a feeling there was more she was trying to tell him by that, but he didn't say. "Thank you."

She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Don't thank me. I'm not telling you this for gratitude, I'm telling you this for your own sake."(104)


"But why couldn't I see Senbi today?," Mariasha asked that evening as Nephthys and Seto were clearing the dinner table and Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet finished washing and drying the dishes. She had wanted to go over and cheer him up once he woke from his surgery. After all, he was one of her few friends in town that did not tease her about the bandages over her eyes, or her scars.

"Because he needed the remainder of the day to rest and recover," the lady of the house explained. "You know that, Miw-sher. After a good nights sleep he should be well enough to have visitors by tomorrow afternoon."

At this, Khu and Kiya cheered and Asha nodded obediently. "Alright, Umayma." Maybe they'd have enough time to gather lots of winter flowers for him and make a big plate of honey cakes to cheer him up.

"That's a wonderful idea. You three can help me bake them tomorrow morning," Mutnodjmet smiled as she finished off the last of the dinner dishes.

Kaiba shook his head in exasperation as he wiped off the dinner table. "Come on now, hasn't anyone ever told you girls the facts of life?."

This both confused and interested Asha, Khu and Kiya. "What facts of wife, Uncle Setty?," little Kiya asked, eyes wide.

The young CEO turned around and wagged his finger half-playfully at them. "Stay away from boys," he advised them. "Because they're all disgusting, self-indulgent beasts that'll just take up space and eat all your food!."

"You would know, Anu," Nephthys teased him.

"Hey!." He gave her an indignant look that sent the children into amused giggles.

Little Khu put her hands on her hips. "Well, I'm not gonna' stay away from boys, Uncle Setty!," she announced.

Seto affectionately tousled her hair. "Now that's the spirit, kiddo, never do anything the grown ups tell you," he chuckled ruefully.


That night, Nephthys was snuffing out the lamps and candles around the house after everyone had retired for bed…

She moved into the living room area and, to her surprise, found Seto and Mariasha on one of the chairs, fast asleep… He had fallen asleep on the chair and she had nodded off on his lap, her head against his heart…

On the floor were a number of papyrus scrolls and colored paints... A bit earlier, Kaiba and the girls had been drawing pictures and writing short stories and little poems to give as get well presents to Senbi the next day…

The lady of the house smiled to herself as she cleaned up the scrolls and paints while placing the finished gifts on the table. She recalled seeing Asha's face light up as the young CEO guided her hand, holding the brush, across the papyrus. Someday, she knew, that girl might become a fine artist, or even a scribe, in spite of her blindness.

She also recalled the happy, contented smile on Seto's face, which would often surface when he thought no none was watching… He really ought to let others see it more, she thought…

Nephthys then took off her shawl and the robe she wore over her dress, and, taking great care not to wake the sleeping pair, placed them tenderly over them… She leaned forwards and kissed Asha's forehead. The child stirred, but otherwise did not wake…

Then the lady of the house slowly reached out her hand and gently brushed Seto's brown bangs away from his closed eyes, something she had been wanting to do for some time now, but would never have dared to do if he was awake…

After tucking the shawl warmly over their shoulders, the young woman then turned down the last of the lamps and made her way upstairs to bed…


Nearly a week later, Seto and Nephthys were on their way back to the villa after spending the majority of the afternoon in town tending to patients… This day, Kaiba felt was different however… It was as if the vixen had been purposely stalling to leave town… Even after their rounds, she would make some sort of excuse to stay longer. Maybe they should go and check on this or that patient again?, maybe they should stop to buy some more ingredients for the medicines they would need?, or maybe he would like to come visit the local temple of Eset with her before they went back?…

Finally, as it was nearing sundown, the young CEO managed to convince the good doctor that they had taken care of everything, and done everything they needed, in town for today…

"So, Mariasha tells me your Japanese New Years Eve is tonight," Nephthys mentioned casually as they made their way back to the villa.

He nodded. The kids had asked him not long after he'd first arrived here when all the special Japanese holidays were, so it was no surprise that they'd told the vixen. "Mmm hmm, New Years Day is January first, what of it?."

"Well," she shrugged, "I was just wondering what you futuristic Japanese did for New Years celebrations."

"Hmmph, not much in my case." Usually Mokuba would just give him a present or two, a new set of duel cards or a new coat or something. It wasn't like either of them needed much for New Years in the first place. "You know I hate parties anyway, Kitsune."

"Of course I know how you feel about parties, Anu," Nephthys shook her head with a rueful chuckle. Indeed, all he'd wanted to do for his birthday on October twenty fifth(105) was take a walk by the riverside, read a few new papyrus scrolls, and share a small plate of honey and fruit pastries with her and the children. "Don't worry, I assure you I am not planning anything."

Seto raised an eyebrow. Why was he finding it difficult to believe her?.

Soon they arrived back at the villa, and, almost the moment they entered the courtyard, the children, Mariasha, Khu and little Kiya came running out of the main house with Kuribo at their heels.

"Nephthys! Uncle Setty!," the two younger ones cried in excitement.

Smiling, the lady of the house took Asha's hands. "Is everything ready, Miw-sher?."

"Yes, Umayma!," the little girl nodded with a smile as eager as her foster mother's.

At this, Kaiba crossed his arms and shot Nephthys another of his famous dirty looks. "Hey! I thought you said you weren't planning anything?!."

