Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Just That ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings: Yaoi(MalexMale), Auish, OOCness, Rape, Minor, Mild Language, Strong
Violence, and Strong Angst.

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh, but I do use its characters for my own sick and
twisted imagination.

Read these notes before you start story: I'm doing my own version of what happened
to Bakura in the past, so fuck what you have to say about me being wrong.

Yami No Bakura will be called Bakura in past and Bakura in present.

Yami No Yugi will be called Atemu in past and Yami Yugi in present.

Ryou Bakura will be called Ryou in present.

Yugi Mouto will be called Yugi in present.

Marik Ishtar will be called Marik in the past.

Joey Wheeler will be called Jounouchi in past and Joey in present.

Chapter 8


'I'm getting closer to the palace' Bakura thought, seeing a dot in the
distance. He crossed over the desert sand, taking sips of water from his water
jug. He patted the dagger in his pocket, snickering.

'I will see that pharoah dead soon enough, then I shall once again have my
lover in my arms' Bakura thought, seeing the dot get bigger as he walked
closer to the palace.


"What do you mean, you couldn't find the boy!?" Atemu yelled angrily, his
wife trying to calm him down, but was pushed roughly out of the way.

"S-sorry, sir!" The guard said."He is a tricky one, just give us time and
we'll find him!"

"You already had your time!" Atemu growled, grabbing the guard by his chubby
neck."Now you'll die for not respecting my orders!" The guard grabbed onto
the pharoah's wrist, trying to pry them off. He couldn't get any oxygen, so
he took roughly snapped the pharoah's wrist.

The guard back away, seeing Atemu scream and whole onto his wrist. He looked
at the guard in rage.

"I could of left you with that simple death, but you seem to want a more
painful death!" Atemu shouted, his eyes glowing red, shadows appearing behind

"What the hell!?" The guard yelled, screaming as he felt pain shock around
his body.

"You'll find your death..." Atemu breathed, laughing evilly."In the shadow
realm!" The guard screams, the shadows cutting him up, pulling the remains of
his body into a portal. His screams echoed the palace, everyone covering there
ears in pain. All the pharoah did was stare, laughing.

"Was that really necessary to do in front of me, dear?" His wife said, getting
up and dusting off her robes.

"Just shut the hell up!" Atemu snapped, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Your acting like that boy was a better fuck than me!" His wife snapped back,
getting angry.

"I'm the superior here, so like I said, shut the hell up!" Atemu growled.

"You rude imbecile!" His wife shouted, retreating to her chambers.

"The only reason I'm married to that wanch is because I get to inherit her
land..." Atemu said to himself, annoying by his wife.


Bakura laughed as the gaurds screamed in agony, being pulled into the ground.

"This is just too easy!" Bakura sneered."The pharoah must being a wanch to know
his kingdom is falling apart!" The white haired boy ducked down, sliding his body
against the palace walls. He stopped, here someone complaining about his wife in
the other room."Could that be the pharoah? I didn't know he had a wife!"

Bakura skipped the door, noting to come back to it later.

"A little boy sneaking around a great palace?" A female voice snorted behind
Bakura, making him quickly turn his head.

It was a young woman with waist-length black hair and brown eyes. She was very
tanned and slim, but Bakura didn't notice her beauty like everyone else. He just
snorted, turning around, pulling out his dagger.

"Look, lady," Bakura sneered, giving her a glare."Your messing with the wrong
person because I'll send your ass to the shadow realm or stab you to death."

"Oh, but a beautiful boy like you should be riding on a beautiful goddess like
me," The woman said, trying to flirt with the boy.

'The boy looks like a god, better than mine husband' The woman thought, looking
into the boy's dark chocolate brown eyes.

"Never!" Bakura declared."Now, prepare to watch me as I send you to your
death!" Bakura lunged at her with the dagger in his hand, but she dodged him
quickly, running off into the other direction.

The woman gasped, the white haired boy quickling appeared in front of her,
pressing the dagger inside of her chest. She stared at the boy, blood dripping
out of her mouth, finally her eyes rolled back and she fell lifelessy to the

"Stupid wanch!" Bakura snickered, but then glared as he saw the pharoah in
a distance."Finally, we meet again!"

"Yes, and you seem... not as weak..." Atemu said, snickering."But, no matter,
I'm still better than you."

"I challenge you to a shadow game!" Bakura said, holding out his small monster

"Ha, a kid challenging me to a shadow game?" Atemu sneered, trying to surpress
his laughter."Your so fucked, kid!"

The challenged into a shadow game... a game of life or death...


Bakura's jaw dropped, seeing his monster destroyed.

'N-no...' Bakura thought.'I f-failed you.. Marik... NO!'

Atemu laughed, holding up a large ring that was held by a string, with had
five pendents on it. Bakura tried to talk, but shrieked as white stuff poured
out of his mouth. He soul was going to be trapped into the rod!

"No..." Bakura gasped with his last breathe... then faded into nothingness...


Authoress's Note: Today was the first day of school, dun dun dun! School and
cheerleading are taking my time up, so my updates starting now will be soooo
slow! I'm sorry! *hands everyone a Atemu plushie, and keeps her own Bakura
plushie* :P Well, talk to you later!