Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MST of.. "A Tomb Robber's Daughter" ❯ j00 ph34rin9 y37? Ch.2! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
{Chapter 2 of the MST ... j00 ph34r1n9 y37?}


Sasha Janre
Skye Hatheway
Bakura Akuma (eheh...)
Marik Ishtar
Seto Kaiba *new*

Thank you for the reviews here is the next chapter

>Seto: *looks at the page on MM* .. No one reviewed ...
>Marik: She tends to think people read this crap. How did you get in here?
>Seto: To be honest, I have no idea.
>Bakura: *grabs him by the collar* Maybe you can get us out!
>Seto: *shoves him off* Don't touch me.
>Sasha: I think she's imagining the reviews.
>Skye: Heh ... I do that too. Ooh look! *reads an imaginary review* I feel loved.

A Tomb Robbers Daughter Chapter 2

Poor Malik

>Sasha: Ya damn right! That lazy ass of a muse of mine is going through the teletubby torture!
>Bakura: Jeez, that's ruthless.
>Marik: One needs to be with Sunflower head.
>Skye: Well at least sunflower head didn't eat Mokuba like Seto's coat!
>Seto: Don't make me come over there.

When Christina went to the back of the game shop she saw Yami Marik and Yami Bakura dueling and she saw Marik and Joey kissing in the corner.

>Seto: *to Marik* Don't you have any decency?
>Marik: Look coat-boy, I've been through this once before. I have no desire for that stupid puppy.
>Bakura: At least I'm not doing anything stupid.
>Skye: Yet.
>Bakura: *bangs head*
>Sasha: And thus, seeing the consumate dumbass and psycho boy playing tonsil hockey, Christina promptly exploded.

Christina realizes the millennium rod on the floor next to Marik.

>Marik: Ey! You stay the hell away from my Millennium Rod!
>Seto: *dryly* It seems Wheeler is already grasping it.
>Marik: *turning red with a mixture of anger and embarassment*
>Sasha: (Christina) Wow! Shiny! *grab* YOINK! *realizes* wooow ... *_*
>Skye: Wouldn't it be in its little holder thing on his belt?
>Bakura: Well you'd think so. But Marik's not that smart.
>Marik: Am I the one that slept with Tea?
>Seto: *blink* Yes, you are.
>Marik: Eh -- Damn it ...
>Sasha: A little slow on the mark today, aren't we?

Bakura sees Christina.

>Bakura: What? No I don't. I'm duelling.
>Sasha: No, dear. That's Ryou.
>Bakura: Oh. Right. -_-;

Bakura: "Hi I'm Bakura, who are you"

>Seto: Shouldn't there be a question mark?
>Marik: That's what you'd think. Apparently she disregards all thought for punctuation.
>Skye: Not to mention she's screwing up the names.

Christina: "Mind your own biasness but if you're really despite to know my name its Christina"

>Sasha: Biasness? Did Tea even take the kid to school?
>Skye: She's four.
>Sasha: Still ... I wonder if she even knows what biasness is..
>Seto: Probably not. I mean, Ryou's "despite" to know her name.
>Bakura: I'm going to do something to SMITE someone in a minute.
>Marik: Just don't get it on the carpet, alright?

Christina walks away from Bakura and she walks very quite up to Marik and grapes his millennium rod.

>Skye: *walks up very quite*
>Sasha: Quite what?
>Skye: Quite ... quietly?
>Sasha: Suuure...
>Marik: Ey, ey! No graping! *pause* ... *looks at everyone else* I didn't say that.
>Seto: *tosses a dictionary at the author*
>Bakura: However, dear little Christina had touched Marik's *real* Millennium Rod, and thus, found she quite liked what she touched and did that for the rest of the story.
>Seto: *disgusted* Please stop talking.

Marik and Joey stop kissing.

>Marik: Well it's about damn time. Ugh, now I'm gonna go disinfect myself. I might have rabies.
>Skye: Hey! He doesn't have rabies!
>Marik: Pfft, how would you know?
>Sasha: I must say, he has you there. You barely let Joey near you as it is.
>Bakura: Protective of what you never use, eh, Hatheway?
>Skye: Shut up.