"I said I wasn't planning anything, Anu," the lady of the house grinned mischievously. "But I didn't say anything about the children."

Asha laughed and bent down to stroke Kuribo, who was now rubbing against her leg, while Khu and Kiya giggled and tugged at the young CEO's sleeves.

"Come on, Uncle Setty!," they urged, pulling him towards the doorway. "Come see!."

With a groan, and casting a martyred glance to the sky, he reluctantly gave in and followed Nephthys and the children inside…

Once inside, Seto immediately smelled something cooking in the kitchen…

"Beef," the lady of the house nodded, as if reading his thoughts. "Asha tells me it's your favorite dish, is it not?."

"The fillet part, yes," he answered.(106) "But you didn't have to have Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet slave away over a hot stove on my account, Vixen."

She rolled her eyes at that. Clueless, that's what he was!. "You're right, I didn't have to. They are the ones who offered, now come upstairs and see what everyone's put together for your first Japanese New Year in Khemet."

With Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet joining them, everyone continued making their way upstairs and down the hallway…

Little Kiya, who was now perched comfortably on Kaiba's shoulders, giggled and put her tiny hands over his eyes.

"You have to close your eyes before you go in," Khu explained, taking his hand.

"Yes, it's a surprise," Asha added.

The young CEO groaned inwardly. "Oh, alright," he muttered. May as well humor these rug rats.

He soon heard the bedroom door open, and felt Asha and Khu's small hands in his as they led him inside…

"Alright," Seto finally heard Nephthys say. "You can show him now, Kiya."

The little one slowly removed her hands from his eyes…

Kaiba breathed back a gasp of surprise and shock. In spite of his initial lack of enthusiasm, he certainly hadn't expected this!.

The whitewashed walls of the room had been painted with a top boarder of bright red, pink and white lotuses, light and dark green papyruses that looked as though the wind had caught them and graceful marsh birds that really seemed to be in flight. Above his bed a large green Eye of Horus had been painted(107)… but what caught his attention the most was the large mural that took up nearly the entire left wall of the room…

He immediately recognized the people who had been painted on the mural… Nephthys, Mariasha, Si-Amun, Mutnodjmet, Khu and Kiya, Kuribo and… and right alongside them he saw himself and Mokuba… It was an almost perfect likeness…

"It's… It's Mokuba and I…" Seto whispered… "Who…? How did…?"

"It was mostly Umayma's idea," Asha explained with a smile. "But we all helped out. Umayma started work on the wall this morning before you two left, that's why we wouldn't let you back upstairs after breakfast."

Nephthys nodded as she helped Kiya down from the young man's shoulders. "And Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet and the children all finished it together before we got back. I must say, you did a wonderful job, everyone!."

Kaiba reached out a hand and placed it on the painted version of his little brother… The same familiar sneakers, shorts and green sweater, the same mop of scruffy dark hair, wide blue-gray eyes and happy, impish smile… It looked so like him… How had they known?… How had they been able?… Maybe they remembered Mokuba's face from the few times he had shown them the picture in his lost locket…

It was then that he noticed the background for the paintings. Graceful, silvery cherry trees in full bloom with their pink blossoms. There were high, swayed garden archways painted bright red, and a huge, snow covered mountain which he recognized as Fuji… This all matched the stories he'd told Mariasha, Khu and Kiya about traditional Japan, and the national parks in Tokyo and Kyoto…

"Do you like it?," Asha asked eagerly. "I know I can't see it, but I've felt all the raised pictures and words on it."

In response, the young CEO stroked her hair once, very lightly with his free right hand. "Thank you… This… This really means allot to me, kid…"

Everyone smiled, and the little girl placed her hand upon where his left hand was still resting on Mokuba's face… "We wanted to give this Japanese New Years present to you because we think of you as a part of our family now, Niisama." Ever since she had learned that the word was a term of respect for one's big brother where Seto came from, she had insisted upon calling him that.

"That's right," Nephthys added, placing her hand upon Asha's. "And we will always think of you as part of our family, even when the time comes for you to return to your own country."

Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet also placed their hands upon Seto's, Nephthys's and Asha's, nodding and smiling in agreement.

"My wife and I have never had any sons or grandsons, so it's a pleasure having you here, young man."

"Yes, Seto," Mut agreed. "Even after you return to Japan, this wall will always help us to remember you forever."

"Yeah! Forever! Forever!," Khu and Kiya piped up, and their grandparents laughed!.

Kaiba stared at them all… "Thank you… Thank you so much… I… I don't know what to say…" What could he say?. That it was here that he'd known his first untroubled sleep since Mokubas death, and his losses to Yugi and Pegasus?... That for the first time since the loss of his parents and little brother he'd felt nearly perfectly happy?... That there was a part of him that never wanted to go back to where he'd come from?…


It wasn't long before January, and winter, ended… Soon green leaves and brightly colored blossoms began to show on the trees and bushes in the garden… The nights grew warmer, and the Nile came alive with the calls of the marsh birds and their new young…

When Seto mentioned that Spring had finally come, Nephthys gave him an odd look. What was Spring?, she wanted to know.

Of course, Kaiba mentally kicked himself for that. He should have remembered, here there were only three seasons, Autumn, Winter, and Summer began around the end of February.

