Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ XII ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter XII
Disclaimer: I do not, under any circumstances own any of these characters, but the story idea itself does belong to me.
Yu-Gi-Oh Characters © Kazuki Takahashi
Story © Akiko
Seth shifted and tried to move away as Bakura walked back over to him, though he wasn't able to get far due to the chains around his wrists. He tugged at them some more which caused the metal to dig into his wrists some more, allowing the crimson liquid to slip down his tanned skin once more. Bakura chuckled softly and grabbed the chains, pulling them roughly and forcing Seth to come right over to him. Grabbing one of the priest's hands he pulled his arms up and lapped the crimson liquid up once more, smirking.
“Now, now,” Bakura started. “You'll hurt yourself too much if you keep fighting back like this,” he explained, sliding his hand over Seth's hardening member slowly. The priest bit his bottom lip to keep from making a sound, his back arching slightly at the feeling while strands of his hair slipped forward into his face. His eyes snapped opened and then closed once more, trying to pull back from Bakura once more as he felt a cool piece of metal slip down around his penis.
The thief released the chains and pushed Seth back against the bed, tracing a hand over the nude body under his own, smirking devilishly. “I told you that you would have plenty of fun as well,” he explained, brushing his tongue over the jaw line and then slowly around the edge of his ear. “The fun is all in the pleasure, and this will make sure you have plenty of it,” he chuckled.
Seth glared up at Bakura, a small growl slipping out. “Say what you want, thief, but I'll hate every moment of it,” he hissed at the bandit.
“Just wait,” Bakura told him, slipping down between the priest's legs, sliding his hot and wet tongue over the erection, causing the man to wriggle some more. He did it a few more times, flicking his tongue over the tip of the penis and then sliding his tongue down further and dipping it into Seth's opening, closing his chocolate brown eyes. He placed a hand on the man's thigh, his other hand grabbing an ass cheek as he moved his tongue around inside.
Seth closed his eyes tightly and arched his back a bit, continuing to bite at his bottom lip, but it not being enough to hold back a small, very faint moan. He grabbed at the chains holding his wrists tightly, his knuckles starting to turn white as he felt Bakura's tongue move around more inside of him, then finally relaxed a bit when he felt the tongue remove itself from inside of him and rested his back against the bed once more, taking in a breath of air.
Bakura traced his fingers over Seth's toned body, tracing every curve and every muscle he could find on the body, licking his lips hungrily. He then sat Seth up and worked with the chains holding the priest's wrists and made it longer, then shoved the priest to his knees on the ground. “Stay on your knees,” he told the priest and let him go, pulling the rest of his clothing off and tossing it to the side.
Seth blinked at this and looked up at Bakura, starting to get an idea at what was going through the thief's head currently. There was no way he'd do that, not a chance.
Bakura smirked then roughly took Seth's chin in his hand, forcing the priest to lock eyes with him. “You know exactly what I'm thinking, and I suggest you do it otherwise I'll play with your pharaoh more than you'd like.. I'm sure it's be amusing to watch him fight back so pathetically under me,” the thief tormented.
Seth narrowed his gaze at this, his eyes showing as much emotion as ice would at the moment. “Don't you tou--”
“Then do as I say, my pet,” Bakura cut him off, releasing Seth's chin, then closed his eyes and let out a content sound as he felt the high priest's mouth engulf his own hard. He slipped his fingers into the priest's brown hair, entangling them there and letting out a small moan, pushing himself further into Seth's mouth.
Seth gagged a bit but quickly got himself use to it and worked his tongue over the thief's erection, bringing his hands up and rubbing the base of his goal. His tongue flickered over the tip every once in a while before taking the thief completely into his mouth and sucking off of him, then humming gently, and closing his eyes as he felt the thief's grasp of his hair tighten.
Bakura suddenly pulled his penis from Seth's mouth and pushed the man back onto the bed, straddling him with a smirk and sliding his hand over Seth's erection in a tormenting manner, keeping his touch slow and rather soft. He stole the priest's lips in a forceful kiss; his tongue pushing it's way past Seth's lips and into his mouth, ravishing the cavern. Seth closed his eyes at this, his body, once more and still against his own will, leaning into the thief's touch, yearning for more attention and giving a soft moan into it.