Joey: "Marik, that kid has your millennium rod"

>Bakura: *delighting in finding the sick humour of it all* (Marik) Oh I know. She's better than you at this.
>Skye: (Joey) *hurt* It's not my fault you're so damn hard to please!
>Sasha: Please, stop now.
>Seto: I'm going to find something sharp to gouge out my ears, alright?

Marik turns around and sees Christina with his millennium rod.

>Sasha: And promptly goes all yami on the little kid, thus ending the story.
>Marik: Or I'd get Malik to poke her with his hair.
>Seto: Death by lacerations. Nice.
>Skye: I see you've worked your magic on Seto, Sash.
>Sasha: Eh? Oh no, he's always been like that.
>Bakura: Then he should grab it back, take out the blade and stab her. Muwah.
>Skye: Or in the dub, beat her to unconsciousness with the blunt end.
>Marik: *sob* My poor Millennium Rod...
>Seto: Technically, it's mine. You stole it, remember?
>Marik: Yes, but you're not the one that has it in this fic.
>Seto: I'm quite glad I'm not in here.
>Sasha: Don't say that. I mean, you could be with Mai or something later on. Or hell, with Yami!
>Seto: I thought, as my wife you were supposed to be supportive. (Note: This is true in my Role Play with Skye. ^^;)
>Sasha: ^_^;; Sorry dear. *hug*

Marik: "Can you please give me my rod back"

>Bakura: What the hell? He wouldn't say please!
>Marik: No kidding. I'd kick her in the head or use it to make her a mind control slave.
>Sasha: Let's be honest, would she be good for anything?
>Marik: You make a good point.

Christina: "NO"


>Skye: Now that sounds more like him.
>Seto: Shouldn't...there...be exclamation marks?
>Marik: It takes a while, but then you realize this person doesn't know what "punctuation" is. Although she does seem to like colons.
>Bakura: Give me a good five minutes and I'll tear apart her colon. And her spleen ... and her pancreas .. and her lungs!

Yami Bakura and Yami Marik stop dueling to see what's up with Marik.

>Bakura: (himself) *glances over* It seems your aibou's item's been stolen.
>Sasha: (Yami Marik) "Ok"

Yami Bakura: "What's wrong with you Marik"

>Marik: A lot of things, most of them are probably your fault!
>Bakura: Heh, yeah probably.

Marik: "That brat has my millennium rod"

>Skye: Then why don't you go and get it?
>Sasha: Well because that requires effort.
>Seto: No, that Millennium Item was originally 'mine'. Now give it back.
>Marik: Not on your life, Kaiba!

Christina runs off around the room.

>Bakura: Now, this may seem like a stupid question .. but wouldn't she run OUT of the room?
>Sasha: Well she's Tea's daughter you know.
>Bakura: Good point.
>Skye: At least she didn't inherit the trait of ranting about friendship.
>Seto: Thank GOD.


>All: *stare blankly*
>Marik: What's a twep?
>Seto: I don't know, you said it.
>Bakura: Maybe it's some sort of disease?
>Skye: No, Tea's a disease.
>Sasha: *sweatdrop* It's "twerp" you guys....

Marik chaises Christina around the room

>Seto: Wow, you can chaise, Marik? That takes talent.
>Marik: *sarcastic* Oh I know.
>Skye: It kinda makes you wonder if this person uses the keyboard with their feet.
>Sasha: Or their brain hopped out and never came back.
>Bakura: I'm going to have to go with Sasha. It must have hated the vacant space in her cranium.


Christina: "NO WAY, IT'S MINE"

>Seto: I hate repeating myself, it's bad for my health. That Rod is MINE.
>Sasha: *blink* You want Marik's Rod?
>Skye: Seto, I had no idea you went that way. Quite a tryst you had behind your wife's back.
>Seto: *eyes narrow* That's not what I meant and you know it.
>Skye: *halo* Do I?
>Seto: You should.
>Marik: How the hell is it hers?
>Bakura: Since she 'stole' it, you dumbass.
>Marik: You're defending your daughter? How cute.
>Bakura: I'm not -- *sighs and puts a hand to his head* ...


