Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Dark ❯ Dark and Light in the new Millennium ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 13 “Dark & Light in the new Millennium.”

Author’s notes:
All right everyone! This is the last chapter of Millennium Dark! It’s been a good ride, and this is one of my old fics that I really wanted to have finish properly. It’s highly unlikely that there will be a sequel, epilogue, or side-stories. Well there’s a possibility I might do a side-story... but who knows. I want to thank everyone that has stuck with this story, and everyone who left a review or who just started reading it for the hell of it. Enjoy the last chapter!


Tokyo, Japan
Studio Rehearsal Room
5:28 P.M.

Bakura sighed heavily, and looked down at his callused fingers, then around the room at ... well, as much as he hated to admit it, these punks were his family. They were in the midst of perfecting the song that Yami had written. The lead singer had written the words, but the music that meshed with it still had to be hammered out. Instead of being the mushy ballad that Yami had intended, they had increased the tempo to where it was sentimental, but still was upbeat enough it wouldn’t be played for slow dances at some junior-high dance. Rehearsing a love song steeped in regret and still with the hope of that kind of love returning had forced some ... unnecessary feelings that Bakura had shoved deep down like any sane person would do.

Ryou Tenshii ... his ML counter-part had been on his mind since that accidental meeting. The only problem was, Bakura was fairly certain that any longer than that meeting and Ryou’s body would have been sinking to the bottom of the nearest body of water. Perhaps that was a little too harsh. But Bakura knew that it was nothing more than .... longing? “Ah hell,” Bakura muttered under his breath. (But he is nice, seemed sane .. maybe he’d be fun to corrupt -- damnit!) Suddenly Bakura let out a loud, frustrated yell.

At first, Yami, Shadi, and Malik didn’t bother with it; Bakura occasionally did that and half the time it was for fun. However, when he yelled a second time, louder, they stopped and stared at him. “Bakura...? Are the voices in your head starting to rebel?” Shadi questioned lightly.

“You know, they haven’t,” Bakura growled, turning to face his bandmates. “They’re all quite unanimous in that we should use that Ankh of yours to shut you up, but we’re still discussing methods.” Shadi merely hummed in response. “Malik!”

Malik blinked once at the sudden call of his name. “What?”

Bakura looked annoyed that the tanned boy even had to ask. “Come with me.” Malik cast a glance at the others, but rose up from where he was sitting, his bass being set aside against the chair, following Bakura out of the room and into the hallway. “This cannot go on any longer and I must say something otherwise I really will go insane and it won’t be a joke.”

“Don’t look at me like that...go on and get it out if you must,” Malik responded, quite unsure as to where Bakura would go with this, as there were many different directions and few were positive. “What is it?”

“Listen ... I know I’ve been acting strangely, even for me. And yes, it is true I have been thinking of someone else. But the more I think about it the more it angers me that I would even consider wasting more than five stray thoughts on that person. I started to lose sight of what had brought me to this point. Ha! I had gotten as delusional as our ‘Pharaoh’,” Bakura laughed bitterly, shaking his head. “There is much I hate about this life, and even myself, so there are few things I can find to be happy about...this band of misfits of ours, and ... you. -- Do you understand what I’m saying? Nothing should come between us! Why didn’t you knock some sense in to me, Malik? What stopped you before??”

Malik stared at Bakura for a long moment, taking everything in slowly, and processing it. “I don’t know why I didn’t do anything. You’re right; I wouldn’t hesitate any other time, but when I heard you were consumed with thoughts of someone else .. well .. I guess I lost it. But no one’s perfect and no one’s sure as hell rational when it comes to things like this. In the end, I decided to let you have your space to figure it out. I’m not going to smother you like some girl.” Malik paused for a moment, and looked over at Bakura. “But I’m glad you came to your senses. Hell...I’m glad I came to mine.”

Bakura was silent for a short moment before grabbing Malik’s shirt and pulling him close for a blisteringly hot kiss against the nearest wall. Malik was stunned for a split second before returning the kiss with equal intensity. The kiss was the embodiment of their relationship - raw, honest, intense, and all-consuming. Bakura’s callused fingers slid up Malik’s shirt and held him tight. Though he’d never say it, at least, not with witnesses so close by, Bakura’s intense gaze conveyed intensely powerful love. Malik understood that, and that was enough. “Let’s get back in there.”

“Yes... there’s still Yami’s public problem and this even more public song for that midget,” Malik agreed. He stole a final, hot kiss before releasing Bakura, and opening the door back to the rehearsal room.