Once the kiss was finished Bakura broke it and nipped at the flesh of Seth's neck, leaving a few marks here and there from it all. He traced his forefinger and middle finger over Seth's lips slowly before pushing them into his mouth, watching as the man closed his ice blue eyes and accepted them. Seth sucked slowly on the fingers, rubbing his tongue over them in a slow manner, trying to hope, wishing and praying to the Gods that it was all a bad dream and he'd wake up in his room from it in a cold sweat.
Pulling his fingers from the priest's mouth after a few moments he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked Seth's saliva off them, smirking. He enjoyed the taste of the priest and was enjoying watching as he tried to fight against his body for wanting to give in to all the pleasure. It amused him so to watch his pet fight against all of it. Bakura sat down on the bed and pulled his toy into his lap, position his cock at the priest's entrance and pushing him down onto it, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth and tightness, that alone almost being enough to send him over the edge.
Seth closed his eyes tightly, his hands grasping Bakura's tightly as he let out a painful cry, his body automatically tensing up at the sudden intrusion, while Bakura gave out a loud moan, his hands resting on his pet's hips to keep him there as he soaked up the feeling and pleasure. He then whispered into Seth's ear, smirking. “Pleasure always comes with some pain.”
Violet eyes opened up slowly as the pharaoh slipped out of his seat and stood up, walking over to the balcony and looking out at the city below him, a sigh slipping past his lips softly as he rested his head upon a pillar beside him. “Where are you...?” he whispered softly, closing his eyes as the feeling of tears stung away at his eyes, his vision blurring slightly from it as well. He didn't want to break down, not here, not where everyone could see him. He hated feeling so vulnerable, and hated it even more when Seth wasn't there to protect him from it.
“Seth! Seth where are you!?” a young boy cried out as he ran down the halls of the palace, tears slipping freely from his cheeks. “Seth!” he shouted out once more. “Where are you?! You're suppose to be right here with me, Seth!” he continued to cry as he ran further and faster down the halls. It felt as though it was never-ending; that the hall just continued on forever and would never stop; that he would never be free from this nightmare. He tripped over his own footing and fell to the ground, hard.
The boy just laid there, flat on his stomach, tears still falling down his cheeks like small streams. He choked on his tears a bit, coughing violently, his whole body in pain now, as well as his heart. Where was he? “You were suppose to keep me safe,” he cried, choking a bit more on his tears. He clenched his hands into small fists, hitting the ground as hard as he could “You were suppose to be there for me…”
Atemu brought a hand to his head, holding it a bit as the tears started to slip down his cheeks freely. He slowly sunk down to his knees and hugged his arms tightly, trying to hold back the tears, but failing horribly at it as he just sat there, with a few strands of his hair slipping into his face.
“Pharaoh A--” came a young woman's voice but she stopped when her eyes caught the pharaoh in such a manner. “Atemu!” she shouted out and ran over to him, kneeling down quickly and placing her arms around him in a motherly manner, pulling him close. “It's all right, Atemu, we'll fine him, I promise you we will,” she whispered softly to him, rubbing his back a bit as she tried to comfort him.
“Mahaado!” Isis called out, watching the priest run into the room and stop. “Yes, what is Pri—is the pharaoh all right?”
“He's upset,” she answered, looking at the man in her arms and then returned her gaze back to the other priest. “I want you and the others to drop everything you're doing. I do not care how important. If we want this kingdom to run smoothly we need Seth back here, not for our sakes, I'm afraid, but for the stability of our Pharaoh. He needs Seth here. Now go!” she told him, watching him nod and then run off to tell the others of her commands.
Her soft chocolate gaze turned back to the pharaoh she held in her arms carefully, watching him with great concern. “Let us get you to your room, pharaoh. I want you to relax. Everyone in the palace is now searching for Seth, we should find him in no time,” she informed him and helped him to stand.
“No, I want to come with,” he told her, looking up with his violet eyes, them being glazed over slightly from his crying. “I know the last area of which Bakura was; Seth has to be somewhere around there,” he explained, wiping his tears from his cheeks. “It's an order, not a request, Isis,” he informed her. She nodded and followed the pharaoh out of the palace, slowly starting to get a picture of why Seth was so very important to Atemu as more than just a childhood friend.
