Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Monster Inside My Head ❯ Suspisions ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~ No matter how much you deny it, hell will always exist in your head ~
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" Hey Atem did you hear about the mysterious murder at Hiroshima High!? They say that this is the 12th murder Tokyo."

" .....Yeah." Atem responded dimly. For some reason she couldn't help but feel that the murders were connected to her. That's how it's always been since she'd first moved to Domino City. At first she was a loner who tried to stand out of the way but suddenly she now had four bestfriends, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu, and Yuugi. But the girl felt as if there was another person next to her. Like she had another side of her.

" Atem? Jeez man, You've been out of it quite often. You okay?" Atem snapped out of her thoughts and tried to create her best fake smile. " O-oh yeah, just a bit tired." Jounouchi stretched his arms up. " Guess I could see your point. School is such a pain." Atem nodded and rested her head on her arms. She had feeling that something very unpleasant was going to happen after school.

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" Bye Atem!" " See yah, tomarrow!" " Get plenty of rest, sleepy head!" Atem smiled and waved back but before she could turn to leave, she felt a sudden tap on her shoulder and found Yuugi staring back at her. " Is it okay if I walk with you?" Atem stuttered before saying 'yes' to the request. Why would he suddenly ask to walk her home?

The walk was a quiet, uncomfortable one. Yuugi would occasionaly glance to his side towards Atem, who seemed to be in her own little world. Her eyes were downcast and distant, as if she had no care for the world. " Atem?" The girl jumped from hearing her name being called. " Y-yes? Yes, Yuugi?" The teen stopped his movement, Atem following the same procedent. " You seemed to be downcast all the time. Did something happen?" Atem nervously laughed at his suggestion. " O-oh no. Nothing like that of course." Yuugi looked unconvinced before sighing, a smile coming across his face. " Well, if there's anything you could always tell me." " Right..." Soon they began walking again until they reached Atem's house. " Well see yah." " Yeah..." Yuugi closely watched when Atem slowly walked inside and closed her door before taking off towards his.

" Mom I'm home."  Atem took off her shoes and threw her bag down. " Mom?" No answer. That was strange. Today her mother said she'd be home all day so why wasn't she answering? "Maybe she's upstairs." The half-worried teen settled in the living room and sat down to watch the news.

To her dissapointment, the topic was about an escaped serial killer who is currently roaming Domino City. Just her luck. Hopefully the killer would just do his business and - * knock* *knock* * knock*. Heavy kncoks. With eyebrows furrowing in confusion she want to answer the door since her mom wasn't there to do it. Since it was dark outside, the person at the door was shadowed. " May I help you?" " Maybe you could help me." A deep voice said. The sound of a gun loading up caused fear to run up Atem's spine and quickly shut the door and locking. " YOU CAN'T KEEP ME OUT LITTLE RUNT!!" The sound of the door being banged on and wood cracking filled the tense air. She slowly backed away before quickly running upstairs and to her room. On her way there she found a lifeless figure hanging from the ceiling. It couldn't be- * BANG!!* No time to think gotta run. she got in her room and shut and locked her door, doubting that it would hold back that crazy man. Atem could only anxiously paced around her room. ' It would only be a matter of time before the convict would find her. Tears flooded her eyes. Oh how she wished for help. There was no one around to save her. Her mom could either be away or... " Don't worry little girl. This won't hurt a bit." Eyes widened when the voice was close to her door. The Window! Atem quickly unscrewed the lock and tried to pull it up. Her movements were frantic as she tried to open her last hope of survival. " please please please open up!" Her door was suddenly being banged on, tears now falling down her cheeks. " Please don't do this to me." She shakily whispered. " FOUND YAH!!!" Atem screamed in hope someone could hear her but stopped when the gun was placed against her head. " If I were you I'd shut up." Atem whimpered as the man took out a phone and dialed a number. " Yes sir.... She's right here.... Don't worry I'll make a clean job of it." Atem quietly cried to herself when the man hung up and turned to her. " Let's make this easier. Follow me." The man nudged his head towards the hall and began to push her out. Soon they were outside and began to walk off-road.

Atem didn't know where they were now. The place they ended up looked like a dump. " There, now this is a place where noone will think to check once I get rid of you like your mother." Atem's heart stopped. Her mother....dead?" Darkness covered her face as the man laughed maniacally. " Ahahahahaaaa! Aaaw don't cry little one. Look on the bright side you'll get to reunite with your mother right." "..." The man snorted and placed the gun on the side of her head. " Now, any last words before I blow your brains out?" Atem's now red eyes loomed over to an axe that was just in her foot-reach. " Nothin'? Fine with me!" The finger on the trigger seemed to slowly push back. It was now or never. An elbow roughly jabbed the man's stomach, causing him to curse in pain. But it didn't stop there. Atem kicked the axe up and grabbed in ease and turned to see the man look up. " You little-" Atem swung the blade into the man's side and watched with a sadistic smile on her face as he flew to the ground, blood leaking out and staining his shirt as he screamed in pain. " Ooooww!!! That hurrrt!!! You - aaarrrrrg!!!" Atem slowly walked up and watched as fear spread across the man's face. " W-wait what're you doin'? P-please don't !! I was followin' orders!!! Please don't kill meeeee!!!" Atem raised the axe above her head. The sadistic unhumanly smile spread across her face.

Then, gravity took over the axe as it was heavily swung down towards the head...

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Blood was everywhere. All over the man's clothes. Her clothes. The blood splurted everywhere, some reaching face. Not that it bothered Atem. Vicious satisfaction was all she felt and it pleased her. But now she needed to get rid of the evidance. She began to dig a hole through all the trash until she was satisfied and soon threw the lifeless body into it, covering it in process. She heard running and a flashlight flashing around the area. " Whoever you are, show yourself!!" The flashlight flashed in her spot but... it was empty.

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" Ah, Atem!" Atem yawned and weakly turned her head towards Jounouchi. " Hm? What is it?" " Just wanted to say hi to a friend. Hey Anzu have you heard..." Atem yawned again. She felt wierd. The last thing she remembered last night was being held in a gun-point and next founf herself in bed. She closed her eyes and pressed the back of her hand against her forehead. ' Hopefully it was all a dream. Maybe mom really isn't... gone.' " Atem." " E-eh?" "Oh yes Yuugi?" The boy smiled. " You don't seem to be in a very good mood." " Yah I'm just a little tired that's all." " Well if you ever fall asleep in class, I'll cover for yah." Atem smiled as well. " Thanks..."

' Should I tell him about the dream? No... he would think I'm crazy or something... Maybe it's best to keep it to myself.'

Jounouchi suddenly screamed," Last one to school has to treat us to Burger World!" ' Oh yeah... definantly.'