Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstandings ❯ Longing ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I no own. I no make money. You no sue.

Ryou collapsed onto Bakura's bed, tired.

It had been a month.

One month of little food and less sleep- he had become alarmingly thin. He had passed the point of 'frail' and was now 'fragile', sometimes passing out in class from exhaustion or lack of nutrition.

One month of spacing out in class and not completing his assigned work. His grades had taken a nosedive- every teacher he had had pulled him aside to speak with him about it, but he remained silent about the reason he was so depressed.

His friends had tried to talk to him, but he didn't speak with them much anymore- he hardly spoke to anyone.

He rarely bothered to brush his hair and oftentimes he just slept in his school uniform and wore it for days until it became too gross to wear. He usually just collapsed into Bakura's bed the moment he got home, just thinking.

He had yet to come up with any answers.

Or rather, the answers he came up with lead to more questions.

By now, there was no doubt in his mind Bakura had left for good. He wouldn't return by himself.

'But why did he leave in the first place?'

Was it because Bakura had gotten bored with living in Japan? Did he return to Egypt, or was he traveling the world?
Did he leave because he could no longer stand Ryou?

His mind had constructed elaborate fantasies in which Bakura had only left temporarily and was being held hostage somewhere, but he would soon break free and come home.

Then Ryou would remember the 'Goodbye', and how final his yami had made it sound as he whispered it into his ear. The fact that Bakura's things were missing... all evidence pointed to his dark leaving him willingly.

Bakura must have left on purpose- which brought him back to 'why?'.

'Why did he sleep with me that night?'

Was it because the tomb robber cared for Ryou and wanted a night with him before he left? But if he loved his hikari, then why did he leave at all? Why did he tie his light up, and make him blind and mute for their lovemaking?

Did the thief just want to steal the last thing Ryou had left before he went away- his innocence?

Did Bakura just want a quick fuck? But then, why him, and why then? Why not buy a whore with some stolen money once he got... wherever he had gone?

But... if it had not mattered whether or not it was the hikari, why did Bakura say 'mine'? Why did the tomb robber say he had 'wanted this for a long time'? Why was it Ryou's name he had called out when he came?
Why did he say 'please'?

After a month of pondering, Ryou was still no closer to any answers, but he was more and more inclined to believe the worst of himself- maybe his yami really hated him.

His self-esteem was drifting down and down in slow spirals. Bakura's blood-colored eyes haunted his thoughts.

Ryou clutched a small pillow he had worked up the energy to make- the last thing he had put any effort towards- and inhaled the scent.

He couldn't bear throwing away Bakura's hair, and had so made a pillow from it. That, along with Bakura's room, the sheets still smelling faintly of their owner, was one of his few comforts.

Even though it tore him apart inside, it was better than nothing.


Bakura stared up into the bright Egyptian sky, allowing the sun to wash over his chest.

Malik and Mariku had been delighted to take him in- Malik had told him that he could come and stay with them anytime. Bakura had held onto the airplane ticket for Cairo, though he had never thought he'd use it.

It had been a month.

He had tried to not count the days, but he kept track of them.

A month didn't seem like a long time- especially not to one who was technically three millennia old- but each minute seemed like a day, and each day seemed like a year.

The memories would not leave him alone, no matter how much he had drunk.

They wouldn't leave him alone when he tried to entertain himself with others in his bed.

They wouldn't leave him alone no matter how fast he rode the horse Malik had given him.

He had given up trying- and Malik and Mariku knew better than to ask. The first time they had tried...

Well, at least the kitchen hadn't been too expensive to replace, and the kitchen staff had gone home.

Bakura had tried to forget- he tried riding his horse over land he remembered from ancient Egypt- he had even rediscovered several small caves he had used as hideouts when he had been the Thief King. Since much of his time was spent outside, his skin had darkened to the shade it had once been. He no longer looked anything like Ryou unless you looked very, very closely and squinted.

He hadn't had much of an appetite either since leaving his light- his sweet, innocent light...

His favorite foods all reminded him of what he was trying to forget- he usually knocked the offending food to the floor.
It would never taste as good as when Ryou had made it.

Bakura didn't know how he could even allow himself to think Ryou's name. The things he had done...

What he had done!

Tying up Ryou's arms so the other wouldn't push him away.

Tying his legs to the endboard so his hikari couldn't kick him.

Blindfolding his light so he couldn't see the fear and anger in those gorgeous chocolate eyes.

Gagging him- Ryou couldn't say no when he couldn't talk. He couldn't tell Bakura exactly how horrible he was, and he couldn't scream for help if he couldn't speak at all.

Bakura had even closed off their mental link so Ryou couldn't ask him to stop mentally. He had made sure his other could not communicate with him at all- no refusal was the same as permission, right?


And then...

Forcing his light to say 'yes' by making him mad with pleasure. Bakura knew perfectly well that Ryou had barely known his own name when the tomb robber had said 'please'. That vague nod had been enough 'permission' for him and he had destroyed his lights last innocence.

Ryou had every reason to hate him, but Bakura couldn't leave without tasting him. Ryou was too sweet, too gorgeous, too gentle for Bakura to possibly leave without having him.

What the Thief King wanted, he took.

He couldn't have stayed either.

He could not have stood to watch Ryou fall in love and have to pick up the pieces when the innocent one suffered his first break-up, then watch as his aibou fell in love again.

He could not do it. He was not noble enough to wish for Ryou's happiness without him, and he had left so he would not witness his light's happiness.

'Ryou...' Bakura thought, listening to the sound of the wind as it blew across the dunes.


