Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More than just a Kute Kitty ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yami: Wait I figured something out.

K: What?

Yami: The classes we were in were the same as yours.

K:...yes, except P. E. I have history in that period.

Yami: You are so creative. Not.

K: -___-

Yami: And you got me to play your instrument too.

K: So?

Yami: -___-

N. Yugi: I can't wait for archery I want to hit someone.

K + Yami: O___O

N. Yugi: ^^;


It was time for fourth period, which was P.E. for our characters.

The boys and girls went to their locker rooms and stupid Anzu almost followed Yami into the boy's locker room but some girls dragged her back.

It was a coincidence that Ryou and Yugi's lockers were next to their respective charges. (Bakura: Coincidence my ass. K: Shut up)

"So you like archery?" Yami asked Yugi while changing.

"Yep. I like any form of weaponry," Yugi slowly put his clothes on.

Yami looked over at Yugi watching him change. 'Wow he has a good build, slender and a lot of curves for a boy...what the hell! Bad Yami! Stop staring!'

Yami turned and stuck his head in his locker trying to keep his arousal in check.

He didn't notice Yugi smirking when he noticed Yami's shorts.

Ryou was quickly changing while Bakura shut his locker.

Bakura looked at Ryou from the corner of his eye. 'Why is he changing quickly? Is he embarrassed? He doesn't look that bad. What am I saying?!' Bakura began banging his head on the locker.

"Is something wrong?"

Bakura looked over to Ryou who looked concerned.

"I'm fine," Bakura walked off.

Ryou sighed, 'I wish he wasn't so difficult.'

Everyone finished changing and were going to warm up.

"Hey Yami," Jou jogged over to him.


"While you were changing I noticed you were blushing," Jou grinned.

"Umm," Yami looked everywhere but his friend's face.

"You like Yug don't ya," it was a statement not a question.

Yami looked over to Yugi who was just shooting hoops. "He is attractive."

"Attractive my ass. You like him more than his good looks."

Yami frowned, "Can't we talk about this later."

Jou still grinning just nodded.

"Okay class put the equipment away and sit in the middle!" the teacher Mr. Lain yelled.

Everyone sat in the middle while Mr. Lain explained what to do in archery.

Anzu wanted to sit by Yami but Yugi, Jou, Honda, Bakura and Ryou were huddled around him ignoring everyone and just talking.

Anzu huffed and went to join her 'friends'. (Yami: She has friends? K: No she just follows people. Yami: Oh. K: I'm skipping to where everyone is shooting arrows.)

Yugi was helping Jou hold the bow and arrow.

There were a lot of arrows flying everywhere and Jou was nervous about the arrows that might hit him but Yugi ignored them.

Only Yami and Bakura were able to hit the targets while others hit the floor, walls and some even just fell off the bow.

Mr. Lain blew the whistle.

"Okay class let's have a competition against boys and girls. Pick some one to represent you."

The girls huddled around each other trying to choose whom to represent them, which was hard because none were very good. (Yami: Are you insulting yourself? K: It doesn't mean all girls are bad just them. Anyway I'm good at weaponry too. Yami: *remembers the gun and all the cans she hit* Right.)

"Yug should represent us!" Jou flung his arm over Yugi's shoulders.

All the boys were hesitant but agreed to let Yugi shoot.

The girls shoved Anzu next to Yugi. Anzu grumbled not wanting to shoot.

"Okay. Use three arrows and the ones closest to the bull's eyes is the winner," explained Mr. Lain.

Yugi and Anzu picked up a bow adn arrow and aimed at the targets.

Anzu arranged the arrow to aim at the target and let go. The arrow went up and hit a lamp.

The boys broke into a fit of laughter.

"Quiet boys quiet!" Mr. Lain shouted.

After everyone quieted down Yugi aimed right at the middle and let go. It hit the bull's eye perfectly and the boys cheered.

Jou leaned over to Ryou, "He is good."

Ryou sighed, "Of course. He has a weaponry fetish."

Jou made a funny, shocked face, 'I wonder if he has any weapons on him. Must not get Yug angry.'

