Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Battle ❯ Millennium Conquest ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Millennium Conquest

Ryou: 18

Serenity: 17

Tristen: 18

Joey: 18

Yugi: 17

Tea: 18

Mai: 19

Seto: 19

Mokuba: 11

Bakura: 3020

Yami: 3020

Marik: 3020

Malik: 18

Ishizu: 19

Bo: ????

PS: those from FF.net may know me as John Eon. If so, than you know Bo. If you don't, too damn bad.

A being from beyond the multiverse, whose powers are too inhuman for any mortal to understand, now sits inside a bubble of power, created by himself, in outer space surrounding current-day Japan. His focus is on the city of Domino, where a struggle of power would soon begin. And he would be drawn in. He sat stripped to the waist, with short and spiky hair, unlike the long spiked clumps belonging to most people of the city. On his right hand he wore a golden glove with the eye of Ra in the center: The Millennium Gauntlet.

On his bare back sprouted two angelic wings, which he sometimes used instead of his powers of the mind. His baggy blue shorts were torn in several places from the strain of his past training, which is what had destroyed his shirt. If the wings were odd, they were nothing to the tail of a monkey sprouting from his shorts, swaying slowly back and forth in a rhythmic pattern. When his eyes opened, they revealed two brown orbs, pupils seemingly slit, like that of a snake's. He quickly decided using energy just for looks was not power-efficient, and dropped the disguise he laid across his eyes. Now they were nothing buy average brown eyes, with a look of menace in them.

He was an angry man, a creation of the infinities with no parentage, no heritage other than that of the stars. But even they had a limit, as did he. He was not immortal, never that. He merely possessed the incredible strength that would come with such a birth, if it were even considered that. But soon, like a star, he would supernova, and eventually implode upon himself. But for now, he was a being of time, had lived for the creation of Earth and then some. He had seen the atrocities committed by those below him, and accepted that nothing was perfect, just as nothing lasted forever.

But that was a matter settled later, when, nay, if he had the time. Death was nothing to him, and he knew he had a chance of dying on this quest, but it must be done. For if he were to succeed, than maybe things would be different. He would be immortal, per say, and so could the populace of the multiverse could be perfect, not evil. "Though, not all of them are, are they?" he asked nobody imparticular. He didn't know why he wanted an answer so bad. But one rang through his mind; his jumbled mess of Gods only knows what of a mind. The answer resonated from the gauntlet on his hand, from the spirit inside of it.

He remembered getting the item just days after it was created, reminding the spirit of whom he had been and what had happened to it. It was hard to explain his self to the spirit, harder so than to explain the spirit about itself. He was seemingly a human's idea of an angel, and part Saiyan at that, an alien race of a different continuum with the strength unnatural to their small frames and powers beyond their own comprehension. How this came to be, he didn't know. What he did know, was that the moon was rounding the corner, and from space, it was always a full moon. So he did the only naturally smart thing. Went Super-Saiyan and flew as fast as humanly, or inhumanly, possible straight for Domino City.

The resounding sonic-boom and tidal wave of water washed over Domino's beaches like a massive typhoon, one that nobody felt like being caught up and out in. So you can maybe understand the displeasure of Yugi, Tea, Joey and Tristen at having to leave the beach due to extreme weather conditions. Tea and Yugi were unhappy due to the fact that they were winning in an excellent game of volleyball, though how Yugi managed to score most of their points was a mystery. Joey and Tristen were unhappy due to the fact that they could no longer ogle the jumping, two piece clad Tea, much less any of the other beautiful subjects of the beach. "Please?" Joey repeated to Tea, whom was quickly growing agitated with both him and Tristen, whom had often and repeatedly begged if Tea would take off her top, and continued more persistently than ever when she quickly declined the offer.