The doorbell brought Ryou out of his trancelike state. Robotically, he got out of the bed.

The doorbell rang again.

'So they're not giving up.' he thought tiredly, dragging his feet to the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." he mumbled, unlocking the door and opening it. To his surprise, Yugi, Yami, and Kaiba stood on the other side.

"What are you three doing here?" he blurted out.

"May we come in?" Yugi asked gently. Ryou nodded automatically, just wanting to get rid of them quickly so he could go back to moping in Bakura's room. Yugi shot a worried look to Yami and Kaiba he probably thought Ryou missed. Sighing, the white-haired teen stepped aside to allow his three friends through.

"Nice place." Kaiba said sarcastically, eyeing the three days old pile of dishes in the sink. Yami elbowed the tall teenager in the side, shooting him a look.

"I wasn't expecting company. What brings you three here?" Ryou asked. Yami looked back at his friend.

"We're here to talk to you about what happened a month ago. We're very worried." he said.

"It's not your problem." Ryou said, looking away from the other three as he lead them to the living room. He took a chair for himself and motioned for the others to sit. They did, Kaiba and Yugi sitting on either side of Yami on the large couch across from Ryou.

"We know it has something to do with Bakura." Yugi said gently. "You haven't told anyone what happened though- and we want to help you."

Ryou shook his head.

"That's kind of you and all-" he started. "-but I don't-"

"We found out where he is. If you want, we can send you to talk to him." Yami interrupted.

"-want- What?" Ryou asked, voice cracking slightly.

"We know where he is. Kaiba's agreed to lend you one of his jets so you can talk to him." Kaiba nodded at this, looking disinterested.

Ryou looked from one of them to another, confused.

"You found him? Where did he go?" he asked.

"Egypt. He's been staying with Malik and Mariku." Yugi said softly. "They're at the Ishtar Estate."

Ryou couldn't help it. Tears began rolling down his face. He looked down, allowing the tears to fall into his lap.

'They found him...'

"Ryou?" Yami asked, concern heavy in his voice.

The white-haired teen smiled slightly, pain still obvious behind him small smile.

"I-I'd like to go. Please, I want to see him again... even if only for a little while." He looked up at his friends. "When do I leave?"

"Now." Kaiba said. "I already have a pilot and a jet standing by. Grab your things and we can go."

"I don't need anything." Ryou said quickly, standing. The other three followed suit.

"Then let's go." Yami said, leading the way back out of Ryou's house to the limo that waited for them.


Bakura slammed the door to the Ishtar Estate. The memories had haunted him worse than usual- as though warning him he was about to have a run-in with his not-so-distant past. He stomped into the kitchen, stomach reminding him he hadn't eaten since this morning- about twelve hours, since he had woken up at dawn.

"My, someone's happy today." Mariku said, a grin on his face. He laughed.

"Shut up." Bakura growled.

"We were worried we may have to send out a search party for you." Isis said seriously. "I was listening to the weather report and it will be very, very cold tonight- dangerous for someone by himself. A sandstorm has also been building. They say it will not hit us, but I have a bad feeling about it."

"Thanks for the tip." Bakura muttered, digging through the cabinets and eventually settling on a box of Club Original Crackers. He opened the box and popped a few in his mouth.

"Later." he said, mouth full of crackers. He brushed past Malik- who was just entering the kitchen- and headed for his room on the second floor. "I'll be down for dinner."

"He seems in a fine mood today." Malik said, watching Bakura trudge away. He brushed a few crumbs off his shirt- Bakura was never the neatest eater, and everyone within a one-foot radius of him while he was eating anything seemed to get splattered with small specks of food.

"Something will happen later today. I just know it." Isis said mysteriously, touching her neck when the Millennium Necklace used to hang.

"What's that?" Mariku asked, seeming slightly interested.

"I do not know."


Ryou swallowed nervously as he walked up to the door of the Ishtar Estate. Behind him, he heard the limo pull away, taking Yami, Yugi, and Kaiba with it.

He was by himself.

It had been a whole month since he had seen Bakura.

'Has he already moved on?' Ryou wondered, biting his lower lip. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell.

"Just a moment!" He instantly recognized Malik's voice, even though it was muffled by the door. A few seconds ticked by, and then the door was open.

"Ryou!" Malik said in surprise. "What brings you here?"

"I heard Bakura was here." the smaller teen said. Malik's welcoming smile fell a bit, though he looked more apologetic than anything else.

"He doesn't talk much." A devious glint suddenly entered the Egyptian’s eye- which would have tipped Ryou off, if he had noticed.

"But I think he'll talk to you. Come on in."

The white-haired teen smiled gratefully at the blonde and followed Malik inside.

"Thank you- it's rather hot outside." he said, wiping sweat from his brow. The Egyptian looked over Ryou's outfit and frowned.

"Pants and a long-sleeve shirt? Did you want to get heatstroke?"

"No... I was just in a bit of a hurry." Ryou admitted.

"It's too hot to wear those- come on, I'll lend you some of mine." Ryou followed Malik to his room, where the blonde hurriedly rummaged through his closet and eventually came out with...

... a white cotton dress?

"Here- put it on." Malik tossed it at Ryou, who caught it and looked over it puzzledly.

"A dress?"

"No- it's a kalasiris." Malik said, in way of an explanation. (A/N: Think what Malik wore when he was younger.) "I'll be outside the door. Come out when you're ready." With that, the Egyptian left Ryou to get changed.

Taking one last dubious look at the garment in his hands, Ryou sighed and began changing clothes.

A/n: Hope everyone enjoyed this!