Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Shuffle ❯ Knockout ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was beautiful day in Domino City. Ok, so maybe not that beautiful. Unless you call 38 degrees Celsius beautiful. I wouldn't. Anyway, Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda and Anzu sat in bathing suits around the public pool watching Yami as he ever so carefully polished the outside of his puzzle with a cloth.

"Yami, you are way to obsessed with that puzzle!" Yuugi stated. Yami didn't seem to hear him. "It's no use. That's the fifth time I've tried this hour. I don't think his brain is in the right place."

"Are you sure he has a brain? I mean, look at him! He's wearing tight leather pants and a leather jacket when it's 38 degrees outside!" Honda exclaimed.

"Any smart person would know that on a hot day, you do not wear leather! I bet if we gave him a push, he'd fall into the pool without even noticing. Wanna try?" Jounouchi jeered. He had a childish grin on his face, the kind that said `I'm up to no good', and soon an identical grin appeared on Honda's face. They quietly stood up and tiptoed Fred Flinstone style to where Yami was.

"Guys, I don't think that's such a good ……" Yuugi's warning came a bit to late.


Yami must have been listening to the conversation, for as soon as Joey and Honda pushed him, he grabbed their ankles and pulled them in with him. Jounouchi tried to pull free but ended up smacking his head on the edge of the pool before hitting the water.

"Now who doesn't have a brain?" Yami joked. Jounouchi came up from the bottom of the pool with a Koosh ball in his hand.

"Guess what I found and guess who it's aimed at!" he challenged. Yami and Honda's eyes grew wide as they scrambled to get away. Yuugi and Anzu just watched, not wanting to get involved as water covered the pool deck. Yuugi sighed and Anzu just giggled.

At that time the gate opposite where they were sitting was moving open. Yami, busy trying to get out of the pool and keep Joey and Honda under, didn't see the gate being flung his way.

Squeak… KLUNK!!!!!

Jounouchi and Honda could see a goose egg forming on Yami's forehead, right between his eyes, as he slowly slipped back into the pool. Joey dove down to prevent him from drowning as Honda peeked over the edge to see who it was. It was Grampa.

"What are you guys do here relaxing? There's tons of chores to be done at the Game Shop, there is no time to be……" he trailed off. "What happened to him?!" he exclaimed as Joey heaved an unconscious Yami onto the pool deck. Yuugi and Anzu ran towards them, but Yuugi slipped on a puddle, crashed into Anzu and they both fell backwards into the pool.

Grampa went back out through the gate and returned pushing a rather large wheelbarrow full of mops, brooms and other cleaning supplies. As they were dumped out on the ground, everybody caught the hint. Within a matter of milliseconds everyone vanished. Well, all but Yami. He was still unconscious. Grampa looked around and shrugged as a tumbleweed rolled through the yard.

~Meanwhile, somewhere in Egypt~

Malik stood fingering a packet of matches as the building below him burned to the ground. Marik had put an idea in Malik's head as well as the matches into his hand. Malik's mind had done the rest. The childish idea of purposely setting a house on fire was all to perfect for Malik to pass up. Now he just stood there as the house roared in flames. He didn't notice the people gathering and pointing towards him. But he noticed when the mob started up the sand dune. They were yelling and cursing at him. Malik got a little nervous. As they neared, he opened his mouth to speak,

"Uh, my finger slipped?" he uttered. The mob rush towards him. Malik screamed like a school girl and ran. He notice a horse tethered to a post nearby. He got to the horse and scrambled on. Unfortunately, the horse was very old and had a lame foot. But Malik didn't know that.

"Oh, come on! I thought these things were supposed to have at least 18 speeds!" he moaned. The mob closed in. In one last desperate attempt to get away, he kicked the horse. That sent him flying through the air. He came down hard. Right on a pile of rocks. Darkness filled his vision.


Dias: I do believe I am evil.