Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Moon Items ❯ Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four
Lily: Sorry I haven't updated this for a while! I don't own anything, so on with the fic!
Notes to my readers:
Danielle: Sorry if you didn't like the Katie part, but there really is a girl in reality that totally pisses me off that's named Katie too. I just sort of took out my anger in my fic. ^_^ YOU CANNOT SEND YOUR KYOSHI SOCK DOLL TO EAT ME! You'll have to catch me first! *starts running frantically around in circles and trips*
Tuesday (Period Three)
“Bonjour classe. Vous avez deux nouveau gosse aujord'hui,” the teacher, Mme Ferrat said, “Comment s'appelle-tu?” [1]
“Je m'appelle Lily. Elle s'apelle Iris,” Lily gestured to her Yami. [2]
“Very good! I see you already know your basics! Lily, take that seat over there behind Seto Kaiba. Please stand—“
“It's alright. I know who he is,” Lily said, cutting her off.
Mme Ferrat was a bit shocked to see that a new student could be so prissy on her first day, but she quickly covered that up by pointing to the seat behind Yami Bakura to indicate Iris to sit there.
Lily and Iris sat into their assigned seats. Seto, as anticipated, ignored Lily completely. Yami Bakura however, turned around to wink at Iris.
“Classe,” Mme Ferrat said, switching back to French, “Vous avez un sauter jeu aujourd'hui.” [3]
The class groaned as one, and took out their writing tools.
“Girls,” Mme Ferrat meant Lily and Iris. “You don't have to take the quiz if you don't want. We're quite advanced, you see. You might have to catch up if you wish to take this course.”
“No, it's okay. We know a bit of French,” Iris replied for both of them.
Mme Ferrat had a skeptical look, but she gave them the quizzes anyway. `A bit' of French would hardly help the girls in her class. Oh well, their decision. Besides, maybe after taking this quiz and failing, it would teach these impertinent girls not to cut her off when she was talking.
The quiz, instead of being a regular 2 pages or so long, was about 5 pages long. Front and back! The quiz took most of the period, and when the bell rang to signal the end of class, many people still haven't finished.
“Can we PLEASE have another day to do it?” whined Random Girl #1.
“Come ON! It's not FAIR if we don't get another day!” Random Girl #2 joined in.
“NON!” Mme Ferrat exclaimed, shooing her students out. [4]
The next two periods, Language Arts and Reading, flew by quickly, and it was soon lunchtime. Lily and Iris followed the crowd that was surging toward the lunchroom.
At lunch
Lily and Iris picked out an empty table and sat down. No one made a move to join them. Lily and Iris were still a mystery to the rest of the students, so everyone chose to examine them from a distance before getting friendly.
Both girls were used to this kind of treatment. They were different, they knew that, so they accepted this. Besides, they had ways to entertain themselves.
With a flourish, Iris grabbed a deck of cards from her back jeans pocket. Lily groaned, “Why'd you bring that?”
Across the lunchroom.
Yugi asked his Yami quietly, “Hey Yami? Aren't those weird-looking cards?”
Ryou, who had overheard, replied, “Those are Tarot Cards. They're used for fortune telling.”
With a gasp of delight, Tea said, “Why don't we get our fortunes told?”
Before anyone could stop her, Tea had already ran over to where Lily and Iris were. “Hi guys! I couldn't help noticing those Tarot Cards. Do you think you could tell me my fortune?”
//Well waddya know hikari?// Iris asked Lily through the mind link. //We have our first customer!//
/We are not charging!/ Lily said firmly.
//Fine, fine.// Iris grumbled. Out loud, she said, “Sure Tea! Sit down.”
Lily noticed the sly smile on Iris's face. Uh, oh, she thought to herself, she's going to change the meanings of the cards to make it a REALLY bad fortune…
“Ok, Tea,” Iris said, “Tell me what you want the Tarot Cards to reveal to you. A certain person? A group? A place? Anything.”
Lily smiled. This was Iris's game face. She always liked to put on a show for her customers. In Iris's words, it made `everything more interesting and mysterious.'
“Oh, gosh! I don't know what to choose. Um…I want to know what will happen tomorrow,” Tea said.
“Very well,” Iris said. “Now breathe deeply. Relax and still your mind. Empty it out.”
“Ok,” Tea said a few moments later.
“Now, hold my deck in one hand, and place your other hand on top of it,” Iris instructed. “Close your eyes, and ask your question out loud. Give a reason why you wish to know what will happen tomorrow. Request guidance from the spirits, and mention your good intentions.”
“Gee, I didn't know it was so complicated,” Tea said.
“Say it.”
“Um, ok. I want to know what will happen tomorrow. Er, see, I uh, wanted to ask you spirits out there what will happen because something bad might happen tomorrow, and I want to prevent it before it happens. I'm only doing this for the sake of others, and not for bad reasons,” Tea said.
“Now shuffle the cards until you're ready. Concentrate on your question,” Iris told her.
Tea obeyed, shuffling for a good 5 minutes before she decided to stop.
“Now give them back to me,” Iris said.
Tea handed the cards back. Iris placed the cards down on the lunch table face down, the shorter sides of the cards in front of her. She then proceeded to cut the deck into 3 piles.
“Still concentrating on your question?” Iris asked.
“Erm, yes,” Tea lied. She quickly thought of the question again.
Iris flipped over the first card, as she would to a page in a book. “Death,” she said, as if the word meant nothing to her.
Death?” Tea gasped.
“Yes, something is coming to a close in your life. Perhaps that means you are losing a friend tomorrow.”
“Oh, that's not going to happen,” Tea said confidently. “My friends care for me, and they will never abandon me.”
This last sentence was said loud enough for the whole cafeteria to here. As one, the whole gang though `Tch, yeah right.' Iris flipped over the next card, the first one in the center pile.
“The Devil,” Iris stated, sounding very bored.
“THE DEVIL?!” Tea shrieked.
“Yes, the Devil. This card indicates that you are a hopeless situation, and full of ignorance.”
“Why, I never,” Tea said, offended.
“The cards tell your fortune, not me,” Iris said, “I merely translate what they say. The Devil also means that whatever happens tomorrow, you will not like, so you pretend you don't know that it happened. Perhaps you wish it hadn't happened.”
“Continue,” Tea said stiffly.
Iris flipped over the last card. “Ah, the Hermit.”
“And that means…?” Tea asked.
“You will live your life in solitude, constantly thinking things over. You search for something, shutting everybody out until you find the answer within yourself. You seek isolation. Perhaps the event that happens tomorrow will lead to your seclusion,” Iris interpreted, noticing with satisfaction that Tea had turned an ashy color.
“Th-thank you,” Tea said, and quickly hurried away.
Everyone in the cafeteria had seen what Iris had told Tea. They were very eager for their own fortunes told, but the bell rang. Disappointedly, everyone trudged to their 7th Period Class.
[1] Translation: “Hello class. We have two new students today. What is your name?”
[2] Translation: “My name is Lily. Her name is Iris.”
[3] Translation: “We will have a pop quiz today.”
[4] Translation: “NO!”
Joanna: Review!! Please??? *gives you a puppy look* I'll even give you a cookie!