Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Veil ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Damn it... I own my toothpaste; does that count? I mean, do I even really have to write anything? Just put `disclaimer' and everyone knows what it is. I wonder what would happen if I didn't put up a disclaimer... [backs away from the vicious killer lawyers] Okay; don't eat me! I don't own anything! Except my toothpaste.

A/N: Welcome to the last chapter! Yes, you heard right O.o;; Hey, don't blame me; this *was* originally going to be a one-shot. I guess I should of, heh, warned you about that earlier... But there's an actual lemon in this one, so be happy! [grin] Wow, so I've finally finished re-posting another story! Besides from one-shots, I think I've only got all of one other story posted in its entirety... Anyhoo, I shall shut up now! Enjoy!

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Chapter Two: Veil

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When Malik woke up, about four hours later, he felt disoriented for a moment. Then he got his bearings, and he groaned and wished he hadn't. He closed his eyes and tried not to think, but unfortunately it didn't work. What had he *done*? Or rather, let Bakura do to him... He discovered that now, after getting a few hours of sleep, just the thought of it made him ill. And on that subject, what had he _*said*? That he loved him, that ex-tomb robber? Pfft, talk about being caught up in the moment! He suspected that Bakura just put on that sweet, innocent act to get to him.

He had to get out of here, Malik decided. And with a millennium item or three, preferably...

It didn't work that way though. He quickly discovered that he wasn't allowed to leave the house. Every time he tried to walk through a door to the outside he found himself magically walking back in instead. He also discovered that Bakura apparently took all three of the items with him wherever he went or else he had a really good hiding place, because he spent several hours tearing the house apart and didn't find anything. And without at least one of them, leaving would be pointless.

By then it was five and he hadn't had any lunch, so he looked around the kitchen and got something to eat. In frustration mixed with boredom he put in a movie, but it failed to interest him and he quickly felt himself dozing off again.

In that hazy state between sleeping and being awake he, strangely, wondered where Bakura was...

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Bakura shivered and wrapped his arms around his chest as the cold wind blew over his body. It was probably about eight o'clock, but it was hard to tell. He had spent the last few hours up on top of one of the buildings in the business part of town - getting up there had been quite easy for *him*- just thinking. He glanced down at the street below, then quickly looked up again. If he fell... or jumped... he would most certainly die...

And the scary thing was, the idea was actually kind of appealing. Because if he died, then he wouldn't have to... Deal with things... He shivered a second time, from something other than the cold.

What had he done? He had vowed never to let something like this happen again. But there it was, undeniable; he was feeling something other than physical attraction for Malik. Well, when he was sane, anyway. When he retreated into his mind, who knew? He usually only had vague memories of what he did in those times.

His hikari. He winced at the mere thought. Usually he could keep himself from thinking of him, but tonight his face plagued him. Those beautiful chocolate eyes, so much like his own, but so sad...

Bakura sighed, and turned away from the building's edge.

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Malik was alert in an instant when he heard the front door click quietly shut. Apparently he had gotten so much sleep in the last twenty-four hours that now he slept only lightly. But whatever the reason, he was peering warily over the edge of the couch at Bakura before said yami even turned around.

"You're finally back," he stated blandly.

"Really?" Bakura said sarcastically, but he sounded tired, and when he sat on the other couch he rested his forehead on his hand.

Malik lay back down, so that his face was hidden by the back of the couch. "What I said earlier... I didn't mean it," he said quietly. "Because, as far as I can tell, you don't mean half the things you say either."

"Quite true," Bakura agreed calmly. `Maybe not the half you think though...' "Now, I would like you to leave. Get out of this house, and never show your face in this part of town again."

Malik sat upright so fast that the blood rushed to his head, but he ignored it. "What?" he hissed, not sure he was hearing this right.

Bakura sighed irritably. "I would like you to leave," he repeated, in the tone of voice you might use when talking to a small child. "Get out. Go fucking away. Leave me alone. Get it yet?"

Malik gaped at him, finding himself temporarily at a loss for words. "Why?" he finally demanded. "There's some sort of catch, isn't there?"

"I'm shocked," Bakura said scornfully. "I'm offering you your freedom back! You should jump at a chance like that. But instead you're just sitting there asking `Why?' Baka!"

"Look who's talking," Malik snapped. "Try looking at it from my point of view. Without my Millennium Rod, I have nowhere to go. I would have to start a new life, with the threat of that damn Pharaoh sending me to the Shadow realm if he ever laid eyes on me. When you look at it that way, there's no reason to leave, and after you worked so hard to get me here I'd like to know why you want me to."

