Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Just That ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: Yaoi(MalexMale), Auish, OOCness, Rape, Minor, Mild Language, Mild
Violence, and Strong Angst.

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh, but I do use its characters for my own sick and
twisted imagination.

Read these notes before you start story: I'm doing my own version of what happened
to Bakura in the past, so fuck what you have to say about me being wrong.

Yami No Bakura will be called Bakura in past and Bakura in present.

Yami No Yugi will be called Atemu in past and Yami Yugi in present.

Ryou Bakura will be called Ryou in present.

Yugi Mouto will be called Yugi in present.

Marik Ishtar will be called Marik in the past.

Joey Wheeler will be called Jounouchi in past and Joey in present.

Chapter 5


Bakura limped tiredly through the hot desert. He has been running away from the
palace for almost a hour. He collasped to the ground, sweating and breathing hard.
He felt himself get dizzy at the lack of rest and water. His tunic was sticking
with sweat, making it stick to his skin.

"God damn it!" Bakura growled, trying to push himself off the ground with his
arms, but failed miserably, falling to the sand once again.

He felt so helpless, but at the same time he lusted for something. Revenge. He
closed his eyes, trying to block out the images of what the pharoah did to him.

"I have... to continue..." Bakura said, pushing off his arms again, ignoring the
pain that ran through him. He finally pushed himself off the ground, stumbling to
stand up. He felt something wet sliding on his inner thighs. He lifted his tunic
up, to see that his blood was coming from his butt.

Bakura grimaced, knowing that the wound reopened from him falling to the sandy
desert ground. He began to limp, hoping something would come into view. In the
distance, he saw a small dot.

"That must be a house or something!" Bakura said happily, and began to run,
ignoring all the pain inbetween his legs. He tried to avoid tripping over his own
feet, which was making him stumble and slower his pace. The dot then became a fair
sized building, which made the white haired boy more excited.

Bakura finally reached the door of the building. He took a breathe, and knocked
on it.

'If no one answers, I'm breaking in' Bakura thought, waiting for someone to
answer the door. The door never opened. He placed his hand on the door, pushing it
slightly and peeking his head in. It was dark, and he sense no present around. He
walked in, letting the sunlight pour into the room.

There was a small bed and a small table. There was a pitcher on the table that was
filled with water.

"Water!?" Bakura gasped, and rushed to the table to grab the pitcher. He pressed
the tip of it against his lips, pulling it up to let the cool water flow into his
mouth. The water soothed his throat, and the whole pitcher was gone.

Bakura wiped his lips, breathing hard. He set the pitcher down, and went to lay
down on the bed. He closed his eyes... finally meeting rest...


Bakura opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered was laying down on a bed in
a empty house, but he wasn't in a laying down position anymore. He was in a sitting
position. He tried to move his arms, but apparently they were tied together behind
whatever he was sitting in.

"Untie me!" Bakura said. The problem was, he could only see darkness because the
door wasn't open.

"Why?" A voice replied back."You broke into my house."

"S-so!" Bakura said.

"I demand a explanation," The voice said."Then maybe I'll let you go, but thats
only because your a kid."

"I was thirsty!" Bakura said."And... there was no where else for me to go..."

"Aw, poor kid," The voice said."You must of been the one in that destroyed village
the other day."

"You know about it?" Bakura asked.

"Yes, the pharoah needed sacrifices to do a ritual for the palace," The voice said.
"Oh, by the way my name is Jounouchi."

Sunlight poured into the room, revealing a tall boy with blonde hair and honey eyes.
He looked about sixteen, and he was a bit pale.

"Why did the pharoah need sacrifice?" Bakura asked, sadness in his voice.

"Beats me," Jounouchi said, untying Bakura.

"Well, I lost my mom and my best friend because of it," Bakura said, not wanting
anyone to know about his lover.

"Depends, how did they both die?" Jounouchi asked.

"My m-mom was covered in blood," Bakura said, about to sob."But I'm not sure about
Marik, all I know is white stuff was pouring out of his mouth and going into some
golden rod..."

"There might be a chance for you to get Marik back!" The blonde head exlcaimed,
Bakura giving him a questioning look.

"H-how?" The white haired boy asked, feeling hope.

"Okay, the white stuff was his soul," Jounouchi said."The pharoah trapped his soul
into that rod, I know this because I've heard about the pharoah doing this before."

"Why didn't he just kill him?" Bakura asked.

"Why, do you want him dead or something?" Jounouchi asked."Most likely, he did that
because it might be for something important in the near future."

"Well, I'm going to get that rod and kill the pharoah!" Bakura said angrily.

"Woah, boy," Jounouchi said."Don't go doing that and getting yourself killed."

"I don't care!" Bakura shouted."I want Marik back, I loved him so much!"

"Well, maybe I can help you, but you won't be able to get it in a few years," The
blonde head suggested to him, giving him a smile.

"How?" Bakura asked.

"Have you heard of the shadow game?" Jounouchi said."They are creatures that are
summoned alive to going against another, its basically whoever is the loser is sent to
another realm, I don't remember what it is called, though."

"Thats black magic!" Bakura exclaimed, somewhat amazed by it.

"Well, this game wasn't created too long ago, and the pharoah is gathering the monsters
to send the other palaces' rules to that realm."

"Well, I don't care about those other palaces," Bakura said."I'll gather these monsters,
and challenge the pharoah to a shadow game!"

"The bad thing about it is, I don't know where to find these monsters," Jounouchi said.

"Well, you've helped me enough, I need to go out and search," Bakura said."Anything for

"Your a bit too young.." Jounouchi tried to reason with the white haired boy.

"Don't tell me that!" Bakura barked."Now, farewell!"

Bakura left the house, running across the desert. He will find these 'monsters', and
challenge the pharoah to a shadow game, to get the rod and destroy the pharoah. He will
succeed in this goal, no matter how long it takes him....


Authoress's Note: Yet, another chapter done! I promise there will be lemon and lime in the
future, some of it will be rape and just regular sex. Oh, plus I'm going to have to change
Mild Violence to Strong Violence because there is going to be some major shadow games and
regular wars! I'm making a story with a actual plot! Yay!