>Sasha: Ey! You're not going anywhere Sunflower head! I need to write more of MD!

Yami Marik runs in front of Christina and he gets a hold of her.

>Skye: Well that didn't take much.
>Seto: What did you expect? Marik's a moron.
>Marik: I'm right here you know.
>Seto: Notice me not caring.

Yami Marik: "Got you now"

>Sasha: (Christina) No you don't! Yoink! *dashes off*
>Bakura: (Yami Marik) *waits two seconds and sees Christina run into a door*
>Skye: Just like Marik when he got "glassies" in her previous fic.
>Seto: Dear lord ....

Christina bits Yami Marik very hard, and his hand was bleeding very badly.

>All: ......................Bits?
>Sasha: She computer hard-drived him?
>Seto: There's no way she could have bit him hard enough to draw blood.
>Marik: She's Bakura's daughter. He also has fangs.
>Bakura: It would have bled, but there's no way it'd be doing it profusely.
>Sasha: Helpful tips from the master?
>Bakura: ... Eh ... yeh.

Yami Bakura: "Hey I like that girls attitude, she does the same stuff I do"

>Seto: You run around biting people's hands?
>Bakura: *shrug* Among other things.
>Skye: Um, but Bakura, there's only one girl in the room.
>Bakura: Not really, I mean, have you really looked at Marik?
>Marik: You're just jealous because I have a gorgeous figure and you don't.
>Bakura: I'm 'not' entering that conversation with you.

Tea, Yami and Yugi walk into the room.

>Seto: Great, more idiots.
>Sasha: But Seto, Yugi's not an idiot.
>Seto: I suppose.

They saw Marik chasseing Christina.

>Skye: Chasseing?
>Seto: Wasn't he just "chaising" her before?
>Bakura: Shouldn't he just trip her?
>Marik: Wouldn't she run into someone else by now?


>Seto: I must say, the lack of exclamation marks really makes that threat less .. well .. threatening.
>Sasha: Get used to it, dear.

Christina: "NO MAMA"

>Skye: (Christina, thick southern accent) No, mama, I got me 'is Rod! Ain't it purty? Hee-yuk!
>Marik: I don't know what's more horrifying...the fact that you pulled that off or you knew how to talk hick.

Tea gives Christina an evil glare.

>Bakura: There's no way Gardener could look threatening.
>Seto: Her clothes, on the other hand...
>Skye: Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, Kaiba?
>Seto: *annoyed* At least I wear clothes.
>Skye: ... Touche.

Christina: "FINE"

Christina goes up to Tea.

>Sasha: And promptly smacked her upside the head with the Rod.
>Marik: At least then she'd put it to good use.

Tea: "Give Marik back his millennium rod"

Christina: "NO IT'S MINE"

>Seto: It's mine, you fools!
>Sasha: *patpat* Get over it, dear.
>Bakura: (himself) *walks over and steals the rod while everyone's fighting*



>Skye: What kind of trade off is that?
>Marik: A really crappy one?
>Sasha: Can someone turn the caps lock off? Please?

Tea: "Yugi stay here with Christina for a minute, Yami Bakura I need to talk to you in privet"

>Bakura: You're not talking privet with me.
>Seto: She meant private.
>Bakura: Either way.

Yami Bakura: "Fine, it better be quick"

>Sasha: Was that a brief in character moment?
>Seto: Gasp.
>Skye: Shock!
>Marik: Amazement!
>Bakura: No, this would be in character. *grabs a knife and stabs Tea*

Tea and Yami Bakura went into the front of the game shop.

>Bakura: Where I promptly murdered her sorry arse.
>Sasha: Man, we can only hope.

