Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mewet ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yes, Mahaado would be a freaky mother to have!
Disclaimer: Yu-gi-Oh! Belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. I make no profit off this fanfiction, and it belongs to me under international copyright laws. Don't steal and don't sue. Thank you, *Phantomness bows*
I'm really sorry, readers. I tend to mix Dark and Black Magician all the time… I just go with whatever fits the content better at that time.
Chapter 5
Kaiba was coming for them. He could not go after Yuugi, since Yuugi was already in the Castle, but Yami and Mahaado were still on the Island, and they were fair game.
Pegasus was quite interested. So the Dark Magician was a girl, and Yuugi's mother! How amusing! And he had an older brother, who was admittedly a better duelist. Hopefully, he would be a better challenge.
Mahaado frowned as she watched the Eye glint, but said nothing.
“He is coming for us, Mother?” Yami asked, as he brushed his hands over his clothing, watching it shift to the royal linen he was used to. The Crown and Puzzle winked and glittered, along with the rest of his jewelry.
“We should be prepared to meet him then, Mother.”
Mahaado's eyes danced. “Should I cast the illusions for you?”
“That would be nice.”
“As you wish…”
The area around them rippled, illusion strong enough to bend reality. The throne solidified, the great hall…it glittered brightly, and for fun's sake, she focused and upon both their arms appeared the golden Duel Disks…
Yami laughed. “Mother, we don't need these.”
“No, we don't, but they are pretty, aren't they?”
“I wonder…”
“It seems that Set prefers these things after all. What do you see in the future?”
Mahaado smiled. “He will have them, very soon…”
“I thought as much.” A smile. “Well, I suppose we'll just stump him nicely. Are you sure you aren't cold, Mother?”
How touching. She smiled. “I'm fine, Yami.”
They took up positions and waited.
There. There… Kaiba's eyes narrowed in a snarl as he stared at Yuugi - or whom he thought was Yuugi, at any rate. The kid had humiliated him with the Exodia stunt, and now, he would get into Pegasus's domain if he could only defeat him.
The fact that Yuugi's little group of cheerleaders wasn't around was odd, but not as odd as the clothing - what, was he some kind of Egyptophile or something? And the woman who kept glaring at him, well, he could ponder about her later.
“Duel me.” He said without preamble.
“With pleasure.” Yuugi smiled at him, and turned to the woman. She gave him a quick hug and then stepped back, as the area around them went dark.
The Shadow Game had begun…
The battle seemed fairly even, and Kaiba laughed as he called out his Blue Eyes. Surely, at this time, Yami had nothing left to oppose him with, did he? And now, with the last one on the field, he could call fourth his Ultimate Dragon…
Yami kept his face calm, but inwardly, he pondered… he stared at the Black Magician on his field, and then smiled as he drew his next card. Karim, yes, Karim…. Thank you…
“I'll play De-Fusion on your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and Polymerization on my Black Magician and Buster Blader! And now, I'll play my face down card. Diffusion Wave Motion! Black Paladin! Attack!”
Kaiba looked shattered. Yami frowned as he watched his cousin's reincarnation fall to his knees. It was beautiful.
“Will you Penalty Game him?”
“Perhaps.” Yami said idly. “Perhaps…”
“He is no threat yet, and we could make sure the Rod goes to another.”
“Yes. I think it would hurt my brother if he died.”
Mahaado frowned. “Yami?”
“I… let me look in your memories, please, Mother…”
“As you wish.” She knelt in front of him and he placed his hands on her temples, concentrating. There! Green and red snaked between them, dancing sparks of power, as he fell into eyes and a body not his own.
Lighting flashed across his mind for the few moments it took, before he pulled out, looking disgusted.
“He… Mother, how did you know this?”
“The other monsters told me, of course.” Mahaado replied promptly. “I am the eldest child of the Shadow Realm, you know. And the shadows like watching Egypt.”
“Yes, I know.” Yami looked absolutely disgusted. The Eye of Horus blazed on his forehead and he looked ready to Mind Crush Kaiba into oblivion.
“Now, now, Yami… it's not your fault that your brother decided that your cousin was his one true love and pardoned him… and made him his Consort, even with the blood on his hands…”
“It makes me ill.” Yami said sharply. “But I suppose we can't kill him.”
“That would be quite unwise at this point in time.”
“Then what embarrassing illusion can you put him in?”
Mahaado considered, before she snapped her fingers. To all others, Seto Kaiba would resemble himself, albeit with feminine features and in a pink thong bikini. To himself, he looked perfectly normal. It was a fair trade-off.
Public humiliation would do wonders and lower Yami's ire, and no one would get sent to the Shadow Realm - yet.
It was enough for now.
“Mokuba's not a bad child. I don't mind saving him.”
“I thought as much. Shall we head up to the castle then?”
“Yes, why not.”
Yami and Mahaado followed the light of the Ring and soon made it to the castle, where Yami presented his star chips and they both walked in. they were escorted to their rooms and told that it was a bit late, but the competition was still going on and tomorrow Yami would face Mai Valentine.
He didn't mind, but that night, Mother told him that she couldn't stay out here any longer, and she had to go back, at least temporarily. He understood, but it didn't mean he had to like it! Still, fate was fate.
He carefully kissed her goodbye and watched as she faded.
Yami slept with his Deck under his pillow that night.
End Chapter
Completed 4/29/06
… Yeah, Yami doesn't really have incestuous thoughts, but I'm quite sure Mahaado does