Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Modeling Business ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, don't sue. Thank you and enjoy!  

Chapter Warning: swearing and Trojan condom dissing. 

Pairing: SxJ

Chapter Summary: Joey looks for a job, and guess what he found?


Modeling Business - Prologue


It is a lazy summer afternoon in the city of Domino. The sun blazed down from the cloudless sky high above, showing little mercy to the earth inhabitants who are foolish enough to expose themselves out in the open. Joey Wheeler was one of those unfortunate ones. Normally, a teenager like him would be home beside the air conditioner, chilling, reading a Play-girl magazine. But today he had two reasons to be out. First, there's no point staying home since his air conditioner broke down last night. Second, he needs to find a part-time job. His father just got laid off at work.


He has a folder tugged under his arm. Inside lays 40 copies of his resume. Joey had gone over to his best friend's game shop during the weekend for his help to type it up. It was a hard and long process, especially if you got nothing to brag about. In this case, Joey is got no job experience; he barely did any volunteering work. He doubts that he'll receive any offers. But it's worth a try since he is desperate. The final high school year is fast-approaching, and he needs all the money he can get for college tuition. Otherwise…


Joey sighed. Think positive, you idiot. He scolded himself.


But it has been a lousy afternoon so far. He had gone to most of the shops along the major streets of Domino, only few have accepted his resume. The rest were either staring at him funnily or just sternly shook their heads in rejection.


People are so frigin' picky these days. Looks is only skin deep. He referred to his messy mop of blond hair, white t-shirt with missing buttons, and the fade black jeans and running shoes while complained. Yet, deep down, the blonde knew he looked unprofessional. Hell, just down-right shitty.


The sun slowly faded into the horizon, leaving Joey baked inside out. His stomach growled in protest for being left unattended for so long. The teen finally decided to hit home and call it a day.


He lived on the 4th floor of a half-decent two bedroom apartment. Fumbling with the rusty lock to the door for a while, the thing finally clicked and opened. Advancing into the untidy living room, he is greeted by the familiar sight of his father sleeping like the dead on the couch. The middle-aged man's got a cheap whisky bottle in one hand, cigarette in the other, while snoring like a son of a gun.


Home sweet home. Joey thought, and mentally laughed bitterly at the irony of it.


He knew his father is not the one to blame for their current depression. No, it only started after he and Joey's mother had divorced. The arrogant woman took away Joey's only sister along with most of the valuable and separated themselves half world apart from the Wheelers by immigrating to USA. She is now remarried, Joey heard, living happily ever after with her new husband in California. The last thing the woman wanted, as she have clarified on her last call, was to have anything to do with the Wheelers. So if you have to blame, blame fate, or that bitch of a mother.


Dismissing the train of thought, Joey grabbed a blanket from the other end of couch and placed it carefully on his drunken old man. He then went into the kitchen, fixed himself a quick dinner to satisfy his starved belly.


After hitting the shower, he retreated back to him room for some `quality time'. The mattress groaned in stress under the blonde's weight as he bounced onto it. He then turned the radio on to his favorite station - `The Edge', planning on waste the night away by drowning in some good old rock.


Too bad he can't, because the commercials are on.


"This is what sex is like with an ordinary condom,"


Not this again! Joey groaned in frustration while immediately covered his ears with a pillow. They are like airing this crap 24/7, including in the morning when he is trying to sleep. What the hell is wrong with these people? Is that their impression of teenagers - sex-obsessed rabbits?!


"This is what sex like with a Trojan condom,"


"For your information, some of us DO actually value our virginity, ya moron!" Joey screamed at the radio and smacked the pillow against it.


Despite his effort, the radio continued. "Try a Trojan condom today, for FREE and double the pleasure..."


"Oh shut the fuck up." Joey grumbled miserably. Needless to say, he is completely disgusted with this company. They claim to provide safe sex, yeah right. Those people only cares about the money while encouraging and manipulating teens to buy their product. Personally though, this commercial also reminds him of the perfect love life he vowed to have but never did.


Joey, despite his appearance, has a pretty high standard for relationships. She should be nice and kind and honest…Overall, she should be the exact opposite of Seto Kaiba, well except for the appearance.


"There's sex and there's directx [1]" Finally done.


Joey came out of his thoughts. "C'mon, gimme some music." he begged. But faith had some else in mind.


Another commercial.


Joey sighed in despair and is about to switch the station to Soft Rock when this second commercial announcement caught his attention.


"Do you dream to become a super model? Model Search Japan is launching a nation-wide search for potential models. No experience is required and you will be interviewed by executives who work directly with professional models. For more information, go to our website at <www.modelsearchjapan.com>, and register online to achieve your dream!"


No experience required, eh?


Joey hastily picked up the phone receivers and dialed a number. "Hey Yug', can I come over tomorrow? I just found this perfect job opportunity!"




A/N: Let me make something VERY clear:

First, for those of you who love Trojan, I have nothing against it (or its manufacturing company) but I DO have a problem with them airing it in the morning. Anyways I choose to pick on it in this chapter to show Joey's opinion on love relationship etc. you know, it's all for the later chapters.


Second, yes I realize I have bitch-lized Joey's mother. But she deserves it. I never had a good impression of her. Remember when she took Serenity (who was crying) away, Joey was chasing after them, and she just let him ran and never stopped the car? And the other time after Joey comforted Serenity about having the eye operation did the mother ever say "thank you"? NO. So yea, what a biatch.



[1] directx? Did I spell it right? Anyway it's that Trojan's motto I never paid much attention to.