Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ I'm Sorry... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Kura Kat doesn't own YGO. *sigh* oh well. Oh, I don't own “Missing” by Evanescence either.
BTW, this is rather angsty, cause I'm in an angsty mood. I must say, this one is written off the top of my head cause it came to me while lying on my bed. Well, anyway, on with the story.
/blah/ Ryou to Bakura
//blah// Bakura to Ryou
* song lyrics *
* Bakura's POV *
I don't remember much except the broken look on my hikari's face. He tried so desperately to appear as if he didn't care, but silvery tears fell relentlessly down his pale cheeks. In the past, I would have drawn back to hit him for being weak, but not this time. No, this time I reached up to wipe them away with my thumb. I hated seeing him like this, but the tears only added to his beauty. I loved him, but I had to leave; I was scared of all the emotions within my head. His voice still haunts me.
“Why Bakura? Why must you leave me here?” the helpless silver-haired angel inquired upon his darker half, tears spilling from his chocolate eyes.
“I…I'm…sorry…” was all I could say.
“You don't have to leave, you don't…” he was rocking back and forth, trying to comfort himself.
I pulled him to my chest, whispering to him in an attempt to console him.
“I love you, Ryou, and I'll never forget you, my tenchi.”
He glared daggers at me. I knew he didn't believe anything I was saying to him.
* Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again. *
I wanted so badly for him to understand that it was better that I left.
“Ryou, it is for the better. You can have a normal life; you can be with your friends; you can be happy. And tomorrow when you wake up, you won't even remember me; I'll be nothing more than a peculiar dream, a shadow of a memory.”
He was shaking his head, sobbing violently into my shirt.
* Maybe someday you'll look out,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
Isn't something missing? *
I wished that I could stay. I didn't want to leave my angel, but I had no choice; I was ruining his life, or so I believed. But I had not lied to him; I would forever remember his sweet smile; the scent of his shampoo; the softness of his creamy, milk-white skin. And as promised, I would erase his memory of me. I would simply become a blur in his memory. I would be able to pass him on the street and perhaps he would sense familiarity, but would not be able to place who I was.
* You won't cry for my absence.
I know you forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant?
Am I so insignificant?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me? *
I stayed holding onto his shaking form until he finally fell asleep. I knew it was now or never. I picked him up off the floor and carried him to his bed. I laid him down, covering him with his comforter. He really was an angel, and the midnight moon seemed to cast a halo around his head. I took a final look at him and kissed his lips gently.
“I love you, my tenchi,” I said to him.
I saw him stir ever so slightly, a final tear sliding down his cheek.
“Love you, Kura” he sighed, falling back into his dreams.
I licked away the salty tear on his cheek before using my millennium ring to erase myself from his memory.
* Even though I'd be sacrificed,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone,
Isn't someone missing me? *
I gather my bag before walking down the stairs and out the door, locking it as I left. I walked out and had no intention of looking back; it would only make things worse for me. He wouldn't remember me anyway. To him, I would simply be another face in the crowd, though he might stop to contemplate why we look so much alike. I really hope that he doesn't feel incomplete.
* Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
I know what you do to yourself,
I breathe deep and cry out:
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me? *
* Ryou's POV *
I awoke to the sun hitting me mercilessly in the face. I could tell something was amiss, but I really couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was. My eyes hurt as if I'd been crying, but I don't remember crying. That's terribly odd.
I walk downstairs to the kitchen, planning to make breakfast. Something doesn't feel right at all. My heart feels almost as though something has been ripped from it; as if part of myself is suddenly gone. I dismiss the feeling and sit down to a cup of coffee. I realize that I keep half-expecting for someone else to join me at the table, but that's silly; I'm the only one that lives here.
* Even though I'd be sacrificed,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone,
Isn't someone missing me? *
After a not-so-satisfying breakfast, I decided to go up to take a shower. I turned on the hot water and adjusted it to my liking. I spent what felt like an eternity in there, letting the water wash over me. Through the flowing of the water, I felt phantom fingertips on my skin; almost a memory of something that I couldn't quite recall. Suddenly, I felt terribly lonely. I rinsed the coconut-scented shampoo from my hair and stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a fluffy blue towel.
I started to brush my teeth, and after finishing, I rinsed out my mouth and dried off my face. I looked into the mirror and for a brief instant, I thought I saw someone that looked like me, except his eyes were harsher, his hair a bit spikier, and he had a devilish grin on his face. But it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. He looked so incredibly familiar, but I didn't recall ever knowing him. I shook my head and sighed, finally deciding that I was hallucinating.
I went to my room to get dressed. I was pretty sure I needed more groceries, though I really couldn't recall eating all the food. As I went to the market, I picked up some milk, bread, steak, and rice crispies cereal. I then looked at the items I had bought. I never eat steak, but I bought it as if I'd been buying it forever. I shrugged and went to the checkout counter. After paying, I left and took the subway back home. Then the strangest thing happened. I looked out the subway window, and there was the boy I had seen in my mirror, standing on the platform waiting for the sub to stop. He glanced at me with a knowing look, and I felt as though I had known him from somewhere. I didn't know his name, but for some reason, I couldn't help but follow him with my eyes. He had a sad look on his face when he looked at me; perhaps he saw in me the same thing I saw in him: a blurred memory with no name.
* And if I bleed, I'll bleed,
Knowing you don't care.
And if I sleep just to dream of you
And wake without you there,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't something… *
* Bakura's POV *
I saw him today. My tenchi. He looked at me as if he knew me from somewhere but couldn't quite place who I was. It hurt so much, knowing that he did not remember who I was. He has no clue that only a day or so ago, I was living with him, sleeping in his bed, holding him in my arms. But he can never know me now. I had to leave; I had no choice. If I had stayed, I would have been his downfall. The darkness was coming for me, the curse from my past; I wasn't about to let them take Ryou. Leaving him was the only way to protect him. I will always love my Ryou; my sweet, innocent, beautiful hikari.
* Even though I'd be sacrificed,
You won't try for me, not now.
Though I'd die to know you love me,
I'm all alone,
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me? *
It is better this way. I know I will run into him again, in the market, on the subway. I'll watch him walk by and watch as he grows and changes even more. I'll watch his happiness and his sadness, always longing to comfort him as I once did, and I'll fall apart knowing that it's impossible for such a thing…
But he'll be okay. My Ryou is strong. He will keep going on, no matter what the world throws at him. I just hope that he doesn't feel as empty as I do. I love him; my tenchi…
* Owari *
Well, I hope you guys liked it. Please review; I need some encouragement. lol.
* ~ Kura Kat ~ *
Oh! Thanks so much for the reviews you guys! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I'll try to write some more sometime soon; just have to wait for the inspiration.