Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ Chapter 2 Nightly Meetings ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Me: Hey glade people like this story
H.shadowcat: yeah for this seems to be one of her favorite stories and that
Me: well hope every one likes this chapter and if people really like I'll update this again on Tuesday and that
H.shadowcat: well enjoy this chapter and thankyou for everyone's reviews.
Me: again we don't own yu-gi-oh and never will this story is rated R for future yaoi, and some slight violence so anyone who is screamish around yaoi or anything like that then please leave, but we shall post a warning before and after the yaoi.

Ch.2 nightly meetings
Today was a bright sunny morning and yami was wide awake thinking about the next time he would meet yugi, but right now yami couldn't find out why he was so happy all of a sudden, maybe it was because yugi wanted to be his friend he didn't know.
All that matter was he finally had a friend. so for the rest of the morning yami sat planted to his bed thinking of things to talk to yugi about, that was until his father came into the room telling him to get ready since they were going to the village.
When yami heard that he hurried to get ready while thinking ' i hope i see yugi '. all the while he was getting dressed. once finished he walks out of the room and went to find his father. upond finding him yami also spotted bakura, ryou, malik, marik, mai, tea, joey and seto ( a/n: just so you know there the same age ) standing next to his father.
" Ah, that was fast yami, now if your ready let's go " replied the pharaoh before leading yami and future court out into the village. as soon as they reached the village yami looked and looked but didn't see yugi any where. so yami walked over to a stand a saw the most beautiful ring, it consited of a heart with a little violet gem in the middle and next to it was a necklace with the eye of ra on it. ( a/n: oh just in case your wondering it's not the millennium necklace ).
" Father can i buy it ? " asks yami. when the pharaoh heard his son ans saw it he agreed to let him buy it." so son, who's it for " asked the pharaoh once his son returned with the items in toe. " for a friend " is all yami say's as he continues to walk next to his father all the while searching for his friend once again.
Shortly, after it was time to go home and yami still could not find yugi, so yami yami went back to the palace with his gift's. once back at the palace yami went to his room, and put his gift's inside o velvet black bag and then put it inside a brown handcrafted box. as soon as he put's them inside yami walks back over to his bed when dark magician girl appeared.
" Hello, prince yami did you enjoy your trip to the village ? " asks mana, the dark magician girl." yes, except i did not see yugi " replies yami." don't worry he'll be there tonight " replies mystical elf as she to walks into the room while carrying the prince's lunch.
" How do you know " questions yami once mystical elf set's his lunch down." i just know " is all she says before she and mana walk out of the room to allow the prince some peace and quite.soon hours past and it began to get late so yami got ready for his nightly meeting. as soon as he is ready yami heads out making sure no one spotted him as he leaves.
Once the coast is clear yami runs for the nile and where yugi would be. pretty soon yami was by the nile and once he arrived he see's yugi ' mystical elf was right again ' thought a shocked yami. when yugi see's yami he smiles and waves.
" Hello " replies yugi." hey " replies yami as he nears yugi. just then yami walks next to yugi and sit's down." hey yugi is it ok if i ask you something since i don't really know you really well? " questions yami." sure " answers yugi to the younge prince.
" Ok, how about.... how old are you " asks yami." well, i'm 7 how about you? " asks yugi." i'm 8 my next question is why did you choose to be my friend when everyone else i tried with rejected me " replies yami. " to answer that it's because no one should go not having friends and plus i fell destint to, like you and me are soul mates " whispers yugi.
" I know how you feel, but my last one will wait till tomorrow, but for now let's play " exclaims yami as he stands up and begins to pull yugi into the nile river to play. but soon it got to late so yami said he had to go but he would meet back tomorrow same place same time.
Which yugi agreed to and so the two went there seprate ways untill the next night when the two would meet again.

Good? bad? Please R&R

Me: i hope this was ok
H.shadowcat: yea considering it's like 7:36 at night right now so enjoy.
