Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Confessions ❯ Moonlight Confessions ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

YG710: I don't own Yugioh ( but I wish I did! ^_^)

I stared at the sleeping form of my Aibou. For weeks I had spent my nights watching him. I have truly come to treasure him. He is an angelic being, too good to describe. His child like appearance hides a very wise soul. He is my light, my Hikari, my partner, my life, and my soul mate. We used to share a body, the two of us, yet no one seems bothered by that fact.

My Aibou stirs and starts to awake. I try to hide in the darkness of his room but he already notices my presence.
"Yami, what are you doing up?" he says tiredly.
"I couldn't sleep," I lied. The moonlight from the window shed a large square of light on us. I was sitting on the sill not daring to move toward the little one.
"Penny for your thoughts," he said as he sat across from me on the sill. My eyes widened visibly but softened as I ruffled his hair.
"You wouldn't understand," I said quietly turning my attention to the moon. It was a full moon, shining a dull light on our neighborhood.
"Try me Yami," Yugi said to me with eager eyes. I looked at him and smiled. He was the perfect being of innocence. If only he knew how much I cared about him. A stray tear ran down my face as I closed my eyes to cover the hurt in them.
"Yami, you're crying!" he said in alarm. He sat on my lap and wiped the tear before it fell any farther. I opened my eyes reluctantly to see his violet one's full of concern. His closeness to me was overwhelming. This isn't right. I'm not supposed to fall in love with my other. It's unheard of; how could the darkness want the light. I felt more tears come. I didn't sob, I just let them fall. Yugi's eyes widened in shock.
"Yami?! Please tell me what's wrong!" he said frantically.
I smiled weakly through the tears and wiped them away.
"Aibou you do not know how kind you are to me," I said simply. My deep voice hitting an octave.
He smiled slightly and blushed.
"Or how much I care for you," I said in a voice above a whisper.
His eyes gained a confused and questioning look. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"I don't get it Yami," he said scratching his head.
I took his face in my hands and kissed him. His soft lips being invaded by mine. I slowly pulled away hoping for a good reaction.
Yugi sat wide-eyed. He slipped off my lap and took a few steps back.
I closed my eyes and look down; in seconds I was no longer in Yugi's room but my soul room. I hadn't spent much time here since we could share separate bodies. I locked my soul room's door and blocked Yugi from any part of my mind. I searched my room for something specific. When I had found it I admired the case. I opened it to reveal a dagger. It was simply made but razor sharp and made for the job at hand.
I left a small note on my soul room door as I exited it. My Aibou's door was locked tight. I frowned and tried my best to keep from bursting into tears. I teleported from the mind corridor to the park near Yugi's house the dagger in my hand.

One thrust and everything could be over; the pain, the suffering, everything. No longer did Yugi have to be troubled with me. I never have to burden anyone's life again. All I have to do is end it. Then I can finally be at peace. I wouldn't have to love my Hikari; I wouldn't be able to. I knew loving him was wrong but no matter what I did I couldn't help but falling for the child of innocence. Now the light would never again be wanted by the dark. I rose the dagger a few inches from my chest , ready to go to the place I should've gone to the first time I had died so many years ago in Egypt
"Yami don't!!" a familiar voice said.

I turned my head to see a crying Yugi running toward me, still in his pajamas. I dropped the dagger as he ran into me full force with a hug. He was sobbing uncontrollably with his face buried in my chest. I carefully pushed him off and looked into his tear-stained face.
"Yami, please don't leave me," he said.

"How did you find out I was going to-," I started but Yugi cut me off by kissing me roughly on the lips. I was overtaken with shock but my body pulled him deeper into the kiss. As we parted Yugi looked at me with glossy eyes. He had a small grin on his face.

"I love you too Yami," he said as we kissed again.

YG710: I know it's kind of of strange for me to be handing my love interest to someone else but Yami isn't techniaclly my boyfriend and Yugi and him look cute together.

Yami: O.O

YG710: Yami's a little shocked but he better get used to these types of stories. R/R!