Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Madness ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Bakura smirked, his eyes closed as he lay on his bed, his arms folded behind his head. Today had been rather fun. He'd gotten rid of three of his suspects, and managed to kiss three rather attractive guys.

"All that leaves is Yami, Yugi, Joey, Malik and Ishtar." He muttered, blowing his bangs out of his face. Before his train of thought could continue, the soft glow of the candles disappeared, plunging the spirit into darkness. Quickly opening his eyes, expecting to see his visitor, he was disappointed to see that only the window was open.

Letting out a sigh, he got up, heading over and shutting the window. However, before he got a chance to turn around, he was slammed up against the wall, strong arms holding him there by his shoulders and the back of his neck, the smell of cinnamon flooding over him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" A voice hissed in his ear. Bakura felt a thrill run through him. His lover was speaking! But they had whispered it in such a low tone that Bakura was unable to recognize it.

"What are you-"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why the hell are you going around making out with random men?" Was the soft demand, the voice sounding calm, yet the grip on his neck saying otherwise.

"Trying to find out who the hell you are." He snapped back.

"If I wanted you to know yet, I would have already told you." Bakura growled.

"Are you EVER going to tell me?!" He heard a quiet chuckle, and a warm tongue ran over the back of the raider's neck, tracing a line up from the nape, to the hairline, then over to Bakura's ear, running the tip over the shell. A violent shiver washed over the spirit, a quiet moan rising up as his body responded to the torturously wonderful treatment it was getting. A sudden nip at his earlobe brought Bakura back to this world, and he got his answer.

"Eventually. But since you decided to give a few people a tonsil examination, I'm going to make you wait a bit little longer then I orginally planned to." Was the reply, then Bakura felt the weight disappear. The same time he turned around, the lights came back on.

"Shadow magic..." He hissed, looking around, seeing his lover was gone already. "That settles it. It's one of the other yamis. It HAS to be..."

Not caring that it was evening and the sun was almost completely set, Bakura burst from his house, tearing his way to Malik's place. He pounded on the door for a moment, then waited until the door opened. Ishtar raised an eyebrow as he regarded the heavily breathing thief before him.

"What the hell did you do this-" Ishtar was cut off as the thief slammed into him, mouth crushing to his, hands fisting in his shirt collar, backing him up to the couch and pushing him down onto it, his mouth still sealed to the Egyptian's, a hungry growl heard as the kiss was deepened.

Ishtar only blinked, then smirked, sinking his hands into the tomb raider's thick hair as Bakura's slim hands worked under his pants. He groaned softly as the slender fingers edged towards his crotch, but merely brushed over the boxers found there, never making complete contact, therefore irking the psycopath beneath the thief.

Not wanting to get too into it until he was sure this was his visitor, Bakura sat up, breaking the kiss and pulling Ishtar's hands away, as they had slid down from his hair and worked their way under his shirt.

"Ra, Bakura, what the fuck got into you?" Bakura ignored him, unsnapping his pants, causing the blond to cock an eyebrow. "A little eager?"

"Shut up." Without another word, the silver-haired spirit's hand slid inside, running over both of the other yami's hips, growling in frustration as he found no scar, confusing the dark Malik as he stood up and marched out. Ishtar blinked rapidly, looking down at his raging hard on with a slightly saddened look on his face. "Damn tease..." He muttered, then smirked, standing. "Oooh Mmmaaallliiikkk..."

Bakura grumbled with every step as he stomped over to the Game Shop, growling as he threw the door open, then froze. All the guys of the 'gang', as Yuugi called it, was gathered around a table, every single one of them lacking articles of clothing. *Strip poker? Oi...*

"Yami!" The pharoah raised an eyebrow.


"Get your royal, pompous ass over here now, and get those damn pants off!" The entire group sweatdropped.

"Um, Bakura, if you're that bad in need, I'm sure Ishtar or Malik would-"

"Shut up, Pharoah! Just do it!"

"Or what?" Bakura growled, then smirked.

"Or I'll tell Kaiba about when you got shitfaced drunk and made out with Téa." The pharoah paled, then sighed, standing up and complying to the spirit's irregular command. Bakura took a double take as he didn't see a scar. "The hell?!!" With that, the frustrated thief stomped out. Joey just blinked.

