Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Murder By Moonlight ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Murder By Moonlight
Author's Notes: Since only one person voted and they voted for this one. I decided to give this one a shot don't worry I will eventually write the other story. I should also perhaps mention that this story takes place in America.

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Yami Senso was twenty-three years old and could not believe he had gotten into this predicament. He stared over the stainless steel table at the police officer in front of him; he was trying to ignore the stern look of the young officer who sat on the other side of the table, Joey Wheeler. Yami was being charged with something that he hadn't committed, someone had framed him, of that he was certain.

"Mr. Senso," said Joey firmly, running his hands through his shaggy blonde hair. "If you do not help me, then I can't help you. Now, I want you to tell me everything you remember about last night."

"I told you officer," said Yami dully, turning his attention to the table separating the two young men. "I was no where near the girl the night of her murder."

"I know Yami," sighed Joey, dropping the formality of using his friend's last name. "But, you have yet to provide a solid alibi for that night and without an alibi we can not pull out witnesses that can affirm your claim."

Joey stared across the table at one of his long time friends, Yami Senso, the two males had been friends since grade school. Of course, after grade school, Yami had to go to prep school until college of course he had gone to Yale. Still they had stayed close despite the fact that they were practically yards apart in social standings seeing how Yami came from a well to do family and Joey well he came from the other side of the tracks (how cliché is that!).

"I can not give you witnesses because I was alone," said Yami, interrupting the blonde's thoughts his eyes fixed now leaving the table.

"Joey," said a new voice, as the door to the room opened and a young male walked into the room followed by a young woman around twenty years of age.

Yami's head snapped up and took in the new comers. The male had hair that seemed to like Yami's except the yellow wasn't has wild. He was wearing a brown business suit and a white button up shirt with a dark purple tie. He wore wire rimmed glasses over wide yet intelligent purple eyes and his face was set in a firm mask of confidence. The woman that had walked in with him wearing a tight black skirt that showed off her great legs, well formed hips and slim waist, a midnight blue button up blouse showed some cleavage, she was also wearing a black trench coat that stopped at her knees and her long legs seemed even longer by the black pumps she was wearing. Her keen sapphire blues eyes swept the room taking in the officer and Yami, her glossy black hair was pulled back into a French Twist. There was only one word that Yami could think of that would even come close enough to describe her, ethereal.

"Yugi," said Joey, getting to his feet and shaking hands with the shorter male. "Glad you could make it Yugi; Yami this is Yugi, Yugi Akiko, he is another good friend of mine."

"Anything for an old friend," said Yugi to Joey, then he turned to Yami. "You must be Yami Senso."

"Yugi Akiko?" repeated Yami. "I have heard of you, you are one of the youngest lawyers that as somehow managed to advance so far in their firm."

"I see your reputation precedes you cousin," smiled the female. "As always."

"Of course, forgive my manners Joey you remember my cousin, Arora Kendra don't you?" asked Yugi.

"Arora it is good to see you again," said Joey, shaking hands with the young woman. "Well Yugi, I see your cousin isn't the only one with a formidably reputation. You are the only one I know that the Captain gets furious at without even being in the same room together."

"I do my best to piss off the assholes of the world," said Arora, smiling.

"Excuse me," said Yami, slightly irritated at being ignored. "But, what may I ask what is going on?"

"Well," said Yugi. "Your parents hired me to defend you and my cousin well, she just comes as a bonus."

Yami arched a delicate eyebrow in her direction receiving a dark look in return.

"Don't get any ideas Mr. Senso," said Arora, taking a seat on the table and crossing her legs.

"Wouldn't dream of it," chuckled Yami, crossing his arms.

"So Joey," said Yugi, taking a seat at the table next to his cousin and placing his brief case before him opening it. "What gives?"

"Yami as been accused of murder," said Joey, tossing Yugi a file so the lawyer and his cousin could look over it.

"Haria Kimiko," said Arora, pulling out a picture of the dead girl with long silver hair and black eyes, Arora had to admit she could see why people were attracted to her. "She was twenty-two years of age and was in good health aside from her drinking and smoking. If she hadn't been murdered then she would have lived to be long and healthy. Do we know what her social life was like?"

"She had more lovers then Ramses II had wives and concubines," muttered Yami.

"Oh?" asked Arora, looking at him her eyebrow delicately arched. "And how may I ask would you know this?"

"Yami was her fiancé," said Joey.

"Until she slept with my half brother," muttered Yami bitterly.

"Oh," breathed Arora, dropping the subject quickly and turning her attention back to the file she asked. "Did she have any close friends?"

"A few," said Yami, admiring her legs out of the corner of his eyes. "She had a large circle of friends but only a handful of them were really close to her."

"Did you meet any of them?"

"I meet all of them but I only knew a few," said Yami.

"And?" asked Yugi.

"They are about the same personality as Haria," said Yami, brushing his yellow bangs from his amethyst eyes.

"Can you tell me some of their names Yami?" asked Joey pulling out a tape recorder, pad, and pencil.

"Sure," said Yami, watching as the taller male pushed the record button on the tape recorder. "Well, there is Nikushimi," he began, before Arora cut him off suddenly.

"Do you mean Nikushimi Sornota?" asked Arora, seating up bolt right.

"Yes," said Yami. "Do you know her?"

"I've had a run in with her a few times," said Arora, leaning back on one arm.

"Arora runs into a lot of people in both senses," muttered Yugi, rolling his eyes while his cousin stuck her tongue out at him.

