Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mother's Gift, Father's Pain ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mother*s Gift, Father*s Pain




Disclaimer: I don*t own a thing already!!!!!


YAOI WARNING Ryou/Bakura rape.




My son has been cursed. And it was I that brought this curse upon him. My son, whom I love more than life itself. And I have brought pain and suffering upon him. All because of that damned artifact. I hadn*t noticed until recently, that it wasn*t until after he got the damned thing that I began coming home to finding him bruised like that. It was years before he told me the truth. In fact, it was just over a year ago that he told me. I had come home because it was the anniversary of my wife*s death. His mother. His beautiful mother. He got his looks from her. She was albino. He is half. My beautiful wife. My beautiful son. Reiko, and Ryou.


I had come home as always. We never spent that day apart. It was the one day out of the whole year that we spent together, never leaving each other*s presence, and talking. Ever since she died, he would spend it curled up in my arms. Even last year, at fifteen, he did that. And that day, he told me the most horrid thing I had ever heard. I remember it so well. Word for word. I can quote you every line. I know the words by heart, even though I only heard it once.


*Dad, there*s something I have to tell you. It*s not going to be easy for me to tell you, and it won*t be easy for you to hear. I know you*re going to blame yourself, but don*t. What has happened to me, it*s always been my destiny. And you were simply the messenger.* I was confused. I had no idea that what my son was about to tell me would change my life forever. *You gave me that necklace on my seventh birthday.* Ah, that necklace. I knew which he was talking about. The Millennium Ring. *You know the legends behind it, don*t you? That it is one of seven great items of power, and that sealed inside is the soul of a Tomb Robber.* I nodded, and he closed his eyes, cuddling close to me. I held my Ryou tightly, stroking his hair. Long, soft silver hair, like his mother. *Daddy, the legends are true. It is magical, and the Tomb Robber does live in there. His name was Kurah. But, everyone now calls him Bakura. No, Dad, don*t interrupt. Hear me out, please. When I put the Ring on, he appeared. And, he hit me, then went back into the Ring.*


Strange. Even now, I remember that the day after his birthday, I had gone up to his room to wake him, and he had a black eye. *I didn*t see him for a long time afterwards. He would talk to me every now and then, but*.* He sighed, and I could feel him trembling, as he rested his head on my chest. *When I was twelve, he, he came out again. He had told me to do something, and I disobeyed. He, he beat me up, Dad. That*s when he started taking possession of my body. We, we have soul rooms. When our soul isn*t in control of the body, that*s where it goes. He would lock me into my soul room, and, and do things. I don*t know what, he wouldn*t tell me. I learned to watch, though.* All I could think to myself as he told me this was; what*s he been drinking? But his story got worse.


*I started to fight him, Dad. I wouldn*t let him control my body. And, he, he started beating me. He*s been beating me for three years, Dad. All those bruises I have. He gave them to me.* It sounded outrageous, but something told me that Ryou was telling the truth.



I took the Ring then. I had to leave town. I took the Ring, but it disappeared. When I came back, two week later, Ryou was in the hospital. And he was wearing the Ring. I took it again. I had to go to Egypt. I buried the Ring in the sand. When I went home, my son was bruise, and the Ring was around his neck. I had to take a boat to get to a dig location. I but the Ring in a metal box, and tossed it into the ocean. When I returned to my son, I found that the ring had as well. I gave up. Every time I tried to take the Ring, Ryou was beaten worse than before. He was even beaten when I was in town. I heard it, but when I went to stop this, spirit, he would disappear. To this day, I have never actually seen this, Yami Bakura. I have seen, and met with the one known as Yami Yugi, but never my own son*s abusive darkness. He did speak to me once. He had beaten my son, and knocked him out. I had laid him on the sofa. The Ring started to glow, and there was a voice in the room


*So, you*re the wimp*s father*** I demanded to know who the voice was. *Oh, you know exactly who I am. I know you do. And you may as well give up. You can*t stop me. You never will be able to stop me. If your brat wasn*t such a wimp, I wouldn*t need to hurt him. But get this straight, Pops; try to come between my and my hikari again, and I will kill you. Or him, whichever I*m in the mood for.* I clutch the steering wheel of the car as I drive home. It*s been two months since I*ve seen my boy. But recently, I haven*t wanted to see him at all. It hurts so much to see the bruises on him. I stop the car in the drive way, and get out. I fish my keys out of my pocket, and go in the front door, quietly. As I close the door, there is a horrible scream of pain. Ryou**


I go quietly. If they hear me coming, the spirit will disappear. I hear sobbing now, pleading for the spirit to stop. It comes from the kitten. Broken dishes and food are all over the floor, but I don*t give a damn. All I see, is the most horrible, sickening sight I have ever seen. My son is lying face down on the kitchen table, completely void of any form of clothing, crying his eyes out. And then, I see the spirit. By God, he looks like Ryou*..


