Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More Annoying That You Could Imagine ❯ Domino High ( Chapter 1 )

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^^^^The chapter in Bakura's POV…starts^^^

Okay, to say the school is gigantic is such an ironic understatement. You would think you'd found `the' word to describe the place. I mean, what IS bigger than something that's gigantic? Hint: it starts with Domino High School.

The halls are vast with thousands of lockers. And, I swear to Bob, there are so many students: thousands! I can't tell one from the other and most likely will never be able, too. I could barely sense that a few seemed very short, others; vice versa. Many, many, people learn in these halls. I'm starting to doubt if I will even be noticed. I many be a bit anti-social, but I still want others to be aware that I kind of exist. It would be nice.

Okay, I have a mission self-appointed in my head. Hey, It's not like I'm walking around the school for absolutely no reason but to bump into people that actually KNOW where they're going. I'm looking for the Main Office. I don't even know what wing it's located in. I really think I'm lost. Knowing my oh-so-wonderful luck, I will end up in detention on the first damn day. I think all I can really do now is question my situation. Maybe this time, unlike many before, the answers will simply fall from the sky [or ceiling; I'll settle for the ceiling]:

Why? Why must I attend a giant school in a part of the country I've NEVER been to? Why does said school have to be so, so, immense? Why can't I be permitted to join in the `joy' of home school?

Well, I don't see any answers be raiding me from the heavens at the moment. Nope, guess I'll just keep walking. Maybe I'll get to something that will help. Hell yeah, and when that happens I suppose those belated answers will come joyful to me on flying swine with a heavenly chorus on the inner-com.

Yeah right…

^^^^The chapter in Bakura's POV…ends^^^^

Like always, I'm too lazy to put all this up.

R+R Please!