Yami glanced up and was the first to speak. “Is everything calm in Hell now?” Bakura merely smirked.


Tokyo, Japan
Exodia Records, 27th floor
6:30 P.M.

The secretary had told her that Kaiba was currently out of the office; something about working with the publicist in getting some kind of gig going. Well, that was just as well; it was better if he didn’t know she was here. Simran still wasn’t ready to face him, or with their past. She looked around the office, which hadn’t changed a bit since the last she saw it -- except for the addition of a few awards and framed magazine covers. “Heh, same old Seto...” Simran laughed to herself, shaking her head, and crossed over towards the desk and was about to put a thick manilla envelope on the desk when she saw a framed photograph. “Huh? What’s this? -- Oh. He still has this ugly old photo?” How many years had it been since she thought about that time. With a sigh, she placed the frame back on the desk, and placed the manilla envelope in the center. “This is everything I’ve found over the last few weeks... I hope it helps.”

“Hope what helps? Who are you and why did my secretary have a lapse in mental competance and let you into my office?”

Simran turned quickly and turned somewhat pale as Kaiba stood in front of her, arms crossed and looking like he was ready to strangle something. “Kaiba... do you really not remember me?”

Kaiba tensed as recognition dawned. “...Simran.” He looked at her, then past her to the desk, where the manila envelope lay. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m an investigative journalist now..and I was tailing the guy that ‘broke’ that story about Akaiame and Motou. Something was fishy about it from the start and so I spent the last while digging everything up,” Simran explained, shifting her position from having her arms folded to putting her hands on her hips, to just having her arms at her side, and leaving them there. “He used some recording device in a pen to capture the private conversation between Akaiame and someone else, and took the words out of context to sensationalize the story. So everything in there is what you need to take his ass to court, and whatever..and the story that I’ve published in a high-profile newspaper about what happened and why aren’t you saying anything??”

Kaiba remained silent and just kept his blue-eyed gaze on her for what seemed like forever. “Why did you do all of this? We haven’t spoken since after High School.”

Simran shifted, but kept his gaze. “Because this guy stands for everything journalism shouldn’t be, because it’s just wrong to tape someone without their knowledge and maybe I just wanted to do something to help!” Her eyes fell to the floor, then went back up to his. “We can’t live together but can’t we work together?”
“Hn... I suppose so. And this is what I needed to ruin that guy’s life.” Kaiba walked behind his desk, and picked up the manilla envelope. “So who is he?”

“...?”“Don’t ‘?’ me. Who’s the guy that’s made you grow up like this? You’ve still got your attitude, but it’s bearable now.” Kaiba glanced over at her. “I don’t believe asking again is necessary, but it always took a few more times for it to sink in. Who is he?”

Simran smiled slightly. “Ryuji Otogi.” Rubbing her arm, she continued, “I won’t go into details, but he’s been really good for me. Enough that I got the courage to come to your office to deliver that envelope instead of just sending a courier with it. So ... I’ll see you around ... Seto.”

“--Wait.” Kaiba briskly walked the short distance to where she was standing, and pulled her into a deep kiss. He pulled away soon after, and looked down at her. “You’re keeping in touch, this time. I don’t know when I may need your help again.”

“You’re really lucky I didn’t punch you for that.” Simran smirked, though, and gave him a gentle push. “My card’s in that envelope. Send me an e-mail for this gig that you were so busy arranging. I have a feeling it’s going to be ... interesting.”


Fukuoka, Kyuushuu, Japan.
Nishimura Hotel, 12th floor.
7:49 P.M.

Maric glanced at the corner of his laptop’s screen, where a small notification alerted him to a new email. Assuming it was spam, Maric opened up his email client, and blinked in surprise he saw it was from Malik. Highly curious and somewhat anxious, Maric opened the email and took a few re-reads to realize what it was asking of him:

Hey, Maric.

I know this is out of the blue, but I need to ask you a favour. A very important one, to be honest. Now read this carefully: Yami’s written a song about Motou that we’re going to perform tomorrow afternoon at Music Tops! in Tokyo. It’s going to air live at 4:00 P.M. so make sure that your runt of a lead singer is watching, all right? Thanks for your help, brother.

P.S.: Tell Tenshii that Bakura’s mine.

-- Malik

“Heh...” Maric leaned over his chair and glanced around the room. Yugi was sulking in his own room, Ryou and Shaadi deciding to stay in Maric’s room for the moment, as Yugi really started insisting on spending this time alone and no one had a better plan to get him out of his sulking. “Hey guys. Come over here. I think the way Yugi’s going to get out of his funk has just arrived.”

