Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Morning ❯ Crisp Fall Breeze ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hi every body thanks for reading this far…. I am adding a little history from Battle City…. But other then that I am making up my own things (like Ryou never lived in a house, he lived in an apartment) (maybe ill just say he moved from the apartment neh?). I hope you still enjoy it. Please review and tell me how you like this chapter. It's a little different from what I have been doing and I was quite worried…. Please tell me about it k? Thank you ^_^






Bakura sat on the last step leading in to the house, his black coat pulled tightly around him. He slowly let a breath out as he watched a small cloud escaped his lips. He wanted to change but the boy was still terrified of him. He smirked evilly. But he couldn't let him think he was going soft. He had to maintain some respect from the kid. He shook his head. No he wasn't a kid any more. Ryou had grown in to a mature teen. He probably wouldn't even grow any more.


Bakura shivered slightly and pulled his coat tighter to his body. No this place was defiantly not Egypt. He lifted his head up and took a deep breath and exhaled. The air here was crisp and moist. A breeze blew past him ruffling his hair and stinging his cheek. He watched as another breath cloud was swept away on the wind. A rustling sound alerted the former tomb robber and his gaze darted over to a pile of leaves.


"Just the wind."


Bakura stood up and looked around. Maple and Alder leaves piled on top of one another and the bear trees stood striped of foliage they held just months before. It was just a reminder of life and then death. Ryou would die one day and he would be sealed once again in to the ring. It was at the end of battle city that he had just realized he had to keep his host in good health. He closed his eyes and remembered that day. He was about to win his duel with Yami, but somehow the pharaoh managed to get one step ahead of him. Malik was going to use his host to forge Yami's hand and make him forfeit, but what would have happed to his host if he did indeed attack? He was already weak and on his knees whimpering form what he had done to him that week. Bakura shook his head as he started walking down the gravel driveway. He was indeed much stronger then his host. He could handle the pain of the wound he had inflicted upon his arm. Ryou just whimpered there on his knees. Bakura clenched his fists. If Yami had attacked, his host would have died. He was immortal. He quickly switched places with him and Yami soon after attacked with out regret. Even though Malik's plan sounded good, he couldn't take the chance of losing his host.


Bakura reached the end of the driveway and tuned around looking back at the little house snuggled tightly amongst the tall trees. He really had nowhere to go. The city was miles away and the transit bus only came though on week days. He was just letting Ryou have some time to himself. It wasn't only his physical health he was worried about. He didn't want Ryou to go suicidal ether.