The bright, warm Egyptian sun shone down on the peaceful scene in the villas courtyard… Nephthys was sweeping the fallen leaves and blossoms from the courtyard and Mariasha was seated on the veranda, playing with Kuribo and the other nearly fully grown kittens. Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet were hanging up the last load of laundry to dry, and Kaiba had his hands full with giving the squirming Khu and Kiya a bath…

Strange… He'd been here almost one year now, at least according to the ancient Egyptian calendar… He remembered how awkward and out of place he'd felt at first when Isis had dumped him here… but now… Now it felt like he'd lived here all his life, and had always been a part of this family…

He was brought out of his thoughts by a splash of water to his shirt…

"Ha ha!," little Kiya giggled from where she and her sister sat in the soapy tub. "Gotcha', Uncle Setty!."

Kuribo, who had strayed away from the other kittens to play near the tub, quickly made a beeline back to the veranda, where he would be safe from the children's water fights.

"Hmmph!," the young CEO made a face. "I'll have you know this is an expensive shirt, young lady!." He then took the bottle of hair-soap and poured a little of it on each girl's head. "Now, cover your eyes."

Obediently, the girls covered their eyes so as not to get the stinging soap in their eyes, and Seto vigorously scrubbed it into their dark hair.

"Really," he scolded them as he started with Khu. "Your hair's so dirty we could grow potatoes in it!."

Khu crossed her arms in childish indignance. "Why couldn't we use the bathhouse, Uncle Setty?."

"Because it takes to long to set up the fire and the pipes and heat the water, you know that."

"Then why couldn't we go down an' bathe in the river?. It's more fun, and we could go swimming."

By now Kaiba had finished soaping Khu's hair and had started on Kiya's. "Silly kid!. There were crocodiles spotted near the river the other day. Nobody is going swimming until we're sure they've moved on, and that's final!."

"Hmmph!." Now it was Khu and Kiya's turns to make faces!.

The young CEO finished lathering the both girl's hair, then he took the large bucket of clear water and poured a little of it, slowly, over each girl's head to rinse…

"There," he said, once they were both completely rinsed off. "Nice and clean." He reached for the fresh pile of towels to dry them…

"Nice and clean," the girls repeated after him, but they had impish grins on their faces…

The next minute, before their "Uncle Setty" could stop them, the two had jumped out of the bathtub, still soaking wet, and were scampering around the courtyard!.

"Hey!," Seto took off after them. "Get back here, you little hooligans!."

Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet burst out laughing at the scene that followed. Their granddaughters were on his time now, so they had no qualms with being amused at the spectacle.

Nephthys was chuckling so hard she dropped her broom and had to cover her mouth with her hand to hide her grin!. The boy really did look comical chasing after the giggling children, nearly slipping on their wet tracks and waving the towels about like flags!.

"You little miscreants!. Get back here right now, or you're in big trouble!. I mean it!."

Laughing, the girls ran through the hanging laundry with Kaiba in hot pursuit. The three of them ran around and through the blowing linens and clothing, in spite of Mutnodjmet's amused, half hearted protests not to get the drying laundry all wet again.

Finally, the young CEO managed to catch up with the children. He seized them each by the waist and carried them, giggling and squealing, away from Mut's laundry.

"Now, maybe we can finish drying you off," he grumbled, plopping them each gently back on the ground.

The girls giggled and squirmed as he finished drying and combing their dark hair, but, nevertheless, stayed put and didn't try to run off again.

Seto ran the comb through little Khu and Kiya's hair and the children both squealed and jumped around in indignant protest.

"Knock it off, you little ankle-biters," he scolded gruffly. "Or else you two can forget about me finishing that story for you tonight!."

That did it!. One of the girls' favorite things now was listening to "Uncle Setty's" stories at bedtime, and there was no way they were taking a chance on missing out on it!.

It had started when Asha, Khu and Kiya, who had heard all of the Khemetan legends and myths from Nephthys, Si-Amun and Mutnodjmet by now, had asked Kaiba to tell them some stories from his own country… He'd been reluctant at first, seeing as he didn't remember many traditional Japanese legends, but then he'd remembered all the manga comic stories and anime TV shows he and Mokuba used to enjoy together, "Rurouni Kenshin", "Yu Yu Hakusho", "Shaman King", "Pokemon" And "Digimon", "Beyblade" and all the others, and he'd agreed to tell them all to the girls, at least the ones that weren't to gory or scary for them…

"Awww! Come on, Uncle Setty!," Khu pleaded. "We wanna' know what happens after Kenshin goes to Kyoto!."

"Yeah! Does Kaoru follow him? Do they fall in love? Does he beat Shishio and save Japan?," Kiya piped up.

The young CEO finished drying and combing their hair and helped them into their clean white shifts, as they were to old to be running around without clothes now.

"I'll tell you tonight, that is, if you two can behave yourselves for the rest of the afternoon. Then maybe you'll find out what happens to Kenshin and Kaoru." Though he himself preferred Saitoh Hajime, it was easy to see why little kids liked the main characters of the series the best.

Asha smiled as she stroked a purring Kuribo's back. "Afterwards, will you tell us what happens to the demon, Hiei?," she asked. "I want to know if he rescues his little sister, Yukina."