~*~ The Next day.~*~

Tokyo, Japan.
Music Tops! studio
3:55 P.M.

“...kept far apart; no more; your eyes do not lie; but won’t your mind try ....” Yami murmured the lyrics softly, and fiddled endlessly with the microphone and its stand. “No, that isn’t right... it has to be more upbeat .. it has to have meanin -- ow!” He turned to glare at Malik who had roughly smacked him upside the head. “What was that for?”

“You’re overthinking it and frankly, it’s pissing us all off,” Malik replied, smirking. “Sing the song from deep down, and all of that crap. But overthink it, and it’s going to turn out like crap and Motou’s going to have another reason to keep you dumped.”

“If you’re all finished with this lovely heart-to-heart, we’re starting,” Kaiba interrupted, cutting into the conversation cleanly. “Get into your positions. There’s no room for mistakes on live television, losers.” He smirked, and walked over to where Joey was standing, beside camera 2.

A perky girl with brown hair and blue eyes took her position in front of them. “Welcome everyone! I’m Tea Gardener, and welcome to Mustic Tops! Today we have an exclusive, exciting, amazing performance by the number one band in the world, Millennium Dark! Get ready everyone for a brand new song that hasn’t even been released yet, Broken Puzzle! Hit it, guys!”

Fukuoka, Kyuushu
Nishimura Hotel, 12th floor, Room 1205
4:01 P.M.

“Guys! What are you doing? I don’t want to watch anything!” Yugi fussed and struggled, but in the end, was absolutely not match for both Maric and Shadi AND Ryou as they forced him to sit in a chair facing the television in the hotel room. “I just want to be alone right now --”

My heart is like a broken puzzle; Without you I’m all rough inside ... I try to hide the tears that I cry; my days are like the pieces of a broken puzzle; and I know you feel the same!” Yami’s voice came through loud and clear through the television, the high-energy, almost desperate tempo of the song seemed to reach out and pierce Yugi like an arrow. “I trust your heart that begs to be kept apart no more; your eyes do not lie, but won’t your mind try to grant what we both desire?” Whipping the microphone out of the stand, Yami walked out in front of it, fist clenched, raw emotion pouring out of his mouth and breathing achingly real emotion into the lyrics. “You said you’d stay here by my side, show me the way to go, but here I am! Here I am .. I’m all alone, sitting by my phone, and my sky is dark all day..!

Six months ago, Domino City, Japan

Yugi sighed in frustration and rubbed his hair irritably as he stared down at the golden puzzle on the table of the cafe he was currently occupying. ‘This thing is impossible! How does Gramps expect me to solve this thing? Maybe if I press the pieces together hard enough, I can pretend they fit...’ Giving it a shot, Yugi stopped partway before sighing heavily. ‘Oh, this sucks!’

‘Don’t give up so easily,’ a deep voice interjected, and Yugi looked up to find what looked to be his twin sitting down across from him -- though Yugi sourly admitted to himself that his double looked a lot cooler than he did. ‘Your heart knows that the answer is still attainable, but your mind is clouding it from showing you the solution. -- here, may I?’ Yugi nodded, curious to see what the stranger would do. ‘Here.. see this piece? It seems to have no where to fit, but if you look at it from another angle..’ his double ingeniously slid the piece in a space in the middle of the half-finished pyramid, which acted as the center.

‘!’ Yugi stared at the puzzle, stunned. ‘That’s it! I can’t believe I didn’t see it before!’ Quickly, Yugi started to grab the remaining pieces and slid them in place with little clinks. Within a few minutes, the golden pyramid was finished, and was being wiped to a shine by Yugi’s hankerchief. ‘Thank you! .. oh .. I didn’t get your name...’

His double laughed, a rich, gorgeous sound. ‘My name is Yami. Yami Akaiame. And yours?’

‘Yugi! Yugi Motou! It’s really nice to meet you, Akaiame-san! -- Hey! You have a pyramid just like mine!’ Yugi couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed the large golden pyramid around Yami’s neck.

Yami laughed again, and shook ihs head. ‘It’s quite all right. My mother gave me this puzzle to solve, so I know very well the frustration that it can bring to someone. But she also told me that there was only one other puzzle that existed ... a pair of golden pyramids that were linked. Do you see? There’s a space for yours to connect with mine.’

‘There is! It looks like we were fated to meet, Akaiame-san.’ Yugi grinned, despite himself. ‘What’s say we be friends?’

Yami held out his hand for Yugi to shake. ‘Friends...I think that sounds great .. Yugi.’