Bakura growled angrily. Why was he making this so bloody hard?! "Why I want you to leave is no business of yours," he snarled. "Fine, I'll give you some money out of Ryou's dad's bank account. Name your price; just get out!"

"All right, here's my price," Malik said, laying back down a second time and giving the impression of not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. He really wasn't as desperate to stay here as he made it sound, but he was very curious by now about what Bakura's problem was. "I just want you to tell me why you want me to leave, then I'll think about it."

The other spirit took a deep breath, getting up and leaning over the back of the couch to look Malik right in the eye. "You're trying my patients," he said softly. "If you don't leave soon I might have to kill you."

Malik stared at his eyes for a moment, then decided to take his chances and stretched luxuriously. "Go ahead then. I don't think you will..."

Bakura snapped, lashing out and striking the other boy across the face. Malik's hand flew to his cheek, but he didn't make a sound. "Damn you; it's for your own good," Bakura whispered, his back turned. "Please, just leave."

Malik couldn't believe his ears. Bakura sounded almost... sad. Impossible! "Bakura, what's the matter?" he asked, surprised that he really sort of cared.

"It's not your concern," Bakura replied curtly. Malik sighed irritably.

"I don't care," Malik said, touching the other's arm lightly. `Why has my brain turned to mush?' he asked himself dryly, but he couldn't help it. He was curious, true, but there was something else; a strange emotion... pity, maybe.

Bakura weakly tried to shrug his hand off, but didn't try again when his first attempt failed. "It was something that happened years ago; it doesn't matter," he said. He had already covered the sadness in his voice, but now he sounded immensely tired.

"If it doesn't matter then what exactly are you sounding so miserable for?" Malik asked pointedly.

"Okay, how about this," Bakura said, a little bit of his old self in his voice again as he turned around. "I'll answer a question with a question. Why do you want to know?"

Malik stared at him, cursing mentally. Why *that* question? Any question but *that* question... He didn't know the answer. And frankly, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

"Is it true, then? You did mean what you said this morning after all?" Bakura's face was closed. "That, Malik, is the reason I want you to leave. I can't allow you to be in love with me."

Malik frowned. He wasn't stupid; he almost had this figured out... Something pretty bad had happened to Bakura at some point; that was pretty obvious... Bakura abruptly went to the door and opened it. "Out," he said simply.

"You were in love once, weren't you?" Malik asked, ignoring him. "Only... something bad happened to the person you loved, and you feel like it was your fault."

Bakura had gone, impossibly, paler.

"Who was it?" Malik demanded, in a not-to-be-denied voice that he usually reserved for his mind-slaves. "Tell me!"

Bakura stared at him in surprise for a moment. `How is it that he sees right through me?' he wondered, then turned to shut the door. "Fine, I give up. Maybe if you understand... you'll leave. That person... used to call himself Ryou."

Malik frowned again. In love with his hikari...? That was a bit strange... Then his frown deepened as he noticed the passed tense. "Is he dead?"

Bakura sat down at the other end of Malik's couch, head in hands again. "No," he said dully. "Just insane. Completely, utterly, raving mad."

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Why?" he asked, wishing Bakura would explain himself more.

"Because he fell in love with me," he said, as if this made perfect sense. "He would, of course. He realized that there was no getting away from me, so he decided to try and help me; he was too strong to just give up. When he released me from the ring I was even more insane than I am now, you see. I did some... very horrible things to him." He shuddered. "Then he fell in love with me, and everything changed. It helped a lot. But the stress of loving someone who might turn on him at any moment was too much, I guess. I've had him locked up in his soul room for three years now, because if I let him out I don't know what he'd do." He looked up at Malik bitterly. "Thanks for making me relive that," he said sarcastically. "Now will you leave?"

Malik hesitated. Bakura wanted him to leave so badly; maybe he should... It would mean giving up all his hopes and dreams if he didn't have his millennium item, but Bakura had said he would give him money. Maybe it would be enough to help him get along until he could steal the rod back... But the oddest thing was, all he wanted to do was stay here and try and finish what Ryou had started. He really pitied Bakura, and, maybe for the first time in his life, he actually wanted to help someone.

Abruptly he leaned over and kissed the other yami before he had time to protest. When they pulled apart Malik shook his head. "No thanks, I think I'd still rather stay." Bakura opened his mouth to argue, but he ignored him. "I love you; I think you've figured that out so there's no use denying it anymore. And I think you love me too, otherwise why would you care if I lost it? But I'm pretty sure that we both know that if you set me free I'm going to have to try to steal that millennium rod, and that means that we're going to wind up being enemies. Please try to have some faith in my sanity - though I'm not sure I always do..." He smirked a little, then raised an eyebrow at Bakura's dazed face. "So...?"