At this, Nephthys smiled to herself as she finished sweeping the courtyard. She supposed it was because Asha saw herself as Yukina and Seto as Hiei… She rather liked "Yu-Yu-Hakusho" and "Rurouni Kenshin" herself, so did Si and Mut, while Nakhti and young Senbi preferred "Pokemon", "Digimon", "Shaman King" and "Beyblade"… Japanese storytelling was indeed interesting…

It was then that the sound of men's unfamiliar shouts and heavy hoofbeats distracted her from her thoughts…

"Lady Nephthys! Lady Nephthys!."

To everyone's surprise, three mounted Medjay(108) hurriedly entered the courtyard… They were armed with bows and arrows, swords and spears, and they looked as though they hadn't stopped for rest or provisions even once on their way here...

Though startled, the lady of the house put her broom aside and calmly went to meet them. "Ankh Uza Seneb," she called as she approached them. "What is your business?." Surely noone here or in town had committed any offenses, though her own private views on what counted as "offenses" more often then not differed from the royal court's and the Medjay's.

The three desert patrolmen dismounted and saluted her.

"My lady," the head of the group spoke first. In the usual Medjay fashion, his face betrayed no emotion, but there was fear behind his eyes and that instantly unnerved her. "We have come to warn you. It is one of the sacred god monsters."

One of the god monsters!. Everyone in the courtyard looked at eachother in shock and Nephthys's fears were increased even higher. Taking a breath, she asked "Which one?. There are three, if I am not mistaken."

The lead Medjay's face tightened and he hesitated… "It is The Winged Dragon Of Ra," he finally stated.

"Sweet Eset," the lady of the house brought a hand to her mouth. "Do you mean to tell me that the most powerful of the God Monsters is headed towards this town of all places?!."

"Unfortunately, yes, my lady. We came ahead to warn you. We must prepare to evacuate the town at once!."

She paced back and forth for a minute, as if trying to decide something… "Yes, yes," she finally answered the Medjay. "We must get everyone to safety and be prepared to evacuate at the first sight of that monster."

"Very good, my lady," the first Medjay nodded briskly.

The second Medjay glanced upwards, as if expecting to see the Winged Dragon Of Ra appear in the sky at any moment… "Allow us, Lady Nephthys," he said. "We will help you take care of the town, as it is the first settlement in Ra's path."

"Thank you, gentlemen." The lady of the house gave them an appreciative glance and a nod. Thank Eset they had rode ahead and been able to warn the town in time!.

Meanwhile, little Khu and Kiya were clinging tightly to their grandparents who were gently, but quickly, ushering them and Mariasha inside…

Seto made a move as if to follow them, but Nephthys put a hand on his shoulder. "No, Anu. We need you and those cards of yours if there is to be any chance of protecting this settlement from Ra."

At this, Kaiba narrowed his eyes in understanding, a wry half-smile on his face. "You mean Obelisk?." At this point he knew less about the Egyptian God Cards then any of the other cards, other then the fact that they were the most powerful, but surely one God Monster had the ability to defeat another.

"Exactly," she nodded. "Perhaps those cards Isis sent with you from the future may prove useful after all."

"Hmmph," was the young CEO's only response. He wasn't about to outrightly give that Ishtar woman credit for anything. "Do you have any idea who might be sending Ra here?… Set?…"

To his surprise, the lady of the house shook her head. "No, it would not be like him to set any of the God Monsters against a Khemetan town. He would have nothing to gain by destroying it."

Seto was about to make a snide comment that he never thought he'd hear the vixen defend her jilted ex fiancée when a familiar voice sounded from nearby…

"Umayma?… Niisama?…" Asha had stayed behind and had not followed Si, Mut, and the others inside the house…

Nephthys gently put her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Miw-sher, you should go back inside with everyone."

"But I want to help you, Umayma!. Please?," she begged. "I want to keep you safe."

Kaiba shook his head and gently stroked her scarred cheek. "You can help us by keeping yourself safe, Imouto. We'll be alright."

As he spoke, the lady of the house took the reins of the nearest of the Medjay's horses, a small but strong dark bay, and mounted herself on. "We are riding out to inspect any possible damage. Take care of everyone here until we return, alright?."

"Very well, my lady," the lead Medjay answered, giving her another salute.

Nephthys guided the horse towards the young CEO and stopped by him. "Come on, Anu." She offered him her hand…

In response, he crossed his arms with a cynical smirk. "We're taking that nag?."

"If you would rather walk…"

"Ugghh! Oh, alright!," he threw up his hands in defeat. He took her hand and, with her help, awkwardly mounted up behind her… For a brief moment he felt rather warm, almost hot, as his arms encircled around her waist… but that feeling quickly passed as soon as the vixen urged the horse onwards and gave it the signal to gallop ahead. It almost unseated him, but he managed to keep his balance.

"Umayma! Niisama!," they could hear Asha's voice calling after them as they galloped out of the courtyard and away from the villa. "Please be safe!."