Present Day

Yugi frowned, gripping the Milennium Puzzle in his hands as he stared at the screen, unable to stop the memories from returning and persistently staying so he had no real choice but to relive them, accented by the incredibly personal song being played by Millennium Dark: “Forget what they’d say! We’re a perfect pair and isn’t that worth more than gold? Just whisper (whisper) my name and I’ll be there; to have and to hold ... My heart is still a broken puzzle, without you I’m all dark inside; I try to hide .. with these hopes so high, But I can’t give up!” Yami gripped the microphone, his amethyst eyes staring straight into the camera, his gaze so personal, so intense, that Yugi shuddered and bit his lip. “My dreams are still a broken puzzle! Please.. please say that you feel the same...”

The song finished strongly, the crowd that was lucky enough to have been there screaming loudly. Yami didn’t look away from the camera until the hostess came up to him and started to ask a few questions, and pepper him with compliments.

“What are you going to do, Yugi?” Ryou finally asked.


Tokyo, Japan
Sennen Garden Apartments
12:56 P.M.

Yami’s sleep had been restless and wrought with fits of waking up, looking at the time, then at the phone, then groaning pathetically. Groggily, he pulled himself out of bed, moving sluggishly to shower, change into casual clothes in preparation for taking full, lethargic advantage of his day off. His hair was left un-gelled, and was pulled into a rather loose ponytail. With a sigh, Yami reached for the remote control when there was a knock at his door -- three quick knocks, to be precise. Yami recognized that knock immediately and stood up. He was at the door before he knew it and hesitated before finally opening it to find Yugi standing there in front of him. “Yugi...”

“...Can I come in?” Yugi sounded hoarse ... and uncertain. Yami nodded and stepped back, allowing Yugi to enter the apartment. Quietly, Yami closed the door and re-locked it, gesturing for Yugi to sit down on the sofa. “Yami... I saw your performance yesterday.”

“What did you think of it?” Yami wanted to ask more than that, but he mentally lambasted himself into starting simple. After all, it was he who had something to answer to, so to speak.

Yugi was silent, and fiddled with the buckles on the sleeve of his jacket. “I was really hurt by that, you know .. I wouldn’t listen to anyone when they tried to explain that I was being ridiculous. But ... I .. I always worried that I was just a burden to you.” Yugi looked up, his eyes starting to water a little. “Because .. you were the strong one, Yami .. you were always carrying me and I didn’t think that I was equal to you! And even though a part of me knew that story must be made-up, I still thought you had had enough of me. But .. but that isn’t true. Is it, Yami?”

“Of course it isn’t true! Yugi... you’re the most important person in the world to me,” Yami answered, reaching for Yugi’s hand and holding it warmly. “I couldn’t say the words properly then, but a heinous man took my words out of context to further his own career. I never .. ever meant to hurt you, even unintentionally. Every single word of the song I wrote is absolutely true, Yugi. Can you forgive me?”

“Forgive you?!” For a moment, Yami thought he had asked for too much. “Yami, I should be the one apologizing! You were nothing but honest with me every single moment we were together and even when we were far apart! I .. I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for not trusting you as much as I said I did! Do you forgive me, Yami?”

Yami stood up, and pulled Yugi up with him. “What kind of question is that, Yugi? I love you. That isn’t the paper-thin love that’s popularized in our industry... this is the kind of love that endures.. through anything. As long as we’re together, we can face anything. Isn’t that what you told me .. all those months ago?”

Yugi was speechless for what seemed like a very long minute before breaking out into a big grin. “That’s right! We can beat anything if we’re together.. partner.” Yami smiled warmly, and pulled Yugi into a deep, loving kiss that the other gladly returned.


Both tensed, then turned towards the door. Yami was startled, and Yugi suddenly looked sheepish. Upon realizing that his lover wasn’t still tensed, Yami looked down at him and raised an eyebrow, suddenly suspicious. “...Yugi, did you tell your band where you were going?”

Yugi’s sheepish grin seemed to have widened. “Ready to take on a whole new challenge, partner?”


Author’s notes:
That’s it, everyone. I want to thank everyone that reviewed, both here and ff.net, for sticking with the story, and liking it in the first place. Thank you to DarkGatomon for an incredible friendship that started from our like of each other’s fics (This one and her As If! Of YGO) and for countless nights of being each other’s sounding board. The song used by Yami was written by her, and can be found in its entirety here: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php/30845/81832#fic_c . It’s unlikely I’ll return to this story again, but one never knows. Take care, everyone, and thank you! ^_^