Tea: "Do you remember four years ago when you saved me from a pack of wild dogs and we both fell in love, and we had you know what"

>Bakura: Why the hell would I save you!?
>Seto: There aren't any wild dogs in Japan ...
>Skye: *ahem* Bakura has no soul. There's no way he'd sleep with Tea.
>Marik: What did they have?
>Sasha: Ya know ... THAT!

Yami Bakura: "Yes I remember"

>Bakura: I wish I didn't, but I remember.

Tea: "Well when I went to London I found out I was pregnant and Christina is your daughter"

>Bakura: *goes to stab himself*
>Sasha: Oh no. *grabs his hand* You're sticking through this. We're almost done.
>Bakura: One shot! That's all I ask!
>Marik: Pfft, if you get to die, we're all joining you.
>Sasha: Then we can have one big party in hell!
>Skye: I heard Duo throws some good parties.
>Seto: *puts a hand to his head* I'm not hearing this ...

Yami Bakura goes all shocked.

>Seto: A more accurate statement would be "Yami Bakura went into a homicidal rage"
>Sasha: Yeah, but we're not that lucky.

Yami Bakura: "No wonder that girl acted like me"

>Bakura: Can I kill her now? Huh? Can I?
>Skye: Not yet, dear.
>Bakura: Damn it, I don't want to suffer through this anymore.
>Marik: Neither do we!

Tea: "Well let's go back to the others"

Tea and Yami Bakura went back to the living room were the others were, they both saw Christina being mean to Malik.

>Sasha: Didn't she call him Marik a while ago?
>Marik: Great, now I have an identity crisis.
>Seto: You're not Yami, you know.


Christina: "Mama if you don't tell me who my daddy is, Marik is not getting his millennium rod back"

Christina walks up to Tea.

Tea: "Christina this is your dad here"

>Skye: (Christina) Damn it, you mean that upstart Pharaoh's my dad?
>Sasha: (Tea) No, here!! *point*
>Skye: (Christina) You mean sunflower head? Explains my hair.
>Sasha: (Tea) NO! HIM! *point*
>Skye: (Christina) Yugi!? *dies*
>Seto: Are you two quite done?
>Sasha: ^_^ Now we are.

Tea points to Yami Bakura.

Christina goes all shocked.

>Marik: I see "going all shocked" is a disease that Bakura's spreading.
>Bakura: Before I die, I shall infect you all! Buwahahahaha!

Marik walks up to Christina.

>Marik: (himself) Now that I have my rightful name back ... *kicks her in the head*
>Sasha: (Marik) *grabs the rod and smacks her with it*
>Skye: (Yami Marik) *goes all yami on Christina*
>Seto: All very plausible situations.
>Bakura: Where's my bloodshed?!

Marik: "Can I now have me rod back"

>Sasha: Collin Farrel starring as Marik Isthar!
>Skye: Suddenly Irish, eh?
>Marik: *angry* I'm Egyptian! EGYPTIAN!
>Seto: Hm...you certainly don't act like it.

Christina: "Yeah sure"

Christina hands Marik his millennium rod.

>Bakura: That only took the entire chapter.
>Marik: *snatch* Thank you.
>Seto: *steals it* Thank you.
>Marik: HEY!
>Sasha: Now, now, children.
>Skye: I wonder where this masterpiece is headed next.
>Seto: The graveyard?
>Sasha: One can only hope.

To be continued

>Bakura: *curses for an hour*
>Sasha: *blink* Wow, that's a new one.
>Skye: Did he just swear in twelve different languages?
>Seto: I think so ...
>Marik: I had no idea he knew Portugese.
>Sasha: That or German....*blink* He knows Italian?
>All: *stare baffled at Bakura who shows no signs of slowing down*

Please leave a review. (NO FLAMES)

>Seto: Alright, we won't flame, we'll just do this instead.
>Sasha: *snort* It'll get more reviews anyway.
>Skye: Maybe imaginary ones too!
>Marik: *twirls a bit of his hair around his finger* That's probably all she'll get.
>Bakura: *finally stops and looks around madly for something to lacerate*
>Sasha: Stay tuned for more thrilling updates!