Bakura didn't know what to say. `Please try to have some faith in my sanity...' It was certainly true that he had fallen in love with Malik, and if Malik really wanted to stay out of love instead of because it was convenient, then perhaps he should try that... His brain protested and tried to tell him that Malik probably just wanted to stay because he'd be more likely to be able to get his bloody millennium item back if he was closer to it or something like that, but abruptly he decided to ignore his brain. He leaned forward to kiss Malik deeply, drawing the startled boy closer.

Malik tensed at first from surprise, but quickly relaxed and melted into the kiss. It felt amazingly right, different than all the other times that they had kissed now that they had finally accepted each other. Deciding to take his turn at being seme for once he kissed down the spirit's neck, massaging one of his nipples under his shirt at the same time. Bakura moaned slightly, allowing Malik to push him back into the couch. He smirked a little; this was going to be fun...

Malik pulled the other's shirt off, and bent down to tease one nipple while still massaging the other. Bakura groaned, grabbing the blonde's hair and pushing him loser; Malik let him hold him there for a minute but then he pulled away. The yami looked up at him questioningly, but a second later he groaned again as Malik started unzipping his pants.

At first he just ran his tongue up and down the white-haired spirit's erection and suckled the tip, enjoying the way it made him squirm. But he quickly decided to have some mercy, something he didn't do often, and took Bakura's whole length in his mouth. The other boy bit off a yelp as Malik purposely drug his teeth across the sensitive flesh, and for the second time Bakura tangled his hands in sandy hair. He came fairly quickly, finally giving up on being quiet and screaming in pleasure.

Malik lay partially on top of him and partially to the side, waiting for Bakura's breathing to slow. When it did, he drawled, "I never really thought you'd be a screamer..." The yami swatted at him weakly, and he snickered. "You know, I think I've learned a whole new appreciation of the phrase, `revenge is sweet.'"

"You just watch it, or you might be losing your seme position," Bakura growled, but he sounded amused.

"Oh, don't worry; I don't plan on that," Malik assured him, and began taking off his clothes. Bakura watched him hungrily, feeling himself growing hard again already.

Once they were both fully naked, Malik coated three of his fingers with his own saliva and inserted them one at a time into Bakura's opening. He only winced a little, but a moment later he hissed in pain and bliss as Malik inserted himself into him. After giving him a moment to get used to it the tan boy thrust forward a bit, and Bakura gasped. The yami grabbed the other's hips to move him closer, and Malik was more than happy to do so.

Bakura's grip on his hips soon became bruisingly hard, but Malik didn't care. The tightness around him was incredible. He grabbed the spirit's length and started pumping it in time with his thrusts, causing the other to let out a noise somewhere in between a scream and a moan. When they came they were fairly close together; Malik's release deep inside him threw Bakura over the edge and he spilled his seed all over their stomachs.

They both lay there for a few minutes, just panting and enjoying each other's warmth and closeness. Finally Malik said, "You know something?"

"Hmm?" Bakura muttered sleepily.

"You need to get some afghans or something; it's freezing."

Bakura laughed. "Well, yes, that doesn't surprise me. The thermometer isn't set to accommodate complete nakedness..." Then, causing him to squeak in surprise, he scooped him up in his arms and carried him upstairs to his bedroom.

"You need to put on some weight," he commented as he lay him down and pulled the covers over both of them. "You're practically weightless."

Malik smirked. "I could eat hot dogs..." he replied suggestively.

Bakura groaned. "I'm too tired for dirty talk..."

Malik rolled his eyes, and snuggled closer. "Aishiteru..."

Bakura hesitated. It had been so long since someone had said that to him, but he decided that it was kind of nice. "Aishiteru," he replied, nuzzling his koi's neck.

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A/N: [grin] Aw! Nothing like a mushy ending to a semi-angsty fic, ne? Poor Ryou, though; [sniff] But on the bright side, there's going to be a sequel! One of these days. One of these days being the key phrase there. After I finish re-posting all my crap, which could take another month yet at this rate, I have at least six other projects that rank higher than that sequel T_T But I can tell you this: it's called `Ours' and it has Ryou in it! [cackles] It might have Mariku too; I'm not one hundred percent sure yet, but I think it will. Poor Malik! [cackles some more] Okay, now that I've got you all annoyed at me, R&R onegai?