They weren't five minutes from the town when they caught the first glimpse of it… Even from the distance, The Winged Dragon Of Ra looked huge, and it's power was apparent…

Seto's mouth opened in amazement… He had only just heard of this monster until now, but nothing Isis had said could have prepared him for this… The creature's eagle-like neck, head and beak and lion-like form made it resemble a medieval griffin more then a dragon, and it's body that shone blindingly as it caught the sun seemed to be made of a protective suit of golden scaled armor…

Nephthys herself was nearly overwhelmed by the most powerful of the God Monsters… In the number of times in her life she had been forced to either observe or participate in a shadow game she had seen The Winged Dragon Of Ra only once or twice… and seeing a creature in a gaming arena was quite another thing from seeing if filling nearly the entire sky and flying towards you at an alarming rate…

"Seto, you have to recite the incantation," the lady of the house said. "It's the only way to get Ra under our control."

To her dismay, he stared at her and blinked. "What?!."

At this, Nephthys rolled her eyes. Honestly! Men like this shouldn't even be let out of the house!. "The incantation to turn Ra over to our side!," she said. "If you truly are Sets reincarnation then you should be able to remember it!."

Kaiba shut his eyes and tried to remember… "Great beast… of the sky… please… hear my cry…" he started awkwardly... Then he shook his head and brought his hands to his forehead. "I… I can't remember…"

"What?!." Nephthys was shocked. "How can you not remember?. You claim to be an expert at these games, and each of the seven sem-priests know that incantation!."

"Well, what about you?. You were one of the priesthood too!," he argued, but he bit the inside of his lip as he watched the Winged Dragon Of Ra approaching closer and closer…

"You know I couldn't care less about the shadow games!," she snapped as her hands clenched tighter on the horse's reins. "How should I know the exact words?."

But before the young CEO could answer, a fiery blast from Ra's mouth exploded nearby. The horse shied, but it's riders managed to stay on.

"We have to get out of here!," Seto cried as the next blast from the dragon landed even closer to them.

In response, the lady of the house loosened her hold on the horse's reins and urged it forwards into a gallop. "Yah!."

To Kaiba's dismay, they were racing towards and past the dragon instead of away!. "Are you insane?!," he shouted as they just barely dodged another flaming blast.

"We have to lead this thing away from the town!," Nephthys called over her shoulder.

When Isis had first told him of the three Egyptian God Cards and God Monsters, never once had Seto Kaiba imagined he would be back in ancient Egypt being pursued by one of them!.

It wasn't long before another fiery inferno was aimed at them. Terrified, the horse reared upwards and Seto and Nephthys were thrown roughly onto the hard ground.

Scrambling to her feet, the lady of the house silently cursed to herself as she watched what was probably their only chance of outrunning Ra turn and bolt straight back to the town.

"Well, any other brilliant ideas, Nephthys?," Kaiba demanded after they barely managed to leap out of the way of another of Ra's attacks.

"Seto, your card," she said, breathing heavily as she steadied herself. "Use Obelisk."

Obelisk!. He could have kicked himself for not doing it sooner!. The young CEO fished around in his pocket until he found his cards… One, two, three Blue Eyes White Dragons… then… Obelisk The Tormentor!.

Finally!. At last here was the chance to do what he loved best, and to put this God Card Isis gave him to good use!.

Grinning wickedly, Seto drew the God Card and raised it in summoning. "This dragon's about to get it's wings clipped!," he proclaimed with a laugh. "Go, Obelisk The Tormentor!."

At that moment, the sky began to darken and the earth shook… The Egyptian God Card in it's holder's hand began to glow until the monster, Obelisk The Tormentor appeared to challenge The Winged Dragon Of Ra…

"So, that is Obelisk…" Nephthys commented. She hadn't seen this particular God Monster before…

Kaiba smiled, reminding her of a cat that had just gotten it's claws into a plump bird. "Yes, and it's about time I got to use it again!." This should be even more satisfying then the first time back in Domino!. Playing Obelisk to teach a few punk bullies a lesson was one thing, but playing it against the so-called strongest of the God Monsters was another!.

Immediately, the two God Monsters were engaged in an explosive battle, a clash of the titans... Obelisk shook the earth and attacked with powerful lightning bolts, while Ra dodged the blasts with a mighty heave of it's wings and sent another inferno of flames at it's challenger…

The young CEO laughed almost maniacally with the thrill and rush of summoning and controlling a monster of such extreme power after nearly a year of being unable to play his favorite game. "Go, Obelisk!. Annihilate him!."

Just then, a lethal blast from Obelisk and Ra's attacks were aimed dangerously close to them, but Nephthys managed to pull him out of the way of it. "Idiot!. We have to get out of range of the battle, or we'll be the ones annihilated!."

They hurried far enough away from the Ra and Obelisk's battle so that the blasts would not reach them... From behind the a group of sand dunes, they watched as the two God Monsters continued their war…

Unfortunately, The Winged Dragon Of Ra was not known as the most powerful of the Egyptian God Cards because it could be so easily defeated by Obelisk The Tormentor… Before long, Seto could see that Ra's fire blasts were wearing his God Monster down…

"This is impossible!," he cried. "Obelisk can't be losing!."

"Oh, yes it can," the lady of the house answered under her breath, then she said "Ra is supposed to be the most powerful of the God Monsters, is it not?. Besides, your version of Obelisk isn't even from this time!."

"I could have lived the rest of my life without hearing that, vixen," Kaiba muttered.

Nephthys gestured to his pocket. "But there is still a chance, Anu!. Those three white beasts you have, call upon them like you did Obelisk!. Maybe they could even out this match!."