"Do you think she might have killed Haria?" asked Arora, directing her attention to Yami.

"It is possible they had this friendly rivalry between them," said Yami, before pausing deep in thought. "Actually, it wasn't that friendly all the time now that I think about it sometimes it could get rather violent."

"What do you mean?" asked Joey.

"There was this one time where Haria was in Seto Kaiba's office and Nikushimi walked in and thought that they had were screwing each other. Needless to say security had to break them up and escort them out of the building."

"So Miss. Sornota and Mr. Kaiba are an item I take it?" asked Arora.

"Hardly," laughed Yami. "Kaiba adores someone alright but it isn't Nikushimi."

"Who is it that Mr. Kaiba adores so much?"

"Pernia Pegasus," smirked Yami.

"The niece of Maximillion Pegasus?" asked Yugi, raising an eyebrow. "Aren't Kaiba Corps and Industrial Illusions corporate rivals?"

"They are," said Arora. "Which probably makes the fact that he eyeing her either ironic or something that would fit Kaiba like a brand new suit."

"What do you mean?" asked Joey.

"Kaiba is well known for playing with people's minds," said Yugi, pushing his glasses up his nose a bit.

"Darling cousin you give him far too much credit for his own good," said Arora. "He is a manipulative bastard."

"Have you run into him?" asked Yami.

"No, I have just run into some of the females he has decided to screw around with: their bodies, their heads, and their hearts. I dare say that I can not see Pegasus being all to pleased if Kaiba does the same thing to his niece that he has done to other females that had the displeasure of meeting him."

"What other friends did she have aside from Nikushimi?" asked Yugi, stopping his cousin from going any further.

"Well," said Yami. "There is Mai Valentine."

"What motive might she have?" asked Joey, trying to remember where he had heard that name before.

"Well," said Yami thoughtfully. "Mai was sometimes over confident and would beat Haria at almost everything they did: horse racing, tennis, you name it. The one thing Haria did manage to beat Mai in was convincing Mai's fiancé to leave her at the altar the day of their wedding."

"Sounds like Haria was a wonderful friend," said Arora dryly.

"Any others?" asked Joey.


"Gardner?" asked Joey surprised. "I could never see those two getting along."

"Yeah well," said Yami, sighing heavily and looking up at the ceiling. "They get along much better then you would think; they can both be bitches when they feel like it."

"Why would she want to murder Haria?" asked Arora. "Did she sleep with one of her boyfriends?"

"No," said Yami. "Haria took the leading role in a ballet their company was performing in."

"So Tea was jealous that Haria got the role she wanted?"


"Any others?" asked Joey.

"Those are the only ones I knew on regular bases," said Yami. "The others I only meet at various parties Haria would drag me too.

"So," said Arora, getting off the table and pacing the length of the interrogation room. "Basically, Haria was a slut and a bitch to all her friends. I am amazed no one killed her sooner. But moving onwards. So, tell me Mr. Senso where were you the night your ex-fiancée was murdered and what motive do you have for murdering her?"

"I probably have the biggest motive of them all with her sleeping with my half-brother a year before we were married," said Yami. "Although, I guess I should thank him for getting me out of that bad relationship before I got in to deep. Of course my half-brother, hates Haria just as much if not more then I do."

"Why?" asked Joey.

"Because when Haria realized that I no longer wanted her then she started going back after me," smirked Yami. "But moving on, I was at home and I was alone."

"What about servants?" asked Joey.

"They had all turned in for the night."

"Family?" asked Arora.

"My father was at a business meeting, my mother had gone to visit my grandmother, and my half-brother was probably out at some wild party thrown by one of his friends."

"Damn," said Arora. "You really were alone weren't you?"

"Yeap," said Yami, shrugging his shoulders. "I am sorry but I really can't give you any witnesses for that night."

Joey was about to say something when the door opened and his superior walked in the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded, turning his attention to Arora.

"I am here to make your life a living hell," smirked Arora, brushing his chin with her finger. "What else?" Then while she was walking out the door. "Well, I'll just leave you boys to yourselves, see you at home Yugi."

"What was she doing here?!" demanded Keith to Joey.

"Since her cousin is Mr. Senso's lawyer she is helping us solve the case."

"I do not want her interfering with the case!" shouted Keith.

"Too late," muttered Yugi.

"Mr. Senso," said Keith, calmly with great respect. "You will have to stay with one of the investigators until this is through. I am terrible sorry for the inconvience."

"He will stay at Yugi's," said Joey, then when Keith glared at him. "I mean after all, what better way for the lawyer to defend the man that live in the same house."

"That would mean that he would be near that woman."

"Yeap," said Joey.

"I don't like this, but you have a point Wheeler. You will be keeping an eye on the house won't you?"

"Of course," said Joey, smiling.


The three males watched as Keith left the room before Yugi turned to look at Joey.

"You have no intention of watching the house do you?"

"No," said Joey, gathering up his things.

"Then why lie?" asked Yugi, doing the same.

"It got him off my back," said Joey, wrapping an arm around Yami's shoulders. "Come on man we will escort you to the car that will take you too Yugi's house."


Author's Notes: Okay gang, this is the first mystery I have ever written so please review and tell me what you think. Within the next few chapters you will meet the rest of the characters. So I would probably if you actually want to try and solve this story then keep a list of characters and their motives. By the way don't even guess now because I don't even know who the murder is.

Peace, Love, and Life
-Lady Nightshade