Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Murder By Moonlight ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Murder by Midnight 7

Yami's hands trailed up and down her hips before slipping his hands into the back of her leather pants, caressing her rare end. Despite herself Arora moaned and trailed one of her hands down his body and slipped them under his shirt to caress his skin. It felt silkily and she could feel a scar on his chest, perhaps it came from a fight, she shivered at that thought. The only men that could out spar here was Bakura, Joey, Malik, and Marik. She had dated the less aggressive twin awhile back before he had moved to Egypt again. While a part of her had been a bit heartbroken when they had broken up she knew it was for the best. She smiled again and pulled away from him.

She pressed her lips against his quickly, this time and stepped away from him. He watched her and blinked in shock before his eyes flashed in irritation. "Where are you going?!" he demanded.

Arora stared at him Senso was a man that was used to getting what he wanted. She sighed a touched his chest, while she had to admit she was deeply attracted to him the woman he had at one time been in love with had just died and she didn't want to feel like a replacement. Besides, a part of her still hadn't gotten over Malik.

"Perhaps later," she said before walking away from him heading out into the cold night air and climbing onto her bike driving off to Ryu, she had promised him she would do some more modeling for him and tonight seemed like the best night to do it.

_____________________________________________________________< br>
Marik watched the man, Senso, pull Arora into a darkened corner and nearly took her face off with how much he was kissing her. He pursed his lips in irritation his light purple eyes flashing with irritation and jealousy.

"I can't believe you still have a thing for her," said Bakura, coming up to him and placing his hand on the Egyptian's shoulder. "How long has it been five years? Seven?"

"Since high school," muttered Marik.

"You've had a crush on her even when your twin was dating her?"

Marik shrugged his shoulders and turned away from the window. He really didn't want to think of his twin dating the female of his dreams. Arora was his complete opposite and was one of the only females that could control him; the other one was his sister. Most females tended to avoid him because of his sadistic and masochistic nature. Isis didn't seem to mind what he did has long has he didn't kill anyone or hurt them or himself to badly. Arora seemed to latch onto him and was the only female not his blood that didn't think of him has a freak.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Bakura, after a moment of silence.

"Do you really think he is good enough for her?" asked Marik after a moment. "Because if he isn't then I am not going to let him get close to her so that she ends up heartbroken."

"Yami Senso is a bit of a mystery," said Bakura, after a long moment of silence. "He doesn't date more then one woman at a time but has been known to flirt with other females. However, from what I have gathered he slept around a lot after Haria got pregnant by his brother."

"So, you think he is still obsessed with his ex?"

"On some degrees?" asked Bakura. "Yes, I believe he is still in love with Haria."

"So you don't want him near Arora?" asked Marik.

"Arora is a big girl," said Bakura flatly. "She knows what she is doing and can take care of herself."

That wasn't an answer, which for Marik was answer enough. Bakura was very protective of his younger twin and his cousin. He considered himself the man of the house even though he and Ryu were only a few hours apart. He always had to approve of Arora's boyfriends before he would allow her to go out with them; of course, what Bakura wasn't aware of was that she had dated a few times without him knowing. Marik smirked Arora had guts very few females would go against the orders of a man like Bakura.

Then again Arora could get away with murder when dealing with her three cousins; all she had to do was smile and they forgave her and would do whatever it took to protect her from harm.

Then again he and Malik were no better when dealing with Isis; she was older then them by two hours and still they would act like the elders of the family.

__________________________________________________________ ___

Arora pulled into the parking lot of her cousin's apartment and rung the buzzer. She knew he would be up this late working on some last minute finishing touches on whatever painting or sculpture he was working on.

"Who is it?" came her cousin's soft voice.

"It's me," said Arora leaning against the wall before frowning. "You weren't asleep were you?"

"No," came Ryu's soft voice. "Come on up."

Arora sighed and opened the door hurrying up the stairs to her cousin's apartment and walking inside without even bothering to knock. "How are your paintings coming?"

"Good," said Ryu. "Did you come here to model some?"

"Yeah," said Arora. "You up for me modeling some tonight?"

"Sure," said Ryu, waving her to have a seat on the couch which she did, after removing her clothes and arranging a sheet and her hair around her body to cover up her parts.


Ryu quickly began to sketch her while they made small talk finally two hours before dawn he was finished. Arora smiled and slipped back into her clothes right there in the living room; neither cousin noticing or caring about her state of undress or dress, they had nothing to be ashamed of. Arora then laid back on the couch and pulled the sheet over her body and went to sleep while Ryu tumbled off to his own bed in the other room.

The sketch he had made of Arora left forgotten its sketch of her stretched out on a Roman style couch with the sheet wrapped around her waist like a skirt wrapped around her hips. The only thing covering her chest was her hair and a large collar necklace. He accented her slender limbs with golden bands and jewels. A wide golden crown encircled her forehead with glass beads hanging from it and brushing against her eyelashes. There was an almost taunting smile on her lips and her eyes invited a man to his doom; her head rested in one hand while the other one reached out to the looked as if inviting him to join her for a night of unbelievable pleasure.

Elsewhere_______________________________________________ ____

Pernia lay awake staring up at the canopy of her bed. She ran her hands through her hair and exhaled deeply trying to get the image of the beautiful CEO moving over her body. She rolled over and sighed the pleasure she had felt for those moments had made her feel like it last longer then anything she had every experienced before. But the feeling afterwards he left her cold and dirty; so she had taken another shower but even standing under the hot spray hadn't taken away the feeling of being used by him for his own pleasure.

Even after taking a long soak in her own tub and scrubbing her body until her skin was red she hadn't been able to wash away the dirty feeling. She stretched and rolled over again to go to sleep but was jerked awake by the ringing phone. She sighed and rolled back over picking it up.

"Pernia," came the smooth masculine voice that she heard every night in her dreams and whenever he came to visit her uncle so that the two of them could discuss their companies working together on a project.

"Kaiba," breathed Pernia.

"Are you busy tomorrow Pernia?"

The next day_______________________________________________

Arora sat at Ryu's table and looked over the notes that Bakura had sent over it continued information on Yakimo. She pursed her lips and saw some rather interesting information; has it turned out Haria wasn't the only one he had gotten pregnant. From the looks of things he had gotten quite a few girls pregnant. She sighed and wondered if Yami got has many women pregnant has his brother did. The thought made her flinch and she wondered how far her infatuation was going for him. Then again was it even infatuation or was it something more?

She sighed and shook her head looking over more information on him and frowned when one piece stood out like a sore thumb. She scrolled through the pages until she found his usual hang out. Smiling she flicked the folder closed and reached for her cell phone dialing Marik's number. The wilder Ishtar male was well known for going to bars like these; he would have good suggestions for her to wear.

A few minutes later she had gathered her stuff and wrote a quick not to Ryu inviting him to the lunch date to meet Malik's new girlfriend. She then silently left the apartment being careful not awaken her cousin has she shut the door so that it instantly locked.


This story will come along a bit slowly since I am starting to run out of ideas for this story. So if anyone has any ideas feel free to throw them out at me.