"But I can't summon them all at once!," the discouraged young CEO argued. "I need three plays, and a pulverisation card for them to be able to help Obelisk!." He took the three remaining cards out of his pocket and studied them. The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was indeed more powerful then three separated Blue Eyes White Dragons, but here, and without the rest of his deck, there was no way to create or summon it!.

But before he could say anything else, the lady of the house seized one of the Blue Eyes. "Then call upon one and I will call upon another!," she snapped. "At least with two of these dragons we should have more of a chance!."

At that moment, all he could do was stare at her in near bewilderment… "But…"

"But nothing!. You know I hate these games, but if that's what it takes to protect the town then so be it!."

"Alright," he nodded quickly. To his annoyance, she was right again!. Obelisk wouldn't be able to last much longer against Ra if help didn't come soon, and he'd never forgive himself if anything happened to Asha, Khu, Kiya and the others because of this lame excuse for a God Card!.

It was then a familiar young voice sounded behind them… "Don't forget about me, Umayma."

"Asha!?. Imouto!?." Seto spun around in shock. How on Earth had she gotten here?. There was no way she could have followed them!.

More concerned with what the child was doing here then how she'd gotten here, Nephthys hurried over and placed her hands on her foster daughter's shoulders. "Miw-sher!. I thought I told you to stay back at the villa!?."

"But you and Niisama need help!," the girl protested. "Maybe if someone draws the third card, the three dragons can come together and help Obelisk defeat Ra!."

The two looked at eachother for a moment, then Nephthys sighed. "Alright, Miw-sher, but you must stay with us at all times, do you understand?."

"I understand, Umayma," Asha nodded seriously.

Good grief!. What was the vixen thinking?. This was no place for a kid!. "Now I know you're insane!," Kaiba yelled. "In fact, both of you are!." Even if the three of them could call forth the three Blue Eyes White Dragons at the same time, there was no guarantee he could bring out Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon without any pulverisation cards!.(109) "Forget it!. I don't need help from the two of you!. I can take care of this myself, so why don't you two just…"

"Why don't you shut that mouth of yours and stop trying to put everything on your own shoulders?!," Nephthys snapped, cutting him off.

Asha nodded. "Yes," she added before he could snap back at Nephthys. "For Eset's sake, Niisama, let someone help you for once in your life!."

The young CEO stared at them… The lady of the house met his gaze, unflinching, and the child stood, back straight, with her chin up and mouth set into a stubborn line…

"Alright then," he nodded briskly. It was better then just running and hiding and waiting for Ra to finish off Obelisk and the whole town, including them. Seto then took his second Blue Eyes and handed it to Asha. "Let's do this before Obelisk gets any weaker!." He held up his remaining Blue Eyes card. "Go, Blue Eyes White Dragon!."

On cue, and in unison, Nephthys and Mariasha raised their own cards. "Go, Blue Eyes White Dragon!," they cried.

"Go, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!," Seto cried out.

To Kaiba's relief and amazement, the three Blue Eyes White Dragons began to emerge from their cards and head towards eachother… With a single blast of white light the three came together… Now, in the place of three single dragons there was one, enormous, powerful, three headed dragon… With an earth shattering roar, and another blast of white lightning, it flew to Obelisk's aid…

If you have never seen two enormous, powerful spirits battle eachother out in the open you cannot imagine how both frightening and fascinating it is at the same time. This was a first for Nephthys and, despite her contempt for the game's violence, she couldn't help but stare in awe as Obelisk and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon battled Ra…

"Yes!," the young CEO smiled to himself. Together, Obelisk and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon were beginning to overpower the weakening Ra!.

But The Winged Dragon Of Ra was not going down without making an attempt to take everything else down with it!. Before Obelisk and Ultimate Blue Eyes finally managed to overpower it, it aimed a last flaming inferno towards it's attackers, but in the struggle it missed them and shot towards Seto, Nephthys and Mariasha…

"Umayma! Niisama! Look out!," the little girl warned…

"Miw-sher!," Nephthys cried. She reached out to pull her child away to safety… but quickly drew back, startled, once she saw the radiant bluish white light surrounding Asha…

Both Kaiba and Nephthys watched in shock and amazement as the light radiating from the girl rose above her to form a completely different being… A lovely elfin woman with a gentle smile, eyes closed, and hands clasped together as if in prayer… It was the same entity he'd seen that time he'd pulled Asha from the river, and from his memory of being Set… Although, this time, now that he had a chance to actually glimpse it properly, he was able to recognize it…

The beautiful ka of the little girl spoke, in a sweat, clear, almost otherworldly voice… Nobody could understand what she was saying, but whatever words she spoke seemed to have an effect, as the fiery blast that was nearing the little group was blocked and destroyed by her growing light, which surrounded them protectively…

Finally, as quickly as it had begun, it was over… Ra, Obelisk and the elfin woman were gone and only the young CEO, the lady of the house and the little burned girl remained…

While the young CEO looked on, Nephthys turned Asha around and placed her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Miw-sher," she demanded gently. "What is going on?. What was all that?."

The little girl bit her lip for a moment… Finally, she blurted out "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I never told you about my ka, Umayma!. I didn't even know what it was until a while ago and…"

"Hush hush, calm yourself," her foster mother stroked her hair reassuringly. "It's alright, now tell us the whole story."

Seto nodded. "Yeah, Imouto, I never would have believed you were really the Mystical Elf, though I should have been able to guess after that night at the river."

