Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Minus the Crown ❯ To Reach You Over the Flames ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two: To Reach You Over the Flames

Yuugi opened his eyes as he heard footsteps approach the large double doors of Pharaoh's chambers. He was sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard and his knees bent to his chest, his arms draped loosely over his knees. He had assumed this position as he did every night after bathing, washing the blood and grime off his skin, patiently waiting for Pharaoh to retire for the evening and return to him.

Pharaoh emerged from between the doors, followed closely by two guards and a most annoying little man. Chigaru, one of the most persistent and influential of Pharaoh's counsel. His name fit him well, for the only way he was able to convince anyone to follow his advice was to hound them until they relented, if only to get him to leave them be.

Pharaoh's eyes were lowered, his brow furrowed in irritation as his shoulders tensed when the annoyance followed him into his chambers, the only place in the palace where he was afforded any peace. It was his sanctuary, and he did not appreciate Chigaru's sacrilege by daring to enter its borders without invitation.

"Enough," Pharaoh growled over his shoulder, effectively silencing the perpetual chatter.

Chigaru spluttered a few moments at the interruption, his thoughts momentarily jumbled as he tried to regain his focus. "With all due respect, my Pharaoh, we still have much to discuss, and you have yet to give me your decision on-"

"It can wait," Pharaoh said curtly. Chigaru made to protest when Pharaoh repeated his command. "It. Can. Wait."

Chigaru clenched his jaw, not at all pleased by Pharaoh's dismissal of what he deemed to be important matters. "Yes, my Pharaoh." He bowed humbly and backed out of the room, the two guards following him after paying their respects to Pharaoh for the evening.

Yuugi remained silent as Pharaoh stood just in front of the doors, the tensions of the day screaming at him now that he was in a place where their voices could be heard. Everything about his appearance was dull; his desert bronze tan was pale, his black luster hair matted and snarled... Yuugi sighed inaudibly as Pharaoh opened his tired eyes and scanned the room. Intelligent eyes that reflected the passion of the setting sun were barely able to retain their brilliance through the haze of fatigue and strain that shrouded them.

Yuugi straightened his legs on the bed and made to get up and draw a bath when Pharaoh raised his hand, asking him to remain seated. Yuugi tried to hide the hurt he felt at the request. It was how they greeted each other every night; Yuugi would bathe Pharaoh and wash his hair, massaging away the trials of the day and allowing each of them time to relax into the presence of the other. But for Pharaoh to decline the intimate moment...

Pharaoh missed the hurt expression on his lover's face as he turned and entered the separate room designated for bathing. He had been pushed to the edge of his patience this day, and human contact of any kind was the last thing his frazzled nerves wanted. Even the comforting embrace Yuugi so willingly offered was not appealing to him at the moment. He needed this time alone to soothe his mind. He also didn't want to take the risk of releasing his temper on his lover, and right now he was certain he would lash out at the next person he saw.

Yuugi did not look at Pharaoh as he emerged from his bath and made his way over to the chest that held his robes. He didn't have to lift his head to know that Pharaoh still wore all the jewelry associated with the crown. Pharaoh never removed the gold adornments, never separated himself from his title, even when it was just him and Yuugi lying breathless in the middle of the night after love making.

Never, ever, did he remove his crown.

Pharaoh pulled a red robe over his shoulders and loosely tied it around his waist, the thinness of the silk allowing a cool breeze to pass over his skin with the smallest movement. He sat on the opposite edge of the bed from Yuugi, his back to him as for the first time that day he allowed himself a chance to breathe. When he did not feel the shifting of weight towards him on the bed, Pharaoh peaked over his shoulder with a questioning glance.

"You are troubled?" he asked Yuugi quietly.

Yuugi shifted his weight to a more comfortable position, tilting his head back to lean against the bed. "Tired."

Pharaoh watched him carefully, his eyes searching for the hidden meaning behind the minimal response. There was a brief silence as he studied Yuugi. "... Of what?" he finally asked.

Yuugi released a heavy sigh as he straightened himself on the bed, discouraged that Pharaoh, even through his fatigue, was determined to be insightful and not let the matter rest. Once he asked for an explanation, Pharaoh expected an answer, and whoever was being questioned had best answer quickly.

"It's not important. I just had a long day, as I'm sure you did. You don't need to hear my troubles..." Yuugi said.

"But I wish to," Pharaoh insisted. "It is my choice, and I choose for you to tell me."

Yuugi fidgeted on the bed before standing in an attempt to release some of his nervous energy. He was deeply touched by Pharaoh's words. The truth and emotion behind them echoed in Yuugi's ears as he tried to figure out how best to explain his feelings to his lover. This was going to hurt both of them regardless of how Yuugi phrased his words, but he didn't know how else he could make Pharaoh understand.

Finally gathering his courage, Yuugi turned to face the sitting form of Pharaoh, his resolve faltering as he looked into the impassioned eyes.


The word came out with all the power of a whisper, but to both Pharaoh and Yuugi it sounded as though he had shouted for all the gods to hear.

Pharaoh creased his brows. "I... do not understand..."

"I know. I know you don't," Yuugi said somberly.

"I..." Yami continued as he lowered his eyes, trying to figure out what Yuugi was attempting to say. "I am the reason for your troubles." He raised his crimson eyes to look at Yuugi, confusion and hurt evident in his gaze. "What is it that I have done that has hurt you?"

Yuugi had to force himself to look into that gaze, fighting the tears that threatened to fall with the knowledge that he was the reason for the emotion in those gorgeous eyes. "It..." He swallowed as he tried to force the words out. "It's what you haven't done. What you refuse to do."

Pharaoh shook his head slightly, still not comprehending Yuugi's meaning. Obviously he had caused a great deal of pain for Yuugi, and it both angered and saddened him that he had been unaware of the damage he was causing. The frustrations of the day shortening his temper, Pharaoh abruptly and tersely asked, "What is it you want from me?"


Pharaoh blinked several times at the word, finding that there was no end to the confusion Yuugi was able to wrap around him. "I do not understand. Is that not who I am?" he asked slowly.

"No, it isn't," Yuugi said with more conviction. There was no reason to back down now that he was finally confessing his deepest secret. "You haven't been Yugioh for a long time now. The only person I ever see anymore is Pharaoh."

Pharaoh narrowed his eyes. "We are one in the same, Yuugi. I am Pharaoh, as I am Yugioh. The two are synonymous. There is no difference between them."

"Oh yes there is," Yuugi argued. "There is a major difference."

"And that would be...?"

"I am in love with Yugioh."

There was a rigid silence as Pharaoh waited for Yuugi to continue. His features curled into a snarl when he realized that that was the entirety of Yuugi's argument. He heard the unspoken words, and his anger began to rise as he unknowingly reverted into the exact person Yuugi was so opposed to.

"It is not good for your health to be so free with your tongue," Pharaoh warned, his voice deep, commanding, dangerous. "Speaking against one's pharaoh does nothing to extend your time in this world."

Yuugi's body seemed to collapse on itself as he listened to Pharaoh's harsh words, the promise held within them brushing its cold fingers over his skin. Pharaoh felt a smug pride as he interpreted the body language as a surrender, so he was shocked into silence when Yuugi spoke again.

"Yugioh would never have threatened to kill me."

Pharaoh blinked and his jaw fell slack, the only responses he could give as Yuugi's words hit him with the accuracy of his finest Bowman. Suddenly Pharaoh found the silence of the room deafening, the air thick and overbearing, the weight of his jewelry more oppressive than the whole of the great pyramid built by his ancestor, Cheops.

There was a knock on the doors, the brusque sound resonating through the silent room. When Pharaoh made no move to answer the call, Yuugi walked over to the doors, grateful for the distraction.

An elderly woman stood on the other side, her body twisted with the years of labor she had endured as a servant in the palace. Her eyes were downcast, but there was a vibrant spark of life hidden within their faded color.

"Please," she said softly, her voice raspy with age. "I beg your forgiveness. I do not mean to intrude, it's just that... it's..." She chanced a glance upwards, the urgency of her visit giving her the courage to look whoever had opened the door in the eye. Her eyes widened in both surprise and relief when she realized that it was Yuugi she was speaking to. "Oh please!" she begged as she gripped onto the front of his robes.

"Be calm, Hasina," Yuugi said gently as he took the old woman's hands in his own. "Is it her lungs again?" Yuugi sighed as Hasina nodded anxiously, pleading with her eyes that he come and help her granddaughter.

Yuugi turned to Pharaoh, his eyes misting when he realized that Pharaoh had not moved since he last spoke. He wanted to stay, to talk, to try and mend the bridge that burned so bitterly between them. But he also needed to leave and tend to Hasina's granddaughter. Not to would be to go against himself, and become exactly what he had accused Pharaoh of being.

"I must help her," Yuugi said quietly. Pharaoh didn't respond to his voice, just kept staring at the bed sheets in front of him. "I will return as soon as I can."

Yuugi departed without another word.

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Chigaru: Hound

Hasina: good