Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Adventure ❯ The Enemy ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shizuka is older than Jounouchi in this fic

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh!

Millennium Adventure

The Enemy


"Ouch!" Yugi said as the arrow was pulled out of his shoulder.

"What were you doing outside anyway young prince?" The healer, Shizuka, asked

"I sensed danger and wanted to see if I could prevent it, like last time."

"You may have been able to prevent it last time, but you still shouldn't go looking for danger," Shizuka said while rubbing something on Yugi's wound.

"I just wanted to help."

"You always want to help."

"I know, there's nothing wrong with that though."

"You will be a great king someday."

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

"So, you okay Yug?" Jou said while coming into the room.

"He's fine little brother."

"Jou, do you know who was shooting those arrows?"

"We're going to find out soon. I was told to come and get you since you are good at reasoning with people."

"Okay let's go then." They went to the outer east wall of the castle. When they got there they saw a man with blonde hair in the front of a massive army. This mans hair seemed to stand on end like an angry cat's fur. Next to him was someone who looked very similar except his hair was down as opposed to up. The army behind them surrounded the entire castle. "What is your name and what country has sent you?" Yugi asked as he walked forward. He stepped on a small platform so he could be seen.

"I am Malik and I am the ruler of Ecoray."

"Why do you attack our country?"

"We wish possession of your country. If you do not hand it over we will take it by force and we do have the power to back up our threats," Malik said pointing to his army.

"I will not give you my country," Sagoruku, the king, said as he stepped onto the platform.

"So be it, you will suffer the consequences." He walked to the back of his army with his little look alike. Then he ordered them to attack. The people on the outer wall hurried to get back inside. Few got hit since the walls were so high.


"Now what do we do? We don't have an army big enough to defeat their great numbers," Yugi said that night as they held a meeting in the throne room. "There will be a siege for sure. Sooner or later we will have to give up unless we can get someone outside the castle for help."

"You have one thing right," Sagoruku said, "but we don't need someone out of the castle for help, we need to find the other millennium puzzle and fulfill the prophecy."

"We don't even know what the prophecy means and how are we to find the other millennium puzzle. It could be anywhere," Ryou said. He was one of the nobles sons and heard about the prophecy and the millennium puzzle.

"There's always a way, Ryou," Yugi said.

"How is someone to get out of here anyway?" Ryou asked.

"That's simple. There are tons of secret passages in this castle. A few months ago I found one that leads to someplace outside the castle. We can use that."

"Who will go?" Sagoruku asked.

"I will. Since the Millennium Puzzle is mine I think it would be best if I went."

"If you're goin' I'm goin'," Jou said.

"And if Jou's goin' I'm goin'," Honda said.

"Hey you guys can't leave me out," Anzu said.

"Were you guys listening in on the conversation?" Yugi asked because they weren't supposed to be in the room.

"Of course they were, but it doesn't matter this time. Although some other times it was really bothersome," Sagoruku said.

"I'll go too," Ryou said. After this comment was made everyone stared at him. Ryou was never the kind of person to go on an adventure, especially a dangerous one. "What? I'd have to change sooner or later."

"Yugi how about if you show us were this secret passage is so we can meet there when we're ready," Anzu suggested.

"Okay come on." They followed him into the lowest level of the castle. Yugi went straight up to one that was partially sticking out and pushed it in. "This is it, we'll meet here tomorrow at noon."

"Why tomorrow?" Honda asked.

"Because by then I'll have my puzzle finished and we'll need it finished because on the trip I won't have a lot of time to sit around and solve it."







`I don't have much more to do' Yugi thought. He only had ten pieces left to put in.


`Only nine more.'
















`One' Yugi took the last piece out of the box. This piece had the picture of an eye on it.


Just as the last piece was placed in the puzzle a bright glow came from it. Along with the light there was a voice, it said "In time of trouble one will find the light and one will march on. This is the Puzzle of Hope, who you are, and you must find the light." As suddenly as everything started it stopped. `That was weird' Yugi thought.


I hope you liked it

I wouldn't have uploaded this chapter if I didn't get a review but I forgot to say that I wanted at least one in my last chapter so I put it up anyway

Thank you for reviewing Mary Ann

I want at least one review to continue