"I guess you're smaller then he needs, Yami..." A pillow was thrown at the blond then.

Bakura paced repeatedly in frustration in his room, muttering.

"It's neither of the other yamis, yet there was Shadow magic being used, I KNOW there was..." Growing frustrated, he sat on his bed, glaring at the floor. "It's not FAIR!!" He was closed to tearing his hair out at this point. Who the hell was it!!?

"Y-yami?" Looking up, he raised an eyebrow as he saw his light standing at the door, looking rather nervous, chewing away at his lower lip.

"What is it, Ryou?"

"Um... well, I just got calls from Seto, Otogi, Ishtar and Yami, and all of them claimed you've been acting rather... odd lately. Well, more so then usual. What's been going on these past few days?" He asked rather timidly.

Bakura just blinked, then chuckled at the irony; He should have ravished Ryou a lot sooner. After all, wasn't this the boy who had him fearing to come home after he'd messed the house up just a few hours ago? Now the boy looked like he was fretting over whether the spirit would eat him on the spot. *Not a bad idea... it certainly put that stranger in his place after what he did...* But remembering the threat to drag the disguise on longer, he decided against it.

"I have no idea what they're talking about. They must have all seen my new outfit and wanted a piece of me, and since they knew they couldn't, decided to try and get me in trouble." Was the dark Ryou's answer as he flopped backwards onto his bed, his arms folded behind his head. The hikari just raised an eyebrow.

"And they all coincedentally claimed you stopped after feeling or examining their hip. Well, not Seto, but the others did." The dark closed his eyes.

"Then they all conspiring against me..." He muttered with a yawn. Ryou just sighed, shaking his head.

"Whatever yami..." He said quietly, shutting the door behind him. Bakura smirked, his eyes still closed. Yes, he should have made out with his light a long time ago. He tasted good, and it earned him a hell of a lot more respect.

Bakura was rudely jolted out of the blissful sleep he'd finally found when a weight on his back woke him. He sat up and attempted to turn over from his stomach to his back, but strong arms held him pinned to the mattress.

"You know? You're a horrible liar." A quiet voice whispered in his ear, causing him to perk an eyebrow.

"And when did I lie to you?" A scoff was his answer.

"Did I say to me? You lied right to your light's face earlier, and he saw right through it. You're losing your touch." Bakura stiffened at this.

"You heard that?!" He'd been there, then, when he was talking to his light. He'd been present the entire time, and the raider hadn't even known it! Damn, this guy was good...

"You're damn right I did, and I'm not fond of liars. Not to mention the interesting visits you paid the other yamis today..." He felt his lover's mouth next to his ear, the lips barely brushing over it. "You just can't seem to behave, can you?" The feeling of those lips just touching his skin was turning Bakura on BADLY, to the point where he almost whined. Almost. "What am I going to do with you?"

"You can try telling me who you are so I can damn well know who the hell I'm supposed to stay faithful to!" Bakura snapped out, and felt a hand leave his arm to crack him over the head then resume it's original spot.

"But I enjoy watching you squirm." The hands around his bicepts suddenly yanked them down, pinning his arms to his sides as that mouth grazed over his neck again, his chin pushing Bakura's shirt collar out of the way in order to press a soft kiss to the top of his spine. Teeth grabbed hold of his collar, pulling it down even farther.

The tomb raider winced as he felt knees take the job of holding his hands down, and slender fingers curled around his shirt, yanking it down roughly, the thin fabric ripping easily. Bakura cursed as his good shirt was ruined, but it disappeared into a moan as firm lips and the tip of a warm tongue pressed just under his shoulder blade. A sharp pang of pleasure shot through the thief, and his eyes slid closed, his sensitive spot being teased over and over. How had he known about that spot? The only person who knew about that was...

Bakura's eyes shot open and he stiffened. No way... it couldn't be him... he'd already checked him!! His lover must have noticed his stiffness, because the lips moved up to his ear once more. "Finally figured it out, did you?" He asked softly, his voice almost teasing.

At last, Bakura's hands were released, at last, he was turned around, at last, he was able to see just who his lover was. His eyes widened slightly in shock.