“Search the houses around here!” Atemu ordered, pointing the guards down an alley. “They wouldn't hold up anywhere in the city, it's in the thieves part of town,” he informed them, following after one or two of the guards, and more of the guards walking behind him.
“He seems determined,” Mahaado commented, watching Atemu walk with the guards and then looked to Isis who was walking beside him, following the guards and the pharaoh.
“Yes, he is. Seth is very dear to him, so it's understandable,” she explained and then glanced at him, smiling gently. “You would do the very same for Mana,” she commented and continued to walk on, watching the pharaoh.
Bakura growled, snapping his attention away from his pet. He pulled himself roughly out of Seth, leaving his toy lying on the bed, bleeding a bit from how rough he was being. “Damn your pharaoh, he's more of a pain than I thought. I should've murdered him while I had the chance,” he growled once more, glaring back at Seth.
Seth sat up right away at hearing Bakura's comment, his gaze narrowed and cold, deadly; he was daring the thief to try it with his eyes. He would strike the bandit down before he was ever able to get close enough again to harm his pharaoh. Bakura walked over and snatched up his own clothing, starting to throw them on, frustrated because he wasn't able to finish playing. He wasn't done with his toy yet and didn't want to give him up.
Seth blinked and snatched Bakura's shorts, keeping them away from the bandit. He wasn't going to let the man escape. He wanted to see him behind bars in the palace's dungeon. He didn't even flinch or show any signs of pain when Bakura shoved him back against the bed, hitting his head slightly on the wall behind him. “Give those to you me,” he snapped at the priest, only to watch him continue to be defiant.
“Check this place!” Atemu shouted out, pointing to a door. It was close to being one of the last places to check in the area where all the thieves hung out. Atemu did care to have the ones already found arrested, he didn't have time, and he was more intent on finding Seth. On finding his Seth.
The guards kicked the door in stepping into the building first and stopping at what they saw. Atemu slipped in after them and stopped dead at the sight, instant pain and terror in his eyes at the sight.
Bakura growled as he glared back at them, having a dagger deadly close to Seth's neck, a cut already across the priest's chest with blood staining his tanned skin and the sheets of the bed under him. “Shit..” he muttered under his breath, tossing the dagger to the side and trying to slip away, only to easily get caught by the guards.
Atemu ran over to Seth quickly, grabbing the sheets of the bed and wrapping them quickly around the priest and placing his hands to his cheeks, tears slipping down. “Se-Seth..” he barely got out before he buried his face into his neck, holding himself close to the priest. He flinched slightly before wrapping his arms, the best he could, around the pharaoh. “It's all right, I'm fine,” he told him in a soothing voice, closing his ice blue eyes.
“Atemu, don't cry,” came another young boy's voice as he kneeled beside the younger child. “Come on, get up. Don't worry, I'll take you to go and have the doctor look at you. That was a hard fall you took,” he explained, wearing a kind and gentle smile, watching the boy with his ice blue eyes.
“Where... where were you?” Atemu coughed as he sat up, clinging to Seth tightly, burying his face. Seth blinked and tilted his head to the side. Carefully he wrapped an arm around the child and placed a hand to the back of his head. “I was coming to find you, Atemu, but by the time I got there to comfort you I was already informed that you had taken off and I followed in the direction you had taken off to as soon as I could, I was only now able to catch up to you,” he told him.
Seth gently picked Atemu up as he stood and held him close. “I promised I'd always be here for you, but you have to give me the chance and not run off when I don't show up right away, all right? I am only human,” Seth laughed lightly. “I'll never abandon you, I promise.”
Isis grabbed the key to the chains and looked at the guards. “Take him to the palace, lock him away and make sure to keep a good eye on him, we don't need him to escape,” she ordered them and then walked over to Atemu and Seth. She gently took Seth's hands and unlocked the restraints. “There you go,” she spoke softly, tossing the metal aside, along with the key.
“Thank you, Isis,” Seth told her, and then wrapped his arms around Atemu better, continuing to comfort him. “Come on, Atemu, let us get back to the palace where it's more comfortable to be,” Seth suggested and smiled softly when Atemu nodded and stood up, helping him up as well.