Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ Love vs. Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Missing?” Yugi cried out. “But he was on his way here. How could someone just go missing?” The officer just continued, “We found his dad's truck on the side of the road, just abandoned. There was no sign of a struggle and the car wasn't damaged.” Yugi broke down into tears that could fill the whole room. “You people better find him. Use whatever you can, forensics or anything. Just find Yami.” The officer excused himself away from the two families.
Yugi looked at Yami's family then his own. He eyed Yami's mom, she had come all the way from Iowa to just see the safe return of Yami. “I'm going out.” he said through tears. He left without another word.
“Come on baby, I want to see you. Please!” he begged Yami. Yami smiled on the other side of the phone. “I'm coming over tomorrow, why can't you wait?” Yugi pouted, “I just can't wait to be with you and I refuse to wait six more hours. Just come see me, you don't even have to come in. I just want to see you.” Yami smiled tossing his dad's keys in the air, “Well if I can get my dad's keys, I'll come see you. Right now you should go to sleep.”
“Okay baby, goodnight, I love you so much.”
“Love you too. Sweet dreams and no nightmares.”
“It's my fault, if I didn't ask him to come over this would've never happened. He'd still be here and we'd be going to the movies right now.” Yugi blamed himself kicking the dirt underneath his feet. Yugi studied the sky noticing a storm coming in. He starts back home, on his way back his brother meets him and walks the rest of the way home with him.
“It's so fucked up, Jou.” Yugi looked at the sky right when lightning struck but his natural fear was lost. You have nothing to be afraid of. You have me. Jou hit Yugi playfully on the shoulder, “Don't worry, Yami is probably fine and you're just being overly dramatic like always. And plus, you still got me.”
Thunder crashed, windows swung open and powerful winds woke up the blue eyed boy. He slowly rose calmly searching this place he woke up in. All of a sudden nothing mattered anymore, “Who am I?” he climbs out the bed he was in going to the window that allowed the wind to enter. He stood looking out at the storm, noticing the beauty of the storm, how it made a song with every loud noise and the strikes danced with the water falling from the sky. The rain hit his face and he allowed it. The rain felt good and just for right now he wanted something but he couldn't tell the emotion he was feeling. I love you!
“You should get away from the window.” A cold voice came from behind him. He didn't move, but he could tell that the person was a woman and she was very close behind him. “Who am I?” He stepped away from the window facing a woman, wearing nothing but a robe. He got a sudden pain on his neck, grabbing it he feels two little dots of pain but doesn't know why the pain is there and has no idea how they got there. All he knows was this woman was not trustworthy.
“I have enough sense to know you're not a good person and not…” He blinked in horror. “Alive.” He stepped back near the window getting soaking wet. `How did I know that?' he thought to himself. Suddenly pain struck him at the heart causing his whole body to shiver. He fell to the ground as the pain moved to his mouth. Forcing something in his mouth to push out and rub against his bottom lip. The woman was suddenly right there with her arm out in front of his mouth. He looked at her confused; she gave him no help just waited for him. But he just didn't know what.
Finally the pain was unbearable so he bit down on her arm to try to contain the pain; some drops of her blood fell into his mouth. The pain stopped for a second but came back so he instinctively sucked for more of her blood that cured his pain.
Soon he just became greedy with it and sucked harder. The woman flinched and slapped him away, “I can't share that much with you. You got to get your own.”
“This is what I am? I'm a hungry beast.” He licked his mouth clean of any lingering blood. “They prefer to call it Vampire.” The woman says. “They?” its quiet for a while before the woman breaks his break down. “I will let you know your name. But you have to promise me that you will not try to regain any memory. My master said there was a reason I was made this and it's not old memories. It's to start a new life.” He nodded in agreement. “Yami is your name. You are what those people call a vampire but that isn't our true identity. We're just walking blood-thirsty dead. And we feed on that.” She pointed out the window at the city below. “Yami, we are the only one of our kind, so nobody must know what we are. Only kill the one's that won't be missed. You may come and go as you please but you may not bring a human in my house.” Yami shook his head, “I have to kill to survive.” Yami let the rain hit his face again soaking up his body, “Why me?” The woman stood behind him, “You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I happened to be hungry and dying until I found you driving in the night.”