Asha took a deep breath, calming herself. "I would not have either until the day the Khemetan armies attacked my village… I felt and saw her emerge from me… She managed to keep the fire from killing me… but… I was still burned…"

"I see…" Kaiba breathed…

"I think she's been getting a little stronger, since she just saved us, but I… I never told anyone… because… because I know you hate the Shadow Games, Umayma…" she continued, lowering her head… "I was so afraid you would be angry with me…"

"Oh, Miw-sher," the lady of the house placed her arms around her child. How she wished she hadn't been so vocal of her hatred of the Shadow Games!. She'd never meant to hurt Asha by it!. "It's only to true that I despise the Shadow Games, but I could never despise you, no matter weather you have a special ka or not."

"That's right, kiddo," the young CEO gently stroked her hair. "And you know I'm here for you, just like you were there for me when I first got here. Nothing's going to change that."

In response, Asha raised her head, smiling slightly. "Thank you, Umayma, Niisama!."

Nephthys lovingly brushed a few lose bangs away from the girl's bandaged eyes. "But, you must promise us something, Miw-Sher. You must never tell anyone else about your ka, or reveal it to anyone else if you can help it."

Asha nodded somberly. "I promise, Umayma," she answered decisively. She had heard stories from her foster mother, and others in town, about what happened to those with kas like her own... They were taken away and never seen again…

Seto was about to agree that that was a good idea, when he became aware of another's presence nearby…

"Well done, Seto Kaiba," a voice that made him roll his eyes in disbelief came from beside him. "You have made good use of Obelisk as well as your three Blue Eyes White Dragons."

Asha clasped Nephthys's hand for reassurance, while the lady of the house watched with interest. This was the same woman she had seen that first night Seto had first arrived in Khemet… The one who so resembled Esetnefret...

"Isis," he muttered in annoyance. "Now what do you think you're doing here?. Don't tell me you're the one who set that thing against us?!."

She shook her head with a patient smile. "No, I did not send The Winged Dragon Of Ra against you or the town, but I have come to collect what is mine."

"What?!." He'd assumed she'd come to finally take him back to present day Domino, but a part of him, or more then just a part, was hoping that was not the case right now.

"Obelisk The Tormentor," Miss Ishtar answered, calmly folding her arms in front of her. "Or have you forgotten that I only lent it to you?. Now that you have made good use of it, twice, I expect it back."

"Hmmph! I believe I told you you were taking a risk in lending that card to me, Ishtar!. What makes you think I'll just hand it over to you now?."

It was then he noticed that one of her hands was closed over some sort of object… She raised her hand and opened her fist… Kaiba's eyes widened and he breathed back a gasp of astonishment at what she held… It was his locket!. The locket he had lost that night he had saved Asha!. How on Earth had Ishtar found it?!. He thought he would never see it again!.

"Why?…How did you find it?…" he asked, staring at it…

Her only response was "Let us just say I know what it is like to lose a little brother, Kaiba… At least… At least mine still has a chance of being saved…" her voice trailed off sadly...

The young CEO sighed. "I take it you want to trade it for Obelisk then?. Fine! That locket is all I've got left of Mokuba! I'll give anything to get it back!." He reached into his pocket and drew Obelisk out, offering it to her.

She accepted the card and handed him the locket… Quickly, Seto opened it and gazed once again on the face of his little brother… "Mokuba…" He started to feel a stinging heat around his eyes, but blinked it away before any tears could show…

Nephthys and Mariasha smiled, glad he had his locket, his brother's memento, back again...

"Are you not going to ask me if I am going to take you back now?," Isis finally asked after she had placed Obelisk safely in her sash and Seto had put his locket back around his neck.

He shook his head. "For once, no."

She gave him a knowing smile. "I did not think so. But you are coming to terms with your ancient past more and more all the time, Seto Kaiba. Do not be surprised when it is finally time to return."

Kaiba only nodded coolly in response, and Isis brought her hand to her Millenium Torque, disappearing once again…

Nobody, not Isis, not Seto, nor Nephthys or Mariasha knew that Kuribo was watching from nearby, crouched on top of a random palm tree… Like before, his eyes gleamed yellow, and the symbol of the Millenium Items flashed upon his forehead…


"Hmmm… Interesting…" Set commented as he released the cat from the rod's power. He might have guessed that scarred Hittite girl had a potentially powerful Ka when he'd caught a glimpse of it that time he'd destroyed her village… but, at that particular time, he'd had other things to worry about besides a brief vision of a Mystical Elf…

And how about Nephthys and her little orphan boy?... They had been wrong in assuming that he had nothing to do with the summoning of The Winged Dragon Of Ra, but correct in deducing that the town was not it's target…

The priest had been disappointed and disgusted when his future incarnation had been unable to completely remember the incantation that would place Ra under his command, but he had been pleasantly surprised when Seto had not only called forth Obelisk, but, with help from Nephthys and the child, had fused together three obviously formidable white dragons with eyes like sapphire into a single astonishingly powerful creature... Perhaps these two would be more useful to him then he thought… The child as well…

"Set?," a familiar gruff, aging voice brought him out of his thoughts…

The young priest turned to greet his mentor and caretaker since childhood, the priest Akunadin. "I believe I have just discovered some more interesting and useful information about our friends." Set wasted no time in coming to the point.

