Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstandings ❯ 3 (For lack of a better chapter title) ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This chapter is dedicated to sglily! Your review made me so happy- I hope you enjoy this chapter too!
Also- kudos to everyone else that reviewed! Reviews = my LIFE!

Ryou sat on the cold wooden seat, hands nervously picking at the cloth of his kalasiris.

Malik had taken him here and then had told him to sit down and make himself comfortable while Malik went to get Bakura.

After a whole month, was Ryou really ready to face him?

The door to the room opened, and the decision was taken from him.

There, standing in the doorway, was his yami. Ryou knew him instantly, even though his appearance had changed so much. That scar hadn't been there before, and his hair had been longer. He hadn't been so tan- and his skin was shown off nicely by his choice of dress: a simple pair of white cotton pants.

"Bakura!" Ryou exclaimed, standing up. He took a few hesitant steps towards his dark when the other's voice stopped him cold.

"What the hell are you doing here?" His face fell at the cold tone Bakura had used.

"I... I'm just here to- I wanted to talk-"

"Did Malik force you to come here? That blonde bastard..." The yami muttered the last part to himself, turning angrily to go give said blonde a piece of his mind.

"Wait! Bakura-" Ryou said, taking a few more steps forward and reaching out for his dark. His yami just glared at him over his shoulder.

"Get out. I don't want to see you again, got it?" Bakura stomped off, without so much as another backward glance.
Ryou's hand lowered slowly.

'What just happened?' he asked himself silently. His eyes began watering again.

"Bakura... you jerk. I-I hate you..." Ryou mumbled. He stumbled towards the door, and started running as soon as he was clear of it. He couldn't see through his tears, and nearly ran into three people on his way out the door.

He threw the door open and ran outside, just wanting to get as far away from the Ishtar Estate as possible. He didn't know or care which way the town was- he just picked a direction and ran as fast as he could, pushing his already fragile body to the limit, and then past.

He didn't know how long he ran for- all he cared about was that he could no longer see even the light from the Ishtar Estate.

There, miles away from any human help, he collapsed.

The last thing he saw before his eyes shut was the setting sun.


"Malik!" Bakura roared, bursting through the door of the study Malik enjoyed spending time in.

Malik looked up from his book, surprised.

"Finished talking to him already? How'd it go?"

"You damn BASTARD! Why the hell did you bring him here?" Bakura demanded, folding his arms over his bare chest and glaring at Malik.

The blonde seemed at a loss for words for a moment, then put his book down and returned Bakura's stare.

"First of all- he came here on his own. I didn't even know he was going to show up until he knocked on the door. Now- what happened?"

"He left." Bakura said shortly, turning away from Malik stiffly.

"What did you do, Bakura?" the blonde demanded, stepping forward and grabbing one of Bakura's wrists. The tomb robber whirled around and broke the hold.

"I told him I never wanted to see him again." Bakura hissed. "Stop meddling in my affairs, Malik." He left. Malik watched him go, a look of extreme confusion on his face.

'Why didn't he want to see Ryou again? I know he's been pining over him for at least a month!'

It hadn't been obvious right away, but the Egyptian was quite the sleuth when he was curious. It had taken him about a week to figure out the generalities of why Bakura had suddenly decided to drop in.

It was something to do with Ryou- most likely, a big fight or falling out. But now...

Well, the reason Bakura left still had to be something with Ryou, but now it was a lot less clear what had gone on.

*Minor Time Skip*

Bakura slammed the door to his room shut, sealing it closed with Shadow Magic.

He just wanted to be alone.

Ryou's reappearance had stirred up his memories again, on a day they had already haunted him too much.

His light had seemed happy to see him, but there were too many hidden emotions in those eyes.

Bakura knew perfectly well what kind of person his hikari was- too forgiving, too soft, and too kind. Ryou cared at least a little for his dark, and so would forgive him and ask him to come back.

Bakura could not go back.

If he had to see Ryou every day and be haunted by the memories of the first time... to know what it was like to taste Ryou's skin...

He wouldn't be able to stop himself, and he would tarnish his angel again.

His jealousy would be immeasurable if his precious light ever fell in love- and in his rage he could kill the one Ryou loved, or even his hikari for the betrayal of loving another. That could not happen.

What he had to do was forget Ryou- once he did, he'd be free of what was widely known as 'the softer emotions' and that damn guilt.

All he had to do was forget...

... and force himself to stop holding on to the small, sweet memories that even now brought a smile to his face.

Ryou, making peanut butter cookies for school and taking 'small' bites of the batter because it was his favorite.

Ryou, a cute look of concentration on his face as he struggled over difficult math problems.

That soft smile Ryou got when he leaned over to pet a dog on the street.


That vague nod when Bakura had said 'please'.

Bakura groaned, exasperated, and pulled a pillow over his head as through trying to block out the memories.

How Ryou had tasted in his mouth...

How Ryou had felt under his hands...

How Ryou had felt around him as he had joined their bodies...

'Leave me alone!' he mentally screamed at the memories, but they continued to swirl in his mind, circling and circling.


It had been completely dark outside for a good hour or two by the time the knock came on the front door.

Isis had answered it, being closest at the time.

"My Pharaoh." she said, nodding her head respectfully. "What brings you here, my king?"

"We just came to pick up Ryou." Yami said, gesturing behind him to indicate Yugi, as well as the black stretch limo containing Kaiba.

