Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mewet ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yatta! Atarashii chapter! ^^
Disclaimer: Yu-gi-Oh! Belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. I make no profit off this fanfiction, and it belongs to me under international copyright laws. Don't steal and don't sue. Thank you, *Phantomness bows*
Chapter 2
Yuugi had been as surprised as Yami. The last thing he remembered was wearing the Dark Magician's armor in that strange dream, and suddenly, he was back in his body again. It was not bad, except he had seen what looked like his older twin staring at him.
“Eek! Wait…. Yami?”
“It is nice to see you again, Yuugi.”
“Who-who is she?” He pointed at the woman in Egyptian-looking clothing. She was quite pretty, but…
Mahaado's face fell, and Yami felt a twinge of… something. “Can't you recognize our mother, Yuugi?”
“Our mother?” Yuugi shook his head. “I don't know, Yami. She might be your mother, but she isn't mine. I already have a mother.”
Yami froze. Mahaado did not freeze, but she twitched. Yami walked over to her and put his arms around her, glaring at Yuugi.
How could his younger brother not feel it?
The connection between them glittered with lightning and the brightest green of emeralds, tinted bloody crimson …
He belonged with her.
Perhaps Yuugi did not. He was light, after all…
Yes, Yuugi was more like their father. His memories were sketchy but he remembered… and not all of it was pleasant.
Mahaado tightened her grip on Yami as his eyes began to glow, and he screamed. His friends gathered around warily, but none other dared touch, for crimson lightning was beginning to crackle over his body in brilliant waves…
Mahaado sighed as she brought up her aura, verdant green, and enveloped them in its cocoon. Her child had woken too soon, for the Items were not yet gathered, but she would help him find them…
And then his power would soon be strong enough to save the world. And she would be there at his side, to protect him and guide him and take care of him, like a good mother should.
She watched the last of the lightning finally fade, not gone, but hidden. His eyes glittered with raw power as he opened his eyes. He truly did have beautiful eyes…
Yuugi looked frightened. Well, he was more Akunumkanon's son than hers. He was pure light. She was shadow. Yami was darkness…
But shadow and darkness were always closer than shadow and light. A pity her husband had not done anything…
“B-but she looks so young.” Honda finally muttered. “How can she be Yami's mother? And she's hot too.”
Yami twitched.
“Dude, Honda, that's so wrong…” Jounichi choked.
Mahaado sighed and brushed the pendants along her shoulder pads again, taking two of them off. This time, they formed into two swords, one in each hand. She gave him a pointed glare.
Yami looked fascinated.
“So that's what they were for… I always thought they were just decorations…”
Yuugi coughed. “Well, this is all fine, but we really should set up camp for the night, and get ready for Duelist kingdom. We still need to get my grandfather's soul back after all.”
Yami frowned slightly, but said no more. Why was Yuugi being so rude? Well, it didn't matter that much…
They quickly set up tents - summoning was so useful, and went to bed.
Mahaado smiled as she covered Yami with another blanket. “Sleep well…”
Yami smiled back. It was… different, but he was warm and safe and he felt happy. He wasn't alone any more.
He had his mother to protect him. Their mother, he thought, if Yuugi ever accepted her. He doubted it very much.
In any case, he slept very well that night.
The next morning, he woke up, and saw that Mahaado - it was easier to think of her as Mother - had made him white bread and dates and honey, and he smiled. It was just like being at home…
After breakfast, they headed off to find someone else to duel. After all, they needed the star chips…
They came across Mai Valentine, and both Jounichi and Honda were appalled. She looked dead, but after a quick check it turned out that she was just unconscious, though the bruises on her body would take a while to fade. All her star chips had been taken, and when she woke up, her voice was gone.
This was serious…
Yami's eyes were burning, but Mahaado laid a restraining hand on his shoulder. The Ring around her neck glowed softly, and then the pointers all turned towards the south with a slight click.
It had been hers, after all, once a long time ago, and for some unknown reason, it still worked for her.
Yami did not question it.
“Where is he, mother?”
Mahaado smiled. “In the castle. Pegasus sends them out at night to hunt.”
“Them?” There was just the hint of madness in that tone. There was more than one eliminator? How interesting…
Mahaado nodded, her green eyes thoughtful. “Be careful, Yami. Do not exhaust yourself during the day.”
“Of course I won't, mother.”
Though those star chips would be useful…
“It doesn't make sense.” Anzu whispered, as they followed Yami and Mahaado. The one time Yami had played Dark Magician that day, the armor had been empty, and Mahaado had looked almost surprised. Surprised, but pleased. It was frustrating.
Still, he had nine star chips now, and he was waiting for the sunset to claim his tenth. He was quite excited.
Why would Yami care so much - well, he hated people who cheated, but that was nothing new…
Anzu was worried. Yuugi had been quiet, spending most of his time with his grandfather's soul in the video. And Yami… Yami had been quiet, staring at his mother as if he expected her to disappear any time.
Which wasn't that far off. Anzu had no idea how long someone could be summoned out of the Shadow realm - and it had to be the Shadow Realm she was from, because where else could she be from, and that frightened her - but there had to be a limit.
Otherwise… they were screwed.
She just had a very bad feeling about this.
Yami's mother - and she still didn't trust the woman - she was too young and pretty and damned powerful and weird - was planning something.
It left a bitter taste in Anzu's mouth.
End Chapter
Completed 4/28/06
The empty armor is a reference to the Magician of Illusion, Mahaado's Ka back in Ancient Egypt.