Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mistletoe ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Tirani: Can we please give the readers what they've been waiting for!
Keios: Sure, I- Wait. Did you just ask me for permission to do something?
Tirani: ... ... *mumbles* Dumbass.
Seto, despite the fact that the situation was funny as hell, managed to speak bemusedly to poor, conflustered Yami: "Congratulations, Yami. You may now kiss the bride." That one statement made everyone, save the spirit and his flushed hikari, crack up.
It as at that moment that Grandpa Mutou came back from a business trip. He walked through the living room to see (not to mention hear) the most puzzling sight he had ever seen.
All of Yugi's friends were in rolling on the floor, on their knees, laid flat-out, and wheezing and gasping for air. Jou and Hiroto were doubled over with tears streaming down their faces. Bakura and Ryou were alternating between laughing and humming "Here Comes The Bride." Marik and Malik were smirking deviously as if someone was about to duke it out. Seto scooped Jou in his arms exactly how Yugi was in Yami's and they began making kissing noises. Anzu, Shizuka, and Mai were giggling and blushing. Ishizu and Ryuji were arguing about what colors to use for a wedding. And in the midst of it all were an embarrassed Yugi and a perplexed Yami. Just what was going on! (Tira and Kei: Wouldn't you like to know?)
"Might I ask what's going on in here?"
With the blink of an eye, Jou, Anzu, and Hiroto were in the old man's face. "OhmygodMr.Mutou-" The timid voice that chimed went unheeded by the three excited teens. "Umm... Guys?" "Youwon'tbelievewhathappened-" "Itwasthefunniestever-" "YamiandYugigot-" The next voice heard would not be ignored. "QUIET!"
Everyone turned to stare at the source of such venom. Unsurprisingly, it was Bakura.
"Shut up, would you! My hikari is trying to say something." Turning to his light, Bakura encouraged Ryou to speak. "Umm... Okay. Mr. Mutou, it seems that while coming from the kitchen, Yugi and Yami stepped under a piece of mistletoe. We wouldn't have had any idea if were not for Yugi's almighty bellow. Being the nosy friends that we are, everybody darted over to see what would cause him to scream. As soon as we arrived, everyone saw the mistletoe, as well as Yami holding Yugi. Try as we might have, nothing could contain our laughter when Seto said Yami could 'kiss the bride.' It was just too funny." the albino stated calmly.
Grandpa Mutou looked up to a very certain location, as if he KNEW where to look. He spotted the mistletoe and feigned innocence. "Oh, would you look at that! Look, Yugi, mistletoe!" Yugi, who had not moved since he yelled, glared so intensely at his grandpa that Yami had to let go of him because he was so hot. (Keios: Not that way, you nasties!) The once soft-spoken teen was now a pint-sized ball of fury! Yugi was so angry, he shook as he grated out:
"Why? WHY, grandpa? We have talked about this several times. We talked just 3 days ago. I know you don't Alzheimer's, so you couldn't have forgotten. You actually chose to not honor my one wish, which was not to put mistletoe up. I told you that I would deal with my problem with Yami MYSELF. Out of all of the times you could have what you wanted, you chose THE most inappropriate one. Hmm. Interesting." With that said, Yugi cast an apologetic glance towards his friends, and retreated to his room.
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Before Yami could even move, Marik piped up. "Wow. That was unexpected. Never knew the shrimp could sound so cold. We're rubbing off on him, Bakura." (Tirani: Sorry. I just love them so much; they had to have SOME wiseass comment.) Malik and Ryou slapped their respective yamis and shushed them. Jou looked to Yami, who was still frozen from shock.
"Yami? Come back to the real world, man." The former pharaoh turned to Jou with pleading eyes. "Jou, you are Yugi's best friend. Did he ever talk to you about me?" "Well, actually-" Seto, who at first found this whole situation hilarious, was now fed up with Yami's cluelessness. Over the years, Seto and his former rival had become good friends. It pained him to see him look so lost, so he finally shed some light. "Let me make this simple for you, Yami. First of all-" he began as he grabbed the offending plant. "This is mistletoe. People hang it up over high places around the home during Christmas. Why? If two people are under it at the same time, they have to kiss. It's tradition. Secondly, his 'problem' with you is merely that he is in love with you, and has been looking for a way to tell you for some time. We ALL have been trying help him. He screamed because he couldn't kiss you, thinking that you would be disgusted if he attempted to such a thing. Lastly, Mr. Mutou found out of his grandson's feelings for you, so he put up the mistletoe in hopes that you two would have to kiss, and he would reveal his devotion to you. I know because Jou and I helped him put it there. That's all." Yami just stared blankly at him blankly. “You can stop looking like that now. Seriously, Yami.”
His hikari was in love with him? "But that cannot be! Yugi has talked to me about this person he is so fond of! He told me that he is compassionate, determined, intelligent, inquisitive, and very attractive! He even named him 'Shadow!'" The girls simultaneously screeched: "EXACTLY!"
The spirit closed his eyes and tried to reach his aibou. He was stunned to find that Yugi had been listening intently to everyone after he left. Yugi,'s mental expression rivaled that of a deer in headlights. With a fiery blush, he slammed his block up. Yami smiled at his skittish light's antics.
He turned to his friends and declared: "I admit, I love my Aibou. I have been wondering how long I could live on with him never knowing. But, now that I know that he wants me, I will convey to him that he is loved with the very thing that caused all of this chaos." Yami took the mistletoe from Seto and held it triumphantly. "He WILL be mine. And this plant shall help me get him."
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Tirani: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! The suspense must be killing you all! I know it's killing me, and not softly, either! It wouldn't so bad if you just posted the entire thing, Kei!
Keios: I am well aware of that. Unfortunately, dear viewers, I'm on a tight schedule right now. The next chapter should be up by Monday afternoon (at the latest).
Tirani: Then why the hell won't you, dumbass! Our readers wanna know what's gonna happen!
Keios: Obviously. But, if you would like for them to know so badly, I could delete this account that we're sharing and change my password for my e-mail address that YOU are using. You can get your own and put it up, if you'd like.
Tirani: ... ... Well, you heard her, peoples! Monday! We'll see ya then!
Keios: That's what I thought. Please R& R.