Over and over, in rapid succession shot the same one word question, please. Over and over, for a full two minutes. Finally, Tea screamed, "FINE!" and her top went up long enough for Joey and Tristen to get a good look, and finally went down again. "Now shut up!" she exclaimed, walking around the two and quickening her pace, wanting to get home quicker than ever, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Even Yugi was wearing a bulge all the way home, for he had seen as well. After a while of silence and standing still like petrified zombies, Joey and Tristen muttered one syllable after a little bit, "Wow…" While Yugi decided it best to run home to his nice room and seemingly inviting privacy of the bathroom and lotion.

Meanwhile, two blocks down and moving quickly, Tea sprinted to her own house, blush now growing to tremendous proportions as she crossed her arms over her breasts as if they were about to fall off, completely shocked at what she had done. "I didn't even want to! I just did it on impulse!" she told herself as she ran, hugging herself tighter. It was like something had taken over her body temporarily, commanding her to show her soft breasts. Now she wanted only a hot shower and privacy, for she was now, for some reason, excited.

The dark figure of Marik just grinned.

Ishizu's Millennium Necklace (???) glowed the same time the plummeting figure- some figured it a meteorite- smashed into the ocean. She was at the beach, expecting, for some reason, a tall and imposing man to appear before her shortly. And suddenly, there he was, the one whom contacted her from the mind. A tall, skinny man with black hair, brown eyes, blue shorts, wings and a Millennium Item. She had never before seen this man. Thinking back, she had never seen a man stripped down this much, aside from her brother, whom currently was back in Egypt, their original home. But Malik didn't much count.

"Greetings, Ishizu Ishtar." Said the man, whose voice was low and thick, flowing deep down to her insides. She couldn't suppress her shiver. "Greetings, space man." She replied, her sweet voice raising the man's right eyebrow. It was then he noticed her attire, her usual dressings. She wore practically pure snow-white garments, a headdress, sandals, the complete set one would only see in a desert, like Egypt. Her Millennium Necklace stuck out like a sore thumb, but that wasn't the only thing that caught his attention. Her firm bosom was covered very well, but that didn't really bother him, as his imagination could well imagine what the fair skinned maiden looked like beneath the loose garments. Her soft brown eyes sparkled, and she made a noise resembling something like someone clearing their throat. His eyes shifted upwards, to her face and slight smile. "My face is up here, sir…" she began, and he replied, "Bo. Call me Bo. And I know where your face is, your breast is what catches my attention." He said bluntly, smile spreading. Ishizu couldn't help but giggle, if only slightly.

"I can only imagine what would happen if a large wave were to hit you, or a storm were to start…" he said, smile widening mischiefly. He loved playing with the humankind. It was too fun and easy. She was going to say that wouldn't happen, so far from the shoreline and with the sky so clear, but suddenly she was staring down a wave just taller than she was, her height a good 5'8". She was quickly and thoroughly soaked, and cold, her once loose garments now a pale see-through and clinging like a second skin. She was suddenly back in front of Bo, in his embrace and pulled against him, his lips pressed against hers. "Show me your mind…" he mumbled under his breathe, and put his gloved hand on the back of her head. She briefly wondered why nobody noticed them, until she remembered the storm call. This man was very smart. Suddenly, she and Bo were back at her room in the back of the Museum, his gloved hand now moving up and down her spine.

She would have pulled away, wanted to step back, wanted to do anything, but his grip was like that of a gorilla's. "Tell me Ishizu, how do you feel?" he whispered in her ear, then continued before receiving an answer, "How does it feel, to already be caught and fully known by a man you only know the name of? Who can teleport you and himself anywhere? Who can please and torture with but a touch?" He asked, now rubbing her sides gently, beginning to slide her wet clothes off. He had already seen her body from a distance. He then went on, "When an angelic alien rubs you so, what runs through that beautiful mind of yours? A mind so full of answers and questions, with the intent and purpose to help and teach. What does it feel like, to know that you are ready to bed someone who knows everything about you, yet you know nothing of?" he finished, and was answered when her lips pulled his against her. His hands now had the upper part of her tunic off, and her breasts were already drying from the presence of another. His glove melted into his skin, disappearing entirely, so his hands would go unhindered.

