Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MISSION ❯ Getting Started ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is my first yaoi * I hope I spelled that right. * fic. I hope you guys like so review. I won't update if I don't get five reviews. I'll mention that again at the end. I can't do lemon, but if you want one then send me one with the pairing you want, and I'll give you credit when I put it in here. If none is sent, then no one will get a lemon!!

Summary: Mokuba gets help in setting Seto up with Joey.

Pairings: S/J, Y/Y, B/R, and M/M, * The sooooo normal pairings. *

// Yami to Hikari //

/ Hikari to Yami /

~ Journal Entry ~

* Me interrupting *

- Scene Changes -

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.



Ch. 1

Mokuba's POV

~ This is my journal. Yes, I Mokuba Kaiba will keep a journal, but for one reason only. This journal will end when I complete my mission. MISSION: Get big brother and Joey Wheeler together. Anyone can tell like each other when they speak. Yeah sure they say harsh words, but you got to look at the emotions under each word they put out.

MISSION HELPERS: Yugi, Yami, Ryou, and Bakura. I'll have to ask Ryou to get Malik and Marik to help. They scare me too much. I'll also have to get Serenity to get Mai away from Joey. She has the biggest crush on him, but to bad for her; he belongs to Seto. ~

I put the notebook away since I heard the front door shut. Seto should be in here any minute.

"Mokuba?" he asks opening the door.

"Yes, big brother," I reply.

He walks over to the bed and takes a seat. "What are you doing up?"

I sigh. "It's only seven at night."

"Oh, I didn't know." The far away look in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed.

"Something wrong, Seto?"

"No. Go to sleep before nine." With that said he walks out closing the door.

~Something is wrong with Seto. I'll get Marik and Malik to see what it is. That is, if they agree. ~

-Next Morning-

I wake up to a screaming alarm. It's Saturday. What the hell am I doing up at this hour? Oh yeah… The mission. I told the guys to me at the Game shop. After getting ready, I ran out the front door and into the limo. The car arrives at my destination, and I get out telling the driver to take the day off until I call him to get me.

Before I could knock, Yami opens the door. We walk in the living room and I find everyone there. Even Malik and Marik. I sit down on an empty chair. "Glad everyone could make it. You all know what the mission is; now to assign the parts. Yugi, you will get Joey wherever we need him to be. Ryou, you will follow Joey around, and Bakura and Yami will stay here. Malik and Marik are in charge of following Seto. He's been so jumpy lately and that's not like him. I already asked Serenity to take care of Mai. The mission starts now."

Yugi's POV

"Yugi will stay here for now. Ryou you need to get over to Joey's home. M & M's * Malik and Marik. You get it? * you need to go to KaibaCorp and don't let Seto out of your sight. Not ever for a minute. Yami and Bakura will transmit the news. So, if Joey leaves, Ryou will report through the walkie-talkie, and then either Yami or Bakura will tell me through their walkie-talkie. Got it?" We nod. "Good. I have to go band practice. Bye." The younger Kaiba brother walked out the door.

"We better get going hikari," Marik said dragging Malik out the door.

"I'll see you guys later," said Ryou leaving a pouting Bakura who grabs the remote, and turns on the television. "I don't see why I have to stay here."

"Oh, hush. Have you told your hikari you loved him yet?" Yami asked.

"No," Bakura replied.

"I wonder how Ryou got Malik and Marik to help," I wondered out loud. * I repeated myself in this sentence. *

"Better not be what I think those two would get him to do."

"Don't worry, Bakura. Your light is still a virgin."

/ Yami!! /

Malik's POV

We arrive at KaibaCorp to find Kaiba getting into a car. "Doesn't he take his limo?" my yami asked.

"Mokuba said he is suppose to." I followed the car in my own car, taking every turn it does. * I can't describe cars… sorry. * The red Chevrolet pulls up into a club's parking lot. Kaiba gets out when the driver does. The mysterious person is revealed to be some girl. I haven't ever seen her before. They go inside the building and we do the only thing we can do. Wait.

Ryou's POV

// He up yet? //

/ No. How can anyone sleep this late? /

// Very easily. How will you know if he comes out? //

/ My other senses. /

// I wish you were here. //

/ Awww… yami. I didn't know you cared. /

// You know I do. //

/ Yeah, I know. / There's a pause. I hate pauses; it always happens when we start to get all mushy. / Some times I wonder. /

// About what? //

/ Nothin' important. /

// If you say so. //

/ I do. / A door closes. / I gotta go. /

// Be careful. // I shut the link down and follow Joey. Who knew my yami could be so caring?

- Later -

I knew Joey could eat, but not that much. He stopped twenty times to eat in the last three hours. The moment we reached some building, I spotted Malik's car. I went to it when Joey entered the building. "Hey guys," I whispered getting in the backseat.

"What are you doing here?" Marik asked.

"Joey went in there. How about you guys? What is this place anyways?"

"Kaiba and some girl went in there and how could you not know what this place is. It's just the biggest night club in Domino City."

"I don't got to clubs. Why would they go in there?"

"Who knows?"


There it is: the first chapter. I promise to update if I get five reviews, people. Be glad you guys aren't here. Some boy in my class just said, "I have to urinate." Not a pleasant thought. R & R. Oh yeah, the M & M thing, I thought it was cute and only Mokuba will call them that. Well… once he stops being afraid of them that is. R & R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!