Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Insane ❯ Info, warning and Disclaimer ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
'Mission Insane' is a challenge on Live journal, to write a bunch of short stories, one-shots or drabbles, and I decided to try it.
(It's called Mission insane because you have to write 20 tables with 10 stories each ^_^')
You can also find my table with a link to all the stories on in live journal here:

You can find the challenge itself here: http://community.livejournal.com/mission_insane/
Please read the warning and the rating for each chapter, because that can change each time, and I don’t want to offend or scare someone.
But I can say so much for sure: There will be a lot of Romance, Shonen Ai and/or Yaoi, suggested or not, so if you don’t like that, you shouldn’t read it, since all my stories are boyXboy.
Most of the time the pairing will be Yami/Yugi, Bakura/Ryou or Marik/Malik, but I say that in the beginning of each chapter anyway, so just look there…

Flames will be used to roast marshmallows, because I force no one to read my stories if you don’t like them…
(I write this without a beta-reader, all alone, so my English is not the best, I always have my little fights with grammar...)

Constructive critic and other reviews, on the other hand, are always welcome

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yugioh, and I don’t make any money with it, I just use them for my fun and your entertainment.