His hands, so obviously skilled and mastered at this art, rubbed her breast and back, whilst his tail tickled her legs and began removing the lower part of her dress. They temporarily pull apart, gasping for air, as his tail continues it's work, and her hands began hers with his shorts. She felt wave after wave of pleasure as his massaging continued on her left breast, teasing her now erect nipple and flicking it, rubbing the rest slowly. His tail finally had her lower dress off, and Bo let go of her excited breast and back, and fell to his knees. He began licking the ocean-moist lips, rubbing her legs and tickling her ass cheeks while teasing the doubly wet entryway. Ishizu let off a soft moan of pleasure, running her now free hands through his hair as he kissed and licked her clit.

Finally she let a louder moan as her juices ran into his mouth, filling it quickly. Now he stood, fully erect penis rubbing her thighs. Gently he turned her about and laid her face down on her own bed, and slowly pushed his member into her ass, causing a gasp of pain. His hands again took their masterful skills to work on her breasts, and his tail moved to tease her pussy again, rubbing and tickling it and her thighs, until finally it entered, causing another moan to escape her lips. Gently Bo began rocking himself in and out of her tight ass, tail moving in the opposite direction, but the same motive. Slowly, but surely, he quickened his pace, using both appendages to his advantage. Finally, her moaning his name turned into screaming it, then just loud, wordless moans again, while every sexual organ in her body was being put to good use. Her walls tightened around his tail, her ass doing the same to his still hard erection.

Her second orgasm came quickly. She was beginning to tire, but still Bo went, still not letting off. He flipped her again, now licking her breasts while his tail ass-fucked her and his penis did what it was made for. Five minutes later, she had her third orgasm, while he had his first of the night. She was sure not to make it his last. Ishizu pulled Bo's tail from her ass and pushed him to a sitting position on the bed, and got on her knees. She now kissed and licked his still hard erection, and then put it into her mouth, sucking harder and swirling her tongue around it while he moaned and caressed her hair. Then, reluctantly, he pulled her away. "I am sorry, love, but I must go." He said, now standing. She kept a perplexed look on her face, looking up into is eyes. "Wait!" She called minutes later, still nude, running down the hall towards Bo. "Please, if you must leave, take this with you!" She begged, tears threatening to fall as she handed him the Millennium Necklace. Looking from it, to her, to it again, he slowly took it. Before putting it on, he kissed her and gave her leg a rub from his tail, which was protruding from a hole in his pants.

"I swear, love, I'll come back to you sooner or later. But perhaps you will both have to come to me." He said after he put on the necklace. He then teleported away, leaving Ishizu to her thoughts. "We?" she asked aloud. Then the lights came on in her head. "We! Oh my God, We!" she shouted, skipping up and down excitedly, staring at her stomach. These next nine months were going to be one hell of a time.

A woman ran from her house, crying silently, her eyes closed. Her long brown locks fell to the middle of her back, her soft and caring brown eyes covered by her hands as she ran. Her long, shapely legs led her far before she realized she was wearing her nightclothes, in the bad part of Domino, with no form of protection on her. She was suddenly wary of every light, sound, and movement made around her in the dead of night. She could hear shuffling feet and snickering from ruffians who could see her, but she couldn't see. So she did as her brain told her, the only logical thing: Run. So she did, she ran and ran, fear evident in her blurs of eyes, up until she took a wrong turn and ended up in an alley way, and somehow the leg of her long, cotton night shirts had ripped, making her look like a pretty, innocent hooker in nighties, if you can imagine it.

So the snickering and sound of footsteps scared he even more, her eyes no longer were showing fear, but contempt and horror. She knew well the stories of those unfortunate enough to find themselves in a predicament somewhat like this. They ended with raped woman, more often than not dead, and crying families. `Dammit Serenity, of all the nights…' she mentally scolded herself as she fell into the fighting stance her brother had shown her for fighting mobs.

