Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Reflection ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Moonlit Reflection

Part: 1/?

Genre: Angst/Romance

Rating: R

Warnings: AU. Yaoi pairings. End of the manga/anime spoiler. Song-fic.

Pairings: Yami/Yugi

Summary: It’s four days before the Ceremonial and all Yugi wants to do is spend the remainder of the days with Yami, but Yugi is being distracted by someone......or something. YY/Y main couple. Possible mentions of other couplings.

Serena: New fic! It’s a song-fic! Every chapter will have a song! Marik! Do tha disclaimer please!

Marik: Serena does not own Yu-Gi-Oh and she does not own the song ‘Suicide Note’ by Johnette Napolitano. She also doesn’t own Balmung from .hack//Legend of the Twilight. Okay? Anyway, she does own any and all OCs and the plot to this story......plus anything else she makes up.

Malik: Here’s the key!

/.../ Yugi to Yami

//...// Yami to Yugi

“...” Talking

‘...’ Thinking in Italics

Yugi singing

Mysterious voice singing

Yugi and the Mysterious voice singing together

----- Scene Change

Serena: By the way, this story probably isn’t all that good. I reread it and it sounded really stupid, but I’m posting it anyway since I went through the trouble of writing it.

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Title: Moonlit Reflection

Chapter 1: Meeting

By: Serena
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Yugi stared at a wall. He was extremely bored and depressed. He was in some old building in Egypt. It was four days before the Ceremonial Battle between him and Yami. All he wanted was to spend the remaining days with his yami and what was he doing? He was having to sit through a speech that the mysterious Shadi had apparently planned. Shadi was explaining everything he knew about this duel Yugi and his yami would be having tomorrow. Yugi had started out listening, but eventually he grew tired of hearing Shadi talk......because he tuned him out and began to stare at random objects. Someone called his name, but he wasn’t listening.

Yugi’s POV

So......this is it? This is how it ends? After everything we’ve been through, he’s just going to leave? I know that it really depends on who wins the Ceremonial Battle, but even if he ends up staying.... he’ll just leave and go somewhere else. If he wins, he can stay. If I win, he can go on to the afterlife. He told me to duel my hardest so we can have a fair duel. I said I would, but I lied. I want to give him a fair duel, but..........what if I do win? Does he want to go to the afterlife? Of course he does.....but what if he wins? Will he be upset with me because I lost and because he didn’t get his eternal peace? It doesn’t seem fair. If I win, he’s happy, but I’m miserable and if he wins, I’m happy, but he’s miserable. Isn’t there some other way? Why does he have to leave? Why does he continue to regret the things he did in the past? Why can’t the past be just that? Past. Gone. Over. Done with. He was sealed in the puzzle for 3000 years and then I solved it and let him see the world again. He was given a second chance at life. Is he really just going to throw it all away? In a way, it’s suicide.

Normal POV

“-gi? Yugi? Hey, Yugi, ya there?”

Yugi snapped out of his thoughts and saw Jonouchi standing in front of him with a worried look on his face. Yugi didn’t answer and Jonouchi took that as a sign that Yugi still hadn’t heard him. Jonouchi waved his hand in front of Yugi’s face.

“Helloooo, anybody home?” Jonouchi asked.

Yugi pushed Jonouchi’s hand out of the way.

“Jonouchi, I heard you the first time.”

Jonouchi blinked. “Tha first time?”


Jonouchi blinked again. “But, Yug, tha first time was five minutes ago.”

It was Yugi’s turn to blink and then he looked annoyed. “O-okay....s-so maybe I didn’t hear you the first time. The point is that I did hear you.”

“Whatever ya say, Yug.” Jonouchi said. “ Are ya okay? You was kinda spacin’ on us.”

Yugi sighed. “I’m fine.........and so what if I was spacing? Can I help it that my mind just felt like being somewhere else?”

Yugi heard someone yawn beside. He turned to look and saw that it was Yami.

“Well, I don’t blame your mind for drifting.” Yami said yawning again. “I’d go somewhere else too if I had to sit through Shadi saying a speech. Oh, wait, I already am. Oh well, guess I’ll go back to sleep.”

“My Pharaoh!” Shadi said. “What I have to say is of importance! This is your fate, after all!”

“Shadi,” Yami said sighing. “A) Those are my lines. Quit reading my script! B) If I had a dime for every time I heard those words, I’d be as rich as Seto Kaiba is. C) Your speech is so long and boring that not only did it make my aibou’s mind leave, Marik heard it all the way from the Shadow Realm and he is currently cussing you out and threatening to come and get you.”

Yami received a stare from not only Shadi, but everyone else in the room. Yugi apparently found what Yami said funny because he was currently trying not to giggle, but they still came out muffled.

“What?” Yami asked. “If you don’t believe me, just ask Marik himself. Oh and Anzu?”

“Yes?” Anzu asked.

“You know those few things about our oh-so-wonderful friendship that you somehow managed to say during Shadi’s speech?”

Anzu smiled at that. “Yes.”

Yami smiled back. “Well, Marik heard that too and said after Shadi.......you’re next.”

Anzu quickly left the room afterward.

Night. Believe it or not, night was Yugi’s favorite time of the day. He loved to look at the moon and that explains why he was outside staring up at the sky, but not this night. The moon was covered by clouds tonight and that made Yugi even sadder than he already was. Whenever he was feeling alone or down, he would always look up at the moon and it would ease some of his pain, but it wasn’t there tonight. It seemed that not only was Yami leaving him, but the moon was as well. He sighed. So much had happened since Yami had gotten his memories back and it lead to this. He had wanted to talk with Yami, but once again, the spirit was deep in his own thoughts and Yugi knew he didn’t want to be disturbed. Yugi thought Yami would be happy to have a second chance at life, but he wasn’t. Yugi thought it was suicide. Yami was just throwing away his second chance.....and he wouldn’t get a third chance.

