Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mokuba Yukio ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mokuba Yukio
Chapter I
So you want to know about Mokuba Yukio. Not many people lived to tell the tale about him. I was only a spirit when I saw all this, but I can tell you he was someone to be afraid of. Even the gods themselves were scared of him to the point were they just let him do as he pleased, but I should start from the very beginning so you may know how all of this happened…
In a peaceful farmland lived a man with wife who had 2 sons. The oldest son was Seto Haruko Yukio. He was the one that the parents favored the most because of his intelligent mind and was studying to become a priest. The youngest son was Mokuba Jiro Yukio started to hate his older brother and wished that his parents would favor him. When Mokuba was just 10 he watched his older brother packing his belongings.
“Big brother where are you going?” He asked his brother.
“Well I am going to be training with our cousin Seth who is a High Priest at the temple of Buddha. Soon I will be a priest and leave this farmland for good…” Seto told him being glad that he was leaving this place. Seto never liked farming and sometimes would run off to the village leaving his younger brother to do all the chores.
“So you will not come back to see me?” Mokuba asked sadly knowing that he will be alone.
Seto rubbed his brother's long black hair, “Don't worry when you are older you can come to Edo… I'm sure that you will be a good priest like me someday.” Seto said with a small smile on his face.
“Now go on little brother… you better go back to doing the chores.” Seto told him and went back to packing.
“Yes big brother…” Mokuba said and left angry to the fields.
As much as he respected his brother to a point he never dreamed of wanting to be a priest. He wanted to be a warrior, a fighter, and wanted to be in a battle field.
`Why does he think that I want to be a priest? Sure that's what my parents want, but that's not what I want to be...' Mokuba thought as he was gathering rice from the rice fields. As he was gathering them a strange green stone caught his attention. “What's this?” He asked and picked the green stone up. He watched it glow for a moment, but then it stopped.
`This stone is strange and yet… I don't want to let go of it… Maybe I should leave this place and become a samurai! Yes! I will leave this place once my brother is gone.' Mokuba thought happily knowing now that he would never have to farm again…
It was sundown when Mokuba came back into the small wooden house. He had put the green stone in his sleeve since he did not want to show his parents. “I'm back…” He said and heard voices coming from the kitchen. The house only had four rooms with only the two bedrooms having sliding doors. When he went to the kitchen he saw that his family had started dinner without him. Seto was the first one to notice him, “Oh hello little brother…” He said knowing that his younger brother was not in a good mood since he didn't help with the chores again. Mokuba didn't even bother to respond and just sat down on the ground. As he ate quietly he heard his parents talking to Seto.
“I am so proud of you! My son! A priest!” His mother said. Mokuba liked his mother except for the fact that she was expecting another child. `Well at least once that child is born then they won't have to worry about me…' Mokuba thought as he ate.
“At least you will be with your cousin Seth. When you see him tell him I said congratulations on becoming a High Priest.” His father said and drank his tea.
“Don't worry father I will…” Seto told him. He looked at his little brother and noticed that he seemed depressed. “What's wrong Mokuba?” Seto asked.
“Oh it's nothing…” Mokuba said and got up from the floor, “Well I have chores to do tomorrow… so I will go to bed early…” Mokuba told them and went to his room. His room was quite small and he had to share his room with Seto since the day he was born. He took out the strange stone from his sleeve and looked at it, `What a strange stone… it shines a strange light… but why?' Mokuba thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on the door.
“Mokuba it's me Seto… may I come in?” Seto asked.
Mokuba hid the stone back in his sleeve, “Come in…” he said and watched his older brother enter the room.
“Mokuba… I noticed that you looked sad… what's wrong little brother?” Seto asked.
“Big brother… you were always our parents' favorite… that's why you are allowed to leave while I am stuck on this stupid farm…” He told his brother.
“You are not happy here are you?”
Mokuba shook his head and sat down on the floor, “I was never happy here because of you… I even planned to run away from here…” He told him.
“Mokuba…” He sat down next to him, “I don't want you to hate me just because I am their favorite… I care for you little brother…” Seto said hoping to cheer his little brother up.
“But I don't want to stay here…”
“I know… that's why I asked them to let you come with me.” Seto said.
Mokuba could not believe it, “Really? What did they say?!”
“They said that you can come…”
Mokuba hugged his older brother, “Thank you so much big brother!”
Seto smiled as his little brother hugged him. He wanted to help his little brother in anyway he can. He may not have been there to help him with all the chores, but at least now he was able to make his brother's life better. “Now come on… we have to get some sleep… we have to wake up early…” He said to his little brother. Mokuba nodded and went to his flat bed. `At least I didn't have to run away… I'm glad that my brother does care for me after all…' Mokuba thought and drifted off to sleep…