`I might get busted this time; I left the house making all the kinds of noises.' Yami thought at the same time deciding to take a short cut down an empty street. Turning on the street he noticed a woman that looked like she needed help, but he didn't have the time and patience to help a stranger. So he went on. Further up the street he saw her again and passed her again. He looked back to see if she was chasing after his dad's truck but as he turned around there she was, in the passenger seat. Yami freaked causing the car to go off the street, just before the car hit the tree the woman launched for his neck and met.
Yami's head hurt from the memory, “I don't think I want to remember anything.” Yami walked away from the window. “What's your name?”
“I can't remember my name. I just know of these things from my master who died a while ago, but if you want a name, just call me master.” Yami looked at her mad, “You did this to me, and you want me to call you master?” She nodded. Yami struggled with his mind but finally gave in. I just want to see you. Yami looked at the woman, “Want to see me?” She looked at him funny and left the room.
Yami sat on what now is his bed. He felt a soft punch into his thigh and went through his pocket. He pulled out a wallet, “This has got to have something in it.” He went through all the cards, “Korey Davis and I got a picture of some dog.” He dug more in his pocket to find his cell phone. He opened it to find a picture of him and a smaller boy, at the top of the phone screen it said `I love Yugi' Yami took another good look at him. “I love you?” I love you too. “Who is it?” Yami looks at the puddle in his room and walks over to it looking down at it then at the city below. “That bitch can't stop me from finding my memories. I'll start here.” He looks at the boys' picture. “I might get to taste you in the process.” Yami grinned. Quickly realizing what he just said he shook his head violently hoping to take his thirst for blood away. His mind was clear of the temptation but his fangs said different.
It just happened to be night when he found himself out on the roads. It had stopped raining so it was just dark. He hated the dark but he was just going to have to get used to it. Dead are supposed to stay out of sight, but nothing was stopping this new death, “Rules are for those other bitchs.” now to find his little love in the picture. Yami studies the background of the picture and sees a house, peach and white. “This shouldn't be hard.” He looks up at all the houses he happened to be around. “Okay, maybe I should try a different approach.”
“Yugi, look at that freak on the street.” Anzu poked her head through the curtains. “That was so retarded.” Yugi opened the window to see a man in all black walking towards his house. He obviously didn't know where he was going because he kept stopping to look back and he checked the street signs every second. “He needs help more than anything. Here get yo stuff and I'll walk you to your car and I'll see if he needs directions.” Anzu looked at him, “Are you sure you aren't trying to see them goodies?” Yugi looked at the man. “He doesn't even seem like Yami.” Anzu growled, “You can't be happy until he's out of your mind. How about I just go out there myself and we leave potential killer alone.” Yugi agreed and flopped in bed waving bye to Anzu.
Outside Anzu went straight to her car, giving the man a look before she drove off. Yami looked back at her than at the window at the house, the curtain closed quickly and the lights in the room flickered off. “I am a little hungry.” He waltzed over to the house and straight to the window the person was peaking out. He stood outside for a second then in a heart beat he was in the room the person was in. He made no move but looked around in the darkness to see the person in a bed. He knows it's impossible for his fresh to have already gone to sleep so he waits.
An hour goes by, he's figured the person was a male by his sounds in sleep and the fact his covers fell off his body revealing his nude body. Yami gets entranced with his body as he advances to his bed. Something puts himself next to him in his bed, for some reason he wants to fall asleep with him.
“Just lay down with me Yami, you won't fall asleep.” Yugi opened up his covers to him. Yami shook his head, “Yugi you know I'll fall asleep, I'm tired and sleeping with you is just comfortable.” Yugi opened them up wider, “Come on scary butt, I won't let you fall asleep.” Yami climbed in Yugi's bed cuddling up with him. “Don't worry.” Yugi said rubbing Yami's hair calming him down.
Just then Yugi shot up in bed shaking and crying. Quickly Yami slid off the bed and into a dark closet to watch him. He looked around quickly, “Yami?” Yami shot a confused look his way, “Does he know me?” Yugi took a deep breath through his tears, “I'm going crazy.” Yugi got out of bed naked looking into the darkness his mirror showed, “I'm not seeing anything I just miss that asshole. Fucking dreams about him, he can't be dead, it's not possible. Not him, somebody else but him.” Yami watched him talk to himself in the mirror as he approached Yugi from behind. As he got closer he saw himself in the mirror which really surprised him because he thought he would have no reflection. After a second of his surprise he noticed Yugi had seen him too. Yami quickly grabbed his mouth to hush Yugi up before a noise was made, Yugi squirmed to get loose from him but couldn't. Yami pressed up against his naked back telling him to be quiet.
Yugi calmed down but tears flowed from his eyes out of fear. “Now listen, I will not hurt you, I don't want to so just please be quiet.” Yami let his hands down slowly letting them drag down Yugi's arm. Yami felt his uneasiness about it but continued to drag his hands until his hands fell to his side. “Turn.” Yami said somewhat darkly. Yugi was so scared that his skin was covered in goose bumps. Yugi took a deep breath to slow down his heart beat to show no fear and he used his hands to cover up his area as he turned to the man. “Do you know me?” Yami asked. Yugi took one look at Yami and started to cry, “Yami you are alive.” he let her hands go around his neck burying his face in Yami's neck crying his heart out. “I knew you weren't…” he said through tears. Yami hugged back, “I love you, Yugi.” Yugi cried harder, “I love you too.”
“Baby, I'm sorry. I was just being selfish.” Yugi cried. “Please don't leave me; I'll do anything for you not to go.” Yami held Yugi back stroking his back gently. “I'm not going anywhere. I love you, Yugi.”
“I love you too.”
“I love you so much. I'm sorry I left you.” Yami felt a tear try to push out but fought it back, “but you're wrong. I'm not alive.” Yami held Yugi tighter. “I'm dead.” Yugi's body shook in shock, “What are you?” Yami let go of him, “I'm what you call a Vampire.” Yugi grabbed his own neck, now he feared Yami more than anything. “Yami please not me. I love you.” Yami looked away from him, shame written all on his face, “I would never do something like this to you. You have to kill to live but the weird thing is I am like human but dead. I can walk in the light, my reflection is seen. I just have to kill other things to keep this living state.” Yami looked at Yugi's hand, “Don't be scared of me. I'll leave in a few, when I died I lost my memory, I just had to get it back. I'll leave you alone forever now.” Yugi let his hand go away from his neck to Yami's wrapping around him putting his neck close to Yami's wanting mouth.
“I don't want you to go forever. So if you have to…” Yugi moved his head to the side freeing his neck form hiding for Yami to bite down. Yami pushed him away gasping from the temptation, his fangs coming out of hiding, “No.” Yugi went to his bed and sat down covering himself up looking oh so tempting, “Then come make love to me for one last time.” Yami joined Yugi on his bed and…
(So you thought I was going to write a sex scene well you thought wrong. This part is where they make love but I don't want to take time writing it so I'll just jump to the end…I'll just add it in later.)
“Yugi…” Yami moaned bursting inside him at the same time biting down into Yugi's neck. He felt Yugi cry out in pain, his hands futilely pushing at his chest, his vision blurred. But once the first drop of hot delicious blood touched his tongue he couldn't stop. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Yugi said chokingly rubbing Yami's hair with shaky rubs as Yami cried sucking Yugi almost empty. “I love you, honey.” his last words as a living human fading away.
Yami finally rose up to look at his lifeless love, now regretting what he did. He couldn't control himself, Yugi just tempted his fire, and he just had to taste him. He's dead and he was his love's killer. “The first person I feed on is the love of my life.” Yami lifts Yugi up a little and grabs clothes and dresses him as best as he could with stained eyes. He was ready to leave but something in the corner of his eye caught him, “The puzzle.” The puzzle that his little Yugi loved so much, it was what used to tie them together forever, now they will be together for eternity. He grabbed the millennium puzzle and was gone as fast as he came in, with his love in his arms…