“You lied.” Yugi whispered to himself. “I don’t understand you or anything anymore. You’re killing yourself and you won’t let me help you.”

Yugi’s eyes started to water and then he started singing.

Every night
You wrote another line
With a bloody, broken bottle

His voice sounded like that of an angel’s.

And every day
You wish it away
Why don’t you pull the pin
On that grenade
You cuddle

His unshed tears spilled out.

I wanted to believe
As I watched your world
Crumble in your hands

I wanted to believe
As you raised your glass
To your last stand

And I wanted to believe
You would win
The war in your head
That I did not understand
That I did not understand

He walked back inside and started walking around and saw everyone sleeping. He eventually found himself watching his Yami sleep.

Every night
The questions poured out
Of your wounded eyes
Damn dark things

He walked over to where Yami was sleeping and gently brushed his bangs out of his face while singing softer, so as not to awaken his sleeping secret koi.

Every day
You used to pray
Listen to the black raven sing

You wanted to believe
As you were falling to your knees
Struggling to stand
With your life in your hand
The sad last stand
Of a broken man

Yugi smiled and gave Yami a quick kiss on the cheek, before leaving the room. He walked outside and gazed at the sky before sighing.

I wanted to believe
As I watched your world
Crumble in your hands

I wanted to believe
As you raised your glass
To your last stand

And I wanted to believe
You would win
The war in your head
That I did not understand
That I did not understand

Yugi sighed and started to cry again. It was then that he heard someone else singing.

You wanted to believe
As you watched his world
Crumble in his hands

You wanted to believe
As he raised his glass
To his last stand

And you wanted to believe
He would win
The war in his head
That you did not understand
That you did not understand

Yugi tried to figure out where the voice was coming from, but failed to find its source. He continued to sing, though.....and the voice sung with him.

And the questions pour out

And the questions pour out

I did not understand
I did not understand

You did not understand
You did not understand

The sound of you falling
I did not understand

As the trembling heart of a man

Did not understand

The sound of a trembling heart

After singing the last line with Yugi, the voice spoke again, but the owner still didn’t show themself.

“It’s a little late for someone to be out at this time of night.”
“So? What if it is late?” Yugi asked while still trying to find the owner of the voice. “Why would you care?”

“Hmph. Normally, I wouldn’t care.” the voice answered. “......but....I just find it a little odd. You seem too young to be out here by yourself. Unless.....you’re a vampire or something, but you’re not a vampire and I don’t usually see people out here at night.”

Yugi sighed. “I know that I look like I’m 11 or something, but I’m really 16. I’m just.......shorter than most people my age, but forget that. Who are you?”

The voice was silent for a minute and then spoke.

“I don’t usually do this, but I suppose that tonight........I’ll let someone see me.”

The owner of the voice stepped out of seemingly nowhere and into the moonlight. The voice’s owner was a man. He had long, white hair (the same length as Balmung’s hair.) and dark, purple eyes. He was wearing a white leather shirt and white leather pants. He wore a necklace that had a green-colored stone at the end and carried a sword in a white ****. Last, he wore two gold bracelets on each wrist that had a dragon engraved. The dragons’ eyes were gems. The bracelet on the left had crimson gems and the bracelet on the right had amethyst gems.

“My name is Tashi.” the man said. “What’s your name?”

“M-My name is Yugi.” Yugi said. “N-Nice to meet you.”

“You don’t have to be scared.” Tashi said. “If the sword is what you’re so nervous about, then don’t worry about it. I would never use it on an innocent.”

Yugi still felt uneasy about the sword, but he felt like he could trust Tashi. Tashi was looking at Yugi as though he was looking at Yugi’s soul.

“Still....” Tashi said. “I want to know. Why are you out here at this time of night?”

Yugi stayed silent for a few minutes before deciding to answer.

“I-......a friend of mine is.....leaving in a few days and is.......never coming back.” Yugi said surprised that he was telling this to Tashi. “I.....don’t want him to go.......but.......he’s leaving anyway.”

Tashi still had that same look, but the look left and Tashi seemed to be satisfied with the answer.

“Really.......” Tashi said more to himself than to Yugi. “I see. How sad. Say.....Yugi?”


“If you’re not going to bed anytime soon, then would you like to stay out here and talk?”


Talk......that’s what Yugi had wanted to do with Yami, but the spirit had been in too deep in thought to want to talk to him. Yugi has tried to find someone else to talk to, but everyone else was busy. He had just met Tashi, but he already liked him.

“Of coarse.....” Tashi said. “...you don’t have to. I just-“

“No, no. Talking sounds nice.” Yugi said smiling. “I’d love to talk to you.”

Tashi gave a small smile. “Good.”

The two started walking down to the Nile River.

“By the way, Yugi?”

“Yes, Tashi?”

“You have a beautiful voice. It sounded like an angel was singing when I first heard it.”

Yugi blushed all the way to the river.

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Serena: Wow! That was a lot of typing!

Malik: Who exactly is Tashi? He sounds hot!

Marik: MALIK!!!!

Malik: What?

Yami: Serena? You’re not trying to pair Yugi up with anyone else, are you?

Serena: Ummmm......no.

Yami: Good.

Serena:......I’m not trying to, anyway.

Yami: O.O SERENA!!!!


Yugi: Uhhh....review.

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