Isis' face fell.

"Malik told me that Ryou visited earlier, but he's not here. He left hours ago- did he not return to you?"

"He's gone?" Yugi asked. He suddenly shivered, a cool breeze chilling him.

Isis quickly ushered them inside.

"It's supposed to be very cold tonight." Isis said, closing the door behind them.

"Yes, and the sandstorm they predicted will not hit, will. It'll apparently go out to the desert after passing us by. Kaiba wants to get back to Japan tonight, so we must leave before the sandstorm hits." Yami said.

"We need to find Ryou first." Yugi bit his lip and looked back at the door. "You guys don't suppose Ryou's outside? He doesn't know anyone else in Egypt and he didn't come back to us..."

"If Ryou is indeed out in these conditions, we must find him quickly aibou." Yami said quietly.

Silence fell over the three friends, broken by the arrival of a fourth.

"Pharaoh, Yugi! What brings you two here?" Malik asked, walking up to the three standing by the door.

"My brother," Isis said, a worried look on her face. "Ryou is missing. He did not return to the Pharaoh and Yugi after he left us."

"We were just about to leave so we came to pick him up. We had no idea he wasn't here." Yugi explained.

"His chances do not look good if he's outside and unprotected from the elements." Yami added quietly, throwing an apologetic look at the other three. They may not like it, but the fact remained and it needed to be taken into consideration.

"Rishid and I can go looking for him. Mariku will help as well." Malik said, thinking. "If we take horses, we may be able to find him before the storm hits."

"No, Malik. It's too dangerous." Isis said immediately. She was seconded by Yami and Yugi.

"We can't risk all of you." Yugi added.

"Then what do you propose we do?" Malik demanded of them. "Ryou is going to die if we don't find him soon, and we're standing here saying we can't-"

"What?" Another voice broke into their conversation, tone disbelieving.

All four turned their heads to face the newcomer.

Bakura stood on the steps not too far away from them, looking none too happy with what he had just overheard.

"Ryou is missing, and we have to find him. Do you know where he might be, Bakura?" Yugi asked before anyone could stop him.
Bakura's face contorted into a mask of rage.

"That idiot!" he yelled, turning on his heel and running back up the stairs. Distantly, they heard a door slam.

"Well, that was productive." Malik muttered.


Bakura flew threw his room, quickly grabbing a large blanket and a red cloak. He wrapped himself in the cloak and folded the blanket before tying it securely around his torso so he would have some kind of cover for Ryou once he found the little white-haired idiot.

He slipped the Millennium Ring over his head, knowing the Item's usefulness in tracking things- or people- down.

Without a second thought, he opened his window and jumped down, falling the two stories without flinching- he had fallen a lot farther in his days as the Thief King.

His knees bent, absorbing the impact and he rolled with his fall before quickly picking himself up and running to the horse stables.

Some of the horses shied away from him when he burst through the door, but his horse was used to it and didn't even look up from her food.

She wasn't saddled and ready, but Bakura knew how to ride bareback and didn't bother with the saddle and bridle.

"Come on girl." he said, opening up her gate. She came obediently, and Bakura lead her out of the stables before slinging himself up onto her back and digging his heels into her side.

"Let's go!" he shouted as his horse spurred to action. She ran around the side of the house, making it to the front in record time. He quickly directed her through the front gate and they were gone.


Malik had opened his mouth to speak when the sound of hooves on sand drew their attention.

Isis was the first to figure it out and threw the front door open, just in time to see a familiar head of silver hair disappear into the darkness.

"He's going to find Ryou by himself..." she said, almost as if she didn't believe it herself.

"What?" the other three exclaimed. Isis closed the door.

"Best of luck, Bakura."


Bakura lifted the Ring with one hand, following the spikes as they directed him to his hikari. It had already been a half-hour since he had left.

The air outside had cooled off substantially since Ryou had left the Ishtar Estate- Bakura didn't even want to think of how cold his hikari was.

"Ryou!" he yelled, hoping his light was awake to answer him.

The only sound he heard was the wind as it picked up speed. Something white suddenly caught his eye, over to his right.

"Stop!" he commanded the horse, pulling back on her mane. She stopped quickly, and Bakura slid off, running over to the white figure partially covered with sand.

Ryou had curled into a ball to try and preserve heat, but he was shivering quite a bit.

"Damnit, Ryou..." Bakura muttered, scooping his light into his arms. The smaller instinctively curled closer to him, trying to leech off of his yami's warmth.

"Hn." Bakura stared down at the angel he was cradling for a moment, then turned his focus back the way he had come.

Sand was swirling dangerously back that way- the real storm was going to hit soon. He didn't have time to make it back to the Ishtars.

He needed to find shelter, and fast.

He called his horse over. She came, although too slowly for Bakura's liking. She had used up all her energy getting here- she would be useless until she had rested.

"Follow me." the tomb robber said. He glanced around the area again.

'Wait... don't I recognize this place?' he thought. There was an extreme feeling of familiarity...

It suddenly hit him.

A shallow cave he had rediscovered was close by- one tall enough to stand in, and with enough room to lay down. He strengthened his grip on Ryou and began walking, his horse trailing behind him obediently.

A/N: And there chapter 3 comes to a close. Only a few more to go- thank you all for reading this chapter!