Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mewet ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Woot! Still no pairings, well, all right, there was past Yuugi x Anzu and Yuugi x Seto, but still!
Disclaimer: Kazuki Takahashi owns Yu-gi-Oh. This non-profit, non-copyright fanfic is mine. Don't steal, and don't sue.
Chapter 7
So interesting, Yami-boy! Pegasus thought, watching. So different from little Yuugi-boy - are you two really brothers? It's so amusing, just like a cartoon! He had no desire to read the Yami's mind though, as a few brief touches and the boy all but screamed nothing but his Mother, and darkness. Interesting if he wanted to pursue it, but on the whole, not quite interesting.
Though finding out his Dark Magician was female had been quite odd. He wondered if he should just remove his idea for the Dark Magician Girl then… but no, she was still cute, and no one else knew.
He watched.
Yuugi had defeated Jounichi, and he would receive the money, but of course, he had given it away. Truly touching. Now, it was up to Yuugi or Yami to determine who was to duel Pegasus.
Yami waited.
If Yuugi wanted to try so badly, then he could! After all, Yami cared little for Shimon - for that was who Yuugi's precious grandfather was, in his previous life.
Mahaado smiled, wrapped once again within the violet armor of the dark magician as she appeared in front of Yami. “You should be conserving your strength for the Shadow game, Yami.”
“I was so worried - Mother! What are those?” He looked horrified as she ineffectually fought off his hands and he managed to remove her arm bracers. Rolling up her sleeves, he scowled at the sight of burn marks, left by the chains of Shadow Spell earlier. Mahaado sighed as the rest of her armor and tunic went flying under Yami's assault. Sometimes, children were so emotional...
Yami looked horrified at the sight of the burn marks wrapped around her body. So the armor hadn't protected her fully…
Still, he realized he was staring and began digging in his deck for a Healing spell. “Why won't they fade?” He demanded, as he forced Goblin's Secret Remedy down her throat, no, not enough…
“The difference in life, Yami. I didn't have enough time to heal myself earlier.”
Oh. Life points! Of course… Shadow Spell had taken seven hundred of hers, and Goblin's Secret Remedy only healed six, but now she was chanting a spell and her wounds closed up, leaving no scar behind.
He breathed a sigh of relief as she made a few curt hand gestures and the armor and tunic reformed around her body.
“Really, Yami… there's no need to get so worried. I'm fine.”
“You should have healed yourself right after the duel ended!” Yami protested.
“And let you fall apart at the seams?”
He didn't really have a good comeback to that, so he settled for scowling instead. Mahaado smiled as she ruffled his spiky hair.
“It's sweet of you to worry so much about me, Yami, but I can take care of myself. I've learned how to…”
“Three thousand years in the Shadow Realm, yes, Mother, I know.”
“Then don't worry so much.”
“But-but what if you die?”
“Love, I cannot die… Yami, look at me and stop sulking.” Yami wanted to argue the point, but decided not to, and met sea green with a serious expression.
“Trust me, Yami, if I really died, you'd feel it. And I have the Ring to ground me now, remember?”
“Oh. Yes.” Now that she mentioned it, he'd seen her wearing the Ring under her armor - a smart tactic… and two Items were better than one.
“That's why you can call me out for so long… I'm burning less of your Ba.”
“Mother, you know that I don't care. I want you here with me.” He almost added, “You're my only friend”, but decided that that would be pushing it.
He just liked having someone who understood him. That was what he truly wished. The others were too light! That was why they were Yuugi's friends.
A dancer, a guard, a minor Duelist… and of course, Ryou.
Poor Ryou. He didn't want Bakura to have him, even if they were somehow halves of a soul. It was frightening.
Now he was just thinking too much. Bakura was probably just a relative of Ryou's. Ryou must have survived Kuru Eruna somehow. And now that he thought hard, he remembered a quiet Healer at the palace. Gotcha.
Well, keeping the Thief King away was a good thing. Really.
“Mother, did you see him in the Realm?”
Mahaado shook her head. “He was not in our portion.” The Castle was safe. Yami smiled. Perhaps he should visit…
Bakura might still be wandering the Graveyard.
“Do you hate him?”
Yami frowned. “Of course I hate him, Mother. After what he did to you…” He would have added his Father, but somehow, it just sounded so very fake - had he never loved his Father?
“Yes, but did he ever tell you of Kuru Eruna?”
Yami shook his head.
Mahaado smiled. “If I were the Puzzle, Yami, would you hate those who made me that way?”
“Of course!” He frowned a second later, and then glanced at the Ring. “So… you mean the people that were sacrificed for the Items, they were his family?”
Yami sighed. “I suppose I understand him a little better now, but why did he hurt you? It wasn't your fault! I guess it wasn't really even Father's fault! It was all Akunadin's fault…”
Mahaado sighed. “But Bakura doesn't know that.”
“He wouldn't believe me if I told him.” Yami said bitterly. She did not reply as he leaned into her embrace with a sigh.
“Mother…. I wish…”
“Wishes are for children, Yami.”
“And Egypt is dead and dust, Mother. Yet we live on, if this is life…”
“For you it is. Live for me, Yami.”
“I will only if you are with me, Mother.” Yami whispered. “We will never be parted again. Never.”
Mahaado smiled quietly.
Their reverie was broken not long after, with Anzu peeking in. “Yami, Yuugi wants to duel you now.”
He nodded as his Mother sighed and faded, the Dark Magician card drifting in front of him. He picked it up with a smile and placed her on top of his deck.
So. That was how things were. Then… well, then what? They would see.
End Chapter
Completed 4/29/06
Er… no Loyaltyshipping. Really. Unless you're squinting really hard! *Hides* And Mahaado pities Bakura, cause er, she does know how the Items were created. And yes, it is canon all Akunadin's fault. And in canon, male (I think) Mahaado does know how the Items were created and it is Akunadin's fault!