Anzu growled then looked over at Yami who had all his attention to Yugi. She growled louder and picked up another arrow.

She let the arrow go and it bounced off the metal railing of the balcony and was flying toward Yugi. Yugi dodged it and it hit one of the girls, which made her scream in pain.

"Get the nurse!" Mr. Lain yelled at a student who ran out the doors to get one.

"Mazaki! Sit at the bench! Now!"

Anzu grumbled and plopped on the bench.

The nurse came and got the teacher to carry the girl to the nurse's office.

"Yugi can finish," he said before he left.

Yugi smiled, and he quickly shot the arrow and it hit the center then he took the last arrow and aimed somewhere else.

Everyone noticed this and they backed away. Yugi aimed at the metal part of the lamps on the ceiling.

Anzu was sitting on the bench with a pouty face. (Yami: *gags* K: I hear you.)

She saw something shiny under the bench, "Hey a quarter." (Yami: It's just a quarter. K: Just a quarter?! Yami: O___O)

She got off the bench and bent down to grab it at the same time Yugi let the arrow go.

It bounced off the lamp and went straight to Anzu's rear. (Yugi: Eww! K: Bad mental image.)

"Owww!" Anzu leaped into the air holding her rear while everyone watched her jump around like a frog.

Everyone was howling with laughter even Yami and Bakura then the bell rang and everyone raced to their change rooms to well change of course.

After everyone changed they all raced to their last class before the second bell.

"So what are we doing in science?" Yugi asked sitting between Jou and Yami waiting for the teacher.

"We're doing chemistry, experimenting with sodium and potassium," Yami answered.

Yugi grinned, "Sodium and potassium eh?"

"What the big deal Yug," Jou asked.

"Sodium is okay but potassium is more explosive," Yugi said still grinning.

Yami and Jou looked at each other nervously.


"We're making clay figures today class," said the art teacher Mr. Saku.

"Hmm, clay... I can't wait until the heating process," Bakura said when he received his chunk of clay.

Ryou looked wryly at Bakura, 'I don't know whose worse Bakura or Yugi.' Then he sighed, 'I never get to do anything exciting.'


All the students ran out of the smoking science room while Anzu crawled out.

"Mazaki! Detention!" yelled Ms. Ran coughing.

Yugi, Yami, Jou and Honda were huddled near Yugi's locker, which was near the science room.

"What happened?" Honda coughed.

"Yous didn't see? Of course you didn't yous were flirting with some girl," Jou said making Honda blush.

"Then what happened?"

I bumped into Anzu and she dropped the chunk of potassium into the tray of water then boom!" Yugi giggled.

"O...kay," Honda said, then the bell rang.

"Yes home time!" Jou said, "So are you guys coming to the arcade?"

Honda nodded, "Of course."

Yami shook his head, "Mom, wants me home."

"Man. Mothers... what about you Yug?"

"Um, I have to still pack so I'll see you guys tomorrow," he said quickly then ran down the hall rather fast for someone that short.

Everyone in the hall blinked.


Two figures were leaping building and for some reason no one noticed. (Bakura: Idiots. K: Why are you here? Only Yugi and Yami are usually here! Bakura: *blinks then runs away* K: -___-)

Yugi and Ryou were leaping buildings like well cats, trying to get home before their 'masters'.

Ryou then turned another directiong while Yugi kept going straight.

When Yugi got to the game shop he jumped to Yami's window and opened it then shut if quietly behind him.


"Mom! Tadaima!" Yami said taking off his shoes.

"Good. Get cleaned up and help your jiichan carry boxes from the storage," she called from the back.

Yami rolled his eyes while jiichan shrugged.


He looked down and saw 'Tenshi' staring up at him and blushing?

Yami picked up the kitten and went to go change.

'Now this kitten's reminding me of Yugi.'


Yami: Can potassium do that?

K: Yep. I've seen small pieces blow up just by touching water.

Yami: Hmm...

K: I don't want to know what you are thinking.

N. Yugi: I feel itchy.

Yami: *he reaches over and scratches Yugi behind the ear*

N. Yugi: *purring*

K: Okay...