The elder priest and chosen holder of the Millenium Eye nodded knowingly. "Yes, I know. I have looked through everyone's eyes and minds with the Eye. That Hittite girl and her ka may yet prove to be more formidable assets then we thought. I say we go after her first and put her to the testing with the other prisoners that hold useful kas." He peered through his shaggy, graying hair and white, hooded cloak… Perhaps, if his instincts were right, this may very well be the first step in placing his son on the throne… Perhaps then he could tell Set the whole truth, that he was the father he had long presumed to be dead… What would his answer be?…

Set frowned… He disliked the idea of torturing prisoners to bring forth and strengthen their kas, particularly if it was done behind the Per-aa's back in underground chambers even Atem and the rest of the priesthood were unaware of… No child should be put through that, weather they were Hittite, or weather their ka was a Mystical Elf, or not…

"I think not," he shook his head. "I wish to pay an overdue visit to Nephthys first, maybe even my little future incarnation too. Those three blue eyed white dragons of his fascinate me, especially after seeing how much more powerful they become when fused together. The child and her ka can wait."

Akunadin tilted his head slightly in surprise. "Is that really the best idea, Set?. After all, every good hunter knows that the best way to snare a fox is through her cub."

At this, the young priest smiled wryly as he fingered the Millenium Rod in his hands. "No, you are wrong, my teacher" he answered. "It is through her mate."


(99) Finally! We, at long last, know the Pharaoh's real name!. Atem or Atemu, depending on weather you use the Egyptian or Japanese spelling.

(100) The Ancient Egyptians believed that the "soul" is made up of three parts; the Ba, Ka, and Akh. One part of the soul couldn't live without the other. If one died they all died. The purpose of mummification was to keep all of the soul's three parts alive.

The Ba was depicted as a human headed bird. It represented the personality, character, or individuality of the deceased. The ba lived inside the tomb, but was allowed to leave the tomb and come back at will. It could visit the land of the living where it could take on any form.

The Ka was a double of the person. It was sometimes represented as a human figure with raised arms, or just a pair of raised arms. The creator god, Khnum, fashioned the ka at the time a person was conceived. It was an exact physical and emotional replica of an individual, that was imprisoned within the living heart, and was only expelled by death. It had to stay close to the body at all times and could never leave the tomb. It was believed that the ka could not live unless the body was preserved. If the body was not preserved properly the ka could live inside a picture of the body that was depicted on the wall of the tomb. The ka was dependent on the objects and offerings that were left in the tomb. It could not survive without nourishment. It required food, drink, and clothing. It was up to the friends and family of the deceased to leave regular offerings at the tomb. Dried fish and fowl were some of the foods left by relatives to nourish the ka.

The Akh represented the immortality of the deceased. And, like the ba, it was sometimes depicted as a bird. The Akh made the journey to the underworld so that it could eventually take its place in the afterlife.

However, in "Yu-Gi-Oh", we are asked to believe that people in ancient Egypt could not only summon their kas, bas and whatnot to play silly Konami created games, but that their kas and bas took the forms of creatures and figures that were mostly not even a part of ancient Egyptian culture or mythology.

(101) A reference to newer issues of the manga, where Akunadin is remembering this exact same thing.

(102) In a recent excavation close to the pyramids, the city of the craftsmen and builders of the pyramids was discovered. The remnants of their skeletons show simple and multiple limb fractures, mostly at the ulna and radius (forearm bones), and of the fibula (leg). Most of those fractures show signs of complete healing with good realignment of the bone, indicating that they had been set correctly with a splint. Possibly, traction was applied in humerus fractures (arm bone). Two skeletons show amputations (a left leg and a right arm) with healed bone ends, suggesting a successful surgery. Recently, American researchers have described a 23 cm screw, tying the thigh and calf bones, fixed into a mummy dating back to the 6th century BC. It could not be confirmed whether it was placed surgically or during embalming.

(103) Pain alleviation to allow surgery was known to ancient Egyptian physicians. Patients were sedated by opiates. Local anesthesia was also known, where water was mixed with vinegar over Memphite stone, resulting in the formation of carbon dioxide with its known analgesic effect. This is not too far from modern cryo-analgesia.

(104) Another nod to a well known "Rurouni Kenshin" scene with Megumi.

(105) According to Seto's character info by Takahashi, yes, this is his official birthday.

(106) Yup! In Seto's character info, it says his favorite dish is Frougras, or French beef fillet.

(107) According to Egyptian mythology, Horus lost his left eye when fighting Set. The eye was later restored by the goddess, Hathor, thus the Eye of Horus was an important symbol of protection to the ancient Egyptians.

(108) In the New Kingdom the term 'Medjay' described a Policeman - the Medjay would patrol and guard the desert frontiers, protect cemeteries and maintained order throughout Egypt.

The word 'Medjay' originally dates back to the Old Kingdom, when the word is then used to describe a group of desert tribesmen in Nubia who are recruited into the Egyptian army as scouts and light-armed auxiliaries.

(109) I have no idea weather I'm correct or not about this. This just goes to show what little knowledge I have about Duel Monsters or the Shadow Games. I personally find the game and all those duels boring, superficial and way overrated myself, but, of course, it wouldn't be a believable "Yu-Gi-Oh" fan fic if there wasn't at least one or two duels.