He*s pale, with long, silver hair like Ryou, but more jagged, and wild. His physique is muscular, and well toned. But his eyes were dark and sharp, piercing and cold. I felt ill as I stared at him, naked, straddling my son, raping him. Ryou was bleeding massive amounts, the crimson fluids pooling around his hips. His body heaved with his sobs. Then, he turned, and I locked eyes with my only child. His large, usually sparkling eyes, were dull, and blood shot, as he cried. They were filled with so much pain, fear and helplessness, I could feel my own tears rising.


Suddenly, the spirit froze. He stared down at Ryou, then slowly turned, following his gaze, and locked eyes with me. I glared at him, it hate, and horror. His lips slowly twisted into an evil amused smirk.


*Well, well*.* He drawled. *Daddy dearest has returned home for a surprise visit. I wonder who is more surprised though*.* He grinned, and violently thrust down, tearing a scream of pain from my son*s lips.


*You, fucking bastard*..* I growled, and he grinned, sadistically, thrusting into my son again. Another cry of pain.


*That*s exactly what I am.* Another thrust, another scream. I snapped. I seized the butcher knife, and threw myself at the spirit. The Ring around Ryou*s neck flashed, and I was thrown back. I was dazed for a few moments. When I returned to reality, My son was crying again. I looked up as the spirit groaned, and collapsed onto Ryou. He chuckled darkly, then whispered something to Ryou. He licked his ear, then seemed to evaporate. I slowly stood, rubbing my head, but quickly ran to Ryou*s side.




*Ryou** I breathed, tears filling my eyes, as I stared at my son; bruised, broken, and bleeding. *C*mon, let*s get you into the tub.*


*I, I*m all right.* He whimpered. I felt my heart breaking for him. *I can take care of myself. It*s nothing I haven*t dealt with before.* I had to think about that a moment, as he slowly eased himself to his feet. I wrapped my arm around his waist, and helped him limp into the bathroom.


*What do you mean?* I asked. *Ryou, has he done this before?* I got my answer when he turned away, ashamed.



*I*m sorry, Dad. I*m so sorry** He went into the bathroom, and shut the door behind him, leaving me in the hall. But I waited. I hear the water start. And then, I heard another sound, as he threw up. I leaned against the wall, and slowly sank to the floor. I put my head in my hands, and when I heard him start to cry, I did too.


He stared at me when he came out, in his pajamas. I stood, and stared back. Finally, he ran to me, and threw himself into my chest, and sobbed. I held him tightly, and cried with him.


*Shhhh*. It*s gonna be all right, Ryou*. It*s okay, son*. Shhhhhh*. I love you* I love you, Ryou.*


*Daddy? Can I sleep with you tonight? Please?* He whimpered, like a little child. I didn*t care that he was sixteen, and almost a man. My heart went out to him at that moment.


*Of course, Ryou. C*mon.* I led him into my room, and tucked him in, on his mother*s side of the bed. Then, I showered. When I got out, I heard a whimpering.


*No, please, no**.. My Dad*s right there! You can*t!*


*You think I care, you little piece of shit? If he interferes, I will kill him. Do you hear me, little one? Get back to your room, strip, and take what*s coming to you*.* I quickly threw the towel aside and pulled on my pajamas. I threw open the bathroom door. They were both gone. I quickly went into my bed side table, and removed the hand gun. Ryou never knew about it. Then, I ran to my only child*s bed room. I kicked the door open, and glared at the spirit. My son*s wrist were handcuffed to bed post, and the spirit was sitting between his legs. Though thankfully, he hadn*t done anything*yet. I saw the fear in Ryou*s teary eyes. I raised the gun, and fired. The spirit shrieked, when the bullet hit him in the shoulder. I ran to the bed, and threw the bastard to the floor. I kicked him in the ribs, repeatedly, until I heard a satisfying snap. I jerked him to his feet, and slammed my fist into his jaw, over and over again. Finally, he collapsed, unconscious. I dumped his body into the chair of Ryou*s desk, and went to My son. I set his wrists free, and used the metal restraints on the spirit. Ryou was dressed by then, and was staring at the floor.


*I*m sorry Dad.* He whispered. I lifted his chin up, and wiped the tears from his face. I kissed his forehead, gently, then pulled him into my arms. I hugged him tightly. Then, I dragged the chair with the spirit in it, into the hall closet. I threw the Ring in with him, and locked the closet, then, I guided Ryou back to my bedroom. I tucked him in again, and slid into bed next to him. He cuddled close, just as he always had when he was little. He was still shaking. I held him, and comforted him as best I could.


*Don*t cry, Ryou. He won*t hurt you any more.*


*I can*t stop him, Dad. And, neither can you*.*


*I know. Tomorrow, we*re going to pay a little visit to your friend, Yami Yugi.* He looked at me, then smiled.


*I love you, Dad.*


*I love you too, Ryou.* And before they closed, I saw a bit of that sparkle in his eyes. His eyes that were just like mine. But other than that, he looks like his mom. Reiko, out of all the things in the world, you gave me the most precious thing of all; My son. My Ryou.





Sniffle** Awwwww**. I have never seen a fic out there written from Ryou*s father*s point of view. I thought I*d try it. Let me know what you think!