"Oohhh, look what we got here George, looks like the pretty lady thinks she can fight us two and get away perfectly harm free." So it was only two idiots making a lot of noise, not a lot of idiots making little noise. The glint of streetlight off sharp, long metal was not lost on her. `Okay, we got two noisy idiots with most likely a lot of friends in nearby alleyways raping other women, and they definitely got swords. Yep, juries in. I am royally fucked.' She mentally told herself, and did the only thing her petrified mind would allow: curl into a fetal position behind a large dumpster. So she did. Or, would have, had not the one called George grabbed her by the pretty long locks and pulled her to him, in the streetlight's glare. "Aww, Ronnie, we got's us a little lady! Her tears fell freely now, as Ronnie walked up and slowly used his sword to cut open the front of her shirt, grazing her chest in the meanwhile.

George scolded Ronnie when her hiss of pain left her. "Idiot! If we hurts her too much, the cop's will have more of a reason to book us!" Ronnie wasn't listening though; too busy licking and sucking the supple mammaries of his new capture to care. And Serenity cried when George went to pull off her pants and underwear from behind, grasp on her arms still firm behind her back. He felt incredible pain when a muscled hand shot through the darkness to grasp his quickly hardening penis. "Hey, cocksmooch!" An Australian accent Serenity recognized yelled, getting her attention and Ronnie's. George's was already on him. The hand gave a violent jerk, and George's cock was quickly heard making a kind of snapping noise as George released Serenity. Ryou walked into the light. Serenity punched Ronnie, to little effect. That is, until Ryou's foot jammed itself into his crotch, making the next punch all the more welcome.

Both the katanas were now twirling in Ryou's hands, swishing and screaming, practically crying for human flesh. "Well, you dirty little bitches, you just went and hurt the sister to one of my friends." He said, noticing Serenity's cut chest and raw hands. "Serenity, for the next few seconds I ask you turn your head, close your eyes, and cover your ears, `cause this is gonna get loud, bloody, and painful fast." He said, spitting on Georges face, which was curled in pain and fear. Serenity did as told, but that didn't stop her from hearing the earsplitting cries, which silenced awfully quickly for her taste. She wanted them to suffer. Evidently they did, for five minutes later Ryou covered her eyes and led her from the alley.

She didn't dare look back anyways.

Ryou's house happened to be half a block in the direction she had come to the alley from, which is the place he had begun following her. When Serenity walked through Ryou's door, crying into her hands while Ryou kept her shirt closed, Bakura looked up from the magazine he was reading. His right eyebrow rose with him as he put up his magazine entitled `Playpen'. He sat back down quickly enough. Though the site of Serenity wearing thin cotton pants and shirt, both of which ripped enough to reveal enough, didn't do him any good. His crotch told him different. "Ryou, who and why the hell is someone here?" He asked, never taking his eyes from the young lady whom stood cradled in Ryou's arms now. "Her name is Serenity. You've met her. I have yet to learn why she was up and running this late at night, in this bad a neighborhood, dressed so." He stated, putting his chin on top of Serenity's head so she knew she was safe, and wasn't expected to answer anything too soon. Bakura sighed.

"Let me guess, you see a pretty young lady running and crying down the street and decide to follow from a distance. When you catch up to her she is in the process of being raped, and you come in with the `cocksmooch' shout?" When Ryou gave a wry grin, Bakura sighed again. "You actually said cocksmooch? Dear god, what a loser!" He shouted, lifting his arms in frustration and walking away quickly. Serenity giggled, "Cocksmooch?" she asked, looking into his protecting eyes. Ryou blushed and mumbled. In her giggling fit, she stumbled from Ryou's grasp and tripped on the stool, falling into the chair that was recently inhabited by Bakura. And her shirt was torn from her body due to Ryou's still hanging on with a death grip. A look of shock on both their faces, Ryou holding the shredded shirt and Serenity with her hands on her stomach from the giggle-fit, breasts uncovered and in full view. Her embarrassment was complete when Bakura walked into the room with tissue for her cut.

Ryou quickly covered her from any quickly forming plan of assault by ever-excited Bakura and ushered her to his room, covering her with his body. Bakura just stood, frozen and gaping. A laugh of disbelief ran through him like an earthquake. He made no move for the duo quickly ascending the staircase.