Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misbegotten Love ❯ Misbegotten Love ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes: This came to me when I misread a summary for another story. I don't remember which one, but I thought this would be funny. Probably not very GOOD of course, but funny. There's no way in hell I'm typing Joey's accent. He's gonna talk like a NORMAL person, dammit! No offense to New Yorkers, but Joey ISN'T one!
WARNING: Yaoi! But there's absolutely nothing but lustful thoughts that completely miss their mark, and it's funny, so even if you hate yaoi, this shouldn't offend you. Unless you're dumb! So we'll see. I'll make the pairing Yugi/Joey because honestly, they're the only ones I could use… This is my first yaoi, so be kind… No lemon, because I really don't like them. I skip over reading them anyway, and couldn't write a sex scene, or even a detailed kiss, to save my life! However, I'll try to make this as humorously smutty as I can. Yep, I'm mocking all you romance writers! Hee hee! ^_^

Ankh: Indigo doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh… And if the real owner knew she was doing this, he'd probably be mad. I really don't know what brought this on, because it wasn't me!
Scale: Shut up, moron! That nut Indigo needs to be locked up forever! When all the SERIOUS romance writers get hold of her and drop her in a vat of boiling oil, or mummify her alive, or whatever they do these days, I'll laugh!
Indigo: Shh. You guys aren't helping me with anything else, and I needed to write SOMETHING! Now how about you help me with all those papers I have to write…

Misbegotten Love

Yugi sighed as he sat at the edge of the schoolyard. This had gone on far too long. He had watched his friend with admiration for months now… It had quickly blossomed into love, leaving the vertically-challenged boy with a constant dreamy look on his face as he thought of this perfect, beautiful person. His other friends had noticed, but the one he loved seemed to ignore his gaze. Or maybe he was just hiding his feelings. That had to be it, he was just as afraid as Yugi to show his feelings.

Sick and tired of his unrequited love, and after many pep talks from Yami, Yugi had finally decided to talk to his friend about his feelings. So he had invited his best friend to meet him here. They were supposed to have met exactly seventeen minutes and… fifteen seconds ago. However, Yugi was hopeful.

"Hey Yugi!" Jounochi called as he ran across the schoolyard towards his best friend. Yugi stood up and grinned at the taller boy coming towards him. Oh, how he wanted to run and throw his arms around the young blond deity dashing towards him, to bury his face in the other's pure white shirt, to smell his scent, to--

"Yugi! Sorry I'm late! There was traffic, and this whole pack of dogs chased me all over town. I couldn't shake them off! So I just ran by Kaiba's house and threw a sandwich in his window. I bet he'll have to get a rabies shot!" Jounochi said excitedly.

"Jounochi-kun, I'm so glad you came!" Yugi said, looking up at his friend in pure, untainted infatuation.

"Oh, no problem Yugi. What'd you want to talk to me about, anyway?" Jou asked, cocking his head, which made him look uncannily like a dog trying to understand something.

"Well…" Yugi said, wanting to choose his words carefully, "I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been feeling really… different lately."

"What's wrong? You getting sick?" Jou put a hand on his friend's cheek for a moment. "You don't have a fever."

After taking a moment to revel in the glory of HIS Jou-kun TOUCHING him, Yugi found his voice again. "N - no, Jou-kun. It's not that. I… I think I like someone."

"Huh? I thought you liked everybody, Yugi!" Jou said, cheerfully oblivious.

"Oh, maybe I should rephrase that… I LOVE someone," Yugi said, putting extra emphasis on the word and gazing up into Jounochi's eyes. They were like beautiful pools of chocolate and caramel. All mixed together. Like those great candies at the store… Mmm… Yugi shook his head. Not a good time to get sidetracked! Jou now, candy later!

"Aw, you do? That's great, Yugi! Way to go! Who is it? I bet it's Anzu! You've liked her forever, haven't you?" Jou said excitedly.

"Uh, no… Anzu's nice, but… It's… another boy, Jou-kun," Yugi said in a soft, nervous voice, dropping his eyes.

"Oh. Wow, that's different. When did you turn gay, Yugi? Well don't worry, I still like you and all," Jou said, rather surprised at first, but willing to support his friend all the same. "Hey, I can help you guys hook up! This'll be great!"

"Um, that's really nice of you Jou-kun…" Yugi said slowly, "But I don't think you understand…"

"Cool, I love playing matchmaker! This'll be great! Now who is it, huh Yugi? Come on, tell me!" Jou urged Yugi.

"Okay. Well, it's --"

"Is it Honda? Or that guy in your Puzzle? That'd be weird."


"Oh I know, it's gotta be Ryou! Or maybe Bakura? That guy gives me the creeps, but if that's the way you like them…"


"It's not Malik, is it? What a psycho! Or Otogi? Yugi, it's not Kaiba, is it? Oh please tell me you're not in love with Kaiba…"

"JOUNOCHI-KUN! It's… you. I'm I love with you!" Yugi finally shouted. Activity all over the neighborhood ceased. People stopped what they were doing to stick their heads out of windows and stare at the boy declaring his love. Yugi looked at Jou, fearful of rejection.

"There aren't too many guys we know left, Yugi. Is it somebody we don't hang out with? Wait, not Mokuba, is it? Isn't he a little young? Or that weird guy you said you met in Pegasus's castle who went into your head? Shoddy? Shady?"

Yugi looked at his friend in openmouthed shock.

"Let's see, who else do we know? It IS somebody I know, right? Eew, not Insector Haga, is it? Or Dinosaur Ryuzaki? Bandit Keith? No, he went crazy, didn't he? Uh…. That freaky fish guy? He seemed to kinda like you. Esper Roba? Or maybe Pegasus? Or did he die? I forget."

"Jounochi-kun, will you LISTEN to me for a minute!?" Yugi asked, getting frustrated.

"Sure Yugi. What do you want?" the oblivious Jou asked.

"It's YOU that I like. I love YOU," Yugi said, speaking clearly.

"Huh. I don't think you could really love anybody else, Yugi. That's all the guys you know, I think."

"Jou-kun, did you recently get a sex change," Yugi asked, getting REALLY fed up with this.

"What are you talking about!? Of course not! Geez, you're really turning flakey, Yugi. One minute we're talking about who you're in love with, and then you go off on sex changes. What's with you today?" Jou asked, really not getting it.

"Rrg…" Yugi said quietly, clenching his fists. "Okay, okay, I changed my mind!" He ran away from the schoolyard and his bewildered friend as fast as he could. "Well, whatever gods watch over me obviously don't want me to be in love with Jou-kun. AND IT WORKED!" he shouted up to the sky as he ran. As he passed, the world stopped to gawk at the boy yelling at the sky. "I'm sorry! I'll go find someone with a mind this time!"

After watching his unstable little friend run off, Jou shrugged. Maybe the pressure was just too much for the little guy. Oh well. Jou calmly walked off to inform their friends that Yugi had a crush on some guy they didn't know. Just as he crossed the street however, he heard loud barking and a short, cruel laugh coming form around the corner. 'Oh crap,' he thought, and bolted…

…And off Yugi ran into the sunset, although it was only mid-afternoon. He had learned his lesson for the day. High above in their celestial seats, the gods snickered at their game of "Mortals and Love."

Endnote: Well that was nice and pointless, wasn't it? I actually like Jou/Yugi yaoi usually, but it's not my favorite pairing. Besides, Jou's fun to torture! Anyway, let me know what you think, if it's decent or if I should just put it out of its misery right now. And